GIVEAWAY: “Spring Fever, Killer Bee Honey”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win three free 16-oz JARS of Once Again Organic Killer Bee Honey, share what you would do with, not one but, three jars of killer-good honey in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-April.

You’ll find two recipes recommending Once Again Killer Bee Honey in the Apr/May issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Jo Gill says:

    I would use it in my morning tea.

  2. Sara says:

    I would give one to each of my daughters because they are young honey loving girls, and I would keep one all to myself for my tea!

  3. Sylvia Jacobus says:

    My most favorite way to eat honey is to spread it on a hot home made biscuit! Then, I love it in tea, herbal, black or green. Doesn’t matter, it’s all good. Finally, I drink it along with some apple cider vinegar with some hot water. My uncle swore by this combination. Just decided to try it again. Love, love, love honey.

  4. Melissa Cameron says:

    I would definitely smear it on a hot buttered biscuit, and have a cup of tea with honey!!

  5. Joanne Vanderheite says:

    I would love to win, I would enjoy in my many cups of tea each day….and maybe in my baking too.

  6. Janet Masters says:

    I would use one jar for enjoying w/tea, one for baking and give on away.

  7. Christina Sandage says:

    I would use honey on any kind of bread, in my hot tea, and as a general sweetener. Pretty much everything is better with honey!

  8. Linda Hickman says:

    I would use it on my homemade buttermilk biscuits. Honey is good to use on wounds – great natural healing agent. Great in hot tea 🐝🐝

  9. Diane Karaba says:

    One jar I will save to share with grandkids are over for our cookies, oatmeal and such. One jar I will use for our tea and sweets I and my husband loves. The last jar or should I say the first is going to sent with my son in law when he deploys in 53 days:( This will be his 6th deployment and it is always good for the guys to have some little things to be able to share and have to have home with them. Syria is a mess and so this deployment is a hard one. I might send 2 jars. Those guys could use some sweet stuff to brighten their days.

  10. teressa allen says:

    I would have the honey with hot biscuits at my next swap party with all those crazy girlfriends of mine!

  11. Pat Gudowski says:

    I use the honey in my dailey oatmeal & any cereal instead of sugar. I use it for cooking & baking, esp. my Raisen Honey cookies, in tea, coffee, with lemon juice as a caugh syrup. Love, love, love honey

  12. Susanne says:

    I always use honey in my tea…Black currant tea. My grandmother (who was born in 1917) has a handwritten recipe for honey ice cream. Waiting for warmer weather to make this treat.

  13. Tanya says:

    i grew up with bee’s, we had hives even though i am allergic 🙂 But i am a honey eating vegan, the only non true vegan item i do eat, but i am always sure to pick it up from small aviaries 🙂 , they help keep the bee’s alive 🙂 ! It would be used in almost every place sugar is called for …. and daily for toast, on berries, in my morning chai …. even hubby uses it which is no easy feat in our home as the 15# jar is starting to get pretty low 🙂

  14. Cheryl Fiske says:

    I would love it and use it daily in my tea and cereal!!!

  15. I would use this honey for several things!!! For preventing illness by taking a teaspoon full once a day. Using as a first aid ointment. Also for hot tea and cold tea. Honey as a sweetener in recipes. Honey as a ingredient in savory recipes. And some plain ole honey on a wonderful homemade yummy biscuit!

  16. Elaine Baskins says:

    our bee hives died off a few years ago. we have to buy honey now. we would love to have natural honey again.

  17. Jan Alford says:

    I would use the honey to sweeten my English Gold tea. I love honey on my yogurt in the morning plus on my homemade bread! Thank you for your drawing!

  18. Cindy Rich says:

    I drink honey in my tea everyday, I eat honey on toast, and use it in place of sugar. It is my go-to natural sweetner. I am going to try a beehive this year, wish me luck!

  19. Monica Hancock says:

    I believe I would use it it make a Russian Honey Cake. Eight layers of golden deliciousness! Yummmm!!!

  20. Sarah youngblood says:

    I would eat it , slowly a spoon at a time. !!!

  21. Gail Springman says:

    I use it in my tea, on toast, in recipes. I most love to eat it by the spoonfuls. We can never have enough honey around our home.

  22. Rae says:

    Use it for making honey lemon tea, in other teas and on toast for breakfast

  23. Lee Anne McCarthy says:

    I love honey on everything ! I eat a tablespoon of it right before bed to help me sleep…use it in tea, mixed with walnuts and coconut, in my smoothie, in a beet, carrot and apple salad…I guess I just plain ‘ol love honey !!!

