GIVEAWAY: “Junk Gypsy, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE copy of the Junk Gypsies’ new book, Junk Gypsy: Designing a Life at the Crossroads of Wonder & Wander, tell me how MaryJanesFarm has inspired you to upcycle a junk find in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

You’ll see how the Junk Gypsies have transformed vintage Airstreams into glittery glampers in the Dec/Jan issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. I just started getting this magazine and love it. I upcycle jewelry and I’m going to have my first craft show. I upcycle a lot of things just because I hate to waste plus I can’t afford to buy new. I like the rustic glitter and the cow girl pictures one reminded me of a great aunt in a buckskin skirt and holding a shot gun. (She was a bootlegger)

  2. Kathleen Fleming says:

    I have always upcycled!! I have been taking bottle caps and paving my garden with them in whimsical designs (hearts, peace signs, American flag, zig-zags … etc.) granted they do fade 🙁 I am a true Junk Gypsy in my heart!!! Your magazines inspire me and my daughters, thank you MaryJane for a really cool magazine!!

  3. Dee Carter says:

    While being snowbirds we have very little space while traveling south. I always like to take books and magazines for our 3 months there. The condo we rent has no footstool. We had a crate that I fashioned a cover for to match the furniture in the condo. But turned opened up, I stored my books in there for travel then closed side up with the cover made a nice footstool. Thanks! Love Mary Janes magazine !

  4. Cathie Swanson says:

    I like to take old furniture and repurpose it! I Took an old desk and reworked it into a sewing cabinet for one of my granddaughters. I’m currently working on a pallet project for my bathroom remodel. I’ve been in the sisterhood for a long time now, and really enjoy the ideas I get from “Mary Jane’s Farm!”l

  5. Vicki says:

    I chalk-painted an old buffet & gave to my daughter. Your magazine is so inspiring! I’m now thinking about raising chickens…

  6. I looooovvvvvveeeee your ideas with Meg. I redo everything and recycle like crazy. We have a goodwill bins here in Hillsboro, Oregon and I am blessed with the opportunity to come by so many wonderful things I am able to share with others.

  7. Nina Olson says:

    We live rurally and ‘up cycle’ whenever possible, because going to town is not always a practical option. My barn is filed with re-purposed cabinets, ladders, and barn boards. I made an old TV stand into my sitting area table at the horse/goat barn, and even made a mosaic top out of broken dishes. 🙂

  8. Would love to win and get some new ideas

  9. Mary Allen says:

    My cousin shared your magazine with me and I loved it so much I became a subscriber myself. I have always loved recycling and love the great idead

  10. Janice Meyer says:

    I usually cut out ideas from magazines and keep them in an “Idea Notebook” but MJF has SO many ideas and besides, I can’t bear to cut it up, so I tag pages in my MJF “library”. One of my inspirations was to use old jewelry to create art, so I have used small wooden picture frames to display beautiful old broches on a cloth background.

  11. Kim Ammann says:

    I love Mary Janes farm magazine. I am pretty new to it but love it more every month. My biggest want is to restore my own camper and go GLAMPING!!! Mary Janes magazine keeps me inspired with glimpses of great glampers.

  12. Pam Fleck says:

    I used chalked paint on a piece of barnwood and use it in my kitchen.

  13. Marlene Laverty says:

    I used 2 old, smaller, metal garden trellises wrapped them up in purple Halloween lights and hung them up behind the bed as a head board.

  14. Sherry Wenzl says:

    Have thought about turning an old spice rack into a nail polish holder for my daughter.
    I love Mary Janes Farm magazine and have also been a fan of Junk Gypsy.

  15. Mary says:

    This magazine gives you inspiration to think constantly of how things can be recycled. I keep everything just in case!! I found an OLD cedar chest at a garage sale for only $1 (it was in bad shape)! Rescued two table legs from the dumpster. Now the proud owner of a wonderfully charming sofa table with extra storage to boot!!!

  16. Rosanne says:

    I used your homemade Valentine card ideas 2 years ago and made cards for my grown children and their families. It was a great stress reliever after the Christmas rush! And it has been years since I did something this creative!

  17. Susan Wells says:

    I buy old canning supplies at yard sales and recycle them with homemade gift items inside. Besides using some for canning!

  18. Charlotte says:

    Mary Jane Farm,my fave!I gave a gift subscription to my neighbor for her birthday.
    My dream is to be able to purchase an Air stream Bambi and glamp it!

