GIVEAWAY: “Milk Cow Kitchen, Comin’ Up Roses”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win a free copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book, tell me about the farmgirl you would gift it to who either has a milk cow or dreams of having one in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.


My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Lisa Harness says:

    My friend, Cassie. She’s looking to buy a small farm soon, so I think she needs a milk cow. What’s a farm without a milk cow?

  2. Kellie Boston says:

    I would gift it to someone who treats their cow as if it were a member of the family. Someone who appreciates the gift of nature

  3. Sarah Blue says:

    We raise beef cattle and occasionally milk cows to bottle or tube feed calves. Last year we had some extra milk so I made ice cream and butter. I think I’d have to keep this book!

  4. Kathleen Roper says:

    I was raised on a dairy and have always loved cows. My daughter would be the one I would give it to. She has always loved cows. She even wanted a dairy of her own some day. She showed heifers in 4-H and FFA.

  5. Darcie Little says:

    I am the farm girl who I’d gift my win to! I’ve always wanted a small dairy cow! I do hope I win, but good luck to everyone!

  6. Cheryl Bell says:

    My sister when we were little our Daddy raised cows and we always talk about those fond memories.

  7. Carla Bauer says:

    I grew up on a dairy farm. Would be so nice to have fresh milk again.

  8. Cheryl Fiske says:

    My son and his wife are moving on to our 70 acre property. Michaela is embracing the farm life, and is excited to bring up their two children here. They have started with 4 chickens and plan to expand from there!

  9. Kay says:

    Would love to give this to the FFA girls of our school for their collection.

  10. Denise Kreider says:

    Hi, I hope this doesn’t sound selfish. I would love to own a cow, and this book would help me alot. I love being in the country. I love my chickens, hogs, garden and I love canning. Also love making quilts ❤ all things from scratch. Thank you for the chance Mary Jane 😊

  11. Cassandra Brungardt says:

    I would give it to my daughter! She is my farm girl friend her on our 10 acres.

  12. Tonya says:

    My 11 year old daughter! We had to sell her two cows, 2 years ago to help with some finances. She has since been praying for another. It would be great to read this together and make some of the recipes. She is a true farm girl at heart with her ducks and goats and Great Dane. Wiith her passion for animals she has inquired about helping foster for a local animal shelter.
    Thanks 🙂

  13. Jaime Baker says:

    I love reading all of your publications.

  14. Brittney King says:

    The lucky farm girl would be myself. I have a dream of some day having a farm of some sort for me and my family.

  15. Karen Jempson says:

    A friend who is battling cancer. She was a former police officer. Trained and showed horses, lived out. In the last few years she’s had to move into town due to her health, helping her mom (who is in her 90s). She somehow stays upbeat and continues quilting and has recently taken up cardmaking.

  16. Carrie Thomas says:

    The Farmville I would like to give this to is my mother-in-law, Marcia. Her and I have a special bound through our love of all things natural, outdoors and alll things simple. We share the responsibility of taking care of our chickens, cows and pigs.

  17. Suzanna Drozd-Kowalski says:

    My daughter-in-law who makes her own yogurt, cans, has a vegetable garden on a small plot of land in the city. They are looking to buy 30 acres in three years and homestead in MI.

  18. Deborah Tiffany says:

    I would give it to my 13 year old granddaughter who has been gushing over my copy ever since I got it. She has aspirations of being a carnival.

  19. Cindy Burch says:

    We just moved to the country. I would love to have a milk cow. Looking forward to getting chickens as well.

  20. Margaret Baillie says:

    To the girl with big dreams!

  21. Rhonda Niblett says:

    I would look through it myself and then give it to my neighbor who has milk cows that provide milk for the neighbors. They always share fruit and veggies from their amazing gardens. It would be nice to give them something.

  22. Lori Morton says:

    I would gift it to my sweeeet Farm Girl Daughter! she looooves all Mary Jane things…& has chickens…& dreams a bigger place, and more farm critters to love..cows included!

    I would LOVE the book as well, have all your others…but she is soooo much more deserving for sure 🙂 We share my books..know she will share with me 😉

    Thank you so much for chance to win your Give-a-way! 😀

  23. Grace Snodgrass says:

    My daughter-in-law Jess, mother of twin boys age two in February and pregnant with her daughter, due in March. She is a country girl at heart and hopes someday to have a home in the country. She is truly amazing with her mothering as well as a wonderful wife to my son. We are blessed to have this wonderful woman in our family.

  24. Tanya says:

    my girlfriend Watona. She has chickens and has dreamed of getting a cow, i think she would love this 🙂 I grew up on a small dairy farm 🙂

  25. Jane Flotron says:

    Lucy has a jersey cow named Miss Molly. Her sweet big eyes greet us across the fence daily on our comings and goings from Appledale Acres. We love their milk, butter and cream and are heading into making our own yogurts and cheeses. Who knew we’d have such love for our milk-providing neighbors…

  26. Mary Young says:

    My granddaughter, Mia, who dreams of a farm in Montana and has invited Grandma to move there with her because I know how to milk a cow. We’re going to milk the cow and make butter and cheese and ice cream . . .

