GIVEAWAY: “Glamping, Blue Moon”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win a free copy of my Glamping with MaryJane book, tell me about your glamping plans for this summer in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-June.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Karen says:

    Mid June I will pack up the camper and head to the woods. A little campfire and a lot of quiet time with mother nature. We all need that get back to nature time. It makes us appreciate what God has given us. Out before daybreak listening to the birds and all creatures waking up. How peaceful!

  2. Susan says:

    Please toss my name into the hat! I don’t have any glamping plans for the summer but absolutely love seeing how these campers are beautifully and uniquely decorated. I don’t have a glamper but here in Florida we have plenty of mosquitoes to share if anyone wants to try glamping in the summertime down south! Thank you!

  3. amber says:

    We usually do a family trip and do a couple days at the end of summer at a local camp ground. Such a nice way to relax and unwind!

  4. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Since I don’t own a trailer, I personally don’t have any glamping plans for this Summer. But… youngest daughter grabbed my copy of this book the first year I bought it and it now resides at her house! I have requested multiple times that she bring it home when she comes, but alas, I always get the line: Mom, I just like to look at it and dream! She fell in love with the whole idea and hopes to one year trade up her tent and back packing gear for a tricked out trailer. She currently has a Subaru so she just needs the little trailer. Me, I would love to have my OWN copy again!! LOL!!

  5. Colleen Maki says:

    I’m so happy to say that I already have this book, LOVE IT, and continually go back to it, especially when the snow is hip-deep here in the Upper Peninsula. However, I would LOVE to gift it to a dear friend of mine, who is pondering a small camper for this summer.

    • Colleen Maki says:

      Totally forgot to tell my camping plans. . . ANYWHERE on the shores of Lake Superior (alias “Heaven”) or in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (my homeland).

  6. I can only glamp through your magazine. BUT I do love to read it and any emails that are sent out about glamping. so have fun for those of us that can only read and dream about it!!

  7. Sandi King says:

    Glamping? Never been. Camping, yes I have. Not so often in my later years, but when I was a younger woman, I remember living the whole summer at Yosemite in California. My family went there every summer we lived in California to enjoy the great outdoors and we took two great big Army tents, Army cots (boy they were hard to put together on the last end) wash tubs for clothes and dishes, plenty of summer wear, games to play outdoors, hiking boots, swimsuits, dishes, food, oil lanterns for nights, just everything we would need to stay a while. My dad would go into town to buy supplies when we would run low on something, but we never went home early. It was the most memorable time of my life. I remember the whole family being there, mom, dad, dad’s mother, my two brothers and their wives and my 2 half brothers, grandma’s friend, mom’s brothers and sisters would sometimes show up, our dog Ginger, my husband and some other friends of ours who would show up and visit with us. It was the most memorable time of my life when family gatherings were often and meant a lot to a lot of people. Miss those wonderful days.

  8. Debbe J. says:

    I’m a glamping newbie. I go camping with a group of women every year by the beach but this year I’m going my way. I bought a TeePee tent and am bedazzling it my way. Would love the book for more inspiration. Glamping Game On!

  9. Merry Nelson says:

    We love taking our vintage teardrop trailer out to enjoy God’s creation! We always have passersby who want a little look inside or check out the “kitchen” area. Your book might help add a little more glamour to our camping experience!

  10. Deon Matzen says:

    We are glampers. Though we do not have an ancient trailer anymore, but a more modern one, we go in style, embroidered tablecloths, flowers, good food, floral outdoor rug, lots of twinkle lights. It is like living a different life from our time at home. Isn’t that what camping is about? Doing something totally different than everyday! How about this weekend?

  11. Tracy Roy says:

    I discovered your magazine (ordered for myself, and have given two gift subscriptions) after stumbling on Sisters on the Fly somewhere on the internet, and shortly thereafter became a vintage trailer owner: A 1968 Aladdin that was in pretty good shape. It got new shoes, plumbing, a new water tank, fridge, sway bars, electric brake hook up, and I made all the cushions and the matching scalloped awning on a vintage Singer Featherweight 221. Taking it out next week to the Oregon coast!

