GIVEAWAY: “Milk Cow Kitchen, Comin’ Up Roses”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win a free copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book, tell me about the farmgirl you would gift it to who either has a milk cow or dreams of having one in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.


My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Pam Hamilton says:

    I would give this book to a friend of mine who is a real farm girl. She has been very supportive to me this past year after I lost my husband. She deserves it!

  2. Shelli L Miller says:

    I would gift this powerful book to my friend Michelle, currently living in urban Denver. Her farmgirl heart never gives up! When life’s circumstances forced her to leave small-town Kansas for the big city, I inherited Bella and Tyra, her Black Sex Link and Ameracauna hens (backyard had to first undergo her rigorous inspection). Even during the three months she and her son had to live out of her compact car in the Walmart parking lot, she went to work every day, he went to school with completed homework every day, and she courageously searched for affordable housing for them. When they were finally able to move into an enormous apartment complex, Michelle’s first plan was obtaining approval to start a massive community garden on the complex grounds. This intrepid farmgirl who rides the light rail downtown to work every day never relinquishes her dear farm dreams. One day she will have her farm and Milk Cow Kitchen would sure come in handy then.

  3. Ellen says:

    I have always loved cows. My favorite toy as a child was a rubber cow. I remember feeding the calves on my grandfather’s farm(that was all I was allowed to do because I was a girl:ugh). I am writing a book about a cow living on a farm(I think that is me and my dream). I would love this book to try the recipes and dream the farming dream..

  4. pattihabby says:

    I would Love to keep this copy as I’m a Dreamer and would love to have my own dairy cow someday. I have the land, just need the courage to get it done !

  5. Linda Olson says:

    I would give this to my middle daughter . . . She loves to make things from scratch such as juicing fresh vegetables, dried fruit, natural cosmetic products and kumbucha. She would love this book.

  6. Diana Nelson says:

    Hi, thanks for the chance to win. The farmgirl I would choose to gift it to is a 4-H girl, she loves her show calves, but they have to go back to the farm. She is a hard working, dedicated youth – always tries her best & always smiling!

  7. Paula Ann Leyva says:

    This milk cow book would be traveling from , Melanie, Wendy, Lisa & Reva, my girls, then on to, the dear Granddaughters, Isabella, Remy & Ansley, all to read & Back to Me .. after we could share are thoughts!

  8. Linda Mansker says:

    I hadn’t really thought about raising a pet cow before. This may change my mind.

  9. Nicole Philip says:

    I have always said I would put lace in my daughter’s rubber boots, she is a complete Mary Jane farm girl. Now we are moving back to farmland to return to farming with space for whatever we wish to raise, a milk cow would be the dream!

  10. Sherry Farley says:

    Growing up, we had a milk cow and remember my mother skimming the cream off the top. It was so good!

  11. Kate Sheridan says:

    My Daughter & Family are finally able to move here to the country near us!
    (YAY! Grandkids for neighbors!!!

    A yard full of chickens and a nice Gurnsey cow she says!

    I am So Excited to have them near us!

  12. Kathy Gaughran says:

    I’m so excited about this I have collected all your books and magazine because I can not part with them , I ‘ve had this on my wish list since it first came out and am now in the process of moving to my little piece of farm and be Happy doing what I love most. Thank you for all your inspiration.

  13. Beth says:

    Please throw my name into that pot. I may still be in that dream stage, but dreams do come true when we work at them hard enough. Would love the book, always looking forward to the arrival of the magazine. Keep up the great inspiration. Thanks.

  14. Joanie Hendricks says:

    I would love to have it. I have a large garden and chickens and could raise all I eat if I had a cow, too.

  15. Dusty Cannon says:

    I would gift this book to my darling friend, Katie. Her mama has milk cows but since she lives in town, she isn’t able to just now. She dreams of moving nearer to home and having a farm herself!

  16. Peggy Taylor says:

    My daughter Samantha “Sam”. Sam has raised three wonderful boys , started a home business ,after becoming a legal assistant in Orlando.
    She has been an overcomer , with a excellent attitude and spirit through her personal hard times.
    Sam’s goal is to continue her business, and to move back to a small farm with a cow.❤

  17. Katie says:

    Oh I love fresh milk and would love to make my own cheese!

  18. Pam says:

    I would keep it until I got my Cow and then share it with a friend that needs it!

  19. Pam says:

    Many years ago I had a lovely Jersey cow and milked her by hand each morning before heading out to work. Her name was Molly, and I enjoyed coming home to another milking in the late afternoon. She enjoyed the company of my horses and chickens.

    I have always thought it would be nice to have a cow again. I would give the book to my daughter so she could read about what I have had the opportunity to experience. I know she would enjoy the recipes even if she currently does not have room for a cow.

    I have fond memories of Molly.

  20. Catherine A Webb says:

    I raised two boys with my milk cow, sugar, and loved every minute of it. I still long to milk a cow at least one more time, it just gets in your blood. There is nothing quite like nuzzling your forehead into the flank of a warm mama cow and humming a few songs mostly hymns as she settles into the routine you’ve mastered with her. The soothing songs help her drop her milk and the process of filling the stainless steel bucket begins. As you release her head from the stanchion she turns and you get a whiff of that sweet breath and you know that she depends on you as much as you depend on her

  21. Carol Lowe says:

    I know a farmgirl (which is me) that would loveto have a milking cow and hope to one day have one…I just recently had to have a hip replacement which has limited my ability to do things but I am getting better…I would live to have a copy of this book…please consider me…Thank you

  22. Leslie Hayhurst says:

    The farm girl I would give it to is my daughter. She has two milk goats and just started her farm last year. She is expecting baby goats this spring. Sarah gives me Mary Jane’s Farm magazine for my birthday every year for the past 5 years.

