GIVEAWAY: “My Gratitude Journal, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE copy of My Gratitude Journal: Gratitude Journal for Kids by Mirabell Publishing, tell me some one thing you’re grateful for this day, TODAY, in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

You’ll find out how one woman has turned her gratitude into a thriving business and a lifestyle in the Dec/Jan issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Betty Roberts says:

    23 Nov 16

    I am grateful for all the blessing God has given us. Am grateful for surviving active duty in Dessert Storm and making it home to my family and grandchildren.

  2. Claudia Hancock says:

    I am so Thankful for our children and grand children and some time in the future our great grand children. Every day is a blessing.

  3. Karen Sanford says:

    I am grateful for being able to take early retirement in the upcoming year, and look forward to being more creative with my spare time!

  4. Carolyn Oren says:

    As a woman, I am grateful to live in a country where I can speak freely about issues and our voices in multitudes can be heard to help promote change for the lives off all woman.

  5. Barb Innes says:

    Every morning..I wake up I am grateful for being alive, well and blessed with my family still alive.I am a 10 year breast cancer survivor. We lost our son, age 16, of Ewings Sacoma in 2004. My other son just had our first grandbaby at 30 weeks on 9-5-16 and may be coming home within a week.
    Life is good!!!

  6. Maggie Bringa says:

    I am grateful for my mother giving me strength courage n foregiveness

  7. Nia says:

    I am thankful for my children they are a blessing!

  8. Cindy Ericksen says:

    I am grateful for family, friends and granddaughters who love nature❤️
    Warmest regards, Cindy

  9. Jaylyn Morehouse says:

    I’m grateful that our son’s doctor appointment went well this morning, that we’re having family fly in this afternoon to spend the holiday weekend with us, and that Starbucks snowman cookies are back! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  10. Paula Ann Leyva says:

    I’m so very grateful for my dear Husband, Rich & my sweet family, not so much all the extra PETS! More Love , Peace & Joy!

  11. Edie says:

    I am thankful for my husband and children and so much more.

  12. Brenda Brewer says:

    I am grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. He will be with me through the difficult time of being separated during this holiday season. I will be surrounded by my family and friends but will be spending this time away from my husband while we work through things. I am grateful that Jesus gives us strength to continue on with our day as we celebrate being thankful for the country we live in, the food we have to enjoy (gluten-free and all) and the family and friends that help us through life.

  13. Sandy Thomas says:

    I am grateful for Team River Runner (TRR). TRR is a non-profit organization that focuses on the health and healing of disabled veterans through paddle sports. They’ve changed my life.

  14. Elizabeth Smith says:

    I am thankful for God’s many blessings in my life…..a wonderful husband, 2 great sons, 2 loving daughter-in-laws and 7 precious grandchildren.

  15. Kim says:

    I’m grateful to be in the house where it’s warm and dry, cooking up some pumpkin pie.

  16. Mary says:

    Grateful and thankful for God’s gift of good health. So many have issues that keep them from living a full and satisfying life. May I grab everyday with both hands. Letting go of yesterday and letting tomorrow come. Enjoying every moment of life as If it were my only and last 💕

  17. I am grateful that I will get to go and have tea with a friend today.

  18. Colleen Van Zee says:

    I’m grateful for my 97 year old mother, her strength and goodness.

  19. Patti Hurlburt says:

    I’m grateful for my six beautiful and talented grandchildren and their parents. God has blessed me indeed.

  20. Janis says:

    I’m thankful for feeling fabulous today, as it has been a hard year of pain. And for an extended autumn, as it is my favorite season. God is good!!

  21. Mary Jane Russell says:

    God Blessed me this year with two beautiful grandchildren. Sawyer and Morgan, just two months apart. They are such a joy in my life and am truly grateful

  22. vivian Sutphin says:

    I am grateful for our God given beautiful Planet Earth & all it has to offer each of us. It makes me sad to see & hear about the abuse us mortals inflict upon it. This is the day that the Lord hath made–let us rejoice & be glad in it!!!

