GIVEAWAY: Aspen Herbals

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

Give a big farmgirl welcome to Lacey Berg of Aspen Herbals, a new Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) business member. Handcrafted in Baker, Montana, Aspen Herbals sprang forth from Lacey’s love of nature and desire for natural body care. Why Aspen? ” One will never find a single Aspen,” says Lacey. “They grow in communities, sharing a common root system. We thrive on community, and that’s exactly what we’re building here at Aspen Herbals.”

To win this herbal sampler (solid body lotion, eye balm, and lip tint), share with everyone here what your favorite herb is and why it’s your favorite in the comments below. We’ll put your name in a hat and draw a lucky winner soon. Stay tuned!




  1. Diane Barnard says:

    I grow a lot of herbs for the family and also for our chickens. I think thyme is probably a favorite since it’s quit versatile. I use it in a lot of dishes.

  2. says:

    Lavender is so soothing. I spray it on my pillow before going to bed

  3. Doris Hall says:

    Herbs are like children. I have and love 5 children and it would be impossible to choose a favorite. I have and love many herbs but if I must I would say Lavender is my favorite fragrance and chocolate mint is my favorite taste 🙂

  4. Terry says:

    I think rosemary is my current favorite. I recently had roasted babe red potatoes with rosemary and they were so good!

  5. Kim Rojas says:

    Lemon Balm and Patchoulie….love running my hand through them….rumor has it its natural insect repellent and here in Texas we need all the help we can get.

  6. Lisa Harris says:

    I enjoy many herbs but I would have to say that Lavender is my favorite. My great grandmother always wore a lavender scented perfume and any time I smell lavender, it brings back such wonderful memories of my childhood.

  7. Karen Blakeney says:

    Love Lavender! It has such a calm and relaxing aroma and also yummy in recipes. Absolutely gorgeous growing in the fields and makes everything smell heavenly when used as a sachet in dresser drawers. Can you tell I’m a fan?

  8. Debra Renwick says:

    I love Lemon balm. So refreshing and makes me happy!

  9. Georgia Lovell says:

    I love lavender! It is so versatile. It’s a beautiful plant for your garden, the bees love it, it’s tasty and it’s aroma is so pleasing and particularly soothing at bedtime.

  10. Christine says:

    It would have to be rosemary. It is my go to for baking, roasting, decorating, skin care, even my dish detergent currently is rosemary. It just reminds me of winter, and pine, and home-iness. I would love to try these new products…maybe even find a new favorite. Thanks for sharing her company with us.

  11. Jimmie Williams says:

    My favorite is rosemary I love to hug it and then I can breathe in the scent for a long time. It’s also a great herb to cook with.

  12. Michelle Kirby says:

    Lavender-it’s so versatile.

  13. Summer Fenton says:

    I love Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis). Its smell is so calming and this herb has so many uses.

  14. Cynthia Sampler says:

    My favorite herb is probably sage. I love the smell and the taste it gives to so many foods.

  15. Barbara Johnson says:

    My favorite herb would have tone Lavender. The dozen or so
    different ways that it’s good for you. Makes it my number one
    Go to remedy for just about everything from relaxation to bug bites.

  16. April Guilbault says:

    I think Lemon Verbena…I love the color of the foliage, that bright solid green and I make a point of running my fingers through it whenever I’m in the garden and it gives the best pick-me-up! It’s smells like a sunny, energetic day!

  17. Ronda says:

    I think I would have to say my favorite is Eucalyptus. Thanks for the opportunity to win These awesome new products

  18. Jodie says:

    Lavender. Reminds me of my childhood. I have stems in several empty jars around the house. Sachets of lavender in my clothes drawers. Use it in my laundry soap. And on and on. I love it.

  19. Amy Stingle says:

    Favorite would be lavender…. very calming!

  20. Susan says:

    Lemon thyme–so go in just about any dish.

  21. Patti Taylor says:

    Rose, Lilly of the valleys and lilacs ….growing up we picked the flowers and stuffed into mason jars filled with glycerin…stored for weeks then drained. Used in bath water or rub on dry skin…it was so soothing and smelled wonderful no heavy perfume…

  22. Anna Jane Hudock says:

    I love Rosemary. It has a wonderful aroma, it is good for cooking, cleaning and decorating.

  23. June Dean says:

    LOVE parsley..when I grow it I’m adding it to EVERYTHING. Cleans our system.

  24. Colleen Maki says:

    Love, love, LOVE my lavender! I grow it, harvest it, and like to make eye “pillows”, neck pillows, (both of which have flax seed and lavender buds in them, and can be warmed up in the microwave), sachets, dried flower arrangements, etc. etc.
    I spray my pillows each night with a lavender mist, for a restful sleep.

  25. Susan Boysen says:

    Lavender…love the aroma! And nothing is prettier than a field of lavender in bloom.

