GIVEAWAY: “Organic on-the-go, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE Mix & Match variety 6-pack of our new “Organic on-the-go” single-serve meals (high-powered fortitude in a cup), tell me how you discovered us (MaryJanesFarm) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a cup and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Mary Duffel says:

    I was at a quilt retreat many many years ago,when a friend started talking about this exciting new magazine she found. She shared it with me, told me she was singing up.

    It only took one issue for me to discover my true roots, and I’ve been a Ma bee ever
    MJF Girls is an inspiration, and it’s like a coming home. Thank you!

  2. Kathy Blue says:

    Followed you for years. Subscribed years ago and then bought the magazine at Tractor Supply since we were traveling for a few years – – recently settled in NC so I subscribed again. Love the Life Book – – have given it for gifts many times. Thanks for all the inspiration and encouragement to keep my “farm girl” alive and kicking!

  3. Judith S says:

    I found my first issue of Mary Jane’s Farm at Tractor Supply. I was immediately drawn to it and promptly purchased. The rest is history – been a subscriber since. Thanks for a great magazine.

  4. Elizabeth Plewa says:

    I came across your magazine many years ago and became a faithful subscriber (only magazine i read cover to cover, and save for future references) Purchased all of your books. Love everything about Mary Janes Farm, hoping one day to have a farm of my own!

  5. Rebecca says:

    I’m a magazine lover and scour the racks for new magazines. Years ago when I saw your wonderful cover I fell in love! I often give your magazine subscription as a gift to friends,because I’m always talking about an article I’ve read to people at work. My oldest daughter is very health conscious and I’ve been noticing that she is asking to borrow my issues and take them home to read. I loan them under the understanding that she will return them. Thank you for creating such a terrific magazine!

  6. Priscilla Brandimore says:

    I was in Barnes and Noble many years ago and saw your magazine. Love it for sure. Its a “Me” magazine cause it’s everything I (me) like.

  7. Marjorie Klein says:

    I first discovered Mary Janes Farm at my local food cooperative. I bought a copy and then decided to subscribe. I have been a subscriber for quite some time. It is my favorite magazine.

  8. Victoria Walters says:

    I was in Tractor Supply store, saw your magazine the article on the front was about country cooking & design. I’m a country girl and loved the magazine & all its articles. Ordered a years subscription immediately. I’m just a great fan keep up the great work.

  9. Brenda says:

    I found my first copy of Mary Janes Farm at my local co-op, back before it was available by subscription. It really appealed to me!

  10. julie Banigan says:

    I discovered Mary Jane’s Farm at the magazine rack at Barnes and Noble. It was such a happy day for me! A magazine that spoke to my very soul. A magazine that cared about the same things I did. A magazine that lived the same way I did! I didn’t think there was one out there, but there you were, beautiful and colorful, serene and imaginative. You’ve been my soul.ate ever since.

  11. Paula Ann Leyva says:

    I think ? I first saw Mary Jane at my Dr.s office, and Loved it ever sense, and I have given them as gifts to all my city/ farm Girlfriends!
    Sharing the joy! Thank you…Paula Ann

  12. Heidi Willcocks says:

    Tagged along with my husband when he went shopping for his “toys” at Tractor Supply. While waiting for him to choose a log splitter, I saw this glorious magazine that was calling my name from afar…”YES!!” I said, finding a magazine I’d only dreamt of since that moment! !
    Pretty sure it goes without saying, but I will anyway: I LOVE MY MARY JANE’S FARM MAGAZINE! !
    sincere gratitude~Heidi in Minnesota😆

  13. Connie says:

    local farm store

  14. Lynn Brusky says:

    I first was introduced to MaryJanesFarm while visiting my daughter. Her mother in law had shared her old issues with her. Now I’m a subscriber and my daughter gets a gift subscription from me each year.

    This year I am so grateful because I am on an extended visit while my daughter recovers from surgery to repair a badly broken arm. I am using the Oct-Nov issue as a holiday guide. We’ve had ginger ale, coffee stand syrup, candied ginger and more creativity than I can recall in years.

