GIVEAWAY: “Revomax, Comin’ Up Roses”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win a FREE Revomax vacuum-insulated flask, tell me one thing you do to conserve water in the comments below. (This hot/cold vacuum bottle opens and closes with the click of a button—no twisting or screwing action needed, allowing one-handed operation.) I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.


The Revomax is one of our Farmgirl Finds in the “Comin’ Up Roses,” Feb/March issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Joyce Johnson says:

    turn water off when brushing my teeth

  2. Molly says:

    I turn the water off when brushing my teeth, reuse cooking water to kill weeds, empty leftover water containers into plants & water plants with the old water in the dog’s bowl, collect rainwater in rain barrels for the garden.

    This Revomax looks awesome!

  3. Jac Brewer says:

    Fill a tub in the sink to rinse dishes during day as opposed running the faucet.

  4. Tammee Fensch says:

    Limit duration of showers. Rain barrel outside to water yard/garden.

    LOVE your magazine, thank you! 🙂

  5. Ronda Crosby says:

    I have used bath water to water my outside plants in the summer. No running water when brushing teeth. HE washer and very short showers.

  6. Ellen Clack says:

    I turn the water off while I’m brushing my teeth.

  7. Jo Lynn (Jody) Lindsey says:

    We have a HE washing machine and only wash a full load of clothes.
    Built a rainwater harvesting system to water our plants and garden. We mulch our garden heavily. Water only when needed.
    We also have a water saver commode. Short showers.

  8. Tami Fancher says:

    When I am doing dishes, if my girls water bottles still have water in them, I water the houseplants with it instead of dumping it down the drain. It’s silly, but every little things helps.

  9. Deb Wagner says:

    Whenever I have to change the water filter on my refrigerator, the company wants you to run at least 2 gallons of water before using the filtered water. So when I do this task, I pour the 2 gallons of water on my potted plants instead of pouring the water down the drain.

  10. Heidi Willcocks says:

    For water conservation, rain barrels are essential for our greenhouse where we raise organic vegetables in straw bales. We also have raised beds for potatoes and onions; again, using rain barrels for water.
    In the house, we use the day old pet water for our indoor plants. In the summer, we also use the pet bowl water for flower pots, too!

  11. Julie Perry says:

    We got rid of all our lawns and put in a drought tolerant garden. In California it’s so important to really be aware of our water limitations.

  12. Rae-Ann Fugate says:

    We have our own well. I run the dishwasher only when it is full. I have a washing machine that puts in only enough water for the exact load I’m washing. I don’t allow the water to run when I’m brushing my teeth or when I’m working in the kitchen. I know these are small items, however, being an older woman, who lives on an island, there isn’t much else to do.

  13. Marilyn Burke-zambuto says:

    From the time I entered this planet my mom taught all of us the importance of respect and conservation of all resources . This legacy continues as we impliment to the modern world. Water is conserved through rain barrels,shutting the faucets off immediately and using drought tolerant plantings.

  14. Donna says:

    when brushing teeth we turn the water off so it doesnt run free we collect rain water and i presoak laundry stains so only 1 wash is needed i have container plants instead of watering the ground at will all the little ways add up at the end of the month to a lower water bill

  15. Shari says:

    stale water left in my tea pot is put in the pan on the wood stove you humidity in the winter. In the summer it is used for watering plants.

  16. Wow, what a great giveaway, thanks for the opportunity! I think one of the biggest things I do to conserve water is to use lasagne gardening method (which I learned from Mary Janes Farm) to mulch my garden. Not only does it cut down on weeds, but holds in the moisture, eliminating the need to water as often as I had to before.

  17. JoJo Lara says:

    We have rerouted our bathtub graywater to drain on out lawn!

  18. Amelia Monax says:

    Low flow toilets and shower heads. Dog water gets used to water plants. Inter-planted yarrow in our lawn, it needs 1/3 less less water than grass. Our garden is on drip or soaker hose on a timer to water very early in the morning during the warm months so the soil will absorb the water so it evaporates less. We use metal or glass water bottles, it takes more water to manufacture a plastic water bottle than is inside the bottle.

  19. Karen Spires says:

    Shorter showers and no water while brushing teeth. , of course!

  20. Mrs. Sharon Soetaert says:

    I always use leftover liquids to water flowers, trees, bushes, and plants…even small amounts from the boy you of glasses over time have helped many of plants , flowers, and trees grow…I also practice this method when we are out and about…thirsty plants love leftover ice from cups…whether at a McDonalds or a Short Stop, there is always a thirsty tree or plant to cool in our dry Midwest!

  21. S.G. Abrams says:

    Conserving water has always been something ingrained in my head. From a very young age my grandmother taught me to conserve water by: flushing the toilet only after you pooped. Turn on the faucet and use only what you need, example: water for spaghetti. Put containers under the down spout to catch rain water for your plants/ filter for drinking. I save the water in jugs for use when it’s dry out or in the winter. We store them in the basement. Water is a precious element we should not and cannot afford to waste.

  22. Patricia Stover Hobbs says:

    I have water saving shower head, low flow toilet, and only do dishes once a day. By hand though as I do not own a dishwasher. The most cost effective thing I do is live alone hahahaha. You save a lot of water when it is only you!

  23. Michele Bilka says:

    I take a “lazy shower” by putting just enough water in it to reach the back of the tub which also heats the bottom of the tub. Sitting down I splash water on myself get wet, wash up & use a hand held shower with low pressure to rinse. I also use my shampoo as a body wash & since it doesn’t leave a soap film on the tub I don’t waste water or time to wash the tub. Water, time & energy have all been saved!

  24. Pingback: Winners!!! Giveaways: Comin’ Up Roses | Raising Jane Journal

  25. Sue Robinson says:

    We have water saving shower heads ,turn off water while brushing teeth and catch rainwater to water flower.s,

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