  23. Joyce Johnson says:

    I am very thankful for my 4 children and 8 grandchildren!

  24. Patti Hough says:

    Having two children with behavioral issues created many chaotic, tearful days.
    However, I know and am grateful that God placed them in our family through adoption. I am grateful for the strength He gives for each new day with them. They are gifts from Him, even on the most difficult days..

  25. Michele says:

    I am grateful that I live in the U.S.A , the best country in the world! 🇺🇸

  26. SO says:

    Mountains of Laundry. Even though my washer is out of commission, I’m thankful to be folding these six+ loads this morning. We have plenty of clothes to get us by and access to laundry services, but I really appreciate my own washer and am looking forward to it’s safe return. 🙂

  27. Liesl Falcon says:

    I am grateful for my children and my husband and all my other family members.

  28. Kelli says:

    I am so thankful for my husband, (of almost 30 years), my 5 children and my 12 grand-babies. Life couldn’t get any better. God has truly blessed me.

  29. Susan M. says:

    I’m grateful for my family and for the new man in my life. He has brought me joy, peace, and security.

  30. Linda Murray says:

    I am grateful for the miracles all around me as the earth moves into winter. I am grateful for my family, knowing everyone’s basic needs are being met and we are all safe and healthy. I am also grateful for the spiritual path I chose four years ago.

  31. Carol Carpenter says:

    I am grateful for Health…which enables me to live the good-Country Life!

  32. Robin Doody says:

    I’m thankful today to see my 84 year old mom baking with my 9 year old granddaughter and watching them laugh. What special moment in my life.

  33. Judy W. Ford says:

    I am grateful for my freedom to worship a powerful God and give Him all the praise for my health, family, friends, & farm!

  34. Rebecca Barbarino says:

    I am grateful for my 2 kind & strong sons who are respectful to women. They make me realize what gentleman means, They are like their late grandfather, a gentleman to ladies all his life.

  35. Linda Williams says:

    I am thankful for family and the fun we can have just doing simple things together.

  36. Kristi says:

    I’m grateful that I get to work from home.

  37. pamela may says:

    i am thankful for the blooms on my pumpkins in my winter garden-

  38. Brenda Lord says:

    Grateful for being with family on Thanksgiving Day, especially with grandson there.

  39. Carol says:

    Finally getting to meet the mother of one of my dearest friends!

  40. Terry says:

    I am grateful for a roof over my head, food in my tummy, a good job, family and friends.

  41. Sheryl Knudsen says:

    I’m very thankful for my loving husband. He supports me in all my hobbies and ideas.

  42. Kyla Lefsrud says:

    I’m grateful for living in the country and the calm that it brings to me. Had an appointment in the ‘big’ city and it’s just so hectic.

  43. Shari says:

    I am grateful for my family and Jesus!

  44. Jana Blackwood says:

    I have so many things to be thankful for, so naming just one is very difficult. I am grateful for every new day that I’ve been given to try to make the world a better place.

  45. Rebecca says:

    I wake up so thankful for each morning! Every morning I look for something that no one else has seen. The beautiful spider web with dew on it or drips made by the rain on my window racing each other to the bottom. Truely Gods gift. I’m so grateful!

  46. Rebecca Meldrum says:

    Every day I wake up thankful for the day. I always look for a special gift that God has given me, like dew on a spider web or a beautiful race of rain drops on my window. Every morning I am so grateful for these beautiful gifts!

  47. Cindy Foote says:

    I’m thankful for my son who has grown to be a caring, loving,son,father and husband.

  48. Julie Grow says:

    I am thankful for my salvation and the wonderful family God blessed me with

  49. Linda Scott says:

    I am so thankful for my husband, my family, my church family, friends and God’s loving grace. I am also thankful for health and all we have.

  50. Michelle says:

    I am grateful for all my many blessings; but today, I am especially grateful for music, and good friends to share it with.

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