GIVEAWAY: “Milk Cow Kitchen, Comin’ Up Roses”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win a free copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book, tell me about the farmgirl you would gift it to who either has a milk cow or dreams of having one in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.


My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Kathleen Shields says:

    I have always dreamed of having barnyard pets in my backyard and have been trying to convince my husband for the longest that we need chickens! Now that we have a baby on the way, it will be important for us to eat healthy! Love the magazine!!

  2. Gayla Hine says:

    The Farmgirl (s) I would gift it to would be my granddaughters. They are new to the idea and ideals of living on a farmstead. I was born on and lived on a farm for the first 6 years of my life and remember watching my Daddy milk the cows and my wish for them is to have that experience.

  3. Michele M. Simpson says:

    What a lovely sounding book…..I would love the book for my 3 daughters (10, 12, 13) and myself. We have dreams of several different animals and have started chickens. We are farm girls and love it – something I never thought I’d enjoy! Our chickies are doing fabulous. They’re so happy they’re laying eggs right through the cold winter. We’re ready to add a cow and want a goat & sheep also! Oh the things we can do with all of them!

  4. tammy kavich says:

    I am that cowgirl… I dream of a milk cow. MaryJaneFarm has the best info for us “want to be cowgirls”

  5. Jo Wray says:

    i love watching cows. They allhave different personalities.

  6. Jac Brewer says:

    To my sister. One our fondist memories of our childhood is of being chased by the neighbor’s stampeding herd! All were safe.

  7. Shirley Holcomb says:

    Love to a beautiful gift for someone I love.thanks

  8. Kathy Lechtenberg says:

    My daughter Kelly has lupus and RA but she doesn’t let it keep her down! She grows a big garden and cans everything. She’s wanting to move to the country so she can have a root cellar, greenhouse, cows and chickens! I wish I be like her! She’s the kind of farm girl I want to be like!

  9. Cherie McTiernan says:

    My best friend Allison. She has alpacas and horses. She needs a cow so I can have fresh milk😋

  10. Cate Carlson says:

    For my friend Tammy, who I am trying to corrupt. She is a farm girl at heart and has chickens and ducks. she really wants a cow.

  11. Carol Ann Cheek says:

    I am a farmer/ranchers wife who thinks life can’t be any better than with cows.

  12. Vickie McMillan says:

    Jerseys are such great cows. We have wanted to have one for a long time. We are trying to be as self-sufficient as we can.

  13. Vickie McMillan says:

    Jerseys are such great cows. We have wanted to have one for a long time. We are trying to be as self-sufficient as we can. I have been looking at this

  14. Kristeen says:

    The dream is still in me to have a farm and red barn with a horse and a milk cow and along with chickens etc.. Dream farm house as well with the veggie garden and beautiful flowers. And watch the sun set at the end of each work day.. sound hard work I know because I am a farmer’s daughter…so I like to read anything to do with having a farm or farm cooking… You are awesome in all you do to teach and be such a great example of goodness.. Hugs…

  15. Vickie McMillan says:

    oops, hit the send key by mistake. Should read, I have been looking at this book for a long time and wanted it!!!

  16. sharon s says:

    My son and daughter in law would love to read your book. They are looking for property in Maine to buy and to have a cow and other animals.

  17. melanie says:

    we have beef cows and I spend a ton of time with them talking, feeding etc. I never had a milker but hey u never know.

  18. Melissa Herrera says:

    I’ve always wanted to be a farm girl so I’d love the book for me! I’d share it with my friend, Joy, who would also love to be a farm girl! =)

  19. Bev says:

    My husband’s family used to have a barn full of cows. I enjoyed spending time with the cows. They never seemed to mind having visitors, and were always so tame and friendly!

  20. Mary Johnson says:

    My daughter dreams of having a cow. She is currently working on getting a farm. She would love any book you have.

  21. Sharon Ellison says:

    The valley I call home is mainly zoned Agriculture. With farmers retiring and sectioning off large acreages of land into small parcels there will be many mini farms. If I were to receive your book, it would be donated to the library knowing the community would make good use of your information. Thank you Mary Jane

  22. My granddaughter Lexi has a great love for all animals. She would love to have a milk cow.

  23. Karen Jones says:

    I personally have often thought about what it would be like to raise our own milk cow. We have almost an acre and have already started our little “farm” with 8 laying hens 😌

  24. Linda Hickman says:

    My friend Tina is a farm girl at heart. She has a horse and an equine ministry that is reaching children with developmental delays. She is such a kind and loving Christian woman

  25. Edie says:

    ‘m not sure if I would give this to my farmgirl mom or keep it for my farmgirl self.

  26. Cheryl Mitchell says:

    My daughter and her family recently decided to go for it, and they bought a small farmhouse and 18 acres. They have almost got the house fixed up, have bought 8 guineas and 25 chicks and now are longing for a milk cow. I know my daughter would love the book. They are hoping to be self sufficient, and have been reading up on everything, from cows, bees, etc. Moo Moooooooooooooooo

  27. donna says:

    I would gift the book to my mother. She has great memories as a kid and young adult caring for the family cows and calves. She cooks with cream and butter (organic) because she says it is the closest you can get to fresh

  28. Lisa Albery says:

    My best friend growing up loved farm life. She needs to have a cow!

