GIVEAWAY: “Love Pillows, Comin’ Up Roses”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the “Comin’ Up Roses,” Feb/Mar issue of MaryJanesFarm, you’ll find a photo of two linen “LOVE” pillows in our Decorating with Plates article on p. 70.


For a chance to win these FREE companion pillows, share with us the last place you drew a heart. Was it at the end of a letter, a post-it in your child’s lunchbox, a love note you left your sweetie? Tell us WHERE! in the comments below. (When I autograph my books, I always draw a heart beneath my signature.) I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.

  1. Jana Blackwood says:

    The last place that I drew a heart was on my grand-daughter’s scribble note pad. She is almost 2 years old and loves to draw with colors. We are beginning to learn shapes and I thought that a heart was a great place to begin that process.

  2. Jenny says:

    I drew a heart on the Valentine’s Day square of my 2017 calendar!

  3. Teri says:

    Last time I drew a heart was in last week’s love letter written to The Man who has held my heart for nearly 34 years! Love the pillows, too, but not quite as much!

  4. Lisane Snyder says:

    When giving Christmas cards by hand, I put a heart on envelope where stamp usually goes….

  5. On the window in my car. It was all foggy from the cold outside. Was waiting on grandson to get out of school. I remember doing it as a little girl. It took me way back.

  6. Madelyn Shields says:

    At Christmas I drew and cut out a heart from red fabric and sewed it onto a Teddy Bear that I made my infant Great Grand for Christmas. I used the blanket stitch and it was amazing. My little Great loved the bear and we enjoyed her response to the gift. We got a picture of it and I treasure that moment. P.S. I love the LOVE pillows.

  7. Miriam says:

    The last place I recall writing a heart was on my children’s homeschool paper. I like to draw a heart or star next to their best letters.

  8. Kathleen Petty says:

    On a note to my grown daughter.

  9. Heidi Rantala says:

    A letter to my favorite auntie

  10. April Crout says:

    The last heart I drew was on a note to my son Thomas.

  11. Gaye Durst says:

    The Christmas cards to my grandkids!

  12. Wendie says:

    My name is wendie I use a heart instead of a dot too my i

  13. ALISA says:

    I drew hearts on gift tags at Christmas.

  14. Sandy B says:

    I drew a heart and painted it with watercolors for my husbands valentines day card.

  15. Allison Rosch says:

    I draw hearts on anything and everything. Freshest are the hearts I drew on gift tags for January birthdays.

  16. Dianne Mcqueen says:

    I put a heart on a note to a friend.

  17. Joyce says:

    The last time I drew a heart was on the first of January. I gave a sympathy card to my husband for the anniversary (5 years) of the death of our infant son. We love, laugh, and mourn together

  18. Valerie N. says:


    As I have been mourning and processing the death of my Mother, I drew hearts on each of the “Thought of Appreciation and Thank You” card when after my signature as a symbol to express my love for her. I was chosen by my family members to write and send all the cards. I found in accepting this challenge, as I am contending with her loss, it has been endearing and an extremely healing tribute to her.

    Once again, Thank You for this wonderful opportunity to enter and win!

  19. Judy Mardock says:

    Every time I send a card to a friend I add a heart with my signature (because it is always sent from the heart).

  20. Jamie Eriksson says:

    The last place I drew a heart was on my daughters Christmas card.

  21. Traci Simon says:

    Too my sister when her employees called in sick (due to weather on roads in Wenatchee) and she was just having a bad day at her little Firehouse Pet Shop.

  22. Stephanie Flynn says:

    I just drew a heart on my daughters AWANA beginners TNT handbook.(A children’s church group) My daughter would receive bonus points if a parent drew the greatest gift ever received. I drew a heart ❤ The love of family is the greatest gift in my book!

  23. Angel says:

    I draw hearts on the back of envelopes after I seal them

  24. Amy Litherland says:

    My last heart I have drawn was on my poster yesterday for walking in the woman’s day parade! And right now! ❤️

  25. Natasha Hernandez says:

    I wrote a letter of encouragement to my daughter, who turned 13 this past October, and is taking on gifted courses for the first time, this year. I drew a heart at the end of the card, before signing it.

  26. Amanda S. says:

    The last place I drew a heart was on the back window of my husband’s car in the rain water.