  23. Lorna Joyce Packard says:

    Would love to have it for myself,,,Born & raised on a farm,,still lovin the farm-life.

  24. Shonda Lehtola Andrist says:

    I have already given away the gift of “Milk Cow Kitchen” to my lovely best friend. They are living their dream by buying land in Colorado with chickens, goats and sheep. They would love to own a cow or two, pigs, and bees. Now they are living off grid with no electricity or running water. I am enjoying watching them thrive, and learn (sometimes the hard way), but am envious because now I want my own copy of “Milk Cow Kitchen” and live more naturally. Always remember, dreams can come true!

  25. Cindy Foote says:

    We just moved to a home with some land and I search for the right animals for us and want to learn all about them before I leap. This sounds like a great resource

  26. Donna Kozak says:

    I would love to have this beautiful book and pass it around to my friends but would have to get it back !!

  27. Sara Beam McGee says:

    I long to retire so I can raise a sweet-eyed jersey calf. This book sounds dreamy!

  28. Suzanne Francke says:

    I would give it to myself. Someday i would like a cow and a couple of chickens. I have two alpaca’s now and use their fiber for spinning, weaving and knitting.

  29. Mary G. says:

    My Mom and I have always dreamt of keeping a small farm when I get a place of my own…this would help fuel our dreams 🙂

  30. Linda kay says:

    If I won, I would gift this to my daughter-in-law, Patricia. She loves all things homemade and country. I know she would love to someday have a Jersey. And chickens. Thanks for a chance to win. Love MaryJanesFarm

  31. Ruby Spohrer says:

    I would give it to my friend Sherrie who has cows, chickens and the works! Yea even goats! She is a great teacher, mother, grandmother, and all around friend! She never meets a stranger and loves everyone!

  32. Deedee Swenson says:

    I used to have a jersey cow, named Ellen. She followed me everywhere I went…..along with Priscilla the pig, Annie and Bessie the sheep, and Deborah my large black dog! I sure would love to be living that life style again.

  33. Betty says:

    My daughter would love it. She already makes things with goat milk, but wants to learn more. She hopes to get a cow soon.

  34. judy says:

    The farmgirl I would give it to is just me, have always loved cows since I was little and my grandpa had cows.

  35. Kendra Nightingale says:

    I would love this book! I’m all about MaryJanes!

  36. Amy Murillo says:

    After reading the book (cover to cover!) I would gift it to my dear friend Tami. She’s the farm girl that I dream I could be!

  37. Carol Johnson says:

    Our new son-in-love has a vision of an off-grid lifestyle in the future. Our daughter has been a cheese lover since birth, well, at least since she had teeth. I think this would be a useful book to add to their library, a book they could both enjoy.

  38. Becky Iannaccone says:

    Just bought 25 acres – need the know how on a cow now. Seriously.
    Does the book say anything about apparel for bovine? Like a straw hat with sash?

  39. Jo Gill says:

    I would love to have a milk cow. I really don’t know much about them. Your book would help with that. Thanks.

  40. Julie Wemken says:

    I would love to win this book. I have tried my best to be a farmgirl here on my large lot in town. I don’t have room for a cow here though. My dream is to live in the mountains and have a farm there. I would gift it to my cousin Jennifer though. She lives in the country and is raising chickens so far. I know she would love this book.

  41. Deborah Greenhill says:

    We are American farmers, who are building on property in Israel, in the hopes of having our dream farm. We could definitely use your book-and will purchase it anyway. If we win a copy, can give it to our other American farmer friends, who are doing the same thing in this moshav.
    We are almost finished with the barn, and are now hooking up a solar water pump, for animal watering purposes. We hope to have a cow, chickens, ducks and a nanny goat for a guard dog!
    We sold our farm on the Big Island in Hawaii, and hope to be successful here in Israel.

  42. Ruth says:

    Oh dear Mary Jane! At my age – 77 – I will never own a cow, but your lovely book would fulfill my dream in such a wonderful way. How I long to go to the barn with my stool and bucket…

  43. Nancy Itson says:

    I would give it to a sweet faculty member at the university I work at. Every holiday she gives treat bags to various departments on campus. She deserves a treat herself. She raises goats, but your book might inspire her to add a milk cow to the mix. Thanks for the give away.

  44. Carol S says:

    I would just have to give it to me. I’m the only person I know that wants her own cow someday. I even hope to be “reincarnated” as a pampered cow. Those eyelashes – love them!!!

  45. Jeanine Cadwallader says:

    There are several young ladies who raise and show dairy cows in my son’s 4-H group. I think this would be a real treat for them to read, share, try out the recipes & make cheese.

  46. Laura Vickers says:

    I would gift this to my Aunt Linda. She and I have always shared in the dream of a farmgirl life.

  47. Heidi says:

    I am that farmgirl! I’m being honest … I would keep it for myself. My own milk cow and fresh milk are on my bucket list and have been for years.

  48. Jean Graham says:

    I would give it to a friend who is a farmer.

  49. Sammie Jo Frisica says:

    I would gift this book to my daughter. Her and her husband are planning their homestead in the hopes of becoming self sufficient. She is learning every process she can think of to meet this dream and this book would be perfect for them.

  50. Connie rowland says:

    Country living small or big can be fun

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