  19. Susan Herrington says:

    Junkers are always looking for fresh perspective. A wow why didn’t I think of that! I can always that infusion of inspiration with every new issue of Mary Jane’s Farm. Thank you all.

  20. Andrea Anderson says:

    Every issue of MaryJane’s Farm is an inspiration! Thanks to all of you, I have become much better at thrifting and seeing the potential in old items. Mason jars have taken on new life, old garden implements are now decoration and it’s so much more fun to decorate for the Holidays now. Thank you!

  21. Lydia Granda says:

    I picked up three shelves in need of some tlc at an antique shop, a can of spray paint and lots of matching jars from my local craft store and I have some fabulous shelves up with my favorite spices in them.

  22. Diana Johnson says:

    Looking through every issue of MaryJanes Farm when it arrives in the mail really opens my eyes to new beginnings. It inspires me to consider the possibilities of all the trash and junk that is thrown away, and that makes me start to think of all the neat ideas I can turn that junk into new. I had some old clay pots, found the tray, clean them up, painted them, put some artificial leaves on them, flip the tray over as a lid for on top of pot, put a wooden knob, glued it on, and painted it, and made a candy dish. I made the recycle magazine out of the one issue of your magazine, took it to the fair and got first place, I made a bowl. It was really a lot of fun, instead of throwing the magazine away or burning it, I made something out of it.

  23. Dawn C. says:

    My husband made me a beautiful sunflower for the flower garden out of some upcycled metal truck parts.

  24. maria lehman says:

    I’m always visiting our local thrift store for treasures that could be altered or used for other purposes. Pallets have become fences for ivy, the long pole lamp is now a hanging basket holder for plants. Oh, and don’t even get me started with all the things that you can use for potting or yard art..even my old kitchen faucet. Love Mary Jane

  25. Cindy Rich says:

    Thank you for the opportunity! My whole life has been reusing discarded items and bringing them back to life. Good for the planet, good for the soul!

  26. Denise Temple says:

    MaryJane Farms magazine always shares extraordinary ideas inspiring me to see the beauty in what some consider ‘junk.’ It is rare that my sweetie and I ever pass out a yard sale, estate sale or even the pile of ‘junk’ at the curb without at least a glance at what treasure we may find. We once came across some old pallets and decided they would be perfect in converting them into wooden boxes to go in the spare bedrooms above the closet area. The space has a rather large and deep space to store items but it is seen easily so we needed it to be useful space but not an eye soar. They came out incredible and they were just old, weathered wood pallets.

  27. Jani Taylor says:

    We took a weathered terra cotta (the plastic that looks like clay) dish from a large planter, then placed it on top of an old rusty milk can from our shed, put a few interesting rocks to weigh it down, then filled with water for a rustic birdbath! It was free, is very cool and decorative, is mobile, and best of all the birds love it!

  28. Barbara Johnson says:

    Great fun! Discovering that just about anything can be something else. I love rusty stuff..! A favorite is also old clothes into new creations.

  29. Love love love Junk Gypsies and Mary Jane’s Farm, great inspiration for up cycling creativity, would love to have the book!

  30. Jaci Chambers says:

    We upcycle just about everything we can out here on the ranch! Just last weekend we brought home our first rabbit, we threw together a hutch with supplies laying around, but didnt have anything for the legs. But I had saved the sides from an old changing table thinking I could turn them into somthing one day, and what do you know, they worked perfect on the sides of the hutch!

  31. Judy Prescott says:

    I love to take recycling items! I recently turned old metal wheels into candle holders.. Always love making gifts this way!

  32. Susan Shearer says:

    ~I have rescued many abandoned pallets and turned them into primitive works of art such as shelves, window boxes, wall art, signs, etc., that I sold in a local flea market. Love to DIY, upcycle, and to read my Mary Jane’s Farm magazine for unique and inspiring ideas and articles!!~

  33. Marjie Long says:

    re-purpose, re-cycle or up-cycle is the main theme here at our home on the Ranch – not much gets thrown away – someone is always needing something to finish a job – so we go to the old bins, be they old granite bowls found in the pastures or an old post office cabinet. We just hung 2 old wood and screen doors in our re-modeled chicken pen.
    I enjoy the magazine very much – look forward to it coming in the mail.
    Have a Great Thanksgiving and Happy Christmas!!!

