GIVEAWAY: Aspen Herbals

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

Give a big farmgirl welcome to Lacey Berg of Aspen Herbals, a new Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) business member. Handcrafted in Baker, Montana, Aspen Herbals sprang forth from Lacey’s love of nature and desire for natural body care. Why Aspen? ” One will never find a single Aspen,” says Lacey. “They grow in communities, sharing a common root system. We thrive on community, and that’s exactly what we’re building here at Aspen Herbals.”

To win this herbal sampler (solid body lotion, eye balm, and lip tint), share with everyone here what your favorite herb is and why it’s your favorite in the comments below. We’ll put your name in a hat and draw a lucky winner soon. Stay tuned!




  1. EILEEN CLARK says:

    My favorite is lavender. I love it’s fragrance and it’s healing ability. I diffuse lavender for a restful night of sleep. My dog relaxes much better when I mist her bed with lavender.
    I could go on and on about the many uses for this wonderful herb.

  2. Summer says:

    Bulgarian Lavender is my favorite. It takes me away to calm.

  3. I love lavender, not only for the scent and how it relaxes me, but also cooking with it. I make some amazing lavender cupcakes!

  4. Jessie Yonkovit says:

    Rosemary! I love to eat it, smell it, and even decorate with it!

  5. Diane says:

    I agree, hard to choose! Parsley then. It brightens anything and helps detox be adding a good handful to any smoothie. Easy to grow. Hmm tabbouleh! yumm

  6. Kathy Nelson says:

    My favorite herb is lavendar I grow my own it’s great for sachets for my headaches,smells great as a dry flowers.

  7. Sandy says:

    I love most herbs but lavender is my favorite or maybe rosemary

  8. Amber says:

    Parsley, parsley and more parsley! We live in Australia and can not seem to grow enough… is so versatile for health and healing. It can be used in tabouli, pesto, or added to any dish you desire. We even use it as a healing herb for urinary problems and when we feel liverish as it has a bitter property…great for animals too! If only it would grow not just in the compost!

  9. Vickie Rauser says:

    I’d say Dill is my favorite. It’s fragrance evokes memories of my parents and grandparents’ gardens. The first potatoes out of the ground – boiled and then sprinkled with dill and covered with cream; we called them Grass Potatoes. When I make Dill Dip, I always feel like I’m channeling my grandmother. I asked her once for her recipe and she replied, “There isn’t one. What I do is…” It still makes me laugh.

  10. Cheryl Wery says:

    Thyme–just love it!

  11. Evelyn says:

    Wow, I don’t know how to name just one! I have ones I’m hung up on for cooking, like ginger, cinnamon, etc. But I also like the ones used in massage oils because they help so many health issues. While the latter are great they don’t always smell that good, so we’ll got with Eucalyptus! 🙂

  12. Kimberly says:

    In food I love Thyme and for body care it would be lavender. My garden wouldn’t be a garden without both!

  13. Megan McNelly says:

    Sage is my favorite all purpose herb, but for essential oils from herbs, I’d say lavender will win, hands down. It heals bruises (my toddler’s goose-egged forehead!) and burns straight from the bottle.

  14. MaryJane Egan says:

    My favorite is lavender💖. So many uses. Burns,stress relief, headache, pick me up…..

  15. Michelle Turner says:

    For me it’s cilantro. I love to add it to everything I cook. I also love to pick a stem to munch when I pass by. The flavor is just so fresh and green! I keep lavender, rosemary, flat leaf parsley, basil, thyme and oregano year round in pots so they can winter indoors. I love to use fresh herbs year round.

  16. Karen Saunders says:

    Sage! I use it for cooking; cut off pieces from my bush and throw it in the wood chips used in the chicken coop and grow it next to my carport to grab a piece to throw in my car to cover French fry and other stale odors that longer.

  17. Terri Kortz says:

    I am all about natural and earthy and am always looking for those kinds of products. I like to support farmers and people that are like-minded.
    I would love to try out your new products and spread the word!
    I have so many favorite herbs.
    I love basil, rosemary, and mint.
    Thank you.
    Terri 🙂

  18. Celeste Kizer says:

    I am crazy about Rosemary, love to cook with, touch it, and just look at it!

  19. Caroline Massaro says:

    My favorite is lavender. I spray it on my bed linen and it is off to a dreamy sleep

  20. Deborah Bried says:

    So hard to pick just one!
    Basil. I love it fresh! With tomatoes, mozzarella and balsamic, fresh cut in green salad, on turkey, cheese and tomato sandwiches…
    The smell is refreshing, and it has such pretty leaves!

    Tied for second place is rosemary and lavender.

