GIVEAWAY: Aspen Herbals

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

Give a big farmgirl welcome to Lacey Berg of Aspen Herbals, a new Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) business member. Handcrafted in Baker, Montana, Aspen Herbals sprang forth from Lacey’s love of nature and desire for natural body care. Why Aspen? ” One will never find a single Aspen,” says Lacey. “They grow in communities, sharing a common root system. We thrive on community, and that’s exactly what we’re building here at Aspen Herbals.”

To win this herbal sampler (solid body lotion, eye balm, and lip tint), share with everyone here what your favorite herb is and why it’s your favorite in the comments below. We’ll put your name in a hat and draw a lucky winner soon. Stay tuned!




  1. donna says:

    mullein, yarrow and echinacea in all its beautiful forms

  2. i can’t pick a favorite! i love basil with fresh garden tomatoes, rosemary with sweet potatoes, catnip as tea. i love the flowers and color of pineapple sage, and catmint too. i pretty much love all herbs except cilantro. 🙂

  3. Joy says:

    Cilantro… come on summer

  4. Alice Connelly says:

    I love fresh oregano to put in my chickens water

  5. Joyce Huber says:

    Lavender is my favorite. I even try to grow lavender.

  6. Elizabeth Waters says:

    My favorite herb is Basil. When cut or just brushed against, it’s pungent peppery, licorice-like smell fills the air and immediately takes me back to my Italian heritage. It makes me think of all the wonderful food we had while visiting Italy a few years ago like a robust red sauce, home-made pasta, Margarita pizza on a thin crust, garlic clove and caper chicken, etc. I love using it on my Caprese salad and anti-pasta plate. Whenever I cook with it I think of my grandmother, Anna Maria, an Italian immigrant, and wonder what it would have been like to have had the privilege of cooking a large family meal beside her in her small kitchen in Rochester, or in her family home in Avellino, Italy.

  7. Brianna says:

    So hard to pick only one, I guess it would have to be sage. So many healing properties, culinary uses, and it just smells like turkey dinner.

  8. Sandy says:

    Fragrant Lavender is my favorite. I sleep with a drop on my hands very night and quickly wisps me away to lullaby land. Reminds me of summer days and the promise of new lavender blossoms in my garden.🌞🌱

  9. Wanda Bennett says:

    My favorite herb is basil because I use it so much in my cooking. I love the smell and taste of it! I use it in sauces, goulash and pizza to name a few.

  10. Kathryn OBrien says:

    Does scented geranium count?! I currently have all my favorites lined up in the living room window to protect them from the winter weather…rose, fuzzy peppermint, RoBert’s lemon rose…yum. Fabulous mood boosters with just a little finger tip rubbing amongst the scented leaves❤️

  11. Helemarie Reavis says:

    I Love Frankincense, I love to put it in my night cream, and Rose oil also💕💕💕.

  12. Eva Hammond says:

    mint and rosemary

  13. Pingback: Winner!!! Giveaway: Aspen Herbals | Raising Jane Journal

  14. Deb Stoller says:

    I would probably say basil also – i love many and usually grow oregano, rosemary, thyme and basil in the spring but i use the basil the most.

  15. Rochelle K says:

    That’s a tough question…. I think I might have to say lavender. You can cook with it, use it in tea and lemonade, put it on your skin, and more. It’s very soothing to smell and look at too! It is a versatile plant.

  16. Joanne Luthman says:

    Basil is my favorite herb.
    I cannot resist pesto! Yum!!

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