    Thank you MaryJanesFarm!

  15. teresa cochran says:

    This stuff looks tasty! -I have been sorting through older magazines in order to recycle some of them. My Mary Jane’s Farm has its own “don’t touch ” pile!

  16. Sherry Buerk says:

    I believe I requested a free copy years ago, I’m really not sure. I absolutely love this magazine! When it comes in the mail nothing is done until I’ve gone from cover to cover lol. Several of my friends and relatives have gotten subscriptions for Christmas through out the years. Mary Jane Farm will always be part of my reading list. Thank you so much for the wonderful articles, recipes, pictures and inspirations! Your magazine makes this 63 year old woman very happy.

  17. Chris Davis says:

    How bad is it if I honestly don’t remember? I discovered it years ago, and immediately got a subscription. I had a lot of subscribtions then, but later we hit some hard times and I didn’t renew any. Much to my surprise, Mary Jane’s Farm was the only loss I truly mourned. My husband renewed it for me as a birthday present, and it is now the only subscription I have. I won’t go without again!

  18. Suzanne says:

    I visited a Mary Jane’s Farm store while on vacation in Coeur d’Alene Idaho

  19. Robin Crittenden says:

    I heard about Mary Jane from a friend many years ago and subscribed for quite a few years.

  20. Sandy Y says:

    The beautiful cover of your magazine drew me right in. I was in a quilt shop when I saw it and I had to buy it. I was hooked from there.

  21. Francene Kilichowski says:

    I believe I first saw you on a show broadcast by RFDTV, my new discovery cable network.
    Right away, I looked you up on the Internet, and also subscribed to your magazine !

  22. Judy says:

    I was in the waiting room for an appointment… When they called my name I took the magazine with me into the office just so I could make sure to write down the subscription informatio. love the magazine!

  23. Jo Ellen Silva Hall says:

    My mom has been getting your magazine for years. She hordes them and refuses to let them go! I decided if I wanted to keep viewing them I’d better get my own subscription.

  24. Katherine Job says:

    An acquaintance was a subscriber and recommended your magazine. She wouldn’t let me borrow one of hers, though, which I thought was most unfriendly. Years later another acquaintance of mine saw me reading an issue and asked to borrow it to see if SHE liked it…and she never returned it. I totally get it now LOL

  25. Cheryl Rounds says:

    I first found your magazine about two years ago on a display rack at a grocery store and also Walmart while living in Northwest Arkansas and loved it. Was so surprised and pleased. Now subscribe. Am no longer living in the country. Moved to Columbus Ohio to be with family. First time really living in a city. Sorry I missed years of your magazine before finding it. Continued best wishes and Merry Christmas.

  26. Joyce Witte says:

    I received a card in the mail for a trial issue. When it arrived, I enjoyed it so much that I ordered a subscription. This year I’m sharing the enjoyment with family members by giving them gift subscriptions for Christmas!

  27. Michelle O says:

    At the local farm store years ago! Stimulating & Resonating is MJ!

  28. Judy says:

    WOW, it’s been so long since I’ve been reading your magazine – I’m not sure. I just know I totally enjoy reading & learning new things to do that are so wholesome!

  29. Bonnie says:

    Found you on a cold snowy night at Tractor Supply, when I needed something to curl up and read. Subscribed right away

  30. Sheri Soring says:

    A friend lent me a few of her issues to read on our trip home. Devoured them and fell in love immediately! Needless to say, I have my own subscription now!

  31. Becky Vincent says:

    I was drawn by the title of “Unleashing Your Inner Wild” . . . being a hiker and camper, and read that book cover to cover. It really was a feast for my soul. . . and opened up the whole Mary Jane’s Farm world to me . . . which I have swallowed hook, line and sinker!

  32. Marcy says:

    My sister showed me the MJF she had just gotten. It was the issue with an article on Tasha Tudor. I took the postcard for subscribing and have been a loyal fan ever since.