  12. Krista says:

    We currently don’t have any glamping plans yet. Due to my husbands job, our camping trips are spur of the moment. My goal is to go at least once this year. It will be so fun taking the boys and letting them explore nature.

  13. Barbara D says:

    I tent camp but dream about glamping. Love to win the book as a start!

  14. Avis says:

    I would love to start GLAMPING and this book would inspire me! Due to so much livestock I need to turn my veranda into a stay at home Glamping area that I can share with anyone that stops by for a visit.

  15. Ione Norling says:

    I’ve always enjoyed camping . This year I’m kicking it up a level
    with my Glamper scamper ( an older Scamp ) Girlie flowers , Lacey curtains , fancy
    bed , fun floor , great classic music and sparkles to throw in the
    campfire . I need more energy and ideas from this Glamping publication .
    I’m naming my camper Whimsey Me .

  16. Elizabeth Lazor says:

    Three of my four sons are Eagle Scouts and I have gone on numerous Boy Scout camping trips…but that is FAR from glamping!!!!!! I grew up camping in NH and VT and have taken my kids cross country camping when I was home schooling them. I would love to go glamping with my husband now! XO

  17. Elizabeth Hawley says:

    We are kind of new to camping but have a few trips planned for this summer. No camper yet but would love this book to give me the inspiration to do it right!!!

  18. Vicki says:

    We are new to this Camper life! We have camped in the past with tents and pop up campers, but now, this summer, we have been given a camper on a site in the Dells. I am excited to decorate, since I have just last winter discovered your magazine and site, and have been devouring both!! I can’t wait to add some fun fabrics and designs to our camper…. Thanks for the great ideas..

  19. Debbie Webster says:

    Mmmmm, summer nights. The smell of a campfire. Time for hot cocoa and a good story!

    This will be our families first camping trip with our two granddaughters. We recently discovered Joshua Tree National Forest and it was Love at first sight! I cannot wait to see the evening sky! Thank you!

  20. Tammy Marti says:

    This summer we have many plans and one of them is to take the kids to The Black Hills. The rest of summer weekends, we decided to not make plans. Just get in the car and drive to where ever! A different direction every weekend to travel through towns, sightsee at state parks, little mom and pop shops, and stay and stop to camp or to stay in a hotel. Whatever the pleasure! Sometimes when a person is looking for nothing, they find everything!

  21. Marti732 sisterhood says:

    we have acquired a new (to us) camper and I have been gathering glamping materials and accessories for a couple of years now. Since the first glamping stories i read in MJ’s Farm magazine I have been dreaming of getting a camper and making it my own. Fine, I’ll share with hubby, but it’s going to glamp! I have retired and finally have the time to take a few days off to enjoy this beautiful country. Happy Glamping!


    My husband and I have just retired. We are so looking forward to getting into our motor home and seeing where it takes us. It’s exciting that we no longer have a set time to leave and a set time to be back!

  23. Leisa Joan says:

    We go to upstate Maine & stay in a one room hunting cabin, with no running water or electricity, but we make it pretty with an old fashioned pitcher/bowl to wash up. some day I’d love to get a clawfoot tub up there so we can take a hot bath, MJ style.

  24. Chrissy says:

    Have dreamed about getting a Little Buddy. Have a tote of dedicated camping equipment buried on the back porch plus a brand new rod and reel that’s never seen water. And I find it’s just as fun to camp at the local state park as it is to pack up and go far away.

  25. Elizabeth Otto says:

    My glamping plans include a tent, sleeping bag, material and a nice fire to create something new.

  26. Debbie says:

    I don’t yet have a Glamper. Right now it is a Dream, I have ask Santa for this book but yet again I got passed up. Poo
    Our BFFs are taking us to Yellowstone this year, we just have to pay for food. This would be a Greaaat read while on the road 🙂 ♡♡♡
    Thank you for the opportunity to win Yeah Hahh

  27. Kelly S says:

    I’m looking into taking an end.of summer/fall vacation. I’d love for my sister. She just purchased an Airstream & hope we can take a ride sometime when it’s done being renovated. 🙂

  28. Kathy Byfield says:

    No plans for glamping this summer… YET. But love the concept.

