GIVEAWAY: Aspen Herbals

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

Give a big farmgirl welcome to Lacey Berg of Aspen Herbals, a new Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) business member. Handcrafted in Baker, Montana, Aspen Herbals sprang forth from Lacey’s love of nature and desire for natural body care. Why Aspen? ” One will never find a single Aspen,” says Lacey. “They grow in communities, sharing a common root system. We thrive on community, and that’s exactly what we’re building here at Aspen Herbals.”

To win this herbal sampler (solid body lotion, eye balm, and lip tint), share with everyone here what your favorite herb is and why it’s your favorite in the comments below. We’ll put your name in a hat and draw a lucky winner soon. Stay tuned!




  1. Susanne says:

    Oh my…just one favorite herb? =) I love growing herbs. Even if I don’t use them much, just smelling them while I work in the garden lifts my spirits. But, if I have to narrow it down, I’ll say lavender is my real favorite. Working with it calms me and refreshes me and it is so useful for many things from culinary use to medicinal use to cleaning products. LOVE it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Colleen D says:

    I’m a totally lavender girl! Cannot get enough of it…tea, spritzer, sugar, lotion! You name it, I love it!

  3. Dawn Haus says:

    I love most herbs, I would go with rosemary as a must have. Grapefruit mint(and other flavors), cilantro and basil are favorites also! One of these days I will get lavender to live here in Iowa!

  4. Sandy B says:

    It is hard to pick just one, but it will be basil as I grow it and seem to use it the most.

  5. Heather M. says:

    Mint is my favorite for sure…mint in teas, ice cream and hand soaps makes me happy!

  6. Luanne Oda says:

    I like mint, but also lavender because of the calming effect

  7. Amy Burnette says:

    I like tumeric for soups and peppermint for headaches. I have many favorites but of these two I favor peppermint.

  8. Susan Williams says:

    Lavender, love Lavendar soap.

  9. Sharon L says:

    I really enjoy lavender. I love the scent and it is so pretty. I have two plants and I’d love to have more!

  10. Valerie Newby says:


    My favorite aromatic herb is Rosemary because it so wonderfully pungent in scent and is delightfully beautiful as a perennial plant. I simply love mixing it with either Thyme or Lavendar to freshen my home. Especially in the Springtime when I open all the windows to let the fresh air in and the breeze blow all throughout. Extremely relaxing and tranquil.

    Thank you ever so much for this fabulous opportunity to enter a chance to win!!

  11. Honey says:

    I agree with other comments regarding lavender. I have a lavender spray I use while ironing sheets and pillowcases. It’s glorious to turn down the bed and lay your head on a pillow with a light lavender scent. It conjures up thoughts of summer through the long dark winter.

  12. Lavender – soothing comfort. I want to learn to incorporate in my cooking as well…

  13. Denvalee Corff says:

    Basil …my son-in-law grows the BEST!

  14. Jamie Eriksson says:

    Hard to narrow down , but if I had to choose a favorite it would be lavender. It is so versatile and has great aromatherapy and medicinal qualities.

  15. Heather Sebastian says:

    My favorite herb is lavender. I just love it’s calming/relaxing properties and how it smells! Thank you for hosting such a lovely giveaway!

  16. Carol says:

    Probably lavender, but I love my rosemary bush too.

  17. Deborah M. says:

    It is hard to pick one herb. I love them all and have herbs growing throughout my gardens. I have to pick lavender for its lovely scent and many uses…, but then, there’s rosemary, and just touching it’s leaves and smelling it on your hands is wonderful…not to mention rosemary potatoes….

  18. Jane Ryan says:

    Love, love, love lavender!!!

  19. Angel says:

    Basil it is the herb of love , I love the smell of fresh basil and I use it in many recipes even smoothies

  20. Cindy Lopez says:

    Lavendar! It smells lovely, is anti-inflammatory, great in soaps, essential oil is awesome, and is used in some teas.

  21. Bonnie Yenser says:

    I love lavender it is so wonderful in everything i use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It just makes you feel so good. Plant it in your garden where you sit to enjoy your favorite book!!

  22. Amy Litherland says:

    I love to make soups!!!!I thing tarragon goes well with beefs soups but thyme is my fave! Use when cooking poultry based soups as well as seasoning poultry! I have a good size lavender outside in the garden which has grown but has never bloomed! Fingers crossed for this year!