  34. Teresa Freeman says:

    How Amazing! I love reading your magazine and love reusing, repurposing and redoing everything I get my hands on 😀 I would love to win this book 😀

  35. Nancy Scarzello says:

    I love Mary Jane’s Farm magazine, inspired to re-purpose and remake organically found objects, vintage fabric, wood, barn board, glassware. Eating from the farm and garden….I’m an herbalist and make most of my medicines and herbal remedies from the wild and my kitchen, but add beauty and glam to the household! thanks!

  36. Pearl Maxner says:

    I am constantly watching Mary Jane’s for the next do-it-yourself recycling. I have learned to look with new eyes at everything around me. The ideas have sparked lots of sewing projects and the rolling pins apron hangers for the kitchen. Thanks!

  37. Bonnie Parker-Duke says:

    It has inspired me to try to glamorize our little 13 foot Scamp trailer but with a Scottish theme! I’m hoping to get some ideas from your book!! There’a enough stuff around I ought to be able to do it!

  38. Pearl Maxner says:

    I am constantly watching Mary Jane’s for the next do-it-yourself recycling. I have learned to look with new eyes at everything around me. The ideas have sparked lots of sewing projects and the rolling pins apron hangers for the kitchen. Thanks!

  39. Debbie Norton says:

    Ive been repainting furniture ive found in storage. Some shappy sheek some just paint. They look wonderful. They would have been taken to the dump!

  40. Karen Sanford says:

    I have been a subscriber since the very beginning, I love MJF! I recently took an old oval picture frame and made the cutest Christmas wreath ever! thanks for this wonderful magazine, I have used it as inspiration for going natural as much as possible from growing our own veggies, raising our own meat, to making my own laundry detergent and household cleaners! thank you for the wonderful inspirations!

  41. Tricia says:

    My sister gave me a couple of your magazines and I loved them right off. Everything spoke to me, from the organic food, to the crafts! Of our 12 kids nine are girls and as crafty as can be! I however, have always struggled with having any creativity nor have I really enjoyed it but I do enjoy spending time with my girls as they find new ideas and fun recipes from your magazine as I tag along and learn!!! It’s been fun!

  42. karin smith says:

    i love MAry Janes Farm. love the lifestyle, the stuff, the stories and the food. I have an old decaying wheelbarrow that belonged to my grandmother. the bottom was rusted away, handles long gone, even the wheel off on one side. I used it as a frame for a succulent collection that i started on wire . looks like a display table. now everytime i look at it, i see my grandmother.

  43. Chris Davis says:

    Mary Janes Farm inspired me to paint an old broken dresser whimsical colors and stick it in my chicken coop as nesting boxes. It would have been trash otherwise, but now it is so cute and useful! I get so many ideas from the magazine; I love it!

  44. Loved the rolling pins cut in half and used for apron hangers.

  45. I love love love to Re purpose anything!!!!

  46. Anne Willis says:

    I up recycled an 1880 year old farm house that was full cats and cat smells, to the extent that one had to take a deep breath run in, look around and run back out to breath. I now run a Bed and Breakfast out of this once worn out old farm house. I am soon retiring with a dream of hosting weddings, retreats and weekends that will be focused on creativity for small groups. Repurposing, renewing, and creating new functional items will hopefully offer an experience of relaxation and satisfaction to my guests. I plan to use many ideas and DIY projects pictured in the MaryJanesFarm Magazines I have collected over the years. The new Junk Gypsy book would be a great addition to my library for sharing with other aspiring, creative stars. Thank you for inspiring me, and encouraging me to follow my dreams.

  47. Ruth says:

    Necessity is the Mother of Invention – even when there’s no “necessity.” All you need is imagination and the desire to keep things out of landfills, and you’re on the right path. Why buy something new when the world is full of discarded but useful items. It’s why I love MaryJanesFarm and all that it stands for!! Thank you so much for this opportunity.

  48. Tracy Webster says:

    I haven’t made anything yet….I need inspiration, badly!!!

  49. Kimberly Lammott says:

    Love, Love Mary Jane’s Farm. I have gifted your magazine several times! I love all the organic recipes. Keep up the great work. Love it!!

  50. Lynn Ince says:

    I love your magazine and look forward to getting it in the mail. I LOVE to redo items for my house and others. Recycling and make new is great. I have my husband also working on some of my items and ideas of his own now. Thanks to you.

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