GIVEAWAY: Aspen Herbals

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

Give a big farmgirl welcome to Lacey Berg of Aspen Herbals, a new Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) business member. Handcrafted in Baker, Montana, Aspen Herbals sprang forth from Lacey’s love of nature and desire for natural body care. Why Aspen? ” One will never find a single Aspen,” says Lacey. “They grow in communities, sharing a common root system. We thrive on community, and that’s exactly what we’re building here at Aspen Herbals.”

To win this herbal sampler (solid body lotion, eye balm, and lip tint), share with everyone here what your favorite herb is and why it’s your favorite in the comments below. We’ll put your name in a hat and draw a lucky winner soon. Stay tuned!




  1. Jana Blackwood says:

    I guess if I had to choose a favorite, it would be Lavender. I love to make my own room freshener without harmful chemicals and Lavender is a wonderful scent.

  2. Cindi Chaltry says:

    Lavender is my favorite. I use it every night…one drop on the pillow sends me off to sleep and makes the room smell wonderful 🙂

  3. Kay Baucom says:

    Toss up between rosemary and sage. It all depends on what I want it for, but I love the way they smell.


    Lavender i love it. It heals and the scent also calms and relaxes me. I use it in soap tea candles oil and everywhere love the scent it instantly calms this crazy world!

  5. Becci Bartz says:

    Oh, my… just one?!
    I love my mint as well. But, I really like cooking with basil and Cillantro. Love to put them on my eggs and in any of my cooking. So, with that being said…. of those two…. I have to say Basil.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win this fabulous sounding kit!!

  6. Deb Fischer says:

    My favorite Herb is Lavender I simply could/would not live without it. It goes in my Diffuser, my bath water and I spray it on my pillow, sleep mask and face before bed at night! I just love my Lavender!

  7. elizabeth says:

    It’s got to be lavender. So calming. . . .

  8. Melodee Saenz says:

    Peppermint and lavender

  9. Molly Welsh says:

    Well, of all things, my favorite is fennel seed. It helps my digestion & tastes like licorice. What better combination could there be?
    But for body products my fav is lavender.

  10. Carol Johnson says:

    Mmm! Do I have to choose just one? Rosemary–woodsy, piney, minty, pungent, delicious–and I actually grew a four-foot shrub from a four-inch pot. That is saying a mouthful for this less-than-green-thumbed girl.

  11. Tami Fancher says:

    Currently the Thieves blend of oils because my daughters are fighting a cold, and I’m trying to get them healthy again!

  12. Whitney says:

    Peppermint! It’s delightful, refreshing, make a lovely tea and calms the tummy :))) ML, Whitney

  13. Katherine Price says:

    Oh so many herbs to choose from…..I think that Chick Weed is one of my favorites. She comes out about this time and lets me know Spring is right around the corner. Lots of vitamin C and other goodness.

  14. Debby Lambert says:

    I love lavender and peppermint both equally. Lavender helps me to sleep and peppermint eases my occasional headaches.

  15. Hard to pick just one. I do love Thyme in cooking.

  16. Mary Fleischmann says:

    It is between lavender and rose petals. Love how both make me feel especially after a long day.

  17. Pamala says:

    I love ALL herbs! I use them everyday, in the kitchen or for medicinal purposes. My granddaughter(12) has been in training for a while and is doing a great job! We make salve together.

  18. Edie says:

    For beauty products I like lavender, for edible purposes I like basil and cilantro, and for health oregano would be my pick. How could anyone choose just ONE favorite herb?

  19. Cheryl Jacobs says:

    Lavender would be my favorite herb.

  20. Wendy barnes says:

    Favorite is basil!! (Though I’m growing fond of lLemon Thyme)

  21. Holly says:

    Rosemary. I love the scent and it is great with potatoes!

  22. Holly says:

    Rosemary. It has a lovely scent and is great on potatoes!

  23. Shirley Romig says:

    Lavender. There are so many things to do with lavender. I make embroidered sachet bags. They make wonderful gifts.

  24. Merissa says:

    Mmm, I love to scent of sweet orange. Makes me want to go take a whiff right now:)

  25. Shelley D Oliver says:

    My favorite herb is peppermint. It’s scent reminds me of summer days, iced tea, and cool balm. I love it when it rains and the scent gets stronger. We make tea with it, balms, lip balm, and bath stuff.

  26. Valerie says:

    Easy peasy no qustion-I am a February lavender girl!! Tea, lotion, bubble bath, deodorant (haha) Lavender fairies, lavender yarn, lavender bedroom walls. Lavender sachets, lavender note paper, lavender flower fields I am swept away!!

