GIVEAWAY: Aspen Herbals

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

Give a big farmgirl welcome to Lacey Berg of Aspen Herbals, a new Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) business member. Handcrafted in Baker, Montana, Aspen Herbals sprang forth from Lacey’s love of nature and desire for natural body care. Why Aspen? ” One will never find a single Aspen,” says Lacey. “They grow in communities, sharing a common root system. We thrive on community, and that’s exactly what we’re building here at Aspen Herbals.”

To win this herbal sampler (solid body lotion, eye balm, and lip tint), share with everyone here what your favorite herb is and why it’s your favorite in the comments below. We’ll put your name in a hat and draw a lucky winner soon. Stay tuned!




  1. Marcella Donner says:

    Mine is Camomile. It has such a calming scent and there is nothing so relaxing as a cup of Camomile tea steeped in my favorite cup while enjoying an evening gazing at nature from my garden swing my son built for me!! Come on over and share a cup and a swing!

  2. Bonnie says:

    My favorite is without a doubt coriander. It is one that you either love or hate. For me it is Love. It has such a depth that adds so much to many of my recipes.

  3. Lori Myers says:

    Lemon balm. I love it soaps and lotion.

  4. Ann maver says:

    My favorite herb is Lavender.
    I grow lavender during the summer, dry it and use it to scent knitted gifts I make for Christmas. I put the lavender in small bags and insert it in whatever I knit.
    I also put a dab of oil in my car. In the morning driving to work it smells great.

  5. Kelli Wilson says:

    Sage is my favorite herb due to its savory qualities. Often, when using it in recipes, I take the leaves and crush them in my hands to hold over my face and take breathe deeply as a mini spa moment.

  6. Donna says:

    I have used herbs for a few years now and use it with my animals too. My chickens are healthier because of this! What a wonderful thing to own your own herb farm would be!

  7. Sherry Hopper says:

    “Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme….” Sorry, still love that song. 🙂 My favorite herb to have wherever I live is sage. The smell of the plant, the smells in my house when I’m cooking with it, all takes me back to my grandmother’s kitchen in the 1960s and the best times of my life. Herbs are our connections to the past and the connections we make for the future.

  8. Bev Lauritsen says:

    I love just about every herb I can think of, but at the moment my favorite is Rosemary. I have a huge plant sitting on the window seat of the bay window in our dining room. Every time I brush against it when I’m passing it smells so-o-o-o-o wonderful! I use lots of different herbs & spices in the soaps and beauty products I make myself.

  9. Kathy Blue says:

    I love Bergamot – – such a wonderful smell.

  10. Oksana Slivka says:

    I love to work with dill. It’s so fresh smelling and gives any recipie that finishing touch.

  11. Holly Scholz says:

    Deciding which herb is my favorite is so much harder than I thought it was going to be. Hmmmm, it’s a tie between mint and lavender. I use mint in everything, water, food or just straight! Lavender is so intoxicating, I use it in teas, baked goods and bundles that I hang next to my bed.

  12. Barbara Russell says:

    I would have to say rosemary. I love to add it to my cooking. It has a great smell and delivers a wonderful taste.

  13. Sandy says:

    I am on a basil kick right now. It seems to go in most everything I make lately.

  14. Carol Hagemeier says:

    Herbs are my favorite for different reasons. I’m a TX Hill Country Master gardener and being a gardener is a never ending learning experience. I love Parsley as it reseeds and I love attracting the Black Swallowtail to my gardens. If I don’t use the herbs in my salads, soups, teas I have it for the butterflies and bees. I’m also a beekeeper. The bees absolutely love my African Blue Basil smells wonderful, when it flowers the bees feast on it like crazy. Also I love Dill cause I collect the seeds for pickling and we hand out free seeds to our interested future Master Gardeners. The Black Swallowtail loves the dill. their Caterpillars will be all over it.

  15. Elizabeth Plewa says:

    Lavender, it’s soothing and calming and wonderfully therapeutic!!!

  16. Alice McCormick says:

    Need something new for my aging slin☺

  17. Rebecca says:

    My favorite herb is lavender. The smell reminds me of sun shine days,busy bees and the enjoyment of fresh tilled earth. It is summer in a bottle.

  18. Reagan says:

    My favorite herb is Lavender-so calming and used for so many things!

  19. Carol Peterson says:

    I love lavender. It has a light sweet scent and beautiful delicate flowers. It can be used in a variety of ways.

  20. Sue Ostrander says:

    Herbs…what can I say but I love them!

  21. Natalie says:

    I love lavender and basil. I grew two huge pots of basil last summer. And I love all things lavender, lotions, oils. I just bought a pound of lavender to make sachets and other things. Made lavender syrup last summer. Lavender lemonade is the best!

  22. arlene koktavy says:

    I like lavender. It’s smell is delicate, feminine and calming. It is a pretty soft color.

  23. Beth Lohman says:

    Gosh it would have to be good ole Lavender. It is so versatile! It seems you can use it on or in just about anything. The smell is amazing. Personally I like the English the best though.

  24. Angela Holdeman says:

    Peppermint! I use it in my toothpaste I make.

