GIVEAWAY: “Milk Cow Kitchen, Comin’ Up Roses”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win a free copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book, tell me about the farmgirl you would gift it to who either has a milk cow or dreams of having one in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.


My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. I would give your book to my friend Jennifer. She is a farmgirl to the max and junker extraordinaire. She has her own soap business and has a homestead and land that she and her husband work. She is a vendor in our local farmer’s market and takes her farm goods, baked goods and soap to the market to sell. She would love reading your book.

  2. Jayme Ferry says:

    My granddaughters, Haylei and Lilly. We have chickens and had pigs last year and will get more this spring. They love the animals and help to take care of them. I’m hoping they will help as we increase our little farm with a couple cows. I am really hoping my husband can eventually come around to getting a couple alpacas too.

  3. Julia Followell says:

    Well, I guess this is super selfish, but I’d give it to myself! We started homesteading one year ago and are planning on aquiring a Jersey mama this spring. I have made butter with store bought cream. It’s ok. But I want to taste it from MY cow. And I want to learn to make a good cheese! I dream of it. So…I’d LOVE to win a copy of your book!

  4. My little girl, Audra. She wants a cow and chickens. I keep telling her someday we will. Now that she is eight years old, I think our someday will be soon! 🙂

  5. Ione Wise says:

    I would love this book! (Although I admit I dream more of milk goat outside….but the how to do it part is what I need!)

  6. Mary Peyer says:

    I asked my 12 year old son the other day, if he could do anything different or change anything in his life, what would it be? He responded and said he would really love to own cows. We live in a rural area with woods and a creek and an acre and a half of land. He hunts and fishes. I thought it was a very profound thought from a 12 year old.
    So, needless to say, I would give the book to my son Connor and he will have cows someday, I just know it.

  7. Bonnie K. Carrodus says:

    I would give the copy of “Milk Cow Kitchen” to my granddaughter who lives near Tampa, Florida. She grew up near the city but dreams of living in the country and having a milk cow someday. She visited me in Pennsylvania last month and we visited a local dairy farm together. The Jersey cows were beautiful and we had a fun day.

    I grew up on a dairy farm. Thank you for your magazine!

  8. Paula Boyea says:

    My beautiful daughter-in-law, Amy has been helping our son move towards a simpler life. They are currently looking for a piece of land so they may have more than their few backyard chickens. Amy reads everything she can get her hands on about small scale farming and has found a local farm where she is able to buy raw milk, until they have their own cow. I know she would love reading “Milk Cow Kitchen”!

  9. Margie says:

    The book would be given to my daughter-in-law, Stephanie. Growing up in a suburb, she joined 4-H and had a chance to own a Brown Swiss with her family as their 4-H years progressed. They still board the off-spring at an area dairy farm, and she loves working with the current 4-H Dairy members getting ready for fair. She has two miniature goats and twenty six chickens. So much for being a city girl…she’s our farmer and proud of it. I’m sure she would love it. Thank you

  10. Joye says:

    My daughter lives in the country and would love to have a backyard cow for her boys, She would love this book!

  11. Joye says:

    I would give the book to my daughter who lives in the country. Her two little boys would love to have a backyard cow.

  12. Jeanie Siggaard says:

    I would gift it to my daughter. She dreams of raising her two year old son on a farm with chickens, pigs, cattle, a huge garden and yes, a milk cow. All organic, grass fed and free range. She says”l want to give my son the kind of life you provided for me, plus a little more.” The milk cow is her little more.

  13. Patty Moseley says:

    I would love to have this book,so I could learn to take care of a cow. I live on 120 acres
    and have chickens already. Love living the farm live even though I was raised in the

  14. Gail Cameron says:

    I owned a beautiful jersey cow for many years and miss her a lot. I look at the field where she lived and it seems so empty. Her best friend was our neighbor’s dog Patches who would come over every day to visit. Patches is still around, wouldn’t he just love a new friend!

  15. Mandy Kellogg says:

    Honestly, I’d keep it for myself and use it to help convince my husband that we need a cow.
    Mandy Kellogg
    Sweetest Town, USA

  16. Linda says:

    I have always wanted to have my own “little spread” with some animals and nature all around me. I am currently looking for property to try to make my dream come true. I used to buy raw milk when my children were young. Now I have three grandchildren. I would love to show them how to care for farm animals and have them see where milk, eggs, etc. really come from. They can help me run my “little spread”. I have subscribed to Mary Jane’s Farm for many years now as I love reading each issue from beginning to end. It takes me away to my dream.

  17. We are directors of a retreat center in the country. Many of our visitors come from an urban environment. They enjoy our chickens and sheep tremendously. They would flip over a ” real live cow!”

  18. Emma says:

    My son! While we had a cow, he was in charge of milking her. He’d make yogurt, cheese, etc, while I was ill. He’s 13 years old and loves having a home dairy. And this book would give him extra inspiration and tips!

  19. I hate to say this, but, I’d give it to … me. 🙂 I’m a grandma of 5 and I always wanted a milking cow…preferably a miniature one. That would be a perfect size for me to handle and for the grandkids to learn all about cows. The book would help me to convince my husband….I’d leave it in places where he would find it at random times: in the refrigerator, near the remote, on the passenger seat of our car, and of course, the bathroom. Who knows?…if I do that, maybe he’ll think getting a milking cow would be his idea! One can wish, can’t one? 🙂 Peace!

  20. Kim Riggs says:

    I would gift this this book to my daughter!! She wants a baby goat or a cow although she lives in a a suburb!! We currently have one chicken and I know she would live company! We have been reading Mary Janes farm since the very first issue and she has inspired us to be a city cowgirl!! Hope we get picked!!!😊

  21. Susanne Griffith says:

    I would love to share this book with my new daughter -in -law to be Shandra! I own it and have thoroughly enjoyed it! Just got her hooked on Mary Jane Farm magazine subscription for Christmas!

