GIVEAWAY: “Milk Cow Kitchen, Comin’ Up Roses”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win a free copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book, tell me about the farmgirl you would gift it to who either has a milk cow or dreams of having one in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.


My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. I would give the book to my daughter Patricia Baker. She moved to Viola Idaho and currently learning to be a chicken whisperer. A milk cow would be a great addition to the chickens. Suggestion would be to have the cow bred and give the calf to a 4-H member for a start in the (Heifer Project) That is a project started many years ago to help young people get into the cattle business. usually students that can’t afford to buy an aminal but have the land and interest in taking care and sharing.

  2. I would gift this book to my daughter and son in law. They planning their homestead in the hopes of becoming self sufficient and this book would be perfect for them.

  3. Louise Smith says:

    I love looking at your other magazine and would love to win the Milk Cow Kitchen Book.
    I love the farm, we have goats, chickens, rabbit, cats, and pigs. I have always been a farm girl. My dad had all kinds of farm animals when I was young, so it is nothing new to me. My husband has made goat cheese, lotions, and soaps with goats milk. There’s is nothing like the good farm life, when you can raise things on your on.

  4. Trina Ammons says:

    My dear friend Keidra would put it to good use. They have 3 little girls and live in town but are doing everything they can to get to the country. They dream of a self sustainable life in the country.

  5. Kathy Adair says:

    Nicole is a grand daughter of mine who has this huge picture of a funny looking cow in her bedroom. The painting is called “Hello”. Maybe she has named her by now? She loves cows, lives in Mississippi and is a treasure of a young person. Know she will be special as she is sweet as an adult! Thanks for offering this gift.

  6. Lori Cagle says:

    I’m teaching homeschoolers the joys and skills of farm life by bringing them to my farm for hands on classes. MILK COW KITCHEN is one of the books that I have identified as a “textbook”. I’d love to have a copy to gift to a student that might not be able to afford her own copy.

  7. Connie Richardson says:

    I have read this book, cover to cover, when it was first out. I grew up on a dairy farm in southwest Ms. so I am very familiar with most things dairy. The book is great. Beautiful pictures, wonderful recipes; I just love it!

  8. Debbie says:

    My daughter and her family are just beginning their journey into homesteading on five acres of their own. I would love to gift this book to her, as she has spoke often of wanting to raise her own cow.

  9. Chris and Bev says:

    Hello Mary Jane…couldn’t resist.

    It would be so nice
    To have our own fresh milk
    Mary Jane shares advice
    For that elixir white silk

    Milk Cow Kitchen
    Will show you the way
    Getting wholesome nutrition
    At the start of every day

    So all you farmers at heart
    Uptown or out of town
    Get those boots it’s time to start
    No more messing around

  10. Linda says:

    I would give the book to myself to remind of childhood experiences on a farm in rural West Virginia. I can remember hearing the cows’ bells as they would come back to the barn in the evening.

  11. Pearl Maxner says:

    I would give this book to my 38 year old friend Katrina who came here with her family to Idaho from Arizona to be a farm-girl. They have gone through many trials, but are weathering the storm! They bought their first Jersey, who ended up with a broken back. Their second has finally given birth successfully and they are milking and trying all the new things they can…cheese making, etc. Seems it can be hard to get the hang of things when you were born and raised in a big metropolis. She just had her 6th baby- at home and successfully- and they are homeschooling. They want their little ones to grow up healthy and happy and are in for the big haul. I encourage them all I can. The book would be a big help in this!

  12. Dolly Twist says:

    My friend, Janet… is a true “cow” girl! They cover her kitchen, they ride in her car and they carry her goodies when she travels. The view out of the front windows of her home is a field full of real cows. They seem to know when she is outside because some of them even run to the fence to see what she is doing. She even has me talking and waving to them!

  13. Sue Grunzke says:

    My sister in law suzie Cummings. Grew up on the farm. Both parents are gone. She loves cows.

  14. Suzanne says:

    Raised in Australia. We bred Jersey cows.
    Still remember Marie who would get through any fence or gate to stand at the window to listen to classical music with half closed eyes and a sweet smile on her face.
    Brings back memories for a transplant to the USA in her 70’s. Do have a half a dozen (Chooks) girls to keep Farmgirl memories alive.

