GIVEAWAY: “My Gratitude Journal, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE copy of My Gratitude Journal: Gratitude Journal for Kids by Mirabell Publishing, tell me some one thing you’re grateful for this day, TODAY, in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

You’ll find out how one woman has turned her gratitude into a thriving business and a lifestyle in the Dec/Jan issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Missy Whaley says:

    I am grateful for running water.

  2. Andrea Davis says:

    I am thankful for my career as an art therapist so I can help teens embrace creativity and find reasons for living after suicide attempts.

  3. Elizabeth Lazor says:

    I am grateful for the power of this moment!

  4. Linda Stark says:

    Today I’m grateful for my family understanding how important it is for me to help the elderly and disabled get the best for them when they cannot do it for themselves. I feel blessed to do it.

  5. Vicki Townsley says:

    I’m very grateful for the child who came into my arms and into my heart and the daughter in law and grandchildren who loved. I am also grateful for the two nieces and the great niece and nephew and the newbie in the family.

  6. Christine McLean says:

    I’m grateful for a great family and friends. Good health.

  7. Deb Kula says:

    I am grateful for this day as I am healthy, have a beautiful family and I helped someone to make it through the day as she was date raped at Prom last April and she had to relive the evening in court as her abusers were sentenced. This broke my heart, she was so scared and to relive that was heartbreaking.

  8. Tomi Mathew says:

    I am grateful for another wonderful day to serve the Lord.

  9. Nina Olson says:

    Today I am grateful that I was able to ride my ‘opinionated’ Fjord mare. We had a break through i our relationship together!

  10. Janie Johnson says:

    I am grateful for my family and the love surrounding us.

  11. Jill Breaux says:

    I am grateful that I have 24 hrs to serve.

  12. julia hayes says:

    I am grateful, very simply, to be alive.

  13. Heike says:

    I am grateful every day for my family. Every morning I wake up and remind myself how grateful I am for them. I call my mom every day, and make sure I tell my kids & husband how much I love them before I drop them off :).

  14. Kris says:

    I am grateful for every minute, hour and day that God has given me after a fight and survival from breast cancer. He continues to humble me always.

  15. Susanna Eslin says:

    Last year was my last Thanksgiving with my precious husband before God called him home. I will always be so thankful for him and the years we had together. As I prepare for this Thanksgiving, I am thankful that my husband is still with me… my heart and mind as I look back on the wonderful memories I have of him, and as I look ahead, as I have assurance that one day, we will be reunited in heaven.

  16. Angela says:

    I am grateful this day for having a job where I can take the week off to enjoy this wonderful week of Thanksgiving.

  17. Shanna Choate says:

    That I got to spend all day with my hubby and kids even though the day didn’t go well. We made it home alive and with a new STINKY goat! LoL

  18. Suzanne Plantowksy says:

    I am thankful for fall. For wet sidewalks plastered with colorful leaves. The smell of fireplaces.

  19. Eveline says:

    I am grateful for the air I breath, the sun and the stars, and for family and friends whom I love unconditionally.

  20. Jennifer Locklear says:

    I am grateful for this family air almost didn’t have & my husband whom I’ve almost lost multi times.

  21. Suzie Reichert says:

    I am grateful for the love of my family.

  22. Melissa Cameron says:

    I am grateful for my family and friends. To know love. For our farm. For my salvation.

  23. Debbie says:

    I am grateful for my mother and her pumpkin pie recipe.

  24. Teri Webberley says:

    I am so very grateful for a life filled with love and joy and a bright future ahead with an amazing man who loves and cares for me so much.

  25. Mary says:

    I am grateful to have both my sons at the Thanksgiving table again this year. They both have real neat women in their lives – one is a wife, the other – a girlfriend. I even have a ready made grandson! God is Great!

  26. Lorraine Sobolewski Bailey says:

    Oh I would love one of these!

  27. Lorraine Sobolewski Bailey says:

    I am grateful for all my family, my health, jobs and of course my animals.

  28. Beckie says:

    I’m thankful for the three kids my husband and I thought we’d never be able to have. God is so good!

  29. Kathy Bacon says:

    I am Thankful to have met my Grandson for the first time in 23 years.

  30. Kathy Bacon says:

    I am Grateful to have been able to meet my Grandson after 23 years.

  31. ida settlemyer says:

    I am grateful for a new life in my house,Angus the Scottie puppy. My husband went to Heaven last month, Angus is keeping me grateful.

  32. Connie Mac says:

    I’m grateful that the granddaughter I’m raising is happy, healthy, beautiful and smart. We beat the odds!

  33. Stephanie Woods says:

    Im grateful for my 4 kids and wonderful husband. And the rest of my family

  34. Maria Martens says:

    Everyday is thanksgiving for us. I learned at an early age that life is short and to treasure every moment. I’ve buried three of my four brothers and then in 2005 we buried our son who was killed in Iraq. Nathan left a beautiful little 10 month old baby girl behind and she is now 12 and so beautiful and very much like her daddy. As bittersweet as this experience has been I am so very grateful that we have this little blessing of a girl we call Riley Jo. God is good!

  35. Corine Runnion says:

    Greatful for health, and my children and especially my grand children.

  36. Jane says:

    I am grateful for the veteran’s who have served for us and our country – and the many service men and women that are serving today.

  37. Tara says:

    I am grateful for a roof over my head, a warm bed and my precious girls.

  38. Lori Morton says:

    Today I am soooo Grateful for Family , Friends, and being cancer free..again…for almost 2 yr mark!! PRAISES!!! 🙂 Also Grateful for chance to live each day Enjoying the Moments, and making Heart Memories daily!

    Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way!! 😀

  39. Dena Jardin says:

    Unquestioning love from Abba and my family.

  40. Tina Guthrie says:

    Grateful for beginning my new life after 3 1/2 years of widowhood.:

  41. Jeanne Card says:

    I am very grateful for my family. I have five wonderful sons who care about others and they serve others whenever they can. My five Eagles got me involved with youth in Scouting. So I have served for 30 years helping boys love family, our nation and God.

  42. Gayle says:

    I’m grateful for my family.

  43. Julianne says:

    TODAY, I am grateful for my beautiful family!

  44. Mary F Crump says:

    I am Grateful for my Family and most of all I am Grateful for my Lord God,

  45. Sandy says:

    I am greatful for a loving husband who helps me deal with many food allergies as well as the fibromyalgia I have had for ten years. I cannot imagine how I would be able to deal without his help! Thank you God for my caring loving husband!

  46. Amber Stately says:

    My strength as a single mom raising 4 kids.

  47. Michelle says:

    I am grateful that His mercies are new every morning. Great is His Faithfulness.

  48. Tina C says:

    I’m grateful for my family!

  49. Dawn Corrie says:

    Great full for my family, today and every day

  50. Tricia says:

    I am grateful in the knowing that all is well in the universe because we have a perfect God overseeing everything!

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