  25. Robin Buerk says:

    For me picking a favorite herb is like picking a favorite child. They are each unique in their own way and I love them all! However, Calendula in bloom waving it’s bright shiny flowers in greeting from my garden has always been a particular joyful thing for me. I use those flowers for their medicinal properties to make oil for in my soap and a facial toner.

  26. Kris says:

    This was the first summer I patiently dried my entire herb garden. My favorite herbs are the mints. They make my chicken coop smell amazing!!

  27. Jackie says:

    Gosh…that’s a hard one. I love all herbs pretty much. But I think maybe….if I had to pick it would be lavender. Something so soothing and comforting about the smell for me…also…I love it cooking. I make a mean lavender scented cookie. Yum!

  28. Janet Wilkinson says:

    I love Rosemary! I add it to hot water with rose water.

  29. Lisa Bell says:

    Well just recently someone gave me some fresh Cuban Oregano they grow. Wow! The smell is almost like pine. The taste at first by its self is strong fading into so many enjoyable sensations that dance on the taste buds. After taste is pleasant.
    It is a pretty herb, looks almost like a succulent.

  30. Karen says:

    Cilantro. This may be one of the first herbs I started using in food prep…in a favorite salsa recipe. I love its clean scent and distinct taste. I can hardly pass a cilantro plant without a touch of the leaves for a burst of its scent.

  31. wilma orndorff says:

    To choose one herb as your favorite is like picking your favorite child! I will however choose Lavender this time. Lavender calms me and helps to erase the worries and stress of the day. I have it in every room of my home in some form or the other. It is great for crafts and cooking. I love it!

  32. Rochelle Joy says:

    My favorite herb is lavender. I love the calming aroma of lavender and it is a beautiful plant.

  33. Sherri Braxton says:

    Love natural products. Lavender is my favorite scent. It’s fun to cook with too!

  34. deb rowley says:

    Lavender is my very favorite followed by basil and then maybe it’s an odd choice but I like catnip too!

  35. Cindy says:

    Dill is my favorite herb. I love to smother baked potatoes with dill and nothing else. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

  36. Susan Campbell says:

    Peppermint it helps when I start coughing and if I have an upset stomach.

  37. Rhonwyn says:

    Rosemary lifts me up. It almost makes me want to roll in it like a cat with catnip. Such a powerful feeling. Hard to explain.

  38. jill smithson says:

    Rosemary touches my heart with her gifts of petite blue hues flowers born on a sturdy stem of pine needley strength- and with tender care she often over winters here on Rosehaven farm zone 7 to greet us and share her fragrant gifts in our culinary creations. Her message of Remembrance is embroidered on my heart.

  39. Cindi Manuel says:

    Wow it is so hard to pick one but I guess I would say rosemary. I love the smell and use it all the time in my cooking. Rosemary roasted red potatoes is my husbands favorite!!

  40. Cay McShurley says:

    My favorite herb is lavender. It brings back childhood memories of visiting my aunt. She used a lavender soap that was heavenly. The scent is like receiving a warm hug.

  41. Judith S says:

    My favorite herb is basil. Wonderful pesto!

  42. Joy Wright-Holton says:

    I love lavender! It’s calming and soothing and I absolutely think the fragrance is magnagracious! (My word since I was four years old…sweet story goes with it). I use the essential oil in my bath, on my body,on my horses muzzles to soothe and calm them. I love any tea with lavender,chamomile with lavender,lavender honey…I drink both, in the morning and before bed. And my latest lavender love is kombucha…great for my tummy,and the taste is wonderful!

  43. Beverly Martinson says:

    My favorite herb would be lavender. It is light fresh and soothing.

  44. Brenda Nicholson says:

    I love dandelions! They are a medicinal herb with lots of uses, along with being food. And they are readily available to everyone!

  45. Carol S says:

    So hard to choose. Lavender has always been my go to for soothing and calm. Rosemary for the kitchen. Mint for tea. Eucalyptus + mint for my sore feet. I could go on and on. Thanks for this opportunity and for featuring a cool Project FARM business.

  46. julie Banigan says:

    My favorite herb is eucalyptus. I love it because it has such a clean, fresh scent. I often have trouble with draining sinuses and eucalyptus really helps me open up my sinuses and get things back on track. I like to sprinkle eucalyptus oil oil my pillow before drifting off to sleep. Plus, there were lots of eucalyptus trees along the way to the horse farm I rode at as a child. It brings back wonderful memories for me.

  47. Judy says:

    Lavender… I just love the calming effect and beautiful purple flowers.

  48. Mary Alice Baer says:

    I love basil for cooking, lavender for its soothing effects, rosemary just smells delicious and lemon mint for planting in pots on my deck to keep away mosquitoes. Who can have just 1?

  49. Deb Burns says:

    I have to say my all-time favorite herb must be Lavender for it’s calming effects,both physically & mentally, and because of it’s versatility for many uses!

  50. Julie says:

    Rosemary! Bees love it, no matter what you use it for – the fragrance and taste is distinct. Plus it’s oil has great healing properties.

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