  15. Denise says:

    I would want to keep it for myself. I grew up on a dairy farm and miss the fresh milk. I still remember my first day of kindergarten and the awful stuff they gave us to drink in those little cardboard cartons. Having my own cow is on my list of things to have on our acreage so I can make yogurt and cheese to share with my children and grandchildren.

  16. Ruthann says:

    We dream of having our own dairy cow!! We have a special needs child who has severe allergies and as such we have to vet all of her foods/drinks. Knowing what to do with a dairy cow and what to do with all of the milk we get from a special farmer (until we get a cow of our own!!).

  17. Beth Watson says:

    It would be great to have a cow in my pasture!

  18. Cheryl says:

    My sister! She has always wanted a milk cow!

  19. Darla McDonald says:

    I would donate to our library. We are a small town and have many farmers who might enjoy it.

  20. Tammie says:

    I always wondered why my parents weren’t farmers because it is something I’ve wanted to do for as long as I can remember. The closest I’ve gotten so far is Chickens, Turkeys and Ducks… I love cows and horses. My husband and I are looking for land so that dream can be fulfilled. I’d put this book to good use if I was lucky enough to win it.

  21. Beth Watson says:

    My Grandfather had a Guernsey dairy farm in the Walla Walla Valley for many years. One of my best child hood memories was when he would give a cup of cold milk out in the barn where he was milking…Then onto feeding the baby calves and kittens.
    My mom grew up on the farm and I know would love your book. Her 85th birthday is February 24 so I would give this to her!

  22. Andrea B says:

    My sister – who needs a milk cow to keep up with her 9 growing kids

  23. Laura Yates says:

    I would give it to my daughter. We have a few milk cows and we love the fresh milk ! She doesn’t think there’s anything better than fresh milk ( our family has to agree with her).

  24. Cynthia Bohli says:

    I would give it to my mom, who LOVES cows, especially Brown Swiss. She grew up in rural Indiana, & her family had cows and chickens, & grew their own veggies. 🙂

  25. Barbara says:

    Is it so wrong to say I’d keep it for myself? I’d love to have a milk cow and I do love all things “cow”. I’m getting into raw, real foods for healing some of my health issues and this would be a great place to start.

  26. Emily Hack says:

    I would gift this book to best accounting buddy Amberlynn, she has the biggest country girl heart I know!

    Thanks Mary Jane always wonderful to see the Farm in my morning email!

  27. Johnnie Poirot says:

    My husband n I would love your gift. We raise cows and it is my husbands passion to have a larger farm. Thank you for including us in on your emails of information and recipes.

  28. My sister! She dreams of simpler and more pure ingredients to heal her body and the bodies of the ones she loves. She’d love to have a hairy 4-legged bovine to keep her company:)

  29. Lisa says:

    Oh my goodness!
    I would gift it to my daughter Abigail Emily. She wants to be a Vet and is involved in the FFA, as well. She just loves Jersey cows, and wants a farm full of every animal God has created! I truly believe that she will someday. 🙂 I have been wanting to get her this book for a while now, and I know that she would be ” over the moon,” to have this, as well! I was blessed to grow up on a farm, as well, in S.W. Ontario, Canada. This is the best gift any parent could give their children! My best memories are those past days, on the farm. I cherish them so! What memories! Well, enough about me. I am on a hunt for your magazine, which I am sure, is in her bedroom! You know, I really should get Abigail her own subscription! 😉 Thank you so much, for every time you take me back home, that is exactly how I feel, I’m home!!! Sincerely, Lisa.

  30. Melinda Crawford says:

    I would give the book to my family, we are planning in the future to have a milk cow added to our small farm.