  27. Gayla Hine says:

    My favorite has to be Rosemary. It is easy to grow and hardy. It is amazing for it’s culinary and medicinal uses. It is also a beautiful and fragrant landscape shrub.

  28. Marcia Sweeney says:

    I have two favorite herbs. I can’t have Thanksgiving without sage. Just the right amount in the dressing leaves an unforgettable taste. My second favorite is lavender. I have never used it for cooking but it is necessary for me on the bed linens and in the bath. I also have some lavender perfume that goes a long way … just a single spray behind the knees.

  29. becky krout says:

    LAVENDER – I just LOVE the scent

  30. Cindy Hagat says:

    My current favorite is rosemary, just as it is for so many other sisters here. I love the smell and the versatility of rosemary. Thanks for entering me in the giveaway.

  31. Helen says:

    My favorite is dill. Used it since I was a child. My mom always cooked with it. Made beet soup and boiled potatoes and a little dill. Yum

  32. My favorite is dill. Always use it with beet soup, potatoes and cucumber salads. Yum

  33. Jenny says:

    I love lavender! It’s my favorite because it helps me relax. I can put it in my homemade shampoo and homemade soap. I also have lavender in a diffuser.

  34. Cheryl Cano says:

    Lemon Verbina is my favorite. The smell is so nice and it is so soothing.

  35. Marley Winningham says:

    Echinacea is my favorite herb because I hate being sick and it helps to keep me from getting that way—and it doesn’t taste as nasty as goldenseal root.

  36. Christina Pender says:

    Peppermint! Soothes a headache, perks up a mug of hot cocoa, aids indigestion, provides a fresh wake-up scent when inhaled deeply, great addition to lotions, and keeps mice and spiders away.
    I do love most herbs and spices (except caraway), but peppermint is so versatile!

  37. Janeen says:

    I love rosemary. I always run my hands through it or pick a sprig for my purse or pocket when I fine it growing along the side walk.

  38. Patricia Steinmetz says:

    I am in love with Lavender, it is so relaxing and the fragrance…..Yes.

    Basil comes in second. Refreshing and just plain smells good.

  39. Loni McDonald says:

    I love Basil… especially tomato-basil soup… soooo yummy and healthy…

  40. Tall Holly says:

    My favorite is colt’s foot, although I am not sure it is an herb as much as a very useful wild plant. It is the first flower that we in the north east see in the spring. It’s bright yellow blossom huddled on the sides of the roads. It is edible. When the flower begins to die back the leaves come. At first they are very small and by the end of the summer they are huge. They are good sinus issues and colds.

  41. Nancy Couden says:

    Sage–I planted sage from seed three years ago and it comes back every year. In fact, it never totally dies in the winters of Minnesota. That is some tough plant!

  42. Edee Killion says:

    Once you become involved with herbs it really is hard to decide your favorite. I love Rosemary and that grows in my flower bed because they are always there to refresh me. I love Lavender because it is so calming and helps me sleep at night. I really like basil in soft soaps and candles.

  43. Susan Humbyrd says:

    Love most herbs…..favorite is lavender!

  44. Karilyn Floyd says:

    My daughter and I grow lavender because we love it’s relaxing qualities. I have fibro myalgia and a cup of lavender tea and a lavender neck warmer are blessings to me!

  45. Cindy Abbey says:

    My favorite herb is Rosemary. I love to bake breads, make herb breads, and use it in sauces, on baked chicken. I like to simmer it to refresh the house.

  46. Amy R says:

    So many…basil, cilantro, rosemary, rose geranium, sage….but if I have to choose just one for right now well….Chocolate mint!! Because chocolate AND mint!! Whaaat!! Lol 🙂

  47. Christy says:

    Lemon Balm, I love working with it in my garden and it makes such a wonderful tea.

  48. Nancy says:

    I’ll Italian so I use lots of herbs but I love thyme! It’s yummy on chicken thighs in my cast iron pan or for my chickens outside, keeps’m healthy. I’ve loved thyme since I was in Girls Glee in 7th grade when we sang Scarborough Fair!! (parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme)

  49. Jan Ammann says:

    It is hard to name just one herb as a favorite!!! I love mint! Ice tea in the summer has to be made with mint!
    However, I also love Bay Leaf. It is great in do many foods ……in particular beef stew!! Living and cooking with herbs adds zest to my world!!

  50. Pam says:

    Currently, I like and reach for the cilantro most often! I use it in so many different dishes!

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