GIVEAWAY: “Spring Fever, Lemon Wreath”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win this pretty faux-lemon wreath, tell me in the comments below what you most look forward to when you sit down with an issue of MaryJanesFarm. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-April.


You’ll find out how to grow lemon and lime trees indoors, as well as get lots of ideas for lemon-themed décor, in the Apr/May issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Deborah Bried says:

    For me, Sitting down with a new (or old) Mary Janes Farm magazine is… A breath of fresh air, a moments peace, the wind in the trees, a cup of tea, a laugh with a dear friend, a romp through the garden, the sun shining on my face, ideas flowing, delicious meals… Coming home.

    …even my kids know it’s mommy time, when I get to finally relax with my new magazine. 🙂

  2. Wendy Moore says:

    I just a good ‘ole girl from little ‘ole Wedowee, AL. I am new to the MJ’s Farm world, but I am looking forward to the numerous additions to my simple girl intellect. I am loving the Feb/Mar issue as I have been sharing with my two daughters on my Peaceful Porch!

  3. Patti Huggins says:

    I love all of the gardening information; as I am increasing my knowledge of growing vegetables and herbs and preserving them to save on groceries and to eat more nutritiously. I also love the “how to” articles – crafts and recipes. Since retiring, I now have time to explore new hobbies.

  4. Melanie Johnson says:

    Where to start!! I look forward to seeing what new ideas for repurposing an item. Love the craft ideas!! My mouth waters when I think about new food recipes. I love antiques and such so I really enjoy vintage for instance article on vintage sewing machine was interesting and informative. I look forward to everything in Mary Janes Farm always full of interesting articles n I enjoy the layout of the magazine.
    Thank you Mary Jane Farms for an awesome magazine!!

  5. Stephanie Marcial says:

    I look for the inspiration to have the goodness of rural life, working the land, in simplistic (albeit more challenging) times come colliding with my more modern world and find ways to intertwine them for a life more well lived.

  6. Amy Morgeson says:

    I enjoy the feel of the magazine as a whole. Reading it is “me” time. I often feel rushed and for a short while, as I sit with no distractions, I get to enjoy the great ideas, beautiful photos and more. It’s kind of like a mental vacation!

  7. Susan Bristol says:

    Where do I begin? When I sit down with an issue of MaryJanesFarm, I can’t wait to read the whole thing. Even the ads are of interest to me. The magazine puts me smack dab in the middle of my childhood memories.

  8. Heather Miller says:

    So hard to pick just one….DIY crafts, recipes and probably my favorite: organic gardening advice. Thanks for putting together a great publication for farm girls everywhere!

  9. Pat.Olsen says:

    I take the magazine at the end of the day , no TV,no phone and read through most of it. Turn down pages to come back to. Then I try some of the recipes.

  10. Carol Johnson says:

    Page 1 and following: the artwork, Mary Jane’s Seven Tips, Rebekah Teal’s column,
    Dr. Koniver’s expert advice, letters to the editor, the ads, . . .

  11. Diana says:

    The heart warming stories and fun projects. I have always loved a simple existence and Mary Jane you confirm the warmth of heart, home and hearth. Such a comforting magazine and full of fun ideas and sisterhood. Especially the clamping. Such fun! Oh and also, I learned where to go to purchase your organic cotton sheets and have 3 sets now that I use all the time. They’re only line dried, love the fresh air in my sheets. My kitchen is being redone with a lemon theme and I would love this wreath if I don’t win the clock. LOL!

  12. Melody Torres says:

    I look forward to the gardening articles and those about chickens!

  13. Fran Rouser says:

    I love all the craft ideas, stories and recipes in your wonderful magazine. Mary Janes Farm is a high quality magazine filled with so many colorful pages and great stories.

  14. Cindy Harris says:

    I love to go through the whole magazine. Love the craft ideas, and the old sewing machine article was fantastic.

  15. Candy Dalesandro says:

    Because it feels like home. I love the wreath.

  16. sarah woodard says:

    Love this magazine

  17. Denise Park says:

    I love the recipes and the crafts. This is a lovely wreath. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  18. Carolyn mohanty says:

    I live in busy Southern California and I dream of the country. With a cup of tea and Mary Jane I get lost in the moment.

  19. Dawn pennepacker says:

    Just lovely

  20. Barbara Russell says:

    I love looking in MaryJane’s Farm to see what she has done and what I can do from what is shared in the articles. It makes me feel a bit homesick, at times, as I have missed my beautiful gardens that I left behind in my last move but I know that she has plenty of new ideas to offer me in each issue!

  21. Lorena Heesen says:

    I look forward to my copy in the mail as this a magazine that speaks to my heart which lies in farms of the Palouse. I was in Seattle and longed to be a farm girl again and go glamping.

    Now I am back in the Palouse but didn’t get the farm but your magazine is my farm!! I admire and aspire to be as creative and strong as you!

  22. Paula Kaatz says:

    I look forward to each and every issue. I enjoy reading the stories about all the strong creative women who live their lives as they choose. They inspire me to pursue my dreams. Thank you for that.

  23. Dawn pennepacker says:

    When I read Mary Janes farm it reminds me that the good old days don’t have to be past. I can enjoy the simpler things in life to the fullest and don’t have to be caught in the crazy keeping up with everyone cyber world we are surrounded by. Mary Janes farm allows me the few moments of quiet peaceful living and shows me how to bring little glimpses of that into my crazy and hectic life. Thank you for that!!!

