GIVEAWAY: “Cookie Cutters, Comin’ Up Roses”

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In the “Comin’ Up Roses,” Feb/Mar issue of MaryJanesFarm, we gave you this heartfelt breakfast idea.


For a chance to win a free 4-piece metal heart-shaped cookie cutter set—just what you need to spread the love—tell me what your most loved dessert is in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Melissa Robbins says:

    My first memory of pie was my grandmother’s cherry pie. From then on that was the one. My grandmother made many differant ones during the holidays but I always looked for the cherry pie. Nothing else would do being pretty young I’m sure I could give a pretty good sad face when it wasn’t a part of the holiday spread.

  2. Cynthia J. Weber says:

    My favorite dessert is a good, moist, chocolate brownie!

  3. Christine Drawert says:

    Cookies, any cookie as long as it’s a cookie!

  4. Karole King says:

    Blackberry pie!

  5. Susan Williams says:

    My favorite dessert is a Strawberry Cake that I make; it is a common recipe using white cake mix as a base with strawberry Jello dissolved into it along with syrup from strawberries that give it a pretty pink color and great flavor.

  6. Kay Baucom says:

    Turtle cheesecake. YUM!!

  7. becky krout says:

    my favorite dessert would be my mom (or nanas) peach cobbler (actually any of their baking )

  8. Deb Morris says:

    Oh how I love warm, gooey Rice Pudding…with LOTS of raisins!

  9. Laurel Rupert says:

    The dessert I won’t pass up is Red Velvet cake with the cooked or traditional icing. Not a chocolate fan so this is what I crave.

  10. Kris Siebert says:

    My favorite is a cranberry and cream frozen desert that my grandmother made when I was little. My mom now makes this every Christmas for my sister and I. So excited to get the original recipe card with grandma’s handwriting. I can now carry on the tradition!!!

  11. Judy Hicks says:

    Homemade chocolate chip cookies, right out if the oven!!! Not only do they taste delicious but they evoke fond memories with my mother in the kitchen and, then with my own children who have their own kitchens,

  12. Pamela says:

    Dessserts??-l literally love every dessert! One of my favorites is related to a memory. Cake is my usual BIRTHDAY treat, but one BIRTHDAY I requested a cream cheese/cheese cake- like pie. It had a Graham cracker crust and cherry pie filling covered the top. Yum!
    Mom is a great cook–she is 92 and still making PIES for CHURCH with great crusts!! Not sure what is more delicious–the dessert or the memory.

  13. Frances Brevis-Martinez says:

    Deep dish Blackberry Pie! Yummy! I’m terrible at making pies…..but when I see one at the organic grocers……oh boy! Can’t pass it up.! Love, love juicy blackberry pie…..makes my mouth water.

  14. La Verne Duncan says:

    My grandmother made the most delicious apple pie and she put caraway seeds in it…they gave it the most different and scrumptious flavor….I tried it a couple of times and it never came out like hers did….Miss my grandma and all her great cooking~~especially the apple pie!

  15. Julie says:

    My favorite dessert is crème brulee and a good cup of coffee. The combo makes me very happy!

  16. Joye says:

    My favorite dessert is my grandmither’s vanilla pudding recipe. We use it for banana pudding, pies and sometimes add coconut, chocolate or pineapple to the pudding.

  17. Ina says:

    I’ve made these eggs (we call them eggs in a hole) since my Girl Scout days in 1957. I use cookie cutters to cut the bread today but back then we pulled a hole in the bread as round as we could get it. My brother is mentally challenged, loves these, he calls them special eggs!! LOL

  18. Barbara Gordy says:

    Oh my goodness, there are so many I love! But my very favorite is homemade ice cream with homemade angel food cake. I would go with my aunt to the hen house and gather fresh eggs. It took a dozen to make her angel food cake recipe. And it took at least a half dozen more to make the ice cream but it was worth it!!

  19. Anne Lewandowski says:

    Favorite dessert is:. Carrot Cake

  20. Janie Percha says:

    Peach Cobbler

  21. Nan Harrison says:

    My favorite dessert is my Moms “Wet Chocolate cake”, especially while still hot and gooey!! Yummy!!

  22. Dawn says:

    When we’d visit my Granny my siblings and I would know the routine to get our favorite tasty dessert. We’d each grab an ice cream pail and follow the road down the holler to pick the ripest and juiciest raspberries. After a couple hours of filling the pails, a hundred insect bites later and purple mouths and fingers. We’d have just enough for Granny to make her famous Raspberry Cobbler in her big heavy cast iron skillet. Those memories of the past are as sweet today as they were then.

