GIVEAWAY: “Love Pillows, Comin’ Up Roses”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the “Comin’ Up Roses,” Feb/Mar issue of MaryJanesFarm, you’ll find a photo of two linen “LOVE” pillows in our Decorating with Plates article on p. 70.


For a chance to win these FREE companion pillows, share with us the last place you drew a heart. Was it at the end of a letter, a post-it in your child’s lunchbox, a love note you left your sweetie? Tell us WHERE! in the comments below. (When I autograph my books, I always draw a heart beneath my signature.) I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.

  1. Daniele Murray says:

    Every time I remind my son that I LOVE him. I draw a heart in the air or on paper just to let him know about my 😍 for him!

  2. Tamara Woodruff says:

    The last place I drew a heart was on my husband’s birthday card “from our pets. I drew a heart for each one of them (five) because he has such a kind heart and takes good care of them and me. ❤️

  3. Kathy says:

    The last place I drew a heart was on thank you cards I sent to my adult children for their wonderful thoughtful Christmas gifts that they blessed me with.

  4. Nielsen,Winifred T. says:

    The last place I drew a heart was on a Christmas card note I wrote this past December. I text hearts all the time to my daughters when we chat. I love the emoji of the facing blowing a heart kiss.

  5. Dianna Hauf says:

    My granddaughter loves the happy colorful decor! Its beautiful and vibrant!

  6. Joan H. says:

    I LOVE these pillows! The last heart I drew was on a Christmas name tag. The one that labeled the box to my daughter, holding a shift dress I sewed for her. ❤

  7. Brenda White says:

    The symbol of a heart is part of who I am. I use it after my name, or when I’m trying to encourage or just because ❤️

  8. Liz Lindsey says:

    What a gift to be able to give –

  9. amber says:

    I sometimes leave notes with my husbands lunches <3 🙂

  10. Jennifer Allen says:

    It was on a Christmas gift tag to my “Muddder”.

  11. Gail McG. says:

    I dotted the “i’s” in my daughter and daughter in law’s names with little hearts on the tags for their Christmas gifts. I just love doing that!

  12. Cathy R says:

    Thanks MaryJane, great pillows! I use hearts for the word love all the time and jokingly call myself the Emoji Queen, using all the ones with hearts! The last one was on a note to my nephew. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  13. Leisa Joan says:

    I also use it at the end of my text messages to my 2 girls & man friend.

  14. Jane Ryan says:

    I always sign my name with a heart too! The last time was on Christmas cards!

  15. Krista says:

    Those are super cute pillows! The last place I drew a heart was on a piece of paper as I was teaching my son shapes. We love to draw hearts to show our love!

  16. Mary Frances Rauch says:

    The last place I drew a heart was in the snow,beside our mailbox. Lots of love comes and goes through that mailbox, along with those pesky bills.

  17. kay says:

    Last night as training officer for our local volunteer ambulance, I drew a heart on the bulletin board to illustrate how the heart works, in cardiac emergencies.

  18. Ginger says:

    It is sad to say, but I don’t remember the last time a drew a heart. Must rectify that in the New year and draw lots of hearts.

  19. Jill Judge says:

    Cool for every room!

  20. Heather M. says:

    On a get well soon card to my grandmother, I signed it with a heart.

  21. dee mallett says:

    I drew hearts across the bottom of my hand painted postcard I gave to my best friend who is moving to New York City.

  22. Darla says:

    I honestly can’t remember when. The last time I did one was online, in a message but the last physical one I drew I can’t recall.

  23. Nancy Haines says:

    The last time I drew a heart was as I filled in my 2017 calendar with dates. I write in red the names of people and the date of their birthday. I drew a heart on two dates beside. The date my sweet, dear cat ,Misty died Aug9 last year at 18 years old and the date of my anniversary with N and J inside, (Nancy and John)

  24. Rebecca says:

    I always sign my notes to my husband and daughters with a heart. They truely hold my heart in their hands and they always fill my heart with love and happiness.

  25. susan b says:

    Most recently, I signed all of my Christmas gift tags with a heart. All the cards to my family are also signed with a heart. I use the emoji heart when I text my kids.

  26. Heather says:

    Whenever i leave for work, before I drive off, my husband stands at the door and I draw a heart to him in the air. It’s the best way to say “I love you” before driving away. He loves it!!!

  27. terry steinmetz says:

    I just wrote a note to my grandgirls and sent a heart & kisses (with lipstick) on their thank you notes. They love that!

  28. Christmas Tags for grandaughter

  29. Bev says:

    I added a heart to my mom’s grave flag, that I make for her grave every holiday!!!

  30. Sabrena Orr says:

    In my Christmas thank you cards! LO VE hearts!!

  31. Pamela Campbell says:

    I wrote a positive note in my journal and drew a tiny heart exclamation point.

  32. GiNGER KARR says:

    On my Grandchildren’s Christmas cards on their text messages!

  33. Bobbie Calgaro says:

    My husband’s Christmas card.

  34. Christine McCabe says:

    On my husband’s Christmas card.

  35. Shannon Smith says:

    The last place I drew a heart was on a gift that I made for a friend. I hand lettered scripture onto canvas & ended the scripture with a small heart.
    Cute pillows!!!

  36. Karen Brashear says:

    At the bottom of a birthday card to a dear friend, she knows I love her, but just had to put the heart there.

  37. Cheri Hanschu says:

    I just sent a letter to my daughter…. always write her name followed with an exclamation heart!

  38. Sierra says:

    The last place I drew a heart was when I was doodling a couple days ago. I doodle often and it always includes hearts! ♡

  39. Kari Hartman says:

    I feel like a copycat! I, too, draw a heart by my name when signing notes, etc! A language spoken all over the world!

  40. Honey says:

    Just this Winter break, my two granddaughters and I were putting together a 2016 memory time capsule. We each made a painting of our favorite memory. Mine was 4 hearts made into people representing the two girls, myself and my husband. I swear I can actually feel my heart swell whenever I see them.

  41. cyndi says:

    Always end my text/email messages with the XOXOXOX sign, which has many different explanations of the meaning. I like the X representing crossed arms of a hug, and the O representing the puckered lips of a kiss!

  42. Kathleen Fleming says:

    I made one of my grandsons a quilt for his 4th birthday and I personallized it with an embroidered felt heart 🙂 (For Bentley Love Grama) I would attach a picture, but not that computer savey (I just don’t know how…)

  43. Carol S says:

    Always on cards! Last was at Christmas on gift tags.

  44. Kat S says:

    I had to leave earlier than usual for work a few weeks ago but I knew that my love would be up shortly after I left. I made him a cup of his favorite tea (it would be the perfect temperature to sip when he got up) and a little love note. I signed my name with a heart.

  45. Katie Silvers says:

    My 3 year old daughter always has me draw our family for her. I always draw a heart on her shirt. <3

  46. Leslie Hawkes says:

    dunno, but I think it was for an adoption prototion for Wend’s. They asked you to make one with your hands, take a picture and text it.

  47. Suzanne says:

    Christmas notes in cards I made for friends and families. We have been designed for relationship and what better than the core of our being-our hearts!

  48. Toni H says:

    I drew a heart in Christmas cards last month!

  49. Barbara M. says:

    Birthday and encouragement cards sent to my grandsons and granddaughter always require a heart along with the hugs. The last one was a December birthday.

  50. Amy Wray says:

    On Christmas name tags for my 2 granddaughters and 9 grandsons! We are surrounded by love!

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