GIVEAWAY: “My Gratitude Journal, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE copy of My Gratitude Journal: Gratitude Journal for Kids by Mirabell Publishing, tell me some one thing you’re grateful for this day, TODAY, in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

You’ll find out how one woman has turned her gratitude into a thriving business and a lifestyle in the Dec/Jan issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. BJ Mickel-Close says:

    I am grateful for my loving husband. He can drive me crazy at times, LOL, but he’s very thoughtful and kind. Second times a charm! We’ve been married for 19 years, last July. I am also grateful for my children and grandchildren, beautiful and healthy!

  2. Amanda Y. says:

    I am grateful for a warm home, a place where I can nurture and love my family.

  3. Danielle Lobaugh Newman says:

    I am so grateful for memories of my incredible Grandmother who would have celebrated her birthday today. I was blessed to call her mine!

  4. Karine Garcia says:

    I’m grateful for every breath of life I receive.over 20 years ago I was given devastating news if my health & if I was lucky I might not need a liver transport for another 4 or 5 years. Here we are, 23 years later & the same old liver is still doing its job. Once you are faced with the truth of your own morality, it’s so much easier to release the minutia and savor what you do have. I find that I’m missing nothing. Every day, every moment is a gift to be celebrated!

  5. Summer says:

    I am grateful for my family including all of our animals!

  6. Syama says:

    I am grateful for it all. Each and every bit. The wonderful, joyful, and inspiring. The mundane , simple, and sweet. The trying, excruciating ,and rough. The all. I am so grateful for this life and these experiences.

  7. Sylvia Ekdahl says:

    I am grateful that next week my grandkids will be back in the USA!

  8. Melissa Rowles says:

    A warm home and my beagle girls to go home to and snuggle with!

  9. Lu Ann Foster says:

    I am grateful each day that my family is healthy, and this year we all get to be together for Christmas.

  10. Dana says:

    I am grateful for my wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ and that my (many) sins are forgiven. I am also grateful for my kind, caring husband and our great children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I am so blessed!

  11. Tina Smith says:

    I am grateful for my boys and my youngest Jakob who is 14 and autistic. He brings joy in my life with his smile and the twinkle in his eyes when I try to joke with him. He is simply amazing. No matter how bad of a day I have. It always is better after I talk with Jakob.

  12. Karen Purkey says:

    I am grateful for my wonderful grandchildren, 3 grandsons and one granddaughter. I always feel like a kid when I am with them. Their laughter and silliness echoes in my heart long after they have left me. What joy they bring into my life.

  13. Lorraine Hall says:

    Today I am grateful for my family and that I know a loving God who is always there no matter what happens.

  14. Marlene Laverty says:

    For this day, I m grateful that my daughter came over to my house for a two day visit.

  15. RaeAnn Nolander says:

    I’m grateful for my husband. He supports me through all of life’s ups and downs and is an amazing father to our two children.

  16. Tamera Marti says:

    I am so thankful for my children and grandchildren. They give me meaning to my life and I have so much to share with them.

  17. I’m glad for the wonderful life, the people in it and new ones to meet, that my wonderful Lord and Saviour has given me.

  18. M. Childers says:

    I’m grateful for my fur babies and the energy needed today to take my sweet dog on a much needed walk after a very long day.

  19. Sue Parrino says:

    So grateful for being with family this Thanksgiving

    Our health
    Our 4 children
    The many many blessings God has given us over the years

  20. Tammy Bradshaw says:

    Today I am grateful for grand daughters who remind me of the promises of tomorrow.

  21. Jackie Klossner says:

    I am grateful for our daughter who helped with Thanksgiving cooking, cleaning and even made new kitchen drapes today. She has always been such a blessing to me!

  22. Jean Pennington says:

    Each day I am thankful for my family and friends. They mean the world to me. I am blessed indeed!

  23. Heidi Mckinley says:

    I am grateful for my job, a roof over my head, food in the pantry, my wonderful family and the love and peace the Lord gives me.

  24. Raenell Cannady says:

    I am grateful my feet hit the floor this morning…….and I had yet another beautiful day
    ahead of me. God is good!

  25. Vanessa Clark says:

    I am grateful for my animals, my home, my family and friends.

  26. Conchita says:

    I am grateful for life.

  27. I have 3 great sons, all married who love their families, are responsible, honest and hard working. They are devoted to their wives and children. This is very heart-warming to me because I raised them, pretty much alone. Their father was a violent alcoholic who was very abusive. When confronted by authorities about this, he committed suicide. The fact that none of this behavior was passed on to my boys, makes me humbly thank God every day.

  28. Robin Hoffman says:

    I am thankful for my grandchildren and the time I have been given to help their parents teach them about gratitude. Just this week, I was also given the opportunity to volunteer at the homeless coalition here in my town and we shared with the homeless children about Gratitude. Feeling Blessed and Thankful!

  29. I am grateful for Mary Jane!

  30. Stacey says:

    I am grateful for the forgiveness that comes from God and that his love is unconditional. I am also grateful for my loving family and the moment of quiet in the early morning.

  31. Melody Foutty says:

    I am thankful for my Lord and Savior who bought me with his redeeming blood. He’s given me a wonderful family and life here on earth and has prepared a heavenly home for us all!

  32. Sandy Hall says:

    My wonderful family

  33. Shirley Chandler says:

    I am grateful for the beautiful (adult) daughter we adopted and her family. They have completed our life.
    This book is a wonderful way to get children into the habit of journaling. We already do this verbally at the dinner table.

  34. Jessica Clemens says:

    I am grateful for my family. They are my support system and fill my life with blessings everyday.


    I am grateful for Today & all the gifts of the Divine, from shelter, food, clothing to all the love that surrounds me everyday.

  36. wilma orndorff says:

    I am grateful for the life I have lived and the people in it who mean the world to me. Without them, my life would not be the same and I thank them.

  37. Linda Olson says:

    I am especially grateful for the gift of love bestowed on me through my family.

  38. Dana Moore says:

    I’m grateful that my family doesn’t want for anything. We are so blessed by eachother and we everything we need.

  39. Bev read says:

    I am grateful, that I can get up every morning and smile thru my pain!!!! The world is a BEAUTIFUL place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Rosalie says:

    Friends, Family, Faith, Freedom

  41. Valerie says:

    Just waking up , an am so….grateful to read all these wonderful an uplifting words of gratefulness. There is sunshine in this world, an your magazine is my favorite. God bless each of you

  42. I’m grateful for my baby girl!

  43. Brenda Sanders says:

    I am grateful for my Saviour who forgives, and who holds me to my responsibility to forgive.

  44. Jena says:

    I am grateful for the opportunities of this day.

  45. Anna Jane Hudock says:

    I have the great joy of raising a delightful young girl as my adopted daughter. I am truly blessed.

  46. Chris Cherry says:

    I am grateful for a stranger who took the time to say a few words of support to me when I was afraid of losing faith.

  47. Karen Kelley says:

    I’m thankful for Mary Jane’s Farm magazine! It reminds me that the simple life is alive and well throughout our country. It reminds me that there are strong women everywhere that are making a difference.

  48. Carol Lowe says:

    I’m thankful for everything that god has given to me…He has helped me so much through all the surgeries that I have had…..He is always there for me

  49. Cheryl Freitas says:

    I am grateful for my loving grandchildren, they ate all special to me.

  50. Michelle O says:

    I am grateful for God putting the exact people in our path at HIS exact time. Unreal! ♡ Love Your Creativity Ms. Mary Jane!

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