GIVEAWAY: “Milk Cow Kitchen, Comin’ Up Roses”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win a free copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book, tell me about the farmgirl you would gift it to who either has a milk cow or dreams of having one in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.


My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Ruth Jones says:

    Sounds like a great book !

  2. m greenwood says:

    my friend who has been toying with the idea and learning how to milk cows.

  3. Shirlee Pilny says:

    I would gift it forward to my mom. We share the dream of having all we would need to be self sustaining on our little piece of paradise and would welcome the guidance.

  4. Tina Leavy says:

    I personally would love a copy..but the gal that I feel would enjoy it as well would be my niece who is also a farm girl at heart.

  5. Sandy Goff Williams says:

    My sister has cows. I’m jealous. I want a piece of land and animals with a garden, so bad. Mary Jane’s helps me stay hopeful. Thank you!

  6. Dorin Finn says:

    I’m looking forward to the book. I was raised on a farm and now heading back to the farm again.

  7. Anastasia Prentiss says:

    Me! I would give it to myself. I live in Oakland Ca. and I am beginning to develop a small farm space in the middle of my city.. I am not sure if a cow is legal but I should would like to try 🙂

  8. Liz Willis says:

    My granddaughter, Nikole. She is getting her college degree in Large Animal Nutrition. She’s a lovely girl.

  9. Kimberlee says:

    My daughter (age 9) and I love your magazine and we have yearned for a milk cow for quite a while. We’ve begun searching for a plot of land to have at least a horse and chickens, thanks to your guidance, and with any luck a cow too! I would love to gift this book to my loving little farm girl, Hannah, to support her dream of living closer to big, furry animals. Now we only blow kisses to the cows we drive by and dream of the future where we get to plant a big hug and kiss right on our own pet “moo cow” every day.

  10. Karla Reinhart says:

    The farm girl I would gift this to has had a life long dream of living in the country surrounded by nature. She has also dreamed of having a lovely garden, and small hobby farm.

  11. Teri says:

    Yes I do have a dream cow on my bucket list along with the acreage to
    keep her happy….I would give the milk cow Kitchen to me so I can read and be inspired not to give up on my dreams …
    A California city dreamer yearning for a
    A Oregonian life
    It’s in the works💋🐮

  12. Diana Shelton says:

    I’d love to give your Milk Cow Kitchen book to my daughter in memory of her cow Boomerang. My Dad, her papaw, had cows on his farm and her cow was named boomerang because it was a white faced cow with a black boomerang on its head. Boomerang would follow you around everywhere you’d go. One day boomerang didn’t come to the barn my dad found boomerang in the field by the woods shot. Later we found out a hunter had mistaken boomerang for a deer. My daughters heart was broken. My dad tried to find a cow with a boomerang on it but was never able to find one. My daughter is a farm girl, through and through, she loves farm animals, she wants to someday have her own cow,and goat to have fresh milk and make cheese and butter. She purchases her butter and milk from other farmers to make salves, breads. Thank You for the opportunity to share my daughters story and the chance to win your Milk Cow Book for her.

  13. L J says:

    ME!!! Just the thought brings back memory’s of the cow, Baby, that my son brought home to raise. I’m sure we did EVERY THING wrong. He, yes I said he, was a real mischief maker, and no we never got any milk!

  14. Polly Terpening says:

    My daughter is my fav farmgirl.She loves spending time making things “the best way” for her family and friends .

  15. Laurie Shaw says:

    Proudly a 10th generation Vermonter,8th generation farmer ! I would so love to have this lovely book .

  16. Carol Peterson says:

    I reside in Omaha with my husband and two dogs. Long have I cherished the hope of someday having a piece of land to garden and have farm animals to help produce much of our own food. My maternal grandparents lived in the hills of Pennsylvania where I naturally grew my love for country living. Even if I do not yet have Daisy Mae mooing outside my kitchen door, I would love to know how to make cheese and enjoy incorporating new recipes into our menus.

  17. Allison McGann says:

    As I prepare to graduate as a vet and support small scale farmers, I’d save this book for a future client inspired to have her own backyard cow. MJ can give her the recipes and I’ll look after the cow’s health and welfare.

  18. Cindy says:

    I would give it to my mom. She grew up on a family farm and used to show cows for 4-H at the county fair.

  19. Carol Chesley says:

    She was raised on a Holstein dairy farm and graduated high school and her family sold the cows and she ended up going to the city to work and has missed those cows since.

  20. Amy says:

    Thanks for the chance to win this book for my farm girl daughter, Feobe!

  21. Mary Alice Baer says:

    I would love to have the book for myself. We currently live on 3 acres and I have always dreamed of a milk cow and having my own milk and making butter

  22. Darlene Iarocci says:

    My daughter who with her young family bought a home in the country, she loves nature and animals-planning a chicken coop and goats, who knows what after that!

  23. Pam Elliott says:

    My brother and I spent our childhood summers living with our maternal grandparents on their dairy farm. Running free in the pastures with our cousins, picking blackberries (Mammaw’s warning rings “watch out for snakes!”), and putting up vegetables from the kitchen garden. I have a lifelong love of cows and calves! ” The Farm” long ago gave up its last cow and sits waiting….and now my neice may inherit “The Farm”!Through the years she has heard MANY stories of her father’s (my bro) and my escapades…she has spent time there and loves it as we do. She would LOVE this book to guide her as she reestablishes a smaller version of our childhood Sanctuary.