  31. Charlene says:

    I would gift the book to myself and my husband. We live on 120 acres with llamas, goats, sheep and chickens. We have often thought how wonderful it would be to have a pet cow and have gotten as far as looking at different breeds. We’ve been making our own yogurt for years and always reflect on how great it would be we had our own milk from our own cow. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

  32. Hello Mary Jane and crew,
    I am a subscriber to your magazine, and a huge fan. The fsrngirl….er…farmBOY that I would gift this to is my Husband. We purchased a 30 acre farm last year, and my husband has been dreaming of a milk cow ever since.
    We went to our county fair and he spent a little too long bonding with some of the calves. He’s obsessed!
    While I’m more of a chicken girl myself, I’d love a chance to read your book too!
    Thanks so much for all that you do to inspire people all over this great country! !!

  33. Jama K says:

    The farmgirl I would give it to doesn’t have her own space yet, but she drives by two farms with cows and yells out Good Morning (or Good Night) you sweet things every day! She dreams of the day she might have her own!

  34. I’d give it to my friend Beth. she has two donkeys, 3 fainting goats and recently had chickens too. I could see her getting a cow at some point down the road and this would be a good book for her.

  35. Terri says:

    I would gift this to myself. I grew up on a small farm and would love to teach my grandson about farm life.

  36. Elizabeth Lazor says:

    My youngest son Erik, who is a junior in high school and dreams of someday owning a small farm that is a sanctuary for animals.

  37. Patty Ballard says:

    Dreaming of the day I can walk out the back door to my very own cow. Have the garden and 15 acres now, and would love to add fuel that dream with your book! Just need to retire and jump into the dream full-time. Thanks for all your inspiration!

  38. Terry stuck says:

    Yes, pick me! I would like to have a milk cow.
    I have thought about this before ! I’d like
    A small brown one and I would keep her for
    Her life. Like my horses and other creatures.

  39. Joyce Johnson says:

    My friend is retired and a former “farm girl” who would enjoy this book

  40. m says:

    I would keep it
    read it
    and dream

  41. Nina Olson says:

    I currently have dairy goats and live the ‘zen’ of milking. I make cheese, ice cream and soap (so far!) and dream of a small Jersey or Dexter cow someday!

  42. Pamela Kuykendall says:

    My daughter Jessica, she yearns for a more healthy, slower, less stress lifestyle.

  43. Kathy Adair says:

    Will be interested in seeing who wins this contest! Thanks for opportunity.

  44. Gayl Weiser says:

    The farm girl I would gift it to would be me! When I close my eyes at night I see my farm. I see the chickens clucking along freely ranging through the yard. I see the acres of lavender, and sustainable crops that I grow and share. I see my beautiful milk cow, as well as the crazy group of goats in the pasture. I see the large Burmese Mt dogs who are not only my best friends but my security system. I feel the peace and security of having MY OWN place. And hear the slap of the screen door that serves as a revolving door for anyone who comes to call. I so crave this. So desire this. I have Amish ancestry that calls me to this simple quiet life. This was the life I had as a young mother. Lost in a divorce that almost destroyed me. And my hearts desire is to take that journey backwards again into that amazing life. A haven for friends, family, and those who just need a breathe of peace. My home. A sustainable farm where my children and their children can come and live and work and find the peace that only the simple things on this earth can give.
    My deepest desire!

  45. Debra Brown says:

    We have goats and chickens we have had cows too

  46. Anita Gonzalez says:

    I would love this book. Help with my small farm.

  47. kathi diehl says:

    me, dreams ahead with farm land and animals.
    Luv ur info.

  48. Deanna Smith says:

    I would gift this to my mini farm girl daughter. She is a mini person (4 1/2 feet tall, 90 lbs soaking wet. & grown) on a mini farm with BIG dreams. It is her dream to have her own milk cow, but they are just getting started with their little 2 acre farm. This would be the perfect gift to help her with caring for her dream cow.

  49. Elizabeth G says:

    My mother, Shirley Jean. She is the epitome of a “farm girl” who has taught her girls to be “farm girls”! She taught me how to milk a cow years ago. Even though we don’t have a milk cow now we have cows & certainly could still milk a cow now.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  50. Traci Simon says:

    My best childhood friend Kelly “Cow Bell” lives not far away and has acreage and horses. She and I started pet rescuing when we were toddles and over the course of about 40 years, and many life and job changes, we have come full circle in different states and both work with rescue groups! She would love this, and so would I!

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