  23. Pearl Maxner says:

    My most loved dessert is my Mother’s recipe for French Silk Pie. She was taught how to make pie crust by her husband’s mother who worked with HER mother in the salt fields of Death Valley California at the Lugo Ranch for the workers. Theycooked three meals a day and that included 16 pies a day! The crust was SO light! I can no longer eat it for my own health reasons, but I can still imagine it all just melting with sweetness in my mouth…and then making it for my own family later.

  24. KJo says:

    ❤️ Red Velvet cake with Vanilla ice cream ❤️

  25. Marilyn Barclay Jennings says:

    Lemon tea cookies! So delicate, not too sweet, and with a bit of tang with the lemon zest. We are lucky to be able to grow our own lemons here in sunny Florida, so we know our lemons are organic. I use my Grandmothers recipe, and think of her and my Mama when I make and eat them. That makes them extra special!

  26. Vicki Anderson says:

    My Mother’s homemade butterscotch pie. It is the best and although she has passed every time I make it I think of her….good memories & good pie!

  27. Lynn Bean says:

    Texas sheet cake

  28. Ruby Spohrer says:

    My favorite dessert is Sad Cake and it’s my daughters as well!

  29. Theresa Hubbard says:

    Mine has to be Strawberry Shortcake!!😋

  30. Dale Ann Staggs says:

    The “L” word anything Lemon especially pudding

  31. Leisa Joan says:

    Anything Chocolate!

  32. Judy M says:

    It would have to be homemade chocolate chips cookies and ice cream. Of course, I dearly love sugar cookies, too. Actually any kind of cookie and a fresh-brewed cup of coffee….yummm.

  33. Connie Letke says:

    My Aunt June’s Banana Bundt cake. It is one of the most moist banana cakes and very easy to make. Turns out beautifully every time too. The fact that it was my beloved Aunt’s recipe is also a plus, she was very special to me!!

  34. Carrie says:

    I just love your magazine C

  35. Denise L. Rhoads says:

    Hands down, my Grandma Katie’s homemade apple pie! When I was little, I had to stand on a chair to “help” her make pies. She had a special tiny pie plate for me only. I am 57 years old and that memory is still close to my heart!

  36. Valerie W says:

    German Chocolate Cake with Coconut-Pecan Frosting…Always my favorate Birthday cake : )

  37. Tami Kropp says:

    My favorite dessert is the Pumpkin Cheesecake for Thanksgiving and serving it in the tiny mason jars was a hit. I have some family members that don’t like a lot of sweet and this was perfect, they loved it. Keep the recipes coming, love to try them all.

  38. Michelle Turner says:

    Baklava or almost anything with honey in it. I adore honey. ♡

  39. Sunnie says:

    I think for me its chocolate cake with chocolate frosting!

  40. Joyce S. says:

    My husband makes a mean, delicious Peach Cobbler in a cast iron Dutch oven over an open fire. Add some vanilla ice cream or freshly whipped cream…to die for!

  41. Pauleta J Clawson says:

    Favorite is Strawberry in Cast Iron Skillet. At one time I had 21 (yes 21) pieces of cast iron. As I have arthritis in my hands, the cast iron is difficult for me to use. Can’t lift it when there is anything in it. So, I’m down to 1 large skillet, 2 8″ skillets, 1 6″ skillet, 1 popover pan, 1 dutch oven. All the others I gave to our two sons as they use them too. Some things I just cook and serve out of the cast iron so I don’t have to lift it.

    Hint to share: There is a stainless steel chain made to clean our cast iron. Just use hot water and the chain will clean it perfectly. Of course, I do not use soap of any kind in my cast iron.

    Blessings and thanks for throwing my name in the pot.

  42. Joan Booth says:

    Ice cream is #1. Anything chocolate and tied for 2nd is homemade Georgia peach and Key Lime with graham cracker crumbs on top. Mmm Mmm!!

  43. Jennifer says:

    I love dark chocolate, but this time of year I always crave crème brûlée!

  44. Marie Panesko says:

    Apple pie. Becky McGee’s apple pie to be exact. She makes the BEST crust, ever. And her filling has just enough of everything: cinnamon, apples, sugar and juice! I add rhubarb and a bit of cardamom when I make an apple pie, but Becky’s is my favorite!

  45. Jolene says:

    I’m a fan of tiramisu…

  46. Sandra Abalos says:

    My fav dessert is carrot cake with cream cheese frosting!

  47. Toni says:

    Paper bag apple pie using fresh apples off our tree (McIntosh) and of course a dollop of vanilla ice cream Yum Yum..

  48. Pam Hoy says:

    Any fruit pie or anything chocolate!

  49. Ann Matthews says:

    Rustic Banana Tart made with homemade puff pastry

  50. Pam Hlavka says:

    Apple dumplings stuffed with walnuts, cinnamon, and honey, topped with fresh cream. Using apples from my heirloom trees, of course!!

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