GIVEAWAY: “Spring Fever, Lemon Sign”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win this cute, rustic-look 12″ x 16″ wooden sign, share your favorite quote in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-April.


You’ll find out how to grow lemon and lime trees indoors, as well as get lots of ideas for lemon-themed décor, in the Apr/May issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Callie Christofferson says:

    Be Strong & Courageous

  2. Dixie says:

    An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi

  3. Katy says:

    When my now fifteen year old daughter, Anna, was a toddler she would be happily eating or playing then stop, look up at me and say, “good life, mama!”
    Yes, I would say, good life!

  4. Myrna Pedersen says:

    This is nice.

  5. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    Fill up the room you are in and God will open another!

  6. Jamie Eriksson says:

    Not my circus, not my monkeys

  7. Shirley Linford says:

    Believe in yourself! You are stronger than you think!

  8. Becky Hatfield says:

    “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.” — John Wayne

  9. Bobbi-Jo Burdin says:

    You are my Sunshine

  10. Lynda Warren says:

    “Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep for every dream precedes the goal”

  11. Terri Doria says:

    To thine own self be true.



  13. It is NEW every Morning!

  14. Jennifer Rose says:

    I asked Jesus “How much do you love me?” And Jesus said “This much-And he stretched out his arms and died.

  15. Michelle O says:

    It’s never too late to be what you might have been ~ George Eliot

  16. Swan says:

    Love it! This sign will go perfectly in my breakfast room. It’s yellow and blue.

  17. “He who sows righteousness, reaps a sure reward.”

  18. Rebekah K. says:

    “Every bath helps” (speaking of bathing dogs, LOL) 🙂

  19. Patricia Chappelle says:

    What you permit, you promote. I think about this in the context of working with children.

  20. Patricia Chappelle says:

    What you permit, you promote. I think of this in the context of working with children

  21. Margo Frimodt says:

    “I love you to the moon and back.”

  22. Anna says:

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

  23. Teri says:

    “I have learned that people will forget what you have said, People will forget what you have done, but they will never forget how you have made them feel.”
    Maya Angelou

  24. Connie Dees says:

    Lemon blossoms and lemons in the green house are a wonderful sign of spring.

  25. Monica Hancock says:

    Stars Can’t Shine Without Darkness

  26. Susan P says:

    Grow where you are planted.
    I’ve had a lot of experience with my husband job transfers!

  27. Sandy Kelley says:

    Heard this recently on Bonanza. “You won’t win any awards but you don’the brake mirrors either.” Took my husband & I aback but we also chuckled.

  28. Bonnie Muench says:

    Will it matter a year from now! Or 10 years from now!
    It is what I use to get over people or things that have made me upset.

  29. Seleta Austin says:

    Truly love your magazine!’

  30. Seleta Austin says:

    You cannot do a kindness too soon – for you never know when it will be too late!!

  31. Teresa Freeman says:

    “Not all those who wander are lost.” This quote by J.R.R. Tolkien is among the many quotes I love. I am also a big fan of C.S. Lewis, C.K. Chesterton and Lewis Carol to name a few. But my favorite of all quotes came from my husband of 36 years and he says it to me every day… “I LOVE YOU!” What could be better?

  32. Binky Thorsson says:

    Maybe this one isn’t really a saying category…but, I have mini donkeys so I like it; Donkey, donkey old and gray,
    Hope your mouth and gently bray,
    Lift your ears, and blow your horn,
    And wake the world this early morn.

  33. Donna Chism says:

    most people are about as happy as they make their minds up to be

  34. Mary Vono says:

    Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise!!

  35. Natalie Sirota says:

    “For with G-d nothing shall be impossible!” Luke 1:37


  36. Pat Gudowski says:

    If you are depressed, you are living in the past.
    If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
    If you are at peace, you are living in the present. Lao Tzu

  37. Pat Gudowski says:

    Because NICE matters.

  38. Karen Candee says:

    “This to shall pass” I’m still waiting for it to pass but I know someday it will.

  39. Tess Sole says:

    My sister-in-law always says “It is what it is!” and as my life has changed over the last five years, I have truly realized that this is absolutely true!

  40. Add my name! Cerise Cherry

  41. Lynna says:

    just add a little sugar XOXO

  42. Bernita Gately says:

    Mary Jane. Happy first day of Spring!

    My fav. comment is so true. If life gives you lemons ~ MAKE LEMONADE ! believe me, I have made many gallons of Lemonade.

    I have received Mary Jane Farm Mag. for several yrs. now and when the budget
    is tight, I let the other magazines expire; however, I need your M J Farm Mag. to
    keep up on all the things you publish, sewing aprons, vintage hats, great recipes
    and much more that keep me connected with memories of my Homestead, and the
    farm where I was raised. Keep them coming please.

    Thank you !

  43. Robin says:

    I’ve owned and operated my alterations shop for nearly 40 years and this saying is hanging on my wall. My Granny always said “As you Sew, so shall you Rip”

  44. MS Barb says:

    The hurrier I go, the behinder I get

  45. Mitchell FEE says:

    What a great way to start off with Spring coming!
    Beautiful, thanks!

  46. Dawn Aamot says:

    Lemon fresh! Love this saying and I love lemonade. Yellow is the color of spring and today in Minnesota we have bright sunshine!

  47. Kris rowe says:

    It is not happy people that are thankful,
    It is thankful people that are happy.

  48. Jodel Guerrero says:

    This too shall pass

  49. Sociallady says:


  50. Cindi Manuel says:

    I am still determined to be cheerful and
    To be happy in whatever situation I may be, for I have also learnt from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions and not upon our circumstances.
    Martha Washington

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