  27. Beverly Potts says:

    My daughter in law has always wanted a farm. Cows chickens everything! She would love this book

  28. Adrienne LaFleur says:

    I would gift it to my good friend Megan. Though she lives in a neighborhood now, she grew up on a farm and has been so much help to me since my family and I bought a 40 acre ranch. Like your magazine, She is incredibly motivating and wise.

  29. Vonna Cook says:

    My name is Charles. I would gift this book to my wife Vonna. When my wife was growing up, her family ran a dairy farm in Minnesota for many years, before moving to Colorado. Together we raised 4 children which are now all adults. As we inch closer to our retirement years we often talk of the small farm we want to have when we move to North Carolina. Our conversations often fall to her childhood memories of the dairy farm and her whole family working together to make a living. We are very close to making those memories real again in our own small way. Looking forward to spending time with the cows, goats, chickens and probably a few more critters. I would be grateful to share your book with my wife and to help fuel those days of old, to our life. Thank you for the consideration.
    Sincerely Charles

  30. ida settlemyer says:

    I would gift it to my daughter in law who would love to have fresh milk for her family of ten, and a grand baby on the way!

  31. Amelia Monax says:

    I have a dear friend that would adore this book. She has expressed the dream of having a milk cow. After the trials and tribulations life has put her through the last year and a half, this might just be the ticket to help her get that dream back on track.

  32. I am the Farm Girl that would receive this wonderful book. It will be read from cover to cover many times. Enjoying all you have to share about the Joys of Owning A Milk Cow. I’ve always had farm animals and have had and milked goats. At the right time we will add a milk cow to our small hobby farm.

  33. Deb Fischer says:

    I would gift the book to a Farmgirl on MaryJanes Farm who wants the book and perhaps can’t afford it. I have the book and love it. Thank you MaryJane for your generosity!

  34. Amy says:

    A good neighbor of ours. He a is prepper and trying to turn his home into a good acreage Every but of information is good to get him into where he hopes to be. Though I am honest to say that my daughter would also love to read such a thing.

  35. Penney Warwick says:

    I was born In the wrong era….

  36. Cindy Jervis says:

    I would give it to a girl in our church who is raising cows.

  37. Jill Judge says:

    Would love to have this- thanks for offering!

  38. My neighbor lives on a cattle ranch with her cowboy husband. They work for the ranch and Janet O’Connor cooks for cowboys, works branding, is foster Mom to many an orphaned Angus calf. She has saved many calves with her come by natural care and common sense. She has two Jersey milk cows that produce rich fresh milk for the orphaned or rejected calves. When Punkin and TaTa aren’t milking for a hungry calf crew even her neighbor the Goatldi (that’s me) is occasionally the lucky recipient of some outstanding Jersey cream. For all her hard work ,love of the land and critters your book would be a welcome gift.

  39. Sandra Bolling says:

    I would love to have it for myself but I would gift it to one of my nieces that is new to farming and loves it. Her husband was raised on as farm so she has him and his parents to advise her on caring for ll her farm animals. She has been talking about purchasing a milk cow as soon as she decides if she could really care for it herself and what to do with all the milk. This book would be a tremendous help and fun for her. I may even go visit more often and relive some of my past experiences with her and enjoy some new.

  40. Cathy Stewart says:

    I would gift this wonderful book full of everything a country girl needs to my friend Tatyana who grew up in Russia and whose family raised bees, chickens, and goats for their livelihood. She has a love of all farm life and little ones of her own she makes everything from scratch for. I know she would cherish this! Thank you for this great offer Mary Jane.

  41. Julie McKay Greene says:

    I would give this to my best friend. Since we met 47 years ago we have always dreams of a large piece of land so we could live next door, she would have horses and I would have a garden and farm animals!

  42. Becky says:

    My grand daughter… who loves cows. She is a farm girl in the making at just 2 years old….loves everything about being on a farm, but especially the cows…just like her mom!

  43. Lucy McCarty says:

    I love everything MaryJane!

  44. Stacey Mitchell says:

    The lucky ones would be my daughter and I. I have always dreamed of living in country.

  45. DIANE WEST says:

    I always admired my maternal grandmother’s care for her herd of Herford cattle, she even had names for them. Her tenacity, compassion and love for each was a wonderful heritage in itself.

  46. Maryellen Benton says:

    I would gift it to my neighbor who is a true farmgirl! Thanks as always for the chance to win. Maryellen

  47. Mary Lakota says:

    My husband and I have lived on an acre of land in 2 different communities. One from 1976 to 1978. The other for a few months in 1984. We’re somewhat in the country now, but not on the land. We love it out in the country. I’m hoping to have a garden this year.

  48. Enjoy the magazine from cover to cover.

  49. Gail McG. says:

    Since I already have Milk Cow Kitchen (and LOVE it!,) I would give a copy to my sister. She and her hubby just bought a home in a rural area of So. California and have land to raise a cow, goats and chickens!

  50. Stephanie Woods says:

    I would gift it to my mom as long as she let me read it too! I made my first batch of cheese ever a few months ago and it was AMAZING!!!! With 5 kids and a yard full of pigs I sure could use some extra milk!!!

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