  24. Elisa says:

    We love honey in our house We use it for baking bread, cakes, in tea, for sore throats, seasonal allergies, wound care, etc. we would have no problem using up three jars! Thanks for the chance to win

  25. Merissa Racine says:

    My granddaughter likes honey straight from the jar so would have to send her home with a jar. And like most other folks, tea with honey. And I fix myself, hot water, vinegar and honey when I feel a cold coming on.

  26. Dale Rogers says:

    Hi, I would love to try this honey. I am new to this whole Organic way of life and to Maryjanes magazines, blog and insights. These are all such a big help, on the start of my journey to wellness. I would definitely give a jar to each of my oldest children and use the one for myself on organic biscuits and muffins. Thanks, Dale

  27. Mary Kurtis says:

    I want to apply it to my aging face to see if it moisturizes like I hope it will-
    It will smell great anyway!!

  28. I can’t wait to try the new recipes with my family.

  29. Jean says:

    We use honey on any kind of cereal. I take a teaspoon to a tablespoon of honey every day for my allergys. Really helps. Plus baking bread with it. I would share some with family members too. We also like chocolate chip cookies made with honey. What a cool gift to share.

  30. Grace Snodgrass says:

    I would use it in tea, on corn bread, peanut butter and honey sandwiches I would share two jars with friends who appreciate pure organic honey. I always share, even my Mary Jane farm magazines. And buying a subscription as a gift for friends is the best gift and the best way to share your beautiful magazine and wonderful products.

  31. Every day, I make my husband organic teas with honey as part of his special diet. Since his recent heart attack, we limit his sugar, but natural honey makes all our herbal teas taste wonderful. I make him chamomile, wild berry zinger, earl grey and a blend of mint from my own garden. It’s a beautiful way to eat healthy, natural and “bee sweet”!

  32. Angela Holdeman says:

    Banana shake! Yum!

  33. Trina Ammons says:

    Enjoy in my hot tea everyday! And share the other two of course!

  34. Tammi says:

    I’ve found that using honey instead of sugar in my yeast works better. I use a small amount on wet skin after getting out of the shower, and I also use it on my face in light amounts before bed (or heavier and soak in the tub). I would use it in my tea, and invite my mother and niece over to share it with me. I make a homemade sweet and sour sauce that is amazing, requiring honey. In the evening I may have warm water with a teaspoon of honey because it seems like it helps me sleep.

  35. Melissa Skaggs says:

    Make Honey Ice Cream, stir 1 T in water along with lemon juice daily, sweeten hot tea, drizzle over oatmeal. Share with a neighbor.

  36. Tina says:

    I think it would make for some really good baklava ingredient. Thanks for the opportunity

  37. Rochelle K says:

    I need to make some nuts and honey to spread on toast! (Pack a jar *full* of nuts, pour in honey; after it settles enjoy it on toast or whatever!) I would use it on toast with butter. I could make some baklava. Put it in tea! Whatever! Honey is amazing!

  38. michele says:

    Oh how sweet it would be to win not one but THREE lovely jars of honey. We use it for so many things around our house. Thanks for the chance to win :0)

  39. Dena Jardin says:

    One jar would be put in the medicine chest to be used for wound dressing. This is the best antibiotic and speed healer ever. The other two would be used in various ways: hot tea, coffee, bee sting cake, yogurt, honey/cream cheese drizzle for french toast and cinnamon rolls. We love honey!

  40. Shirlee Pilny says:

    Paired with berries from my garden, honey is so sweet in a smoothie. My mom and I would of course use it in our hot tea. We would offer one of the jars to one of our busy bee friends.

  41. Judith says:

    G-d bless the precious bees without whom we would be subjected to much hunger and loss

  42. Kathy Kaesebier says:

    I’d just straight up eat it by the spoonful. Why waste that wonderful
    Taste on toast?

  43. Lori-Ann Phinney says:

    Oh wow! I would make honey ginger candy, have a jar for using in my tea and a jar to keep on hand for soothing sore throats!

  44. Janell Odell says:

    Would love to try some!!

  45. Marilyn Bucci says:

    I make a spread of honey and cinnamon good for all sorts of things in your body!

  46. Susan Gustafson says:

    I love honey! I would use these daily on my breakfast toast until there was not a drip left! Great way to start the day!

  47. Linda Kopisch says:

    I would eat it very slowly savoring the sweet yumminess right off a spoon!

  48. Kathy k says:

    I’d eat it straight up
    By the spoonful. Why waste the taste by slathering it on any food???

  49. June K.Blake says:

    I couldn’t keep house without Honey. Toast, muffins, biscuits,and cooking/baking takes honey and lots of it. 3 jars would be a wonderful blessing for our family. Thank you.

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