GIVEAWAY: “Junk Gypsy, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE copy of the Junk Gypsies’ new book, Junk Gypsy: Designing a Life at the Crossroads of Wonder & Wander, tell me how MaryJanesFarm has inspired you to upcycle a junk find in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

You’ll see how the Junk Gypsies have transformed vintage Airstreams into glittery glampers in the Dec/Jan issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Mary Elko says:

    I am using vintage wrought iron gates as wall decorations in my bedroom.

  2. Janeee says:

    After Mary Jane’s magazine for a number of years I have learned to think out of the box when looking at any item. I always find other uses for common items. It makes a day at the local thrift store a true sense of adventure.

  3. Margaret says:

    When I look at junk, I see something that I can use my crafty mind to make it a treasure. I look forward to MaryJane’s Farm every month….It’s so awesome.

  4. Brianna says:

    Your magazine’s inspire me every issue I get!! I love the pallet project ideas. And making my own apple cider vinegar was mind blowing! So simple!

  5. Peggy Terrell says:

    I’ve recycled an old cable spool into a book shelf, felted wool sweaters for a myriad of projects, just made some stockings from burlap coffee sacks, etc. MJF’s always offers lots of up-cycled or recycled items to get the creative juices flowing! I love going to thrift stores and Goodwill for goodies to be renewed.

  6. Linda Lou Crosby says:

    My friend was inspired to Glamp up an old trailer after I gave her your Glamping book. I helped paint the trailer with her, and a crew from LA taped a pilot tv show with us. We live in a rural part of Eastern Montana. I give gift subscriptions of Mary Janes Farm to 5 friends and my daughter every year.

  7. Connie Hester says:

    I have up cycled many things, but one project that I love is some old shutters about 6 ft. tall that I found. Old cracky paint and a few slats missing. I brushed off the dirt and put a clear sealer on. Hubby put old steel fence posts on the back and we put them in the corner of one of my flower beds. Hung some wire bird feeders on it and LOVE watching the feathered friends that come by and enjoy the garden and eating the treats for them. 🙂

  8. Vanessa says:

    I have tons of old Mary Janes farm magazines and a couple books too. I was inspired to use an old pillow case into a darling dress 🙂 .

  9. Erin Clark says:

    Six years ago, I turned an old wood ladder that wasn’t safe to climb on into a bookshelf. When I moved overseas, that shelf moved to my friends apartment, where it is still used today!

  10. I was inspired to Upcycle a milk jug into a drip irrigation system! I simply poked a few tiny holes in the bottom of clean milk jugs and placed them at the base of plants around my yard. A soaker hose won’t reach many of them, but the jugs worked just as well!

  11. Candy Sarisky says:

    I had 2 different fans that stopped working . I needed something in my garden for my pole beans to climb . My husband took the fans off the stands , turned one upside down and welded the stands together. The one with the round base stayed on the ground and the other one had 4 legs that I tied string to for my beans to grow up. I wash them off at the end of season and use it over and over for years now.

  12. Cheryl Card says:

    I have turned two old refrigerators (took the doors off and shot holes in the back for drainage), then turned them on their backs and filled them with the stuff from cleaning out the barn and put dirt on top and used them for raised beds. I also turned two old, leaky, steel water tanks into raised bed planters.

  13. Nancy says:

    I discovered an old Model A rumble seat and wheel rim and planted them both with succulents.

  14. Nancy McGrew says:

    I have a dream to recycle an old little camper and make a playhouse glamper for our 2 little granddaughters to put in our backyard!

  15. Milagros Gonzalez says:

    From someone else’s junk to my treasure, Mary Jane has inspired me to begin planting, which I did, I’m growing my very first pepper and avocado plants! Yay! I’ve also started to crochet, and wow, have I come a long way. Lol! But that’s not all, it’s also helped me to believe in myself and to know that Mary Jane is there, with me, every step of the way.
    [To achieve, is to believe, and to believe, is to achieve and when you achieve, you conquer all that has been set before you.]

  16. Nancy Curry says:

    I have gotten so many good ideas for my camper. Also gardening ideas and of course soooo many good recipes!!!

