GIVEAWAY: Bright Blooms Quilt

Now that we’re heading into fall, I’m pretty sure you’re like me and hanging onto every last bit of summer that you still can. For a chance to win one of my beautiful MaryJane’s Home “Bright Blooms” quilt, tell me about your favorite summer memory in the comments below. It’s 100% cotton, full/queen size, with two matching standard shams in varying shades of pink, red, and turquoise.




The tag on my quilt reads:

“Lively rows of traditional English flowers make my Bright Blooms Quilt the perfect garden for wandering dreams. Follow pieced print pathways among trailing embroidered vines and relish rich floral hues of rose and turquoise. Vintage French ticking stripes casually contrast the cotton quilt’s abundant blossoms, conjuring the sweet and simple memories of summers past.”

I’ll toss your name into a flower vase and draw a lucky winner on October 4.

  1. Ellen Evans says:

    Hello MaryJane, the quilt is so pretty!
    My favorite summer memory is all about Ice cream! During the summer I had a local family over to have a bbq…traditional dogs and burgers, slaw, Mac salad…. Suddenly my doorbell rang and as I was not expecting anyone…I was curious (and afraid the neighbors thought we were too loud!) so wasn’t I surprised when I opened the door and here stood a rather short lady who identified herself as Daisy! She was the sister of one of my guests and she – according to her ” was here to make some ice cream”.
    I stepped aside as I NEVER will stand in the way of homemade ice cream! She took over the kitchen and made Peach Ice cream. My life will forever be changed! This was the most amazing peach ice cream in the world! Ahhhhh, summer and ice cream!!!

  2. Nancy Couden says:

    Such beautiful colors. In winter it will be nice to see.

  3. Kathy Raney says:

    One of my fondest summer memories was when my Dad would pile me and my three brothers into the old Chevy station wagon and take us to the lake to swim. Dad would spend hours teaching each of us not only how to swim, but how to float, to ensure that we would be able to take care of ourselves should we ever find ourselves in danger in the water. We swam in one of two local lakes, and also in a local brook which eventually made its way to the river. The brook had a rope swing which hung from a huge tree and each of us would patiently await our turn to swing from the tree, landing in the deepest part of the freezing cold water of the running brook.
    We didn’t want for much back in those days, and life seemed so simple. We also couldnt afford much, but the time spent on those hot summer days swimming in the crystal clear lakes and brooks of our hometown with our Dad was priceless. It was all we needed.

  4. Rose Ann Wong says:

    I fondly remember those first days of summer vacation when I was a child going outside on early summer mornings on our farm and smelling the clean fresh morning air! Everything was dewy and fresh, and there was so much anticipation of what our day would bring! Even if it was picking rocks or weeding the garden, my siblings and I would have wonderful adventures together!

  5. Missy says:

    Best summer memory is recent. My son moved home after being on Kodiak Island for 6 yrs. Also my daughter moved home from Indiana after 6 yrs. Now all 4 of my children are close to home and my grandchildren are here to bring sunshine to my days. Its summer in my heart all yr long now.

  6. Sara says:

    My favorite summer memory is always a constant, summer after summer years with Dutch-oven cooking camp-outs, skeet-shooting practices, picking mountain berries, canning summer fruits and vegetables with family. One particular favorite memory stood out was when I helped my Daddy chopped and stacked up so much firewood all summer long, enough to last for ten years to warm us twice. Your lovely masterpiece quilt made me think of the fragrance from blooming lilacs wafting at summer nights back home, stirring up summer memories of restful sleep on the back porch after a hard day’s work.

  7. Carol Vagher says:

    Taking my kids to swimming lessons as toddlers all summer long♡♡♡

  8. Sheena Dorak says:

    My favorite summer memory was from my youth spending my days in a raft on a pond reading a book and catching bluegills like it was my job!

  9. cathy baker says:

    Being from the south I would have to say my favorite summer memory has to be swimming. The cool water is so refreshing.

  10. Molly Cole says:

    Every summer as a child I would spend time with my grandparents in the South. My grandma was a quilter and my grandpa always had a huge garden. They lived by a huge lake that we loved to swim in. We would have fresh sweet corn and watermelon …delicious! On rainy days my grandma would teach me how to cross stitch. I would watch her quilt on the big quilting frame in the spare bedroom. I never learned how to quilt but I always think of her when I see a beautiful quilt.

  11. Gina G. says:

    My favorite summer memory is of days when I was about 11 years old. I grew up on a cotton farm in the desert of New Mexico. I would head out on an adventure into the mesquite bushes where I had built a fort. I would spend hours in that fort with nothing but my imagination for company.

  12. Dara says:

    My favorite summer memory is of my father, mother, brother and I laying on a blanket in the back yard waiting for a meteor shower. My father ( who is a private pilot) was describing all the constellations. I can almost still smell the grass and the popcorn my Mom had made.

  13. Shannon H says:

    Wowsers! What a beautiful quilt!!!!

    My favorite summer memory would have to be right before I went into 5th grade… I was raised on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, where my father was postmaster. The National Convention that year was in San Francisco… so my parents decided to turn it into a vacation. The day we left, we first went to the beach in DE and dipped our toes into the Atlantic Ocean. We then spent the next month traveling to San Francisco and back. While in California, we dipped our toes into the Pacific Ocean as well 🙂 We literally traveled from oceanside to oceanside. My parents blessed us children with visiting all 48 continental states, seeing many of the wonders this nation offers.

  14. Susanne says:

    My favorite summer memory is sitting at the campsite we canoed into with my feet in the water watching the kids make sand castles and looking at the beautiful mountains in the background.

