GIVEAWAY: “All American Clothespins, Blue Moon”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win 20 FREE beautiful, handmade clothespins from All American Clothespins, tell me your favorite memory about hanging laundry on the line in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-June.


Albert Crooks and his 15-year-old son, Al, craft beautiful, sturdy clothespins from ash (the perfect hardwood for clothespins) and heavy-duty, stainless-steel springs manufactured in the U.S. “No more using four or five cheap clothespins to hang a wet towel to line dry. Our clothespins are tumble sanded and are finished with tung oil, which will not leach out and stain your laundry.” For beautiful clothespins that will last a lifetime, visit

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Pam Floyd says:

    Hanging out the laundry thirty years ago and seeing two lines of little boy summer shorts hanging side by side that belonged to my 4 year old twin sons and youngest son 2.

  2. Dawn pilat says:

    My husband and I travel by way of motorcycle. ..we love the fresh air! So when we passed a hotel that boasted sun-dried sheets, and had them flapping in the wind nearby, we had to stay there! What a great night’s sleep you get on sun-kissed sheets!

  3. Deborah Roewer says:

    My mom had these same pins in a handmade embroidered bag on the line too! What I wouldn’t give for some!

    • Ramona Lamar says:

      When my two oldest grand daughters where in grade school the oldest girl could reach the clothes line, but the younger one couldn’t. They developed a system. The younger one would hand the older one the clothes pins and the laundry while the older girl pin them on the line. FYI: pining the laundry to the line in Oklahoma wind is a challenge even for adults! They were so sweet to watch, and so proud of their self when they were finished!

  4. Yvette says:

    I absolutely love the fresh smell of clothes and sheets dried on the clothesline! When I was a young child my “blankie” had to be washed while I was asleep. One time when I woke up without it I went outside to find it on the line. My father snapped a photo of me standing at the clothes line hanging onto my blanket with thumb in mouth.

  5. Linda says:

    Being the “holder of the clothespins” when I was about 10 yrs. old, helping Mom with laundry, was my first real responsibility, but one that made me feel very proud of myself! I mean, how could those huge towels, sheets and millions of socks get dried & smell so heavenly without that teamwork? Besides, I could discuss “grown-up” , “important things” with her without my baby brother interrupting every 5 seconds! Luckily, he was usually napping that time of day. I loved “getting out the wash” especially on sunny, windy days with blue skies, but. Also running like crazy women when it started to rain, to save the drying clothes before they got soaking wet again. The best part was folding the sheets & pillowcases, & smelling them as I jumped into bed after a bath at night…

  6. Gwen Darling says:

    I love hanging the sheets. I love the cool feel of them on my skin on a hot summer’s day.

  7. Mary R says:

    Nothing compares to the smell of fresh-off-the-clothesline towels, bedding and clothes. Am so happy that it’s that time of year again! Glad to know of a source of quality clothespins because those in the stores aren’t worth bringing home. I am married almost 42 years, live on a farm and have been line-drying clothes always.

  8. Jennie Tucker says:

    My favorite is drying sheets on the line and then putting them straight back on the bed. They smell so good, and there’s nothing like line-fresh sheets to send you off to dream-land at night!

  9. Cindy says:

    We lived in Christchurch NZ and electric was very expensive so I hung clothes out very often. My one daughter, Emily, 4 at the time, loved that clothesline and would help me by shaking out the clothes and handing them to me. One day we were on our fourth load of wash and she lad down on the warm brick and announced, “This is tiring mom!” She laid there and watched up through the clothing as I spun the line around and fell asleep! To this day, we love pictures of clotheslines and take pictures too!

  10. June says:

    When I got married 43 years ago, my mama was very impressed with my new clothes dryer. So much so, that she bought one herself and was glad to be rid of the clothes line. However, in spite of that, I still hang out clothes, weather permitting. My favorite memories are of bringing in the laundry, as a kid, as helping mama fold it all up to put away. Everything smelled like sunshine!

  11. LeeW says:

    I remember my grandmother hanging her items on a clothesline with the old wooden clothes pins. Dear memories.

  12. Joy Cleckley says:

    During my growing up years, my mother always hung out the laundry on the clothesline just as her mother had done! It was my job to take it down, fold and put the laundry. I loved the fresh outdoors smell. To this day, I find folding and putting away laundry very therapeutic. Oh to lay down on fresh dried sheets for a restful night of slumber.

  13. Cindy Denning says:

    I come from a long line of women who made sure their clothes on the line were hung like a art project. All whites on one line and barely a corner folded with the clothespin. All the other lines held colors, jeans with pants stretchers, towels and for a while white diapers! I still like to hang my clothes and waiting for a new clothesline. The smell of laundry here is like no other thanks to the Wonderful Montana breezes!

  14. Pingback: Winners!!! Giveaways: Blue Moon | Raising Jane Journal

  15. Fran Cutforth says:

    I put my hand into my peg basket the other day, to get some pegs for my laundry, and as I took my hand out, a huge bumblebee was sitting on my hand. I don’t know who was more surprised, him or me ! I let him climb off my hand on to a near rose bush. And then calmed my heart rate. Nature is just wonderful.

  16. Kathleen Daisey says:

    I remember as a child growing up in Michigan and my Mom always hung the sheets on the line outside! We used to like to run thru them!

  17. Ramona Lamar says:

    I ordered clothespins from this man after your last give away. These clothespins are amazing!!!! Even in my Oklahoma winds these clothespins held on tight!!! They are much larger than what you buy. They are even larger than the clothespins I pick up at estate sales. They seem expensive at first, but after you see them and use them, they will be your Best Buy!!!

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