  17. Pauleta J Clawson says:

    Have a collection of shells. Have a beach theme in bathroom so using a shell as a soap dish on vanity. Also using molasses cans as countertop utensil holders. Keep the magazine coming. Always enjoy learning from it. Oh yes, sheets make wonderful shower curtains.

  18. Amunah Aghajanyan says:

    I love the Junk Gypsies so much!!

  19. Kay Jones says:

    You have inspired me to look around for for items tossed aside to see what I can do to improve the item & make it something useful or decorative.

  20. Connie Prevot says:

    I love to upcycle. My girlfriend and I, call ourselves Vintage Girls Creations. We turn old worm holed fence boards into primitive pumpkins of all sizes, succulent boxes decorating them with old doorknobs, crystals, cut out wooden birds, hearts, stars we make and distress, along with rustic Christmas Trees. We turn old 4×4’s into wood candles. We repurpose glassware into glass totems. Old windows into family photo frames. The list could go on. I am looking forward to the Junk Gypsies new book to inspire me as much as your MaryJanes Farm magazine has inspired me. I just love it all!

  21. Jennifer Mackey says:

    Mary Jane has inspired me to use things in a different way. I have started reusing several things such as old colanders and old milk filters. I have turned them into lamps. I have made a chandelier out of old egg baskets. I have turned old farm windows into mirrors and cupboard doors. I have turned three old dressers into cabinets that hold my Ball jar collection! Thanks Mary Jane!

  22. Jackie b says:

    Well…I’m about as dense as a rock on my own and I need all the inspiration I can get. Love anything and everything Mary Jane ish…I’d love to win this book. It would be awesome.
    Thank you for the opportunity.

  23. Grace Snodgrass says:

    Paint and wallpaper it! Was given an old metal closet. Spray painted it a lovely shade of green and found some herb wallpaper panels 1’x 6″ and put them on the front doors. Came out cute!

  24. Cathy carlson says:

    I have been junkin and upscaling since way before it was cool!vintage tables from barn boards,hall tree from old doors kitchen island from old dresser,benchs from beds ,stars from barbed wire,. Picture frame from old window screen glamper from hunting trailer my mind never stops would LOVE this book!!!

  25. Rita Gese says:

    Been a “junk Gypsy” all my life. Just the other day I said to my husband as I picked up 2 platters someone had left along the side of the road, ” I love being a scavenger”. He just laughed at me. But it’s the truth, and Maryjanes Farm inspires me monthly to repurpose all kinds of amazing things. Thank you so much for such a happy experience.

  26. Donna says:

    I fell in love with MaryJane Farm magazine about 8 years ago, named my first Chicken MaryJane a Buff Orpington. I don’t live on a farm but have made my suburban home feel like a small homestead. I have up cycled my whole life grew up doing it, but MaryJane has inspired me to think a little more out of the box. Love to junk at any time and never trash much,looks like a fun book to have.keep on junking thanks!

  27. Mary Beth says:

    I have been inspired by MaryJanesFarms so many times – one of my favorite upcycles was an old book to a bouquet of flowers – I even did a blog post about it.

  28. Linda Jolly says:

    I had some 1/2 gallon jars that were old and had to have wired on lids which I did not have. I almost took them to Goodwill but then I decided to put sand in the bottom 3 inches and add a large candle to each. I found some old shelving and put a board across the front and hung them by my hot tub. Looks real good. My sister bought my first issue of Mary Jane’s farm several years ago when I was sick. I have been a fad since and give a gift subscription to my daughter in Montana. She loves it too.

  29. Sharon Atkinson says:

    Being a newbie to MaryJane magazine, I have been introduced to many a great project idea. But I discovered a great use for old nails, barbed wire, screws, nuts and any other little trinket I find. I make wall hangings out of them. Fun and whimsical.

  30. Liane Glick says:

    Oh a while back you had instructions on making a growing box! My sister had the idea of using an old file cabinet from a garage sale for the boxes. Ummm…lets see… I have had an antique wooden window frame for years and have seen some good ideas in issues of your magazine how to decorate it.

  31. Robin Etheridge says:

    I want to live the lives you guys live. I recycled a table my sister had. She passed several years ago. I love it. As i did her.

  32. Jean Neuenschwander Pennington says:

    I was introduced to Mary Jane’s Farm a couple of years ago by a friend. Every time I read one of your magazines, I am inspired by the stories, the verses even the advertisements. You have such a wonderful way with words, with feelings, with ideas. If everyone read your magazine, there would be more peace on earth. Keep up the wonderful work!

