GIVEAWAY: Aspen Herbals

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

Give a big farmgirl welcome to Lacey Berg of Aspen Herbals, a new Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) business member. Handcrafted in Baker, Montana, Aspen Herbals sprang forth from Lacey’s love of nature and desire for natural body care. Why Aspen? ” One will never find a single Aspen,” says Lacey. “They grow in communities, sharing a common root system. We thrive on community, and that’s exactly what we’re building here at Aspen Herbals.”

To win this herbal sampler (solid body lotion, eye balm, and lip tint), share with everyone here what your favorite herb is and why it’s your favorite in the comments below. We’ll put your name in a hat and draw a lucky winner soon. Stay tuned!




  1. Donna Lohre says:

    So hard to choose just one, but at this time I would say Rosemary. I love the fresh smell, and the wonderful flavor it brings to recipes.

  2. Maria Lawrence says:

    I love lavender. Grows well, dries well.

  3. Diane Thompson says:

    lavendar , the smell and the calmness you feel

  4. My favorite herb is lavender I use it in just about everything from icecream to my pillow, it’s relaxing and tastes great,

  5. I grow basil, peppermint, Lavender, oregano and many more. I love them all but I use basil, pepermint and Lavender the most. I mince basil, fill an icecube tray with olive oil, put a pinch of the minced basil in each section and then put the tray into the freezer. Once frozen I take the tray out and put each basil cube into a freezer baggie for later use. I use the cubes to sautee and in stir fry.

  6. Joye says:

    My favorite is lavender. It relaxes me to smell it; and I like to use it in my home for fragrance.

  7. Peggy Lupica says:

    I love Dandelions. I love the color and I love it all in food.

  8. Doris Brady says:

    Fresh Thyme

  9. MARGIE HALL says:


  10. Iretha Bodnar says:

    My adult kids laugh at my obsession with lavender. I’ve now begun purchasing many other essential oils and am just loving them!!

  11. Peg Hasenpflug says:

    I love so many herbs, especially for teas and beauty treatments. I grow some of my favorites. Lavender would be my first choice. I so enjoy its fragrance and use essential oil for its soothing,calming effect.

  12. Natalie Gaba says:

    Basil is my most versatile but I just love love rosemary and lavander.

  13. pamela Moorman says:

    i love lavender, rosemary and basil. Can’t just choose one.

  14. Jeretta says:

    My favorite is Lavender. I love the fragrance, it is also calming.
    You cam also bake yummy cookies with it dried.

  15. Sylvia Jacobus says:

    Lavender, lavender, lavender–such a favorite. It’s in my bath soap, shampoo, hand soap, lotions. I’ve loved it since I was a child. Planted the whole front beds all with lavender. 🙂

  16. Terre says:

    Lavender is my favorite, but I must say I love Rosemary just as much!

  17. Cindy Foote says:

    My favorite herb is cilantro, it adds a zesty highlight, I just love the flavor. It’s uplifting and makes me happy.

  18. Merry Nelson says:

    I love Peppermint! I’m having my daily cup of peppermint tea as we speak!

  19. Sharon Suzanne Moran says:

    Can’t wait to try these! I think Rose or Lemon Verbena are my faves,

  20. Elle says:

    Salad burnet. It is an herb with interesting foliage and an unexpected flavor-cucumber. It is versatile from beverages to salads to a garnish. An underused and under appreciatated easy to grow addition to anyone’s herb garden.

  21. Rhonda R Waldo says:

    Thyme in my olive oil Love lavender smell though.

  22. Emily says:

    I’m really loving Lemongrass, patchouli, cedar wood and other earthy tones mixed with something bright like citrus or jasmine lately!

  23. Rhonda R Waldo says:

    Thyme in my olive oil Love the smell of lavender though

  24. Victoria Thompson says:

    By far my favorite is lavender! When I was little I spent summers with my grandparents and at the end of the day of hard playing my grandmother would put my cousins and me in the old claw tub and give us her bar of French milled lavender soap. Beautiful memory.

  25. Dawn Myers says:

    Lemon verbena is my favorite – just the smell is enough to brighten the cloudiest of days!

  26. Denise Park says:

    Lavender. It reminds me of my grandma and I love the scent.