  29. Tina hengen says:

    I’m not really. Glamper, but we do go camping and four wheeling every year! This year were hoping to go to wallowa lake!

  30. Diana says:

    I plan on spending as many weekends as I can exploring the campgrounds & parks in North Idaho along with a trip to Glacier National Park.

  31. Nancy says:

    Not glamping yet…but, someday…! Heading for Asotin/Clarkston and up the Snake River for some wonderful family time. We’re gathering from all over to hang together in August. LOVE your magazine, especially as we were once ‘locals’ having lived in the LC Valley as well as in Pullman. Always look forward to the next issue! 🙂

  32. Laura Richardson says:

    I’m more of a backwoods camper, but I dream of having a camper for my family to go camping in. We love to travel to the Big Horn mountains in Northern Wyoming, and camp back off the beaten path. No crowded campgrounds for me! We love to hike up into the mountains and enjoy the peace and beauty of nature, the beautiful clear blue sky, and the fresh air and sunshine. I would love to have your book!

  33. Cindy Parker says:

    I’ll be glamping in my backyard in Northwestern PA.

  34. Kate says:

    We have land locked our ’66 airstream. Renovations are underway with visions of a bohemian caravan. Cant wait to try it out! Next, a teepee and safari tent to set up : )

  35. Rebecca Sarver says:

    Taking a 80’s Shasta and redoing to farmhouse glamper. Gutted ready for paint this weekend 😬🙏🤞

  36. Donna Chism says:

    I plan to check out some beautiful WV glamping areas, can’t wait

  37. Nancy says:

    Want to glamp in my shady back yard and then head out to Marfa and Sedona.

  38. Joanie Zabelka says:

    My Glamping plans are to win your book and find out how to do it – right. Hubs wants to hit South Dakota and Wyoming. If I can’t do it like a lady then I don’t necessarily want to do it. I’m a bit of a princess when it comes to roughing it.
    Tiara and cool boots on and fingers crossed…

  39. Tammy Starr-Evans says:

    I am building a “hen house” in my back yard
    To glamp in at home

  40. Kay oldham says:

    Well I am not going on an adventure this year, but my daughter is buying a 5th wheel and moving to Oregon and and will live it while looking for a job and training to work with dogs. Would love to give her this book to help her along in her adventure. Thanks.

  41. Amber White says:

    My glamping will be in Park City. I’m hitting the resorts.

  42. Stacy C says:

    I have the camper and plan to remodel it this summer before touring around Lake Superior.

  43. Carol Ploussard says:

    My name is Carol Ploussard. I live on the east side of Idaho out in the dry farms of Rexburg. I have many glamping trips planned for this summer. Two years ago my wonderful husband bought me a 1962 Aristocrat low-line 10×10 travel trailer for my 50th birthday. I named her Miranda! I have a silver half ton Dodge pick that can pull us anywhere we want to go! This year our theme is “Catch the Moon” named for the Total Eclipse. Miranda, family, I and will be sitting in full totality on our farm. Our first trip will be Memorial Day. We will go to the Sand Dunes just outside of St. Anthony, Idaho. Not too far away from our home. Our second trip will be in the middle of June, Miranda and go solo for this journey. We cut through Yellowstone, over the Big Horn Mountains and the fall into a little prairie town named Clearmont in Wyoming. We hang out with Alpacs and a bunch of Wooly girls. We play with Alpac wool for a couple of days. It’s great fun and Miranda loves the challenge of the Big Mountains. The 4th of July we go to Dillon, Montana and fish, eat, and dance. The end ofJuly is the big event. We glamp it up big, in Mountain Home, Idaho at the country music festival. This year we will watch Keith Urban, Luke Bryant, and Chris Stableton perform under the full moon surrounded by glampers just like us! Last, but not least, we will glamped one more time with about ten families we have never meet before. Miranda and I are hosting a Total Eclipse Party at our place! After all that we will tone it down visit some natural hot spring, do some deep cleaning, and get ready for our winter’s rest.

  44. Robin Anderson says:

    I was gifted a 1969 Traveleze camp trailer last summer.. Can’t Wait to glam her up and go on a adventure