  24. Lisa Harris says:

    I would gift it to my daughter who in turn could re-gift it to me! 🙂

  25. Jeannette Olton says:

    I would love to gift this book to me! But I promise to loan it to friends!! Thanks for offering this giveaway.

  26. Molly says:

    I would Love to have this. My Sweetie & I have a little bit of land we visit as much as we can. Love the outdoors. Hope to retire next year & want a few chickens, maybe some ducks, bees, & whatever else I can convince the Sweetie we Need!

  27. Jim says:

    Love the simplicity, stay true

  28. Annette says:

    I would love giving a copy of your book to my sister in-law who gifts me with your wonderful magazine each year. My sister in-law is a farm girl at heart! She’s had sheep and chickens, I think this may just inspire her to try a cow or 2!

  29. Beth Lohman says:

    I would give this to my Granddaughter. She has moved away on the other side of the states. But when she thinks of Memaw’s house she remembers all the “country” things we have done together. She talks of having her own cow someday.

  30. Judie Neville says:

    My niece and I both have dreams of raising milk cows. She is my kindred spirit💕

  31. jane jordan says:

    I have a good friend that’s getting fed up with living smack in the middle of Fairfield County. She was born and raised in northern VT. I gave her a subscription to Mary Jane’s Farm this year for Christmas and she, like me, reads it cover to cover and can’t wait for more. She’s almost ready to think about retiring and she’s talking about heading back to the country. I can’t think of anyone better to give this book to. It might be just the push she needs.

  32. Nancy Garabrandt says:

    I would keep it for myself! I am moving back to the country and will have my cow again. I can once again make cheese, yogurt, butter, and ice cream 🙂

  33. Lori Schmuck says:

    Thank you for your inspiring and memory invoking articles!

  34. Christine F says:

    💜cows💜 I would share it with my sister!

  35. Kathy Blue says:

    I would gift it to RuthAnn – – she has a 30 acre farm down the road – – they are removing slash pines, planting hardwoods and replanting fields with native grasses. They have chickens and ducks, border collies and a true desire to be self sufficient – – she has talked of a milk cow.

  36. Debbie Engelhardt says:

    I love your magazine so much I bought a subscription for a friend. I would love to glamp but I don’t drive a trailer worth a darn!

  37. Sarah Kohler says:

    Thanks Mary Jane! I have always wanted a milk cow. We live on a small farm and milk goats. I absolutely love living this life and eating/drinking everything we raise/feed. I just have to talk my husband into a dairy cow!!!!!! Wish me luck..

  38. Missy Helton says:

    I would love to win this book. You are such an inspiration and I would love to curl up on the couch and read your book cover to cover.

  39. Liz Olson says:

    Yup! I have horses; I have goats; I have dogs, cats and chickens. All a bunch of delightful, fun and entertaining animals! Useful? Not so much… Someday I’m really hoping to have a contributing member of the barnyard! Yup, you got it! I’m looking to someday have a cow! Sounds like your book might just help me learn to have a pet that doesn’t just stand around and look cute!

  40. Janice Hansen says:

    I have been looking at this book on your site. I love your magazine. I am 75 and will be retiring to our little farm acreage. We have been talking of getting animals now that I can decote all my time to them. The subject came up of whether to get a couple of cows or goats or alpaca bit why not all? I think your book would inspire me to finally make my own cheese. What do you think?

  41. Kathy irving says:

    It would be for this wanna be farm girl.

  42. Neta Monroe says:

    I would so love to gift it to my friend Denish Klutz Koonz from church. Her and her sweet hubby have a cute farm with all types of animals they are so good with them all. thanks

  43. Michelle Fuhrman says:

    The farmgirl I would gift this beautiful book to is myself. I know it sounds selfish but one day I’d like to be able to use this book. We have the land but no home on it yet. My mother has given me goat books, my husband has given me a homestead recipe book, I’ve bought gardening books. My heart is ready but I’ll have to wait a lil longer before my dream can be reality. Until then reading this book will help sooth my yearning. Thank you Mary Jane for this chance.

  44. Judy Bell says:

    I will gift the book to my daughter! I share my magazines with her and she loves them as much as I do! Plus… she is a better cook and seamstress than I ever hoped to be! We are both farmgirls at heart!

  45. Jo Ellen Silva Hall says:

    I live in town on one third of an acre. I have 4 Rhode Island Red hens (living in their condo coop) and 4 planter boxes where I grow as many fresh vegetables as I can. I’m working towards raising meat rabbits! I do have access to fresh milk and I would LOVE to have your book.

  46. Susan Campbell says:

    My friend would be a lady at church that has a horse farm and some cows.

  47. Barbara Teichroew says:

    I would like the book for myself. I work with dogs and have one full time working dog with hospice patients. I would love to learn how to take care of larger animals. My husband was raised with sheep and had a pet goat. However he says he does not remember all the ins and outs of there care.

  48. Claudia Wheeler says:

    Honestly I would give it to me. I have always loved our bovine friends. Back in the late nineties I had a 4H group on Long Island and we took one dairy and a beef to the NY state fair. It was the first time anyone had shown cattle from LI in 30 years. It was one of the most memorable times in my life.

  49. Nicole Philip says:

    I have always said I would put lace in my daughter’s rubber boots, she is a complete Mary Jane farm girl. Now we are moving back to farmland to return to farming with space for whatever we wish to raise, a milk via would be the dream!

  50. deborah l Meyer says:

    I would love to keep it for me. I grew up with a milk cow and wish I could have one now but don’t have the room for it.

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