Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.
Give a big farmgirl welcome to Lacey Berg of Aspen Herbals, a new Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) business member. Handcrafted in Baker, Montana, Aspen Herbals sprang forth from Lacey’s love of nature and desire for natural body care. Why Aspen? ” One will never find a single Aspen,” says Lacey. “They grow in communities, sharing a common root system. We thrive on community, and that’s exactly what we’re building here at Aspen Herbals.”
To win this herbal sampler (solid body lotion, eye balm, and lip tint), share with everyone here what your favorite herb is and why it’s your favorite in the comments below. We’ll put your name in a hat and draw a lucky winner soon. Stay tuned!
Only one??? Peppermint. It’s refreshing, clean and cooling. I love it in beverages (hot and cold), in home cleaning products and body care.
I adore lavender for its beautiful fragrance and relaxing properties.
I, too, love lavender and have it in our bedroom.
I love peppermint. I have two pots in my garden. I use it for tea mostly but also in my henhouse herbal mix. My favorite thing to do with it is to gather a few sprigs to carry and crush to release their scent as I go about my chores.
Mint. I love adding it to tea.
I am the worst at picking favorites as I tend to like it all but right now I am into sage. Amazing feel good smell and delicious!
I love all the varieties of basil — it’s flavor complements so many foods, and it’s aroma is clearing and refreshing!
I love lavender, it smells wonderful and is so calming!
I love lavender (a perennial shrub really) for its calming & medical properties, as well as it’s ability to help our well needed pollinating critters like honey bees, humming birds & butterflies. Lavender comes in so many verities with different shades of green to silver leaves, & flowers from delicate pinks to vibrant deep purples!
We can cook with lavender, sent our lotions, baths, & laundry with lavender as well as drink lavender tea. Lavender is a familiar friend always there when most needed & surprising us with its lovely fragrance & beauty.
Love all the herbs, but Basil & Lavender are my favorites.
You cheated! Ha, ha. You sneaked in two.
My favorite herb is fresh sage. You can cook with it, but also has a beautiful flower. The bees love it. I love the fragrance.
I would have to say peppermint. It is amazing when you have stomach issues.
I love many herbs! Lemongrass is always uplifting! The wonderfully lemony burst of scent just lifts me right up!
Oh goodness, do I have to pick just one? Basil!! I love basil! Homemade pesto is the best. Another of my favorites…cilantro. Oh, how I love cilantro. Mix it in homemade salsa, use it as a topping for homemade tacos, put it in spring rolls, or even eat it by the handfuls!! Yes, that’s how much I love it.
rosemary has an uplifting scent grows well in Sc and loves as her friend lavender
both need little water and are happy togethere all year long
My favorite herb is lemon balm. It smells wonderful, it’s soothing, happy and light. I drink lemon balm tea to settle nervousness or
feelings of overwhelm.
My favorite herb? Well, I have to say it is a tie between basil and peppermint. I love putting my face into a handful of freshly picked basil and then savoring the unique flavor of a leaf tip crushed between my front teeth. Peppermint is refreshing and uplifting as I pull it’s fragrance deep down into my lungs. The aroma of peppermint never fails to bring a smile to my face while the flavor of basil takes me far, far away to romantic places in Europe. So, either one brings me joy.
Love all the mint-family herbs, especially lemon balm for it’s wonderful calming, antiseptic, and anti-viral properties…makes such a lovely tea.
I have two favorites; lavender and peppermint. Both are so versatile and can be used in so many ways! Lavender smells so wonderful and is very calming. I use peppermint to make amazing tea with plenty of health benefits.
Lavender. So calming. I grow it, use it in sachets, soap and my diffuser.
I love Mint because it smell so good in my garden. I even rub some on my wrists, so some days I walk around with green wrists! (LOL)
Basil is my favorite herb. I love the smell and I love to eat it right out of the garden. Yummy!