  29. Jackie says:

    I grew up on a Dairy farm in Wis. till I was 11. My father sold out and moved the family to Calif. I was heart broken. I always told my parents I get back to Wis some day. I did 15 years later and married a farmer. The joy in my heart was back and raised 5 kids to love farming too. I would love this book and pass in on to my kids.

  30. Janet says:

    Although I’m a generation removed, dairy farming is in my blood! My grandfather owned dairy cows and raised Timothy hay for their fodder in Eastern Washington. He had two Clydesdale horses for his field; didn’t get his first tractor (John Deere, of course!) until 1956! I grew up with stories from Mom about those times. I’d love a copy of this book – but know there are more-worthy applicants. 🙂

  31. Colleen Richter says:

    My sweet daughter has loved cows since she was a little girl – from calves to heifers to steers to bulls, but especially what she calls ‘fluffy cows’; you know the ones that get fluffy-looking in the cold months. She has grown up to have her kitchen decorated in ‘cow’ decor. Even though she doesn’t have the facility for a real cow or two, she’s definitely a ‘cow’girl!

  32. Cindy Kinion says:

    My friend, Robyn, and I make cheese together and she has just purchased her first milking cow. Now we have the freshest of milk to make our cheese.

  33. Nancy Couden says:

    I previously won this book–and it is wonderful! Thank you for the wonderful gift and enjoyable read.

  34. Darci Davidson says:

    Inspired by Mary Jane we bought a mini Jersey to add to our 2 acre homestead and hope to be milking her soon, her name is meadow! 😊💜

  35. Darci Davidson says:

    Inspired Mary Jane we bought a mini jersey to add to our 2 acre farm and hope to be milking her soon, her name is meadow 😊💜

  36. pamela may says:

    i would give it to my granddaughter who lives in a suburb of seattle and dreams of some land of her own to raise her children in peacefulness and joy-

  37. Michele Munsey says:

    I will share the book with my mom.

  38. Karla Peterson says:

    Are you sure I have to give it away? Couldn’t I share it with my Mom as a way to remember growing up on the farm?

  39. Alice Connelly says:

    I started low and slow in my suburban property with a small chicken coup. I very rarely eat eggs, but my husband does. More importantly I let my grandkids raise the chicks and feed and water and now collect the eggs and pet the chicken. How cool would it be to have a milk cow!!! What could the lessons be I would teach my grandkids !’n

  40. Becca says:

    Well, since I would give it my farm boy (husband), who dreams of having a dairy cow someday, that looks just like yours, I guess I’m not eligible. I will still buy the book, so I can continue on my milk journey and learn to make some cheese!!

  41. Patty Moseley says:

    I would love to have a milk cow, but I need to learn how to take care of it. I live on
    120 acres in the oil fields of West Texas, but you can farm any where if you really
    want to. I have a few chickens that I enjoy. I was raised in the city, but would not
    trade my country home for the best house in town. I would love to have your book
    for me!

  42. Lisa South says:

    It would be for my 2 daughters, Rachel and Sarah. Both love animals. Rachel is studying Veterinary medicine and sold her horse to focus on school. She is also expecting her first child…my first grand-daughter. Sarah loves spinning and weaving and is learning this beautiful skill. She is only 12 but attends monthly meetings with women in their 70’s and older to learn to spin yarn and weave on a loom. She loved her Welsh pony, Jade whom we donated to a therapeutic riding center for disabled children. We would name the cow Jasmine.

  43. Sandi O'Connor says:

    My daughter would love to expand her farm, I know she will love this!

  44. Kathy Rutter says:

    I have dreamed of returning to my heritage of living on a farm. I should have married a country boy!

  45. Jenny Simpson says:

    I would gift this to our small public library where I work. I had to get i from a different library on our system. It would be fun to have it at our library.

  46. Carolyn Brill says:

    I was a dairy farmers daughter. Growing ip with fresh milk straight from the cow was great. I would love ❤️ to have a chance to try the recipes. My mom always made homemade ice cream with the cream slimmed off the top of the milk tank. Oh and homemade carmels. The best! Love your magazine!

  47. Jennifer Rose says:

    My sisters and I would love to read and share this book. We grew up on a hobby farm in Wisconsin. You can take the girl out of the farm, but can’t take the farm out of the girl. Thank you for this offer.

  48. Sarah says:

    I have a young friend who lives everything and anything related to cows. One day I hope she gets her cow. ❤

  49. Darcy Tietjen says:

    I, like many of Mary Jane’s farmgirls, dream of my own milk cow on my bit of property in Washington state. She would join my small flock of chickens (named after 1940s movie stars). I do much research when I start a new adventure and your book is top of the list in the learning curve. A must have!

  50. Amy Cable says:

    To my mom, who has recently gotten back into the cow game. She has about six girls, and a brand new baby bull calf.

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