GIVEAWAY: Aspen Herbals

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

Give a big farmgirl welcome to Lacey Berg of Aspen Herbals, a new Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) business member. Handcrafted in Baker, Montana, Aspen Herbals sprang forth from Lacey’s love of nature and desire for natural body care. Why Aspen? ” One will never find a single Aspen,” says Lacey. “They grow in communities, sharing a common root system. We thrive on community, and that’s exactly what we’re building here at Aspen Herbals.”

To win this herbal sampler (solid body lotion, eye balm, and lip tint), share with everyone here what your favorite herb is and why it’s your favorite in the comments below. We’ll put your name in a hat and draw a lucky winner soon. Stay tuned!




  1. Dana Downes says:

    Lavender is my favorite. It’s so soothing after a rough day.
    I have many more that I love

  2. Libby says:

    My favorite is lavender. I always find myself stressed out and looking for lavender on my really bad days. I am learning to used other herbs in cooking and if all goes well, I will have a small herb garden this spring !

  3. Christie Twigg says:

    It is definitely hard to choose just one, but Peppermint is great for everything! It lifts me up in a room mist, helps with headaches in a roll on, soothing in the tub as a soak and tastes refreshing in beverages, fruit and chocolate!

  4. Barbara Jones says:

    I love Lavender and I grow lots of it.

  5. Liz says:

    I like lavender. Helps with my headaches.

  6. Kerry says:

    mint of all sorts, I keep it in pots in a fortress around my chicken coop to ward off rodents!

  7. Margaret Jones says:

    I love Lavender and Rosemary. I love the fact that they are easy to grow and smell wonderful.

  8. Julie Talbot says:

    My favorite herb is rosemary. I love Rosemary. Think of the name

  9. Robin Gerardi says:

    My favorite herb is lemon verbena. I’ve used it in so many ways. To make Jelly, liqueur, in fruit salads, simple syrup, cookies, shortbread,etc. etc. the uses are endless. Even in soaps. My other fave is sweet basil. Just to walk by it and touch a leaf then smell the sweet aroma on my hand. Then there’s chamomile. I love when it falls on the path and you step on it and that beautiful scent makes it way to your senses. Ok, you said favorite! Just too many!

  10. Andrea Papanek says:

    I love parsley, as it brightens up everything you sprinkle it on or cook it in. It makes for a lovely addition to salads and is even pretty in a bouquet of flowers.

  11. Dianna says:

    I love the smell of any mint. But I would say peppermint is the best. I love peppermint tea. Am trying to grow it this year from seed. I have a small herb garden on the back side of my garage.

  12. Bev Lemon says:

    I love Lemon Thyme. It smells so good.

  13. lisa levitt says:

    My favorite is lavender, I love the smell when I clean the house using essesential oils
    which in turn helps to keep my 4 fur babies calm. Also like it in the herb pervonce that you put on poultry. 🙂

  14. Bernadette Loth says:

    I love Herbs. I use lavender or mint mixed in water. Let the mixture set and put it in a spray bottle. Spray your door jams and window sills ward of those pesky bugs that want to crawl in. Also leaves a wonderful scent.

  15. Lisa Squires says:

    Lavender for me! It’s beautiful to grow, has amazing healing properties, and is wonderful to cook/bake with.

  16. Kim Van Rheenen says:

    I love basil and lavender!

  17. Becky Gonzalez says:

    My favorite is always mint. It’s refreshing, soothing, and growing in my little herb garden.

  18. Amanda says:

    I love lavender because of its many soothing benefits!

  19. Kathy Beachy says:

    My all time favorite is rosemary, followed closely by sage, basil, thyme,mint and chamomile. I grow all of these, dry them and use them. I have a large rosemary right at the gate to my chicken yard, so I can run my hands through it several times a day! I have a 4 year old sage plant that continues to taste very good too. My mint plant is almost 25 years old! I cut it and separate it every fall and it comes back just as strong every spring. I just love herbs!!

  20. Clair Malo says:

    Picking one herb is like trying to pick between your children! If I must just select one, then I would pick rosemary. I have a large pot of it sitting in my kitchen by the window right now. I would not be able to survive a Chicago winter without it.

  21. Jan Hubbard says:

    I LOVE LAVENDER! I grow it near my house and often tuck a sprig somewhere on my clothings.

  22. Cindy Lee says:

    For myself it has to be rosemary. Whether cooking or a scent in oils. In my garden I have a huge rosemary bush, when trim it or spray it off, I can smell it for days!

  23. Denise says:

    Rosemary in cooking, I have a small plant in a pot I keep indoors during the winter and set outside in summer.

  24. Michelle O says:

    Rosemary! I absolutely L O V E the magical scent, because it has so many deep levels. Rich and penetrating, uplifting and clean in every way.