  33. janie Hinkle Clayton says:

    We just recently bought our ‘forever’ home, it is blessed with several large fir & pine trees and space for gardens galore … I’m so glad I’ve kept my collection of Mary Janes Farm for inspiration and ideas. I’m also lucky enough to have daughters that have my cast iron cookware, they love trying out the recipes I share with them.

  34. Casey Horr says:

    My “to-do” list includes making word signs out of my husband’s stray metal this-n-that similar to Meg’s in the Feb-Mar 2016 issue. The hard part is keeping it simple…so much to say, to limit it to a word or two.

  35. Lisa Harness says:

    Repurposed an old window with a cork board, two metal pieces for magnet boards & decoupage of music. Also, jute lines to hang stuff on. Love it!

  36. Jan Thon says:

    My inspirations have come from the clothes and also the clamping ideas. Keep them coming. I also love the recipes using natural products. I think your magazine is a perfect gift that gives all year so I have sent several subscriptions to girlfriends. I think it is the perfect give! Thanks.

  37. Cheryl Moore says:

    I found an old army metal meal plate (the kind with compartments like old aluminum TV dinners) I cleaned it up and put chalkboard paint on bottom insides of each compartment and titled it in chalk “Moore Menu” and hung it in the kitchen, Mary Jane’s magazine reminds me that the kitchen is the heart of the home. Love each issue ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  38. Anne Hunold says:

    I have up cycled many many things. I have been inspired by Mary Jane’s magazine since the first issue I found (used) at my local library. Filled out the card inside and became a subscriber. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  39. Stephanie Woods says:

    I’ve used an old planter basket as a baby mobile in my son’s room. I’ve used a scrap of old barn wood and mason jars to make a toothbrush holder in our bathroom. I love looking for new ways to use old stuff. Lots of plans in the works too!!

  40. susan fleming says:

    We are in process to transform an old pellet stove into a flower planter

  41. Elizabeth Lazor says:

    I buy soy candles in hand blown glass containers. When the candles are used up, I use the glasses for pencil holders.

  42. Eric Hendrie says:

    Being a 51 year old male, yes I’m a guy, my wife and I and our three children ages 10, 8, and 4 love reading your magazine. We always finding either a new recipe to try or a cool project to make. The kids have found ones for around the house as has my wife. So I guess what I’m saying is your magazine is great for the whole family and has no age boundaries to speak of at all. Keep up the wonderful work and we are eager to check out the new book.

  43. Vicki Townsley says:

    I turned an old wheel barrel into a sedum fairy garden. I love all the ideas that are in your magazine.

  44. Laurel Lawrence says:

    I love turning old things new and painting on rustic barnwood. MaryJane issues are always filled with inspiration every month!

  45. Denise Park says:

    I’m painting two end tables with chalk paint and replacing the knobs. I think it’s going to look really pretty.

  46. Michele Bobyn says:

    Got a pair of cowboy boots at the local Value Village for $6.99 then 50% off to boot! Can hardly wait to make purses!! Thanks MaryJanesFarm for the inspiration

  47. Marsha Larose says:

    I have recycled old plates and candle holders into beautiful flower garden stakes. Always looking for great ideas in my Mary Jane magazine!!!!

  48. Julie Hofmann says:

    Old rake heads mounted on the wall hold bits and pieces for the garden. An old mailbox is mounted next to the garden to hold a pair of gloves and a trowel. There have been so many ideas I have gotten from your magazines.

  49. Shirley Booth-Byerly says:

    Following these inspiring comments, I confess I haven’t done much lately. Both my husband and my son went to heaven this year and I’ve been very depressed. But Mary Jane’s Farm continues to inspire me, and reminds me of the wonderful things the men in my family built for me; coffee and end tables, a spindle headboard, dainty desk boxes; they also cared for numerous neighbors, family members and animals. My men were good people, and your magazine inspires me to continue putting one foot in front of the other. God Bless You All.

  50. Debbie Heatherly says:

    OMG !!!!! I ordered this magazine and was thrilled with the helpful hints and decorating ideas it’s right up my decorating alley . Love love love it . Keep up the great work !

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