Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.
For a chance to win this pretty faux-lemon wreath, tell me in the comments below what you most look forward to when you sit down with an issue of MaryJanesFarm. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-April.
You’ll find out how to grow lemon and lime trees indoors, as well as get lots of ideas for lemon-themed décor, in the Apr/May issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.
I love this wreath and it would look so grand on the door of my 1930 craftsman home in Knoxville, TN.
Being a writer I love the stories but upon further reflection, it’s cover to cover, from tips to recipes to the food for the soul photography. I look forward to every issue and squirrel them away or share them with my daughter-in-laws.
My favorite thing of MaryJanesFarm is the DIY items, and crazy enough… the ads. I love the fact that the ads are for organic food, health products, and sustainable items.
When I get a new copy of MJF, I first look at every page to see all of the fun projects, recipes, and ideas. Secondly, I begin reading all of the articles. There is always a diversity of topics and perspectives that I find engaging. I also love the section on Seven Tips for a simple Life. There are always good ideas for everyday living that I enjoy learning about. One last thing is that I love it when the magazine uses graphics from the turn of the 20th Century. It was really MJF that turned my attention to this style and I have been exploring and loving it ever since.
When I open a MaryJanesFarm magazine, I look forward to pictures and ideas that are not only inspiring but are also comforting.
I usually am so happy, when Mary Jane’s arrives, everything comes to a stop and if i can hold my patience for a few minutes to make a cup of tea, then it becomes my time (a very happy time to sit and enjoy each and every page of Mary Jane’s Farm.
The thing I most look forward to when my issue of Mary Jane’s Farm arrives is some “me time”! There is so much to enjoy, to learn from, to reflect upon between the two covers. Thank you for such a delightful read.
I wait until I am alone and the house is quiet I open the new issue of MJF. I read through the table of contents to wet my appetite, then slowly enjoy every page. I always manage to learn something new from every issue! Thank you!!!
I look so forward to your magazine. I love all the tips and craft project I find in your magazine.
I am so excited when my magazine comes. It truly inspires me to live healthier, to give myself permission to take time to craft and to dream. Thank you!
I allow myself a break of half an hour or so to look through the new issue.
I first look to see if you have any projects that I may be able to use my limited sewing talent. I had SUCH FUN a long while back when we made aprons!
I read all the articles and I look forward to seeing what recipes you have. MJF is the only magazine subscription I have!
The lemon wreath is crying to hang off my 1968 Aladdin trailer the next trip out!
I can’t wait for my subscription! I normally scim through the pictures,which I love. I then start from the back of the Farm Girl to the front, looking to see my top interest,second and so forth.
When I receive my magazine in the mail I first read Here’s the Thing, then cut out the Cooking with Cast Iron recipes to add to my notebook and then just read cover to cover. Just so many good things about it! Love the recipes and have made a lot of them. What a great magazine!!
Well, I must admit that as I read I look for things I can do my self. There are usually lots of good ideas in there. I like the recipes, too. Thanks.
I enjoy the comraderie I feel when reading Mary Janes Farm . I look forward to each and every issue. Can’t wait for my mail lady to deliver each issue.
What I look forward to the most is seeing old pictures that are being shared. I enjoy looking at them and seeing if I can guess who is who and where they were taken. I especially love seeing pictures of my beautiful grandmother!
The craft or “DIY” parts of the magazine. So many great things to do that usually go with the season. I enjoy the recipes as well. So much fun!
I would love to win the lemon wreath. It would look great on my front door between my yellow window shutters.
Although I absolutely love the whole thing, I confess I head straight to the back. I love reading the last article by the City Farm girl. She has such a great perspective on life
I love the recipes!
Reminds me relaxing with a glass of lemonade in the Summer while I read Mary Jane’s magazine!
I love the recipes most of all. And the pictures and advertisements are all wonderful. Love the bright yellow color of lemons and will look nice anywhere in my home.
Healthier living articles definitely, but I love it all. Not currently a subscriber and having a difficult time finding it locally in the stores:(
I look forward to farm inspiration!
