GIVEAWAY: “My Gratitude Journal, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE copy of My Gratitude Journal: Gratitude Journal for Kids by Mirabell Publishing, tell me some one thing you’re grateful for this day, TODAY, in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

You’ll find out how one woman has turned her gratitude into a thriving business and a lifestyle in the Dec/Jan issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Karen Williams says:

    I’m grateful for my three sisters who share, willingly, with the care needed for our 84 year old mom who is in late stages Alzheimer’s. Mom needs 24/7 care and we are determined to allow her to live out her life in her own home. The 4 of us rotate, dividing the time as evenly as possible. Without the love we all have for our mom and each other we couldn’t keep her home.

  2. Linda King says:

    I am grateful that my mother is recuperating from a bad fall and will host her family of 42 for Thanksgiving. She is my mother, best friend, and I appreciate the opportunities I have been given to help her since her accident in August. God has been so good.

  3. Mary Jo Clancy says:

    I’m grateful for the trees in my backyard which graciously shared their leaves with my granddaughters and I to frolic in!

  4. Sylvia Butler says:

    I am thankful that my 4 year old who has been sick is feeling a little better

  5. Staci McLarnon says:

    I am grateful for the roof over my head and a supportive family.

  6. Marie says:

    I am grateful I have a heavenly Father that loves me unconditionally.

  7. Susan Moore says:

    I am thankful that Jesus died on the cross for my sins! Dec copy of Mary Janes magazine is the Bomb-Diggity! I luv it! Thanks for a great magazine!

  8. Alice Ranker says:

    I am thankful for my family. Especially my husband, he is my biggest fan and a strong support! I have beautiful children and grandchildren! And, I am blessed to have some special friends in my life.

  9. Dee Carter says:

    I am so grateful that I have 4 wonderful grandchildren that give me unconditional love. That our daughters steer them in the right direction and give them encouragement to succeed.
    I’m also grateful for their Grandpa who loves me even when I am upset with him! Love my family!

  10. I am grateful the good lord sees fit to allow me to get up each morning and do all the things I can to make my little piece of the world better.

  11. Cassandra Brungardt says:

    I am grateful for my family, especially my 10 children!

  12. Dara Shelton says:

    I am grateful for my family and all the love we share. God has given me so much in my life, I can’t possibly list all. I am so grateful to be living in my family’s old farmhouse and to be following in my patient’s footsteps.

  13. Cay McShurley says:

    I’m grateful for the gift of today.

  14. Sonya Lenzi says:

    My wee niece and two amazing nephews that give me tons of hugs. It’s those hugs and the whispers of I love you that make my heart sing!

  15. Rosemary Berry says:

    I’m grateful that I have a loving helpful husband who is going to take the kids to school today because I’m sick. God is good!

  16. Susan Martsolf says:

    I am grateful for the opportunity to be a better person today than I was yesterday.

  17. Vikki says:

    My healthy happy family

  18. Kristy Walters says:

    I am grateful that my family has mended & we are all together this thanksgiving for the first time in 10yrs & for a new grandson.

  19. Audrey Winters says:

    Grateful for my husband

  20. Jayme Ferry says:

    so grateful for my Bible study friends and all the support and love I get from them. They also have a heart for our community and a helpful spirit for others, reaching out to those who have needs.

  21. Suzanna Haltern says:

    Today I am grateful for mornings when I can see the sun rise.

  22. Lydia Granda says:

    I’m grateful for my sons and grandchildren and especially for the man I married who is my everything.

  23. Holly Dunning says:

    I’m Grateful God is our creator ! And He is the keeper of all He Has created ! And His love for His people is unending

  24. Kathleen Fleming says:

    I am always grateful that I am blessed with healthy, happy children and grandchildren.

  25. Karilyn Floyd says:

    I am great full that Jesus died for my sins and God blesses me every day!