  23. Natasha Hernandez says:

    Lavender is such a favorite. My daughter and I have issues sleeping. I sew dried lavender into little hand-made pillows, with essential oils of Lavender as well, for us to rest on. I also make solid lotions with essential Lavender oil, beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter, and grapeseed oil. I rub it on my temples when I have headaches and chest and under nose when we have sinus issues. We love Lavender. God is so good to us placing these herbs on the earth for our healing. We even use it in a body scrub.

  24. Natasha Hernandez says:

    Lavender is mine and my daughter’s favorite at this time. I make little, hand made pillows and stuff them with Lavender, to help us to sleep. We also use it in scrubs and solid lotions. It is a lovely herb.

  25. Merry King says:

    Rosemary…reminds me of my garden, & fresh air

  26. Jessica Murray says:

    Mint is my favorite herb, because of its calming smell that reminds me of the mint farms around my childhood home.

  27. terry steinmetz says:

    My favorite herb is lavender. It has such a calming effect on me. I planted some right outside my bedroom window so that I can enjoy it all through the summer!

  28. Robin I says:

    Lavender – it’s what sunny afternoons and snuggling with my grandma smell of.

  29. susan b says:

    My favorite has to be lavendar. I love it to freshen my drawers and sheets!

  30. Lana Gheen says:

    I don’t know if lavender is an herb, but I love the color, scent, taste and it’s soothing qualities.

  31. Adrienne Kristine says:

    I’m a whole foods plant-based vegan and I love anything plant-based. However, my favorite would be lavendar since I use it everywhere including my pillowcases for a good night’s sleep.

  32. Karen Anderson says:

    Lavender is my fave!! I love the soothing smell and how relaxed it makes me. It’s a wonder herb!!!

  33. Sandra says:

    Love the peppermint!!!

  34. Machelle morejohn says:
    Yes, omg. I would love to win. Looks beautiful packaging and most likely wonderful product

  35. Sara says:

    Mint! In everything! Tea…soap… Actually, right now I have a room spray with peppermint and lavender. And a candle with eucalyptus mint! And mint chamomile tea!

  36. Carleen says:

    Peppermint…i spray it and use peppernint candles…i feel it refreshes the air and helps with my sinuses…

  37. Wanda says:

    I do love bergamot. It makes Tea become Earl Grey. Soothing and gentle and aromatic to boot. 🤗

  38. Marilyn Bucci says:

    Lavender because the fragrance and peppermint is good for digestion.

  39. Karen says:

    Clary sage!

  40. Kate says:

    Calendula is my favorite for all its skin nurturing and soothing properties. And I love how bright and happy it is to grow.

  41. Doris Brady says:

    Lavender very calming.

  42. Cathy Stewart says:

    Lemon thyme, so fresh and clean smelling in the kitchen and everywhere else too.

  43. Cindy says:

    I don’t have a favorite but I use a lot of mint and Lavender. They both help headaches and relax me to help me sleep. starting to use more herbs for family health.

  44. Barbara Burch says:

    Cinnamon is my fav herb. But I also love peppermint, lavender, sage and turmeric. it’s really hard for me to pick just one. I love cooking with lots of herbs, love to soak in an herb filled tub and love lotions etc. made with real herbs.

  45. Lori Morton says:

    I love Lavender, but I too, pick Peppermint as a favorite herb! Love peppermint tea!! Smells so fresh and clean……& energizing!! Mmmmmm…

    Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way!! 🙂

  46. Sandy Goff Williams says:

    Lavender! I love the properties that make it such a great healing and soothing herb. I raise it for culinary purposes, salves, sachets, spritz, aromatherapy, etc.

  47. Shannon Bray says:

    Basil is my favorite. Has many uses and tastes great

  48. Sarah Blue says:

    Rosemary because it’s for remembrance. I’ve loved it since I was a teen.

  49. sharon cameron says:

    I have to say peppermint…I use it throughout the house to keep mice and spiders out. I also make a spray with it to use on my scalp to help my hair grow and I spray it on every day to my skin and it perks me up. My favorite is spraying it on my feet at night and putting on soft plushy socks to sleep in…helps me go right to sleep!

  50. LAC says:

    Like so many others, I’m finding this very difficult. I have a small garden, but still grow many herbs! I’d have to say my favorite non-edible herb is lavender as it’s the first thing I planted in my new perennial garden when I moved. Favorite edible herb would be basil or sage. I use basil more, but I love growing sage!

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