  26. Leona Rossi says:

    Definitely lavender! I have always had trouble sleeping so I like anything Lavender to use before bedtime to help me fall asleep 🙂

  27. Jo Ann Brohl says:

    Lavender is my absolute favorite. I have it planted in several places and just walking by and getting a whiff makes me so happy!

  28. Lydia Martinez says:

    Lavender. I love it. I use it when I make soap, salt and sugar scrubs, body mists. The scent is so relaxing! I use it when I bake-my favorite is lavender shortbread cookies. I use it on rack of lamb.

  29. Andrea says:

    My favorite is lavender. I just love the beautiful color and the gentle smell.

  30. Francyne Palanca says:

    My favorte herb is the Bay leave
    Mainly because my Great-Grandmother swore by it. She used it for tummy aches, to enrich her food and an additive to homemade lotions for the face and body! And i use to this day for exactly the same things. 😊

  31. Shelli L Miller says:

    Lavender is my favorite for its great versatility in healing of physical and emotional ailments. Can’t go wrong with lavender!!

  32. Marilyn Hawkins says:

    I love Oregano not only for it’s wonderful flavor in cooking but also for it’s even more incredible healing powers!

  33. Patsy Baker says:

    I grow a lot of herbs. My favorite for cooking is Parsley. I pinch a few stems off my plant, chop it up and sprinkle it over bland looking food. It adds flavor and adds punch to my food.

  34. Linda Olson says:

    Thyme is my favorite herb, both to cook with and to use in a facial scrub. The scent is strong, but sweet and lifts my spirits. I grow it so that is readily available with the maximum fragrance.

  35. Kathy says:

    This is a very hard question…to narrow it down to one favorite, but my family all loves cilantro. It makes so many dishes taste so fresh. But lavender farms and festivals are such a feast for the all the senses…so lavender too! And then I can not forget my easy going friend mint, O my!

  36. Karen Jones says:

    Right now my favorite is lavender…I love to use it for pillow spray! Not only do I sleep better but it just makes me happy when I smell it 😌

  37. Kathy Moore says:

    So many are my favorites! But basil stands out, as i cook with basil alot. However, i love mint & sage & lavender as well. I cannot wait to grow my own this spring! We live on a hobby farm and i love to cook!!

  38. Nielsen,Winifred T. says:

    I love Basil for eating, rosemary and peppermint for cleaning and laundry, and Lavender for anything. One of my favorite herb mixtures to use in cooking is Herbs de Provence. When we were visiting Provence, France, two years ago, the lavender fields were stunning and this herb mixture, which contains lavender, is perfect for cooking their regional red rice.

  39. Sunnie Iacovetta says:

    I like dill, the smell and flavor of it.

  40. Bettye Juergens says:

    Rosemary…It’s so easy to grow! The flavor enhances my pork dishes, while I also use it in soap scrubs – great for gardeners. I also just learned that rosemary oil helps with hair loss. And it’s always wonderful to just go up to the plant and brush the branches to release that beautiful smell.

  41. Kristi Hill says:

    Basil, Thyme, Rosemary and mint are must haves in my garden each year. Also love lavender and have started experimenting with nettles.

    • Carol Hagemeier says:

      Stinging nettle has been used in my husband family in MN for many years over 45 for sure since we we’ve been married. We make an awesome nettle soup. Everyone thinks we are nuts, but not so. Nettle has tons of benefits.

  42. Jac Brewer says:

    Chammomile. Grows gently and easy
    to remove when it shows up where I don’t want it. Smells wonderful. Dries and keeps all winter to remind me of summer. Delightful as a tea. Great as a facial steam and headcold soother.

  43. Sharon Toadvine says:

    My favorite herb is basil. I love crushing a leaf in my hands and sniffing the scent as I go about my chores.

  44. Sarah says:

    Lavender, makes me feel good every time I smell it!

  45. Reba Greer says:

    My all time favorite herb is rosemary. I love the way it smells, tastes, and looks. It’s an herb you can use in so many different dishes. Ironically, my mom almost named me Rosemary.

  46. Amy Stong says:

    Lavender is my favorite herb because it is so calming & soothing! I love to diffuse it in my home and use it on my body and all of my animals! I love growing it for the aroma and it’s beauty!

  47. Sandra Abalos says:

    Rosemary is my fav herb! I can’t pass by my rosemary bush without running my hand along a stem & releasing the fragrance!

  48. lea ann berry says:

    Clary sage! It’s perfect for balancing those crazy hormones!!

  49. Shari Black says:

    I love the beauty, fragrance and many uses of lavender. Growing lavender in my garden, harvesting the bounty, drying and sharing lavender’s gift with friends and family gives me joy each year. Shari Black

  50. Kellie Davis says:

    I have lots of favorites but right now I’m using a lot of Dill, love it in salads.

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