  21. Shay Esslin says:

    ONE favorite? Hm, okay. For right now, my favorite will be any mint. Spearmint,peppermint, pineapple, chocolate mint. I use it for teas, my bath when my head hurts, and lip balms. I live in a area with a rather short growing season, but yet my mints are always huge and happy, and have taken over my old herb garden…however, this is bound to change depending on what herb I’m using for the day 🙂

  22. melanie says:

    Love love my DILL……I wear it for perfume if I could.

  23. PENNY LAWYER says:


  24. Josie Davis says:

    Lavander , of course! Love the fragrance and the colors of the flowers and leaves.

  25. Lavender is my favorite herb. I use it everyday in some way. And absolutely every night in my humidifier to help me relax and fall asleep. I also put a dab on each wrist before going to bed. It’s lovely in lavender lemonade and also it is used in my favorite soap. The fragrance is soothing and the lavender bud makes exfoliating pleasant. I have lavender in a mister and I use it with my dogs and puppies to soothe and calm. I spray a little on their blanket and in the air. It calms everyone.

  26. Ruth A Jones says:

    Ohhhh…so many I love. I guess I’d have to say LAVENDER. Its peaceful!
    My second fave would be sage

  27. Judy Schmidt says:

    Rosemary is my favorite herb. I love the smell!

  28. Cynthia Mangum says:

    Basil, basil, basil….did I mention….BASIL! I love the smell of it and can never grow enough even my grandbabies pick it and rub just to smell it. We put it on anything Italian also salads and caprese salads. It is just sooooo goooood!

  29. Rebecca says:

    Mint. It brings back wonderful memories from childhood. We always grew mint by the creek and used it to make tea. I love cooking with rosemary; it adds flavor to so many dishes.

  30. Heather Neeper says:

    My favorite 2 are Peppermint and chives. I can’t choose one over the other. I love my peppermint tea, but I also love to add chives to my food.

  31. Linda Buchanan says:

    Lavender. No….rosemary! No……peppermint! For the moment anyway!

  32. Marla Silva says:

    Currently it is Frankinscense and Lavender combined.

  33. michele says:

    I LOVE growing an herb garden each year and ALWAYS look forward to my lavender. It reminds me of a trip my sister, mom and I took to a lavender farm years ago. I enjoy sitting/knitting by the herbs, taking in their scents, especially after watering them. Rosemary and lemon balm are awesome too.

  34. Carrie says:

    It has to be oregano and basil–I’m Italian!

  35. Linda Ellestad says:

    Rosemary is my favorite. I like to put it on roasted potatoes. I also use it on roasted chicken, turkey and soups. I have put it in a soap mixed with peppermint. I love the way it smells when you rub the plant. I have about 6 of these plants that I have managed to keep going for many years. I love herbs of all kinds but Rosemary is very special to me.

  36. Elaine Perez says:

    I like lavender as it is soothing and restful. The flagrance gently fills a room and does not overposer.

  37. Jo Rita Groves says:

    I would love to be able to enjoy all of these herbs! I really must have an herb garden this spring and summer. I. I can hardly wait. But, wait I must, since I live in the Texas Panhandle. It is cold here until late spring. Wish me luck, ’cause I’m going to need it!

  38. Roksanna says:

    My favorite herb of course is Frankensence

  39. Angela Saver says:

    My favorite herb is basil! I love cooking with basil, tomato sauces & grilled cheese sandwiches with basil! So yummy!

  40. Kaycee F says:

    MY favorites are Lavender, I think it looks beautiful and smells heavenly in my yard. I also love the many things you can do with it!

  41. Carol womelsdorf says:

    Lavender is my favorite!. It smells wonderful and is so calming. On my pillow and in my tea. Love it!

  42. Shirlee Pilny says:

    Hooray for lavender! I really enjoy taking a shower and using my lavender body wash. Then I spray lavender mist on my sheets which helps me sleep better.

  43. Joan Booth says:

    Lavender is my absolute favorite! If I’ve had a stressful day, I inhale lavender a few times and before bed, rub some lavender oil on my temples. It’s great for relaxing.

  44. Carol says:

    Lavender! Just can’t get enough of it.

  45. Debbie says:

    making a choice is a bit difficult, but I’ll go with mint. Refreshing, flavorful and uplifting….the smell, as well as the taste!!

  46. Kathy Hodgson says:

    I love lavender because of the smell. It soothes and relaxes me. I am just now getting really interested in herbs and am going to try to have a small herb garden this year even if it is just a windowsill garden.

  47. Linda Everson says:

    Lavender is my favorite because it is relaxing.

  48. Ronda Crosby says:

    Peppermint is such a clean peppy aroma. It makes me feel crisp when I use the oils. Peppermint fresh is great for perking up the house or a favorite drink.

  49. Maureen Vandeusen says:

    Hard to pick but I guess if I had to choose just one it would be Lavender.

  50. Carol Leonard says:

    I would have to say lavender. I have some growing in my garden and when I or my dog brush against it, it’s the most relaxing of scent there is. I wish I had room to plant more.

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