  33. Roseanna Wise says:

    Found out about you through a friend.

  34. Eveline says:

    I was looking for a magazine that best suited my ways of doing things and came across this one and SCORE! I have even paid for the next 5 years that’s how much I enjoy your magazine. THANK YOU for the back to basics and innovative articles that you provide. Customer forever! 😍

  35. Kathy Gaughran says:

    Good morning Mary
    I remember your first Magazine . I was at my local Book Store I be leave it was back in 2008 and as soon as I paged thru it I knew I had found my kind of Magazine I can’t just pick one thing about your magazine I read it from front to back and keep picking it up for reference I get so many helpful ideas and just like it as my go magazine The same way I feel about your Books, I have all but two and they are in my whish list.
    Please never change your Magazine. Thank you

  36. Camela Engbrecht says:

    Found your magazine at our local feed store, and have been a subscriber ever since. I love everything about your magazine.

  37. Mary Peyer says:

    I honestly can’t remember. Maybe another magazine? It was many years ago, maybe close to the beginning of publication.
    The only magazine I now get. I keep holding out for my farm, someday, and your magazine takes me there.
    With love in my heart

  38. Debra Renwick says:

    Saw it many years ago at tractor supply, Love it!!!

  39. Betty says:

    My friend gave me her old copies when she moved. I loved them and asked for a subscription for Christmas.

  40. Elizabeth says:

    I would love to win this and be able to try them. Have tons of your dehydrated foods and love them they’re so delicious

  41. Alice Ranker says:

    I found a copy of your magazine one day in a salon while getting a pedicure. My daughter, a horse lover, had just begun to show an interest in raising chickens. Your magazine was perfect for us! I took a copy of the card inside and mailed it off right away. Now, we look forward to receiving it each month!

  42. Kim Buchanan says:

    I imagine I got a free trial and loved it, so I have been a subscriber ever since. love your mag.

  43. Merissa Racine says:

    Years ago a friend of mine would buy your magazine and give it to me when she was finished reading it. I eventually bought a subscription. And since I save my magazines, last year I bought my friend a subscription for Christmas.

  44. Darlene Litton says:

    I found your magazine years ago at Barnes and Noble while looking for gardening or crafting type publications. No ads back in 2008 and a fledgling publication. I subscribed and haven’t missed an issue since. Love the books, the food and the inspiration from you! Thanks and hugs to you and your dedicated crew!

  45. Lodema Lines says:

    I was getting some organic veggies at my favorite local store “Fresh Thyme” and while checking out saw your magazine it was the one of you sitting on your tractor. It caught my eye and I thought I would love to be where she’s at right now. The rest is history…LOVE your magazine!

  46. Pearl Maxner says:

    My friend Patty Raggio introduced me to Mary Jane’s farm all the way back in California. I live in Idaho now and love my subscription with all the goodies. It is a great day when I can sit down somewhere and start reading! I feel like a good friend has come to visit!

  47. Kris says:

    I actually discovered Mary Jane’s Farm by accident at our local grocery store. We had just moved to a 6 acre piece of land we would call the farm. I thought Mary Jane’s Farm magazine would be just what I needed to get started. I have been a customer for 2 years and sent a good friend a subscription for christmas. Love, love , love this magazine!!!

  48. Connie Shows says:

    A friend of mine gifted me a subscription of the magazine. She and I are antiquing buddies and her husband grew up with my husband. It is the only magazine I subscribe to and I read it cover to cover. Love it!

  49. Nancy Hoiland says:

    I discovered Mary Janes farm in a magazine. Ordered some essential oils and I’m a fan for life!!

  50. guinnevere muir says:

    A friend of mine turned me on to the magazine and i have been in love ever since. It was year 3 or 4 so i ordered all the back issues but could not get the first issue. I have several of the maryjane books too. Love the life style ! Even if you can’t live it, you can dream it and participate on the fringes

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