GIVEAWAY: “My Gratitude Journal, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE copy of My Gratitude Journal: Gratitude Journal for Kids by Mirabell Publishing, tell me some one thing you’re grateful for this day, TODAY, in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

You’ll find out how one woman has turned her gratitude into a thriving business and a lifestyle in the Dec/Jan issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Catherine says:

    I am grateful this day for it is the day God made just for me!

  2. Amber Hersh says:

    I am greatful for my kids and the kids I work with. They remind me daily that it is okay to live in the moment sometimes. That there are times you do not have to take things so seriously and to just laugh about it. To let your imaginatiton tell a story for fun and not be bogged down with facts all the time. We have whole life to learn things so make time for the fun things in life.

  3. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    I am grateful for my Bible. It has the answer to every problem in life in it!!

  4. Krista says:

    I am grateful for my husband and all the hard work he does so that I can stay home and raise my son, rather than have someone else or a daycare raise him. This allows me to teach him what I want him to learn and I don’t miss out on a single moment or milestone. To me that is the most important thing and I will be forever grateful for this opportunity.

  5. Brenda White says:

    I am grateful to have Jesus Christ in my life and the opportunity to wake up every morning and make a difference in someone’s life with a gesture of kindness, goodwill a hug or even a smile.

  6. Joan H. says:

    I read your post yesterday and I had trouble coming up with the one thing I wanted to write about! I am fortunate to have so many things I could list. I am so thankful for my new life in Virginia in the third act of my life. It really is never too late for a happy ending but sometimes you just have to set the stage yourself!

  7. Becky Davies says:

    I’m grateful for my family, who give me love and support, everyday. So blessed.

  8. Melissa Herbelin says:

    I’m grateful for the beautiful fall day!

  9. Beverley Doolittle says:

    I am grateful for being healthy, happy and independent.

  10. Brianne Collins says:

    I am grateful for my husband and that I get to be home with my daughter. Being able to be there for her every day and watch her grow has been amazing. It’s definitely been hard financially but we make it work. I love being a mom, best job ever.

  11. Marjorie Klein says:

    I am grateful for my kind and loving husband and for our furry friends who share our lives.

  12. Darlene Philbrick says:

    I am so grateful for my niece. My sister adopted her from China. My husband and I were fortunate enough to be able to go and experience life in another country. We are so fortunate to live in the United States 🇺🇸She has been a blessing to our family.

  13. melissa soucy says:

    I grateful for my sister still being here to share my day with.

  14. Judith Henderson says:

    I am grateful for the honey bees busy on our basil plants. It has been years since we seen any in our garden.

  15. Diana Nelson says:

    I’m grateful I have a home, family & friends

  16. Corrine Kohli says:

    I’m thankful for my family.

  17. Lisa Rollins says:

    Today I am so grateful for the much needed rain. We have been in a drought all year, 17 inches below what is needed. It won’t be enough but we’ll take every drop. People are desperate for their wells. The flora and fauna are so thirsty too.

  18. Lisa Livingston says:

    We laid my father in law to rest last week . I am so grateful to have known him ,& to have been his daughter in law . He was the kindest, sweetest, most gentlest man I have ever known or will ever know . He battled Parkinson’s disease for over 20 years with such dignity right up till the end .

  19. Irene says:

    I’m grateful for my loving husband and three precious grandchildren. Two live close by and the other one lives in MN. Our daughter in law texts pictures of him weekly and also sends pictures. We are very grateful to have her in our family.

  20. Sara says:

    I am grateful for friends and family, good health, happiness, and love.

  21. Loni McDonald says:

    I am grateful for having the mother I had. She passed in January. There is not a day that passes that I am not grateful to her for something; teaching me to can, cook, sew, do crafts, etc… She was 95 and lived a very busy life, mostly helping others..

  22. Idamarie Settlemyer says:

    I am grateful that I have many friends to support me as I grieve my Husband’s
    passing. His love sustains me every day.

  23. Joy says:

    Today I am grateful for women that I can cry and laugh with

  24. Penny says:

    I am grateful for tossed away treasure I can repurpose

  25. Rhonda Brooks says:

    I am grateful for strong women role models!