  25. D.E. Schwartz says:

    I agree with all the other readers who love herbs. I love mint when I have an upset stomach-it’s so soothing and brings relief quickly. I also love lavender . The lavender is wonderful for relaxing at night or adding to shortbread cookie dough. I also love the lavender essential oil for wounds. I also feel it’s so difficult to pinpoint one favorite as they all have a special use (and scent)!

  26. Jennifer Olson says:

    My favorite herb is peppermint, I make tea, use the oils in homemade bath products and I love the smell

  27. Kay Jones says:

    Lavender is my favorite herb because it makes me happy just to smell it.

  28. Toni says:

    I love lavender! It just calms my spirit!

  29. Lynda says:

    Like so many others, it’s hard to choose just one! However, I would say for right now, cilantro is my favorite for cooking although basil is right up there with it. Ohhh, so hard to choose for non-cooking use, but that would probably have to be lavender. That is my go-to oil for my diffuser which is on all the time. I do use eucalyptus & peppermint a lot as well.

  30. Marcia Staley says:

    I enjoy using oregano-I use it in homemade pizza,spaghetti sauce and any other Italian dishes I make.

  31. Eveline says:

    I love lavender…has such a delicious calming fragrance. I grow it in my garden and use it in just about everything you can imagine. I even dry the flowers to make fun things, cards, etc. So delicate…

  32. Michaela White says:

    I love peppermint. Since my children were little, if they had tummy aches, I would make them peppermint tea and it never failed. I made sure and sent peppermint tea to college with them and to this day, you will find it in their pantries. 🙂

  33. Vicki says:

    Lavender is my favorite, love the scent, and many uses.

  34. Debra Thiry Points says:

    Welcome to Lacey Berg! Congratulations on following your bliss.
    My favorite herb is Lavender. I grow tubs of many varieties each summer. I love it for too many reasons to list all, but especially in baking, making my own linens spray and just running my hands through it to inhale it’s delicious perfume. It’s calming and it takes me away from cares of the world.


  35. Beckie Pritschet says:

    Mint is my favorite. I love feeling instantly energized by the scent!

  36. Suzanne Francke says:

    oregano and basil, they go with most things. I do love making mixes. I have a book on making herb and spice mixes.

  37. Paula Duchene says:

    My Favorite – sweet Basil. If th color Green had a flavor it would Basil. I watch th chickens eat fresh grass, cows munching on grass and I don’t think I like eating grass like they do but I envision eating grass as tasting like when I get a pinch from fresh in th garden and chew and keep in my mouth till it’s mush ! Lol. I even just rub my hands thru it in th garden and rub them thru my hair so I can smell it all day. Just one crazy Country Girl.

  38. Becky Williams says:

    I really have two; I love rosemary for its wonderful fragrance and I also love thyme for the same reason. They have a wonderfully ancient quality to them that I love. We have a terrific locally run nursery near my home that sells all sorts of thyme variations (pineapple thyme, anyone?) that are just wonderful. I live in a heavily wooded area so growing herbs is not really possible but I love walking among their plants anyway.

  39. Rosemary McBride says:

    I would have to say my favorite herb is Lavender because it is good for so many things.

  40. Penny sloan says:

    Lavender….just love its aroma!!

  41. Candy Zink says:

    Love the smell of basil in my garden, but I also favor rosemary.

  42. Denise Rising says:

    Basil. I love basil for its fresh scent, for how it pairs well with every other herb. I always have a plant growing near my back door so I can snip some easily!

  43. Rachel E says:

    All-time favorite is Chamomile … can’t leave home without it!!

  44. Joyce Hein says:

    My favourite is lavendar. I use it in cleaning, but also as a sleep aid and sometimes just to make our laundry smell nice 🙂

  45. Katharine Baumgart says:

    I never let my supply of lavender get low. Favorite use is for putting just a pinch into my Lady Earl Gray tea along with a lavender shortbread cookie. Really special treat for me when my new Mary Jane’s Farm magazine arrives to sit, shut out the world and enjoy a special moment in time.

  46. Paula Ann Leyva says:

    To pick one is so very hard to do!
    Ok I’ll say what my husband says, ” Dill!”
    Love that spice and zing!

  47. Shirley says:

    I love all of them, but lavender holds a special place in my heart. It helps calm me during rough times, soothing in a bath, the oil is great on burns of any kind & over all just makes me feel good! I am grateful for lavender. I also love the mints!

  48. Janice says:

    Lavender. Centers. Me

  49. Laura Yates says:

    My favorite herb is probably parsley. I use it in alot of recipes.

  50. Corine Runnion says:

    Love different mints, because of their fresh aroma. Also love lavender and wild roses.

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