GIVEAWAY: “My Gratitude Journal, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE copy of My Gratitude Journal: Gratitude Journal for Kids by Mirabell Publishing, tell me some one thing you’re grateful for this day, TODAY, in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

You’ll find out how one woman has turned her gratitude into a thriving business and a lifestyle in the Dec/Jan issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. I am Grateful that God is number ONE in my life and in our marriage! I am Grateful for my husband Harris Murphy and I are walking closer with God. What a gift that God has blessed us with being stewards over Song Spring Lake where we are starting a Four Corners School in the Woods. I am grateful for Attitude of Gratitude Fabric Art, it is supporting our school. Amen!

  2. Sharon Baldwin says:

    I am grateful for my health and my home.

  3. Marsha Marshall says:

    I am thankful for a loving and generous God who can see past my flaws, failing and weaknesses.

  4. Arlyne giles says:

    I’m grateful for my family.

  5. Nancy Nickerson says:

    I am grateful for my Family and friends and good health!

  6. Jennifer says:

    I am thankful that I have the sense to be thankful.

  7. Josie Davis says:

    I am so grateful for a happy life filled with family and friends!

  8. Laura Gaskill says:

    I am grateful for my family…my health…and having a roof over my head.

  9. kimberly says:

    So very grateful for my grandchildren, my family, my job and my health to be able to enjoy this wonderful life that I have been blessed with.

  10. I’m grateful for relationships healed, babies born healthy, a good man who is my husband and friend, loving, caring friends I’ve had since childhood and every little thing (and it always seems to be the little things) that remind me how precious and fragile family is and reminds me that family makes life worth living. New days, new ways pass away. Love stays.

  11. Cynthia Smith says:

    Today I’m grateful and blessed to have my 2 children. It’s a grey dreary cold Nov day and I have to work a night shift tonight at a job that at many times tries me past my limits. The first thing my kids do when they get off the bus is come into my room for hugs and give me the words of encouragement that I give them every morning as they head off for school. Some times it’s the little things that can change your day!

  12. Margaret Wood says:

    Love you magazine

  13. Margaret Wood says:

    Still heathy Loving Life

  14. LaVonne Marty says:

    I am thankful for family and friends.

  15. Carol Solberg says:

    I am grateful for the time I spend with my family. They are all precious to me. The Lord has provided for me many things to be grateful for.

  16. Sandra says:

    I am grateful to have my daughter visit from out of state. It’s been a year since I’ve seen her. We are both curled up on the couch at this moment watching PBS.

  17. Amanda Royster says:

    The one thing I’m grateful for this one day, and everyday is my healthy family. My four children, husband and parents.

  18. Jana Blackwood says:

    I try to be thankful for everything that I have and all that I am because of the love of God. I am thankful today for my 2 grown daughters that have turned out to be pretty fun young ladies and that they still want to hang out with me.

  19. Deborah Gaj says:

    I am grateful that there is always something to be grateful for. This year I have experienced a wildfire evacuation, flash floods, health issues, the deaths of friends and family, and financial hardships. But I am grateful for my beautiful new grandson who was born this year, my son and his wonderful family, my sisters, nieces, nephews, and the amazing friends and surrounding community that always are here to offer love and support.

  20. Janeen says:

    I am grateful for my children-all unique!

  21. Lola says:

    I am grateful for the life I was able to live with my late husband.

  22. Lisa Mosier says:

    Now the journal is my best interest… My bad… Granny is never to old to write, thank God…

  23. Paula says:

    I am thankful for my precious memory of this past week with my house full of relatives and food and laughter!

  24. Eva Hammond says:

    I am grateful for just being alive to enjoy the world around me that God has made for us all.

  25. Vickie Lipps says:

    I am grateful for being a nurse for the past many years, for the blessings I have received through caring for others and the many ways I have been able to help those I have served through nursing.

  26. Kim Buchanan says:

    I am grateful for my health, and the love of my family and friends

  27. Cindy Ratliff says:

    In 2005, the day I got back from my honeymoon, I found out I had breast cancer. I went through chemo & radiation. The toughest thing I have ever had to face! I’m grateful to say with a happy heart that I have been cancer free for 11 years! The saying “what won’t kill you will only make you stronger!” I am a stronger person today because of it & I’m so grateful for that too!!

  28. Marley Winningham says:

    I am grateful for my Mary Jane Farmgirls sisterhood family as I’m stranded several states away from any other family.

  29. Jennifer Chappell says:

    paths that turn into journeys and wheels that never stop turning.

  30. Natasha M Hoglund says:

    I am grateful to be temporarily renting an amazing house, perched atop a hill, surrounded by apple orchards, as my daughter and I stare out our four huge picture windows overlooking the freshly fallen white snow paths. We are excited to have our new neighbors come for the afternoon and make pod podge holiday crafts while we sip hot chocolate and munch on double chocolate biscotti!

  31. Terri Kortz says:

    There are so many things I am thankful for, but since today I can only give one, I am so thankful and grateful to God for the gift of my grandchildren. I am so incredibly blessed! 🙂
    Thank you.
    Terri 🙂

  32. Elle says:

    Gratitude is an attitude towards those around you that illustrates a sense of grace and humility. This is what I strive for each day.

  33. Kat says:

    I’m grateful to have shelter tonight during these frigid cold temperatures and for my little fur-baby cat, Moka.

  34. Jennifer Allen says:

    I am grateful for the young man ahead of me at the local coffee shop who was short on cash. I was able to buy his breakfast for him. “The best way to help yourself is to help others”!

  35. Sharron Currie says:

    I am grateful that every day I am in a country where each day can be a fresh new start. Full of promise and so many different people and cultures. We all seemed to blend well and when difficulties arise, we can all group and band together to support one another and the principles this country was built on.

  36. susan b says:

    I’m grateful for the blessings bestowed upon me and my family!

  37. Pingback: Winners!!! Giveaways: All That Glitters | Raising Jane Journal

  38. Lindy Davenport says:

    I’m so grateful for my son who is 30 & he & his sweet wife have a precious little girl. He has heart failure & holds down a full time ranch job. He’s an awesome son, Daddy, husband & brother. That’s what I’m grateful & so very thankful for!

  39. Shannon H says:

    I’m thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, my hubby, and my children – who all still love me despite my many faults and imperfections.

  40. Pearl Maxner says:

    I am grateful for my life. So much of my young life I took it for granted. Now I cherish every day that I am given.

  41. Kathy rogers says:

    I may have missed this, but will still share. .I am grateful for God’s working in my life Eben through some of the most difficult days imaginable. ..

  42. Wendie says:

    I am grateful I found this site for encouragement

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