  15. Arlene Gallegos says:

    I have lovely memories of summer. Especially planting and planning and watching my gardens grow. Canning and freezing all my goodies. Finding new recipes that feature the veggies I have too many of and being creative. Sharing with friends and neighbors fresh and canned food. My husband cans with me, in fact he taught me to can. So, in the summer, we enjoy our retirement growing and canning together, I love it.

  16. Linda Gardner says:

    My favorite memory is planting with my grandchildren. Not only the garden but our flowers. Seeing there faces when things start to grow,and picking them to eat or decorate the house. Never a long enough season for us.

  17. Janis Uccellini Pascarella says:

    My favorite summer memory was hiking Mt Jo in the Adirondack Mountains with my husband to really soak in the wonderment of such magnificent mountains and the start of my daily meditation.

  18. Sandra says:

    Oh that wonderful summer, I was just a teenager and my Dad got a job weekends at Long Beach Island, N.J. It was just so much fun, the sun, the ocean making some summer friends.. I know it was really tough on my Mom packing us all for each weekend away. It was really my very first adventure and I think of it fondly whenever summer comes again.

  19. Honey says:

    Our family built a cabin (no running water, no electricity) on the Chetco river in Brookings, Oregon when I was around 6. We would drive to the cabin almost every weekend in the summer to fish in the river, in the ocean, and dig razor clams. When we would pull in and our noisy family of 7 would begin to unload the “grummy” (my dad’s name for our old suburban), a collie living across the river would begin his slow swim to our riverbank. We never knew his name, or his owners, but this furry friend greeted us upon each visit. We loved seeing him get closer and closer to shore, and knew his wet welcome would make this cabin truly feel like a home away from home.

  20. Cheryl O'Mara says:

    My favorite summer memories are walking through a field of very tall weeds and wild flowers. I also love going to my garden everyday to find a new flower or veggie. Mother Nature never fails to amaze me!

  21. TJ Mitchell says:

    One of favorite summertime memories takes me back to my childhood. Every Saturday my parents would load all of us in the car. They would always have a watermelon, huge knife, old towels, bucket, soap, and an old quilt. We would go to a local creek, Pumphouse creek, and drive to the edge of the water, letting the front tires go into the water. We would spend the afternoon washing the car, playing in the creek, eating watermelon, and visiting with others at the creek. We would talk and laugh as we sat on the old quilt. There were always others there to talk to and other children to play with. That was the way people socialized in the mid 60’s. One of my fondest memories!

  22. Wendy Wickersham says:

    My summers growing up and going to the mountains with my grandpa are my greatest memories. Checking the cows on the range lease in the car aptly named the brown bomber, riding in the car or truck with the dogs, and drinking out of creeks were amazing. He even let us care for the bottle babies which was so fun. City kids didn’t get to do that. I was happy I could!

  23. Nancy Gameson says:

    A wonder summer childhood memory I have is when I spent a month with my grandparents in Virgina when I was in the 5 th grade. I missed my mother terribly and so did my sister who was in the 3rd grade. Grandma and Grandpa kept us busy with so many activities. We had such good time taking swimming lessons and being rewarded with double dip ice cream cones. We went swimming everyday with our grandparents when Grandpa got home from work. We sure worked up an appetite for Granma’s home grown corn and veggies. Grandma made homemade ice cream with us, butter, and whipped cream. She would make it all from raw milk she got from a local farm. She would have cantaloupe parties in the evenings and invite the neighbors and we would eat her home grown cantaloupe and whipped cream. She taught us how to make homemade cheese cake. We would help in the garden and she would have us give the veggies a first cleaning off in the brook at the bottom of there backyard. We had such a wonderful summer with them.

  24. Our family vacations on Hess Lake, Michigan. 3 weeks of swimming, boating, and we were so carefree. Our special treat was reading the comic books our mother would buy just for our vacation. I would walk to the lake’s grocery store in the afternoon to buy the newspaper (this was in the 1960’s), what memories! Hearing the ducks quack, frogs, water lapping, motor boats, watching people fish – a truly happy time.

  25. Carol Brisco says:

    Summer as a teen was racing to our Hugh local lake, sneaking out in boats with a couple of our guy friends and of course working on our golden tan. Very care free season of life.

  26. Kathy Kupelian says:

    My favorite summer memory –
    I am new to organic vegetable gardening. We have a very short growing season where we live in Central Oregon. Our garden to my surprise was beautiful with tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, green beans and lettuce. The joy was being able to share with friends, family and neighbors the produce from our garden. We look forward to growing our garden next year.

  27. Pingback: Winner!!! Giveaway: Bright Blooms Quilt | Raising Jane Journal

  28. Carrie Sales says:

    My favorite summer memory this year was when we went to the beach in Niantic , CT, with our 3 daughters and their husbands,boyfriend and our 2 grandchildren. We were celebrating our oldest daughters 30th birthday ❤️It was the perfect sunny day on an uncrowded beach, with picnic lunch and blankets, sand castles and little toes testing the ocean waves, they went from fear to utter joy splashing in the waves and digging in the sand. Family time is so precious- so hard to get us all together.

  29. arlene wilder says:

    my summer memory was when my parents took us to see my grandmother on my mother’s side grandma klein. all my mother’s side of the family were farmers and she had all her handmade quilts, crochet, knitting, canning and fresh food. they had a country church just down the street with stained glass windows that were beautiful. then they had the old country pick-up and my brothers and sisters took off in it for a ride that did not go over well but it was fun it was all country roads no city in North Dakota no traffic. when my mother passed away i received one of her quilts that means alot to me. I had gotten sick on the trip and the quilt i received was the one my grandmother covered me with and it needs a little work but I love it to this day because of the memory of my mother and grandmother together.

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