I love the DIY projects–seems like I turn a page and exclaim, “OH! I’ve always wanted to learn how to do that!” And then looking at the recipes, I am THRILLED because my daughter has many food allergies and finally I have recipes I can share with HER and she likes them! Last but not least, is just the knowledge that I AM NOT ALONE, and there is a WHOLE SISTERHOOD out there of women who think like me and are interested in what interests me….not the nail polish/eye makeup/bling/fashion stuff. I like that ‘too’, but it is not who I am everyday. The chickens, pigs, ducks, turkeys, flower garden, veggie garden, building things then cooling off in the pond are Daily Life and finally there is a ‘sisters’ and ads that recognize this side of being today’s Woman!
When I sit in my chair next to the wood burning stove I look for the peace, love and fun in my MaryJanes Farm Magazine. I find that and more! Thank all if you at MJF for such a fabulous magazine. Keep up the great work, your the best!
Look forward to recipes and natural healing remedies. Cow facts.
I love the serenity I feel when looking at the pictures and reading the articles. It feels like my best friend just stopped by to visit and spend a moment.
When I get my Mary Jane’s Farm Magazine in the mail, I can’t wait to dive into the new ideas! Whether it’s a new craft, or a new website to visit. It’s always exciting! However, my favorite part of the magazine is the Cast Iron recipes! I’m always anxious to try them all!
This wreath is absolutely beautiful! It brings a breathe of fresh spring cheer to your home!
It is so very peaceful to look at. In this crazy world a few seconds just looking at beauty brings a smile to the heart.
I look forward to the grounded, common sense guide that Mary Janes Farm magazine gives to this life we are all trying to get through! Fabulous and fun ideas abound! Thank you for all you provide for us!
Well…as I am a Newby to Mary Jane’s Farm, with only one issue in my hands, so far I love every single page. Your magazine is chock full of gems from cover to cover! I am in love!
I love reading the whole magazine! There is not another publication like it anywhere
I look forward to the feeling of “connection”. The feeling there are other people who appreciate re-purposing and showing your own creativity/ flare is a bonus!
I look forward to the relaxing feeling I get as I am swooped away from my reality to the calming and simplicity your magazine portrays.
I’m just drawn to your Magazines. They seem to make feel grounded with the unworldly presence it brings. I like to repurpose and not be so wasteful. Keep it coming!
I love reading about the crafts and usually try those yummy recipes in back. But when my magazine arrives in the mail I sit with a cuppa tea or coffee and read it from front cover to back. My favorite magazine.
Reading the magazine gives me a chance to explore new ideas, crafts and of course new products that I can use. I gave my oldest niece a gift subscription and we both enjoy talking about the different articles. It allows me to go to a place that is comfortable and warm.
My mother-in-law made the best lemon meringue pie. She had this wonderful tree in her back yard. Lemon squares were out of this world and there were always lemon cubes in her freezer. She lived in Tempe. She passed on Christmas at 93 and 10 1/2 months. She was well known in her neighborhood as she treated everyone with kindness.
My favorite thing about your wonderful magazine is that it makes me feel like I am a part of a much larger group of like minded people.
As I turn the pages I see people from all over who are immersed in living a life of respect, creativity and learning.
Keep up the fabulous work!
My favorite part is the diy ideas. The photos are so clear and I like that you have plenty of them.
I guess I look at the pages with ideas for repurposing everyday things. It is always amazing to me how some folks think outside the box, and it helps encourage me to do the same. Some GREAT ideas!
The very, very first thing I enjoy about Mary Janes Farm is the feel of the cover in my hands. I love the texture of the paper! I run my hand over it knowing that I will find treasures galore inside. I look so forward to the end of the day when I can sit down with a cup of cocoa or hot tea, open it up and get lost in its pages.
I look forward the most to the crafts and DIY!
When I open MJF magazine, I first look at the cast iron cooking and then Rebecca’s “Here’s The Thing” article. After that I savor each and every article. My only problem is that I have to beat hubby to get it from the mailbox or I don’t get to see it for days! (tee, hee, hee!)
I always go to the library and get excited to find the newest copy of MaryjanesFarm dig in and look for the crafts! Recipes are second but the crafts are my favorite!
I like Rebekah Teal’s page best, I think. Unless you meant the part where I fix up a tea tray complete with chocolate, teapot, and sometimes a flower, and curl up in my favorite chair.