  26. Ruthann says:

    I’m grateful for God’s mercy and grace! Our special needs 3 year old child came down with a terrible bout of a virus and being immune compromised, she ended up in the hospital – on my birthday of all days. She refused to eat or drink and this lasted for several days. She finally started drinking something and is able to come home today…not only before thanksgiving, but also before doctors had to start discussing other options of force feeding her!! His grace sustained us.

  27. Marcella Williams says:

    I am grateful for all the experiences good and not so good in my life. I find that staying positive and kind has made my life rewarding and forgivness has given me inner peace.

  28. Joyce Winget says:

    I am grateful for my 4 children and my Grandchildren. My oldest daughter lost her first baby girl full term. God blessed us with 6 more Grandaughters and 1 Grandson. Each one is so special. They remind me to enjoy all the little moments.

  29. Elaine Cubbins says:

    I’m grateful my 90-year old father is still alive. My mother passed 2 1/2 years ago and every day, I miss her. She taught me so much about how to be a good person in life, and I am grateful for her lessons. My dad is teaching me how to live with grace and joy for life, even as someone with increasing physical limitations. He draws on his spirituality and shares this with me. I am learning.

  30. Betty says:

    I grateful for the family and friends that have supported our goat’s milk soap and lotion mother daughter business.

  31. Donna says:

    I am Grateful for all that came before me and made me whom I am.

  32. ann g says:

    I am thankful to the Lord simply for the privilege of “being”. I am; I still live; I still love and am loved; and I am thankful.

  33. Susan says:

    I am grateful for all the obvious things and then I remember I must be thankful for all the things that are the beautiful constants in my life. Nothing is forever. Nothing should be taken for granted. Thank you God for all the things that are and have been constant in my life.

  34. Chris Davis says:

    I’m grateful there was enough money in our bank to survive being triple drafted incorrectly the day before Thanksgiving. If it had happened any other time we would have been sunk.

  35. Karen Murray Cooper says:

    I am grateful to be able to travel from Oklahoma to spend time with my daughter and son-in-law and my new granddaughter in California. Life is precious and everyday is an opportunity to show your family and friends that you love and care for them.

  36. Linda Walker says:

    I am grateful for the freezer full of beef we just stocked. Our farm-raised cow will feed our family well.

  37. Love the magazine, look forward to getting to read it

  38. Love your magazine. I get so many ideas.

  39. Kathy Martinson says:

    I’m grateful the good Lord allowed myself and my husband, children, grands and great grands to wake up again today !!

  40. Marcia Staley says:

    I am grateful for my kids,a warm place to live,enough food to eat,and my great husband-without him and God-none of this would be possible.

  41. Pearl Maxner says:

    I am thankful for the gift of LIFE!

  42. Janelle Ward says:

    I am grateful for my family, friends, and pets that make every day worth living and the life that God has blessed me with to have such wonderful beings in my life!

  43. Margaret Hunt-Wilson says:

    I’m grateful for my little neighbor Sawyer. At 14 months, he keeps me in the moment.

  44. Laurie says:

    I am grateful today that my son is able to get around on his own and progressing in therapy after an in-utero stroke.

  45. DWann says:

    I’m grateful I can spend one more Thanksgiving with my aging parents, both of whom are dealing with major health issues. I worry this one will be the last, but all of my family will be here to celebrate and give thanks together, which I am very thankful for.

  46. Lisa Harness says:

    Time to be with my parents. Just love!

  47. Peggy Terrell says:

    I’m grateful for 27 years with my amazing son before he passed away with ALS on the 5th of this month.

  48. Betty Roberts says:

    I am grateful for life and all the blessing God has bestoyed on everyone. Thankful for surviving my tour of active duty in Dessert Storm and to make it back home to my family and grandchildren.

  49. Amy Stingle says:

    I am grateful for having 60 years with my Mom. She recently passed away 2 months shy of her 93rd birthday. I miss her hugely, but know she is in Jesus’ loving arms.

  50. Kathy Blue says:

    I am thankful for a healthy family

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