  26. Donna says:

    I am grateful for my hands and the gift of making people feel good about themselves when I fix their hair.

  27. Patty Anne says:

    I am grateful for this life I live, blessed beyond measure, because of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

  28. Zona Hague says:

    I am so very grateful for our very young grandchildren!! Their grandpa + I can protect them, pray and care for them—we can love and cuddle them and reassure them we will keep them safe, when they are scared watching their divorced parents fight in front of them, resulting in repeat police visits. This journal would be a blessing for them, to write even the small things that are secure + beautiful in their small lives/world!!

  29. Joye Gulley says:

    I’m always grateful for my children and grandchildren; they are what make my life worth living.

  30. Brenda Lord says:

    I am thankful for God bringing a new daughter in law in our lives, and so thankful for our 6 year old grandson.

  31. Erica Malone says:

    I am grateful today and everyday for a loving and supportive husband and children. I tend to stress over things that don’t really matter, like having a perfect home (especially for Holiday gatherings, so your December magazine issue was extremely helpful to me. Thank you!) but they always seem to calm me down and remind me of the important things, like snuggling up on our old sofa to watch Christmas movies before Thanksgiving (even though my husband believes that that should not happen until after Thanksgiving). He is always the one who notices me stressing and suggests a good Christmas movie and hot apple cider.

  32. Linda Stark says:

    Today I am grateful for the sunshine and the chance for a new beginning with my husband of 40 years.

  33. Sandi says:

    Today, I am grateful to be healthy and full of joy. I was told I may have colon cancer by my doctor and needed a colonoscopy. I had it yesterday. I was told there were no polyps, no sign of cancer and there were no indications of anything wrong. I am so thankful that God is so generous and forgiving of our sins. He has blessed me in many ways. Very grateful for another day to share with family and friends.

  34. Anne Tea Lane says:

    I am grateful to be retired, to have no debt so that my modest needs and a few spontaneous outings, whenever I want, are taken care of by Social Security, and that I don’t have to draw down my retirement funds, to enjoy making altered books in which to record my daily “gratitudes” and that, despite emphysema, I can still travel.

  35. suaan sims says:

    I am grateful for my parents, 92 and 93 years old and still living in the same farmhouse for 67 years. Mom planted sweet potatoes this year and tomatoes and green beans in her hotbed.



  37. Cindy Scott says:

    My wonderful daughter as she works to heal thyroid cancer.

  38. Cassie Graham says:

    I am grateful for my 9 month old son! He brightens up not only my day, but everyone in the community. Love his smile so much!

  39. shele says:

    I am grateful for my six grandchildren!

  40. shele says:

    I am grateful for 37 wonderful years of marriage!

  41. Jodie says:

    I’m grateful that the sun rises every day (sometimes hidden by the gray clouds here in Portland, but you get my point.) A new day. A new purpose. A chance to be better than the day before.

  42. Alicia Winkler says:

    I am grateful for time with my family. Time is so fleeting and it is easy to get caught up in the “tomorrow”, but focusing on the NOW is where I need to be…

  43. Brianna says:

    I’m thankful that I can stay at home with my kids. It’s hard work, milking the cow, feeding the chickens, making food from scratch. but its so worth it!

  44. mona r. arevalos says:

    though I am sad because he’s no longer with us, I am grateful that God gave me my son for 43 years. i think about him every day and miss him so much. thank you, God, for my son.

  45. Mary Allen says:

    I’m grateful for the years I shared with my husband

  46. Wendie says:

    I am thankful for good food, good advice about food, and our good health. Thanks for all you do- keep up the good work!

  47. Carol Johnson says:

    I am thankful that several years ago I began a gratitude journal to earn a merit badge. Beginning each day by listing at least three things I’m thankful for is the one habit I’ve maintained consistently all these years. What a difference this practice has made in my outlook!

  48. Jennifer says:

    I’m grateful I have been able to provide a healthy stable life for my sons.

  49. Donna C. Stephens says:

    I’m grateful for the beautiful ocean and its sound!

  50. Tiffany says:

    Continually grateful for a new morning with a new chance to grow closer to the Lord

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