  27. I love so many herbs with their individual fragrances and the way they help our bodies function at top level! Lavender is a favorite of mine as it does so much for calming and I so enjoy the scent! I use herbs from my garden to season my cooking; they are very important in my life. The herbs’ healing qualities and pleasant tastes and aromas are so appreciated in my home.

  28. Jane jordan says:

    I love so many and I seem to go through phases. Right now I find myself enjoying the tarragon I grew and dried last summer. I’ve been experimenting with switching it out for other herbs in soups and chicken dishes.

  29. Marguerite Bonniwell says:

    It is hard for me to choose between lavender and chocolate mint. I love lavender lotion and essential oil. But my daughter and I love chocolate mint in our tea, and I also use it to make mint sugar.

  30. Deborah says:

    Lavender because of the scent

  31. Susan Bruck says:

    My favorite herb is lavender–I love the way it smells, it’s colors and I love to use it for tea.

  32. Karen Schoening says:

    Thyme. It makes just about everything taste better and it’s antibacterial too

  33. Linda Lou Crosby says:

    Hard to pick a favorite, but chamomile tops my list of herbs. I find it lots of places, just kneel down and scoop some up for tea. I love the smell, and soothing effect it has.

  34. Pamela bundy says:

    Lavender-in July the fields explode with purple, drawing visitors from all over the Pacific NW to inhale the invigorating fragrance of lavender!

  35. BARBARA KEETON says:

    Mint, I love it in tea or just rub it between my fingers and enjoy the scent.

  36. Margaret Sumner-Wichmann says:

    Rose Hips, because I love rose hip tea which keeps me healthy all wintet

  37. sidonia schumann says:

    My favorite herb is Rosemary. I put cuttings from a bush outside the kitchen door into the steamer, and inhale the aroma; it is good for calm, and for the spirit. Thank you.

  38. Tammy Marquardt says:

    Rosemary, as the scent reminds me of my mother who recently passed away.

  39. Dayna Mellberg says:

    My favorite herb is lovely, lifting lavender!
    The scent is so versatile, it is calming while invigorating to my spirit.

  40. Therese Reid says:

    Lavender- because it’s wonderful for so many things.

  41. kelly macaulay says:

    Lavender, peppermint, I have lots of mixes I use all the time..

  42. Marsha Marshall says:

    I like lemon grass. The smell is so bright and fresh.

  43. Miranda says:

    Rose geranium is just always been my favorite, love at first smell.

  44. Cyndie Parzuhoski says:

    Without a doubt – Oregano. Not only is it versatile for cooking (I use it on everything from pizza, to pasta and my husband will tell you, I season a mean-butt grass-fed steak like no one else with oregano and 3 other herbs!), but it is the best natural antibiotic that I know of. I am antibiotic resistant to many “pharma” antibiotics, so years ago, I turned to really high quality (I have it imported from Greece) Oregano Oil to cure a wicked upper respiratory infection. Within 1 1/2 days, I felt 100% better and within 3 days, it was as if I never had the infection after all! I use a few drops of oil in my special “foot and leg” massage oil when my legs are heavy and feet throbbing, and it is better than any spa treatment you can imagine! I also grow my own Oregano and boil it in water in the kitchen to make a phenomenal air freshener when I overdo onions or garlic in cooking.

  45. Roxanne Young says:

    Oh wow! Hard to pick just one, but I believe it would be sage, uses are endless! Good for body, mind and soul!

  46. Valarie says:

    I agree…some many to choose from, but have to say my favorite is rosemary. The aroma is absolutely delightful and brings me such joy every thyme (sp LOL ) I smell it. We have it growing by the front door in the spring, and use the rosemary essential oils in our home in a diffuser. We cook with only fresh herbs and spices…rosemary is one of our essentials.

  47. Debbie F. says:

    My favorite herb is dill. This delightful herb brightens up a fresh pasta or potato salad, makes a great topping on cottage cheese, and is a nice addition to warm bread and rolls. I love the smell of dill in my refrigerator and in my bouquets of fresh flowers. Dill reminds me of warm summer days in my backyard.

  48. Jan Grippo says:

    Basil is m favorite. It grows in abundance. I make pesto often.

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