  24. Dawn pennepacker says:

    When I read Mary Janes farm it reminds me that the good old days don’t have to be past. I can enjoy the simpler things in life to the fullest and don’t have to be caught in the crazy keeping up with everyone cyber world we are surrounded by. Mary Janes farm allows me the few moments of quiet peaceful living and shows me how to bring little glimpses of that into my crazy and hectic life. Thank you for that!!!

  25. Carol Norwood says:

    I love everything about Mary Jane’s Farm but I think my favorite are the craft ideas!

  26. Marge D. says:

    I love the recipes and crafts, so unique.

  27. Michelle O says:

    The quoted picture in the first few pages of it. Your magazine is RICH AND STEEPED in what really matters – HEART & SOUL & NATURE

  28. Reba Greer says:

    I love it all!! Cover to cover, this magazine inspires every part of my farm girl life. I especially love the DIYs, recipes, and stories from girls with lives similar to mine and lives I wish were mine!

  29. Angel says:

    Recipes and projects are my favorite but I adore it all, I feel like I’m in the country again every month , my heart feels happy reading each issue !

  30. Heidi Willcocks says:

    When I get the mail and see my Mary Jane’s Farm, I can’t wait to get back to the house and dive into its pages with stories and articles that stir the farm girl roots deep inside me. Love it!

  31. Gayl Weiser says:

    What do I look forward to most when I open my new issue of MaryJanes Farm? Oh my! It’s a given there will be stories in there about the. Country life I wish I could run back too. There will be ideas that I can add to my future list of how I’m running my farm business when it happens. I love the Glampers!! I love the cooking tips and recipes!! I love the very ingenious makeover craft how to’s.
    I love the ads with coupons to try wholesome products that I would never know existed aside your magazine.
    I most especially love the articles on chickens, goats, dairy cows, all of the animals I want to see out my kitchen window! Love the informative detailed articles about beekeeping!
    What’s not to love??
    I devour every page!!

  32. Vicki Gast says:

    I like to just relax and read from cover to cover while relaxing in the bath. I always look for the DIYs, cast iron recipes and Rebekah’s article.

  33. Lynn Lassiter says:

    I look forward to the DIY projects!

  34. Idamarie Settlemyer says:

    I most look forward to having no other chores to do, no other noise in the house and a
    favorite soft drink. Then I can spend all the time I want!

  35. Nancy Jones says:

    I have been taking Mary Jane’s farm mag for several years now and I love every issue that I have received. I get so excited every time it comes in the mail. I love cast iron and love the recipes that you put in every month. We have just purchased a home with 10 acres so I plan on using alot of your ideas and helps that are in your magazine. I am a farmgirl at heart! Keep on keeping on!!!

  36. Beckie Pritschet says:

    I look forward to the DIY projects and recipes!

  37. Nancy Haines says:

    When I sit down I am so excited to have new insiration for my likpfe int the current issue of MaryJanesFarm. I love growing things, feeding my family health meals and using as much natural as I can. Loving creativity I love new natural crafts. It’s so fun to tell others and have more Jane friend.

  38. Roberta Parsley says:

    I love the up cycling and the homemade. For my grandsons baby shower I made 60 jars of homemade strawberry jam, in various sizes, for people to choose what they would use. I don’t like waste. I live in a small city, but grew up on the outside where farms surrounded. I have my favorite strawberry stands. I own my home by myself and love to look at non traditional ways to do the hard and decorate. I have planted a garden and enjoy what I learn each season. Though it really isn’t necessary as I live on the central coast of California, where so many vegetables are grown. I’m also a quilter

  39. Lisa Harness says:

    The pictures. They just draw me in.

  40. Jeannie Flynn says:

    Love your magazine! The wreath will look beautiful on my door of my 1822 Bucks county PA farmhouse.

  41. Liz says:

    My mom and I share our magazine subscription & we have for years. This wreath is so so so cute. When I was young my grandparents had lemon trees. I remember collecting the lemons and bringing them home with us after our visit to their house. I thought it was “so cool” how lemons grew at their house! I would love to hang this wreath in my home and share lemon stories with my children 5,3, & 7 months.

  42. Alice Connelly says:

    I love the feeling it gives me of carefree days

  43. Maureen vandeusen says:

    It’s a,ways a dash into the house when your mag comes. I am always exit cited to see the decorating and do it yourself cool ideas in each issue!

  44. Lisa Connelly says:

    The first thing I do is take a “Picture Walk ” through the lovely colorful pages! Then I enjoy looking at all the readers comments. It lets me know there are others with like minds an appreciations! I love reading the featured stories then wiggle my way around the magazine reafing a bit here and there during my tea breaks. I like to make it last😊. I especially love it when there’s little crafty things and new recipes included in an issue! Love trying those out and even adding my own twist!

  45. Jodie says:

    I love particularly enjoy the sections of home safe home, newsroom, cooking with MJ and DIY project/room remodels. I always enjoy your latest crafting adventure.

  46. Charlotte Cline says:

    I look forward to loosing myself in the possibilities of learning new things I can’t wait to try. MaryJanesFarm is my dream!!

  47. Linda Gardner says:

    Would love to display this wreath on my yellow front door for spring. I find it very hard to pick 1 area of such a wonderful magazine hat I enjoy. I love all from cover to back. I await the arrival with my cup of tea not hand. Knowing all else has to wait. Love it all. Thank you for such a wonderful knowledgeable agazine.

  48. Charlotte says:

    Just beautiful! This reminds me of a breath of Spring!

  49. Heather Janikowski says:

    I love the recipes and all the articles on organic items.

  50. Mary says:

    I love how the farmer girl in me always has some new article to inspire my lifestyle.

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