  27. Cherle Jones says:

    I put hearts on the notes I leave or send my grand kids.

  28. Robin I says:

    On the bare floor with my husband’s name in the kitchen before we put down new lino. We found treasures as we pulled up the last ancient layer of lino in our little farm cottage. Maybe someone will find this heart as they love on this little house as we do.

  29. Susan Bruck says:

    In my early childhood class, the children have been asking me to draw hearts–and it’s not even Valentine’s day yet!

  30. Avis FRIEDEL says:

    I drew a heart in my daughters Sweet 16 birthday card this past week!

  31. Heather Ely says:

    I am a college student and find myself doodling in class sometimes so I would have to say math class

  32. Every year I go through my new calendar for the year and mark birs and anniversarys. On ours I draw a heart ❤.

  33. Jane jordan says:

    I have a good friend that lives several hours away. Every time she comes to visit me here on the coast of Maine the thing we look forward to the most is walking up in the morning, grabbing a travel mug of coffee and head to a small secluded nearby beach to collect rocks. What Maine doesn’t have in shells, we make up for with beautiful smooth rocks and sea glass. We catch up on news, drink our coffee and walk, bent over, for as long as we want. Rock therapy. She recently got hit with 2 big losses in her family almost back to back. I went to our beach and filled a flat rate box from the Post Office with as many beach rocks as the box would hold and stuck a card inside letting her know that even though she couldn’t make it to the beach, I was bringing some of the beach to her because I had a feeling she could use some “rock therapy”. I signed it with a heart

  34. Kim Tribble says:

    The last place I drew a heart was in my bible while doing my bible study !

  35. Cindy Abbey says:

    My best friends husband passed away recently. I stayed with her for a week. We have been friends for 34 years. When I came home she got really down, so I sent her a card with hearts inside and out!! It helped raise her spirit!

  36. Jennifer Chiriboga says:

    The last place I drew a heart (5 hearts to be exact) was on a “Welcome” sign for our Chinese exchange student for when we picked her up at the airport.

  37. Kathy Somers says:

    The last heart I drew was over the word Love in my Bible

  38. Darcy Koch says:

    The last place I drew a heart was in my journal after I made my last entry.

  39. Celeste Kizer says:

    I always draw a heart in exclamation marks and I just wrote a thank you note for a student who remembered the librarian (that’s me) at Christmas this year.

  40. Ramona Griesbach says:

    On the calendar, for our third anniversary. Which is on Valentines Day!

  41. Shay Esslin says:

    The last place I drew a heart was on the thank you card I made my gorgeous husband for buying me 20 more acres for my farm! But I draw a little picture or note for him every night after he goes to bed to leave by his morning coffee before he leave for work..

  42. Sandi King says:

    The last heart I drew was about 4 years ago; After Christmas, the next holiday being Valentine’s Day, I drew lots of hearts, pasted pictures of my loved ones on them and hung them on my Christmas Tree which I didn’t take down. I called it my Valentine Tree. I added little sayings also to the hearts. One big heart had names of many friends to remind me of them at Valentines Day and which I sent cards to all of them. I was going to keep my tree up for every holiday and make decorations for it but I moved and it had to come down.

  43. Josie Davis says:

    I drew several on a Valentine quilt I was making and then machine stitched over them.

  44. Anngela Starnes says:

    yesterday on a card to my dear friend in a retirement home. She has CPOD and now is confined to a wheel chair. Im 8 hours away and my heart aches to see and be near her more. Jan might have 20 years on me yet after spending a year with her she is my dear girlfriend. I love her very much.

  45. Angela Saver says:

    The last time I drew a heart was when I signed Christmas cards that I sent this December!

  46. Penny Gabbard says:

    I drew a heart with red marker on my 6 year old granddaughter’s cheek. She, in turn drew a matching one on my cheek!

  47. Kaycee F says:

    Lovely pillows! The last place I drew a heart was just yesterday, I always sign cards and notes with XOXO’s and a heart for family and close friends!

  48. Ginny Holt says:

    I draw hearts everywhere
    Dot my i’s in my name with hearts!

  49. m greenwood says:

    In a note to my kids.

  50. Beth Lohman says:

    LOL during my morning meetings at work. I tend to doodle. 🙂

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