GIVEAWAY: “Spring Fever, Killer Bee Honey”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win three free 16-oz JARS of Once Again Organic Killer Bee Honey, share what you would do with, not one but, three jars of killer-good honey in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-April.

You’ll find two recipes recommending Once Again Killer Bee Honey in the Apr/May issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Nancy Morrell says:

    I use honey every day in my tea! I would love the chance to try Killer Bee Honey!

  2. Cathy Holton says:

    I would keep one and give the other 2 to my daughters!

  3. Missy Helton says:

    I would love to win three jars of honey. There are ton of home remedies I would like to try out and I also use honey when I make lemon chicken–so good.

  4. Katherine Sitte says:

    Honey….I use it in my breadmaking, banana muffins, soothing a scratchy throat. I am also going to try a batch of honey, oatmeal soap. Three jars of honey would be a welcome addition to my pantry shelf.

  5. Leona says:

    Everything! I love honey in tea (perfect to soothe Spring allergies), to sweeten wholesome baked goods, to make a sweet-savory glaze for my current go to protein Salmon, and to experiment with some great new recipes I have collected that call for honey as a star ingredient.

  6. Jill Smithson says:

    One jar to each of our grown children and their families for nourishing their bodies and sweetening their lives with these gifts from the bees and Mother Nature!

  7. Beverly Trittin says:

    I would keep one for myself and then share with my 2 elderly neighbors!

  8. Dyan Eisenberger says:

    I would make a honey cake, a big pot of tea with honey to sweeten it, and then drizzle honey on the cake; then eat it all with my honey pie, Mark!

  9. Rick Doss says:

    I would love to add a heaping spoon full of Once Again Organic Killer Bee Honey to my home made body Jell, it makes the skin soft and renews the over all condition of the body. In addition, i would utilize a jar for sweetening my morning tea and coffee as well as spread atop a hot piping blueberry scone. Honey is a great way to lift ones spirits in the morning and sure to put a smile on everyone’s face around the breakfast table.

  10. Dawn Grabowski says:

    Two jars would go to my 2 year old twin grandchildren . They would be able to enjoy it on their morning toast, waffles, smoothies. One jar for my husband, he loves honey on his toast, and he may share with me for my hot tea.

  11. Rayleen says:

    I would enjoy it right out of the jar on a spoon!

  12. Sally S. says:

    Wow! I’m a person that has at least 2-3 jars of honey in the pantry so I can use daily in my various tea and tonics. Plus i add it food and DYI beauty recipes.

  13. Kathy Rowe says:

    I would use one jar for my own use in cooking, etc. If it’s as good as I think it’s going to be, I would gladly share a jar with two of my friends to spread the goodness around.

  14. Diane Debord says:

    I love peanut butter on graham crackers and drizzle honey on top. I also like in in my plain yogurt with blueberries or any fruit, and to sweeten smoothies.

  15. I love honey. I eat it with peanut butter, use it in my tea, oatmeal, so many ways to eat honey.

  16. Jodie says:

    I’d have many spoonfuls of honey, just because. We use it in tea, smoothies, in baking, on roasted carrots, and in meat dishes. Yum.

  17. Carol S says:

    Love honey for so many things – tea, smoothies, toast. My hubby even likes honey in his coffee. Would be so happy to try the killer bee brand. Thanks!

  18. Heather Kirk says:

    We are beekeepers in Western NC!! There is no better sweetener! I’ve tried a lot of varieties of honey, but never Killer Bee, hmmm… I’m curious!

  19. Michelle Parkinson says:

    Honey is a staple at my house. I use it almost on a daily basis. So.. I would make an immunity syrup with the honey to keep my family healthy. Love honey and would love to win and try this honey!!!!

  20. Janie says:

    What would I do with three jars/ I’d put it on everything…makes the best ribs, sweet spicy stir fries, biscuits! Honey cake, tea, buy the spoon! Show my 3 1/2 year old granddaughter what real honey tastes like!

  21. Amy Murillo says:

    I would give one jar to my hubbie for his evening herbal tea, these second I would use for baking and the third would go to our dear neighbor who keeps are chickens happy with lots of scraps!

  22. Rhonda McMillen says:

    Honey is a must at our house. My husband puts honey on everything that needs to be sweetened. I use it for baking and in herbal tea.

  23. Brenda Van Wie says:

    My husband uses it every day in a honey and cinnamon drink. It has helped him lose weight and feel great. We also use it in place of sugar. We would love to try yours!

  24. Lauren Mullet says:

    My husband eats spaghetti squash each morning for breakfast and adds a tablespoon; we make cooked apples with honey and also eat everyday for lunch; tea here and there and my favorite granola!

  25. Susan says:

    A big spoonful everyday to savor the flavor.

  26. Beverly Stafford says:

    I love honey (especially raw) on an English muffin. Yum. Honey falling into all those crevices!

  27. Cheri S. says:

    The first jar would go to my daughter and her family, the remainder would be used by my hubby and me in just about everything we eat and drink. Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing product!

  28. Glenda Blackburn says:

    Why, eat it on everything, of course!

  29. Joy says:

    Use on cereal & muffins & in tea.

  30. Karen mckee says:

    Fruit and Greek yogurt with a drizzle of killer bee honey is oh so delicious. Add a nice cup of tea with another spoonful of killer bee honey and it just might be heaven.

  31. Karla Gratehouse says:

    Since I don’t care much for honey…I had to be honest….I would bless those who surround me with their love and prayers….it would be but a small gesture of my infinite gratitude! Oh! The best part is that they love honey…

  32. Paula Steele says:

    Honey is so beautiful….I’d put a jar on my counter just for everyone to admire….but eventually it would be eaten!

  33. Rhea says:

    I use it on my toast and it helps me give my dog his medicine without any issues.

  34. Carol Peterson says:

    We like honey on our oatmeal. At present, I am fighting a virus and am making a syrup with raw honey, apple cider vinegar, garlic and ginger. I use honey and flax on my yogurt. We also like energy balls that use honey as one of the ingredients.I also have some great whole food recipes that incorporate honey for the sweetening.

    Thank you1

  35. Erin Bieber says:

    Eat it!!!!

  36. Amy Stingle says:

    Oh my stars!!!! Three jars!!! Well, first I would go into a honey coma by indulging with honey on some oatmeal toast!! Then I would have a cup of tea with it in!! Then I would hide the other two jars (on my husband). I have several recipes that call for honey….oooooo….homemade granola….I’d share that with my Glamping sisters!!! Three jars??? NOOOOO Problem!!! I would definately put it to good use!! “Pick me, Pick me!”

  37. Joan Hendrix says:

    Wow. Beautiful product. If I received three jars I would give one to my daughter who also appreciates fine honey. I would use the other two in tea, on biscuits, and other recipes. Thank you.

  38. Jo Ellen Silva Hall says:

    I drink hot tea every day! I use fresh ginger and turmeric and add a little honey to make it extra special. I would love to try this Killer Bee honey in my hot tea. Pick ME 🙂

  39. Dixie says:

    I use honey as a sweetner in many things-baking, smoothies, with my tea. I especially like it on warm peanut butter toast.

  40. Margie Yongue says:

    Enjoy stirring it into a cup of hot tea, adding it to peanutbutter and put on my toast, pour over a biscuit, etc…..and if a recipe calls for it.

  41. Lauren Wildoner says:

    in tea, on toast, a quick honey mustard, oven baked chicken legs…the list goes on and on! love honey!

  42. Jo Wray says:

    Sounds delicious. Honey in tea and on biscuits would be great.

  43. Paula Ann Leyva says:

    I could make some Balaclava!! for all the family!

  44. Mary Anne Stanton says:

    Nut butter and honey sandwiches; Chai w/ honey; Vanilla ice cream w/ drizzled honey; and yes just a teaspoon of honey on its own because we love it. Thanks for the opportunity!

  45. Marissa Weaver says:

    My daughter’s peanut butter and honey sandwiches.

  46. Marilyn says:

    Beeee-autiful! I would enjoy one jar for afternoon tea. Give one jar to my darling daughter. And probably wrap the third in something pretty and “bee” themed to give to my sweet sweet neighbor.

  47. Deborah yarbrough says:

    Oh! Looks so good!

  48. Penny Hawk says:

    I would use it to make elderberry syrup. Hubby would use it to make one of his wonderful bbq sauces. Too many possibilities to tell. MMM

  49. I’d love to try the honey ❤

  50. Pauline Gladstone says:

    Hi MaryJane!
    There’s nothing like the cold & wet of winter, followed by dreary days and a drafty olde farmhouse to bring on a winter cold or a sore throat. Organic Killer Bee Honey is the perfect main character in this three act drama to help bring some major relief to the winter blahs! Not to mention all the wonderful curative properties that come with a spoonful of honey, some lemon and ginger!

    Organic Killer Bee Honey Soother

    8 oz Organic Killer Bee Honey
    1 – 12 oz mason jar with lid and seal
    1 to 2 organic lemons (lemon sizes vary)
    1″ length of organic Ginger, peeled and finely chopped

    Pour 8 oz of Organic Killer Bee Honey into the bottom of the mason jar.

    Wash and cut the lemons into medium sized chunks, with the skin on. Pick out the seeds and discard. Toss the cut up lemons and the chopped ginger into a small bowl. This step helps get the ginger mixed up with the lemon chunks.

    Take the lemon and ginger mixture and put it into the mason jar. Depending upon the size of lemons used, you want the jar to be packed with lemons. Squish the lemons a bit as you put them into the jar. This gets the juices flowing. Put on the lid to seal the jar.

    Ensuring that the lid on the mason jar is on tightly, flip the jar upside down and place into the fridge. This flip allows the honey to slowly drip over the lemons. After 24 hours, flip the jar upside right and it’s ready to consume. This mixture will last in the fridge for 14 days. (If you can keep it around that long!)

    This mixture can be taken by the spoonful to help soothe a cough. Or mix yourself up a warm cup of Organic Killer Bee Honey Tea! 3 Tablespoons is perfect for my cup. Adjust to desired sweetness.

    Here’s to warmer days ahead and a jug of Organic Killer Bee Honey Lemonade!

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