My favorite herb, at the moment, is lemon balm. It makes a delightful tasting, calming tea. It is also a great addition to lemonade in the summer (or whenever you are in the mood). I think we all need some calming in the world today, and lemon balm is a yummy way to “escape” for a bit. Growing my own is a plus. I love knowing where my herbs and some of my food comes from!
Because it makes me feel Alive!
I love cardamon…especially in a sweet bread that is a Scandinavian favorite. The Finns call it nissu.
Oooh…this is a tough decision. I love all the mints and dry them for teas. But I Love, oregano, thyme, and rosemary, and crush those and put them on almost everything I cook. Hmmm, now that I think of it, I also use a lot of lemon balm and thyme for their anti viral properties and drink them in tea. I have too many favorites to pick just one !
Oh well I love basil on sandwiches and wraps and pesto of course. I also love Rosemary oil for memory and I put it on my hair in the morning!
Basil is my favorite herb….I love the smell…I wish they made and air freshener of candle with its scent. And cooking with it…oh my …just beautiful!
So wonderful
Lavender would have to be my favorite. Not only does it smell amazing and have great uses, it is beautiful to look at.
That’s hard! I love herbs, but i would have to say bay leaves because I make my own bone broths and soups weekly, and bay leaf is a staple in them!
On the other hand, I love to fill a quart jar with rosemary and white vinegar, let it age in the dark, then clean my showers and counters with it. You get the astringent benefits of the vinegar with the wonderful clean smell of the rosemary. Good cooking, too!
Oregano because I love Italian food!
Lavender. Definitely lavender. Is lavender an herb? Sage is a close second. Its an instant lift in every way to me. Simple. Wonderful.
I love Basil and Rosemary-two of my favorites! Another favorite is Lavender.
I make huge amounts of fresh pesto and freeze for the winter.
So hard to pick but since i have to its Lemon Verbena ,of course its the smell but the shape of the leaves , and its many uses.
My favorite herb is lavender It is so soothing and refreshing.Also love
Peppermint. I grow a lot of it because I have 2 sons with stomach problems and this is the only thing that helps.
Chamomile for stress relief
I have a huge lemon thyme out by my door, I have been using it for 5 yrs and it never seems to get smaller. I have a sage, and love that, but buy a lot of others because I only have a small place and the mng won’t let us plant anything, I have a lavender that has really gotten huge too. I planted both before I was told I couldn’t disturb the stupid bark to put in dirt???? I want to get a half whiskey barrel and put it where I can put a lot of things in it. I would love to come & take classes at your farm since I live close, my daughter lives in Genesee, when do you have classes or things going on at your farm so I can see what you offer, thanks, love your magazine, read it all the time, keep them for all the great stuff
Lavender is my favorite because is has so many uses! From soap making, laundry detergent, slaves and edibles like cookies and ice cream. And it grows well in my garden and I can make wreaths and potpourri!
Rosemary. It’s beautiful and has a variety of uses.
Favorite? That’s a tough one! So many are so nice. Lavendar though. It’s clean and calming.
I love lavender. I enjoy making colorful lavender wands and pretty lavender sachets.
Parsley is my favorite, fresh dried I use it in and on everything.
Lavender has been a favorite for a long time. It reminds me of my MaMaw and her home. She used it all around and I remember the smell every time I visited. I use it in cleaning and in relaxing oils. I’m a grandma now and I want all my family to have that memory with the smell so they can pass it on with their families to come.
By all means lavender. It’s sweet smell calms me! I love it! So do my friends when I give them bath soaps!
I love fresh basil for cooking. I keep it growing in my kitchen year round so that I can just grab some when I am cooking. I also hang it in my kitchen for drying.
Lavender is my current favorite for its ability to calm and relax…
Lavender. I have a recipe for lavender tea cookies that are just wonderful and my bees love the herb growing in the garden.
My favorite herb
, I have two is I may! Basil and Lavender. I am fortunate to have a small little bush of lavender I use for tea and whatever else I can! When I grow basil I eat it of the plant, we love basil.
I love lavender! The scent is heavenly.