

  1. Cindi says:

    That’s an amazing capture!! Geese. They all seem to look alike and appear to be, well.. just ordinary. But they are amazing and beautiful creatures. Devoted pairs diligently raising families, they defend their mates, nests and little ones with the fierceness of a lion. The little ones exhibit a faith like none other, trusting their featherless wings to hold balance as they leap from high nests to follow their mother to water ~ bouncing off the ground (with squeaks!), run to mother and wait for the last chick to muster the courage to join them. Beautiful, beautiful picture to start the morning. As they all are πŸ™‚

  2. Karlyne says:

    Spectacular! Again…

  3. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Love that Canadian Goose! Great action photo. Thank-you!

    • MaryJane says:

      I sent them to Warren and he in turn has been sending me FABULOUS hummingbird photos. Tell him MANY thanks. Let’s keep it going–our birds/your birds (and the occasional ‘gator.)

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