  22. Glenda Nelson says:

    Hi, I am Glenda, from Louisiana. Grew up with cows, chickens, pigs and a dog. Loved the farm life. Daddy always had a huge garden. Now if I had a cow, wow! that would just be dandy. I would gift my sister, she now has chickens, quail and rabbits. She would love the gift. She also cooks and has a very large kitchen with all the new cook wear of today. I do love farming. We now have a Christmas tree Farm and it keeps us busy year round. Nothing like the farming business or just farming for food. God is so good to supply our ever need. I do love MaryJanes Farm magazine. My sister and I both get the magazine and are usually making things we see in there if it is cooking or just sewing up something unique.

  23. Glenda Nelson says:

    Oh yes I will be looking for the new book.

  24. Brenda says:

    I love my Mary Janes Farm magazine. I would LOVE to have this book for myself! I have 1 jersey and 2 Belmonts that were born on our small farm and I want to learn more about keeping them happy and healthy. I am always trying to find ways to use the milk.

  25. Faye brown says:

    I am 59 and still remember my grandpa (a farmer) being the first to rise to feed the animals and milk the cows. Sometimes I would wake up with him at 4:30 in the morn and get to help…..ahhhhh that memory is precious. My husband and I now have a 20 acrer to be farm just waiting for us to retire. We plan on making it a real sustainable farm just like the one my grandparents had with a milking cow! Grandpa is gone now, so I can’t get his expertise instuction that I need so badly! But I think that you, Mary Jane, will do just fine! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

  26. Phyllis Pedreira says:

    I really enjoy your magazines; very interesting and addictive and would certainly love to have your book “Milk Cow Kitchen”

  27. Cindi Tryon says:

    I would keep it for myself! I LOVE cows and some day I dream of a farm with cows and chickens!

  28. Robin Griffin says:

    I’m sorry but I would have to be selfish and keep it. I have all your books except this one.BUT I would surely share it with my Daughter in Law

  29. Maureen vandeusen says:

    We are all cow lovers😍🐮

  30. amanda budd says:

    I would use it myself. We are a struggling organic homestead so we dont have the excess money for things like books.(big fan of the library) I have been lucky enough to enjoy your magazine since my family gets it for me each year for my birthday! Love this magazine and hopefully one day I could see Mary’s farm!

  31. Jessica says:

    I grew up on a dairy farm and I am pretty sure that my Dad still misses them. All 300!

  32. Summer says:

    I would love to gift this book to the farmgirl that lives within me for my 53rd birthday on Feb. 13th. It’s high time I conquer this on my bucket list! I finally got the horses, now it’s time to get the cow!! I would love it! Moo!!

  33. Connie Hawkins says:

    Getting a cow to join the chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigs, goats and bees is the next planned step at our homestead, Hawksnest. This would be a great resource.

  34. Melva V. says:

    Our house is on one acre and out of the city limits. I have the room to have a milk cow! I would love to have a milk cow to take care of!

  35. Tami Fancher says:

    I would give it to my best friend Amanda, who just purchased a farmhouse and a couple of acres in Fruita, CO. She is a farmgirl at heart who would love to have a cow!

  36. Chris Davis says:

    My friend, Katie. She and her friend Melynda fight so hard to manage and grow their little co-farm. They only have goats and chickens and lgds so far, but they have bigger dreams!

  37. Breanna Buehler says:

    The farm girl I would give mine to is my mother in law. She has wanted a milk cow since she was a little girl and she is getting her wish for valentines!!

  38. Colleen Knivila says:

    The farm girl I would gift this book to is my future self. My grandparents built their dairy farm & home themselves, though by the time I came around the cows were gone. (Wish the “dirty dozen” chickens & roosters had been gone too…but that’s another story!) Growing up in a house across from a pasture, I would greet the cows while waiting for the school bus. My little sister thought this was a normal thing to do until her classmates told her otherwise! Much time has passed & I now get milk with a cream plug from farmers I went to school with. I would live to have a milk cow of my own some day but until then, I believe your book would hit the spot! (P.S.I used to have a subscription but mail issues have made it so I purchase copies individually at this time.)

  39. Nancy Erickson says:

    My youngest daughter loved cows as a child and hopes to live on a farm in her future. Where she dreams of cows,chickens,goats,and raise her 4 children in the peace that the country can only supply.

  40. Joan Booth says:

    I went to 3 different book stores looking for this book, each time a few months apart. I’m so anxious to start making cheese. I’m counting down the days til I retire and can be a real farm girl.

  41. Marjie Long says:

    We had a milk cow when I was growing up – my brother did the milking and I helped make the butter. Then when I married, we had several milk cows, used most of them for doggie calves. There is nothing better than your own milk, cream, butter, cheese made at home. The book sounds like a very good “read”. I hope to win it.

  42. Susan Browning says:

    I am a wanna be farm girl and I could use this book to further my inspiration!

  43. Amber says:

    My friend Lessie! She first introduced me to your book years ago and we are def. farm girl sisters

  44. Pingback: Winners!!! Giveaways: Comin’ Up Roses | Raising Jane Journal

  45. Sue Jackowiak says:

    I would love to have a milk cow and make butter and drink fresh milk.

  46. Sue Jackowiak says:

    I would love to have a milk cow. I love a slow simple life Fresh milk and butter 💓

  47. Darcie Little says:

    We currently live on only3/4 acre, but are now looking for a larger property for off grid living. When we adopt our new cow…”Clover Belle” to join our family, this book will be so helpful! Thanks for this opportunity! I’ll be buying this book in the spring if I don’t win one!

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