GIVEAWAY: “Spring Fever, Killer Bee Honey”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win three free 16-oz JARS of Once Again Organic Killer Bee Honey, share what you would do with, not one but, three jars of killer-good honey in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-April.

You’ll find two recipes recommending Once Again Killer Bee Honey in the Apr/May issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Andrea B says:

    I would share with my friend who was all set up to start her own hives but because of neighbor’s complaint had to rehouse them the day they arrived.

  2. Kathie Kinney says:

    First I would give one jar away and then the other two would be part of my daily water intake. 32oz stainless steel water bottle with honey and raw apple cider vinegar that I drink at work. Love, love, love.

  3. Donna Keith says:

    I would put my name on one, and the other two marked for both children. I give them their daily meds with honey and we could think of dozens of ways to eat and use it. Raw honey is a jar of magic and one can do a lot of good with it.

  4. Darlene says:

    I would share it. A jar for my beautiful mom, and a jar for my lovely Aunt. And of course, a jar for me.

  5. terri kaatz says:

    I would use my honey for coffee, teas, oatmeal, and 1 spoonful a day.

  6. Sara Thompson says:

    My family goes through a lot of honey, especially this time of year. Lots of cups of tea, bowls of oatmeal, and I think my boys sneak it by the spoonful. What a wonderful giveaway.

  7. Christine Pentz says:

    I LOVE HONEY! I put it in my coffee, oatmeal, pancakes , and since I am from PA Dutch country, fasnachts!
    Thanks !

  8. Pearl Maxner says:

    I would use them one at a time= keep them pure and not in heated dishes. We put them on toast and use as wound healing and for health just from the spoon!

  9. Susan Ferry says:

    I would give my 1 year old son his first taste! Then make some nice facial/body scrubs, yum! And of course I would share one jar with my aunt and uncle (from NZ!) who LOVE love love honey! And bake up a storm!!

  10. Lucinda S. says:

    I would share one of the jars with a friend. The other two would be used with my overnight oatmeal and also enjoyed with peanut butter and toast and in my coffee as a sweetener instead of sugar. I have never tried this honey, but I absolutely love honey and would enjoy it very much

  11. Cherie Michels says:

    We eat A LOT of honey. Our family of 4 drinks a couple of pots of tea a day (all sweetened by honey). I bought 4 kg of local honey last fall for our winter consumption and we are starting to run low (less than a kg left). These three jars would make my tea taste great!

  12. Dixie says:

    I would use the first jar to infuse with mijito mint and then give it as a gift at Christmas, the second jar would be to infuse it with anise hysop and make apricot syrup with it. The third jar would be used on toast with almond butter and in my tea.

  13. Candy Zink says:

    I would love to try this Organic Honey. I love honey in my tea and also use in some home remedies for sore throats and digestion issues.
    There is also nothing better than honey on a hot roll/biscuits. My husband uses honey in many of his recipes for sauces and glazing. I have been trying to move more towards Organic products for a variety of reasons, one is that my husband has been diagnosed w/a progressive type of disease and we are trying to eat more and more natural with less processed foods. With 3 jars I would also share w/my son and daughter who also try to use foods that are less processed and more natural/organic.
    Good luck to everyone!

  14. Susan McQuade says:

    Love honey in tea with milk. Baking, spreading on muffins. So many possibilities.

  15. Darci Davidson says:

    Stir a few scoops in my hot tea

  16. mel boone says:

    I love using honey in my tea and as a glaze on my meat when I cook.

  17. There are so many uses for honey. I use honey in my tea and various recipes. I also use honey medicinally. For sore throats, colds, and for allergy symptoms.

  18. Elin McCall says:

    I use honey in my homemade granola. The better the honey, the better the granola. Yum!

  19. becky krout says:

    use in my smoothies and teas

  20. Linda Freeland says:

    What better way to enjoy natures bounty, spoon, drizzle and repeat!

  21. MS Barb says:

    Eat it of course! (use is in my gluten free bread recipe & in my Mediterranean Pasta Salad recipe!) Thanks for a nice Giveaway!

  22. Teresa says:

    Use in recipe for glazed venison tenderloin.

  23. Maurielle Pierson says:

    With THREE jars, I would share 1 with the hunny in my life, the 2nd with my beekeeper grandma, and the 3rd I would share with the next person in my life celebrating a birthday! We love to put honey on EVERYTHING! It’s a great natural sweetener to baking some of our favorite recipes.

  24. Lynna says:

    hmmm bake: put in tea: try mixing in drinks:

  25. Lanie says:

    One jar for my mom, one for my sister & one for me … I’ll use mine in my tea and for some peanut butter & honey sandwiches … Yum 🙂

  26. Lisa Zinza says:

    I know it sound plain .. but I love tea in my herbal teas.. it just enhances the flavors so much!! touch of sweet .. and not too sweet.
    3 teas ..awesome .. I have 2 sisters and would share!!!

  27. Jill says:

    I love honey in my tea everyday. I use it for chia pudding which is a great breakfast! My 5yr ago loves it with lemon and hot water. Honey is so much fun to use in cooking.

  28. Betty says:

    I would keep one jar for me and share the other two-one to my sister,one to my son and daughter-in-law. It completely blew my mind when a speaker at master gardeners said that the life work of one honey bee results in 1/10 of a TEASPOON of honey. So with every teaspoon we consume, we are consuming the life work of 10 bees.

  29. Laurel Rupert says:

    Wow, 3 jars! That is very generous. I would keep one for myself, one for my good friend Kris and one for my mother. All 3 of us girls like honey in just about everything. I like to have a spoonful in the morning all by itself. It’s better than ice cream for me.

  30. Karole King says:

    Great safe honey is essential for a healthy life. I use it in baking my grandmothers honey and egg bread, sauces, and of course toast.

  31. Heather Karr says:

    I would add this to my bedtime cup of tea and use it in my homemade protein bars!

  32. Rosemary Rehus says:

    Drink lots and lots of tea!

  33. Nancy says:

    My tea would take priority for this honey, then honey mustard pork loin, and save some for a sore throat with fresh squeezed lemon 🙂

  34. Sherry Syrie says:

    I would put it in my tea everyday, which means it would be gone very quickly. I would also substitute it for sugar in my baked goods. YUM!!!

  35. Sandi King says:

    Honey is so great for so many things. I put it on my oatmeal, slather it on my toast, mix it with lemon water and spice for health, and eat it with a spoon just because I can. I love honey as does my son. Hot tea for sore throats or beginning of a cold with honey beats pills any day. We would use all three jars of honey. It is a good replacement for sugar in coffee and tea. I would have honey bees here if I wasn’t afraid of being stung, and if I had the room for them.

  36. janet wilson says:

    my husband had eye surgery that went terribly wrong and had a stroke that incapacitated him . thaty was in dec. 2014. after 1 year in a nursing home ,i brought him home. that was a year and a half ago and every day i give him a tbsp. goldenrod honey 2 times a day. to date he had a sinus infection last summer and thats all for antibiotics and he takes no medication to stay alive even tho hes on a feeding tube and has to be turned every 2 hrs. hes healthier than anyrone i know and he’s husband and i have been married 50 years. i take care of him every day by myself and will continue to do so. i have hope that something will give him his heallth back.

  37. Bev Schneider says:

    Well I have 2 Honey’s, my husband & my puppy are my Killer Bee Honey’s – for real! Guess that means one jar for each of us.

  38. Nellie says:

    I use honey to make my 100% whole wheat bread made with freshly ground flour. I also would spread it my whole wheat toast and drink some tea!

  39. melanie says:

    I have never tried anything like this not even from a good ol’ super mkt. Sounds fabulous.

  40. Kathleen Richardson says:

    Would share one jar with my lovely daughter. Two remaining would be used on my and hubby’s breakfast yogurt and fruit. YUM!

  41. Cynthia Varnado says:

    With the 3 jars of Killer Bee honey I would do the following:
    *have a taste comparison test with my gardening friends
    *keep some around for coughs (maybe it will kill the cough🙂)
    * add it to my bread recipes
    * discuss what different kinds of bees are and what they have different and in common with my grandson. We go to our nearby nature center and observe the honeybees

  42. Theresa Jones says:

    🎵🎵Honey in the Morning….in my oatmeal
    Honey in the Evening….in my hot tea
    Honey at Supoer Time….on hot biscuits..
    It would Bee my little Honey
    And I would love it ALL the time!🎵🎵
    Of course, I’d share it, too!

  43. JoAnne Wheeler says:

    I use honey daily for allergies!

  44. Elizabeth Lazor says:

    I love to start my day with English Breakfast tea, lemon and honey. I would give one jar to my son Kyle and his girlfriend Autumn.

  45. Jeannie Byers says:

    I guess I’d be drinking alot of tea! And I bet it would make a killer baklava 😊

  46. Faye brown says:

    With three jars of Killer Bee honey, I would whip up some with butter for a honey butter sandwich;Yummy! With another jar I would dress up like Little Red Riding Hood, take the Killer Bee honey jar in a basket to my Moms house and we would whip up something good. Thirdly I’d share with my Church ladies in a cup of hot tea
    while reading the Bible, Amen!

  47. Andrea Doman says:

    Oh this would be Killer in my honey glaze for ham slices and in every cup of tea for my
    2 special friends I would share a bottle with .
    Thanks for the offer.

  48. Sherri Fonseca says:

    I love to use honey for my paleo foods.

  49. Tina Guthrie says:

    Honey makes me happy !

  50. Stephanie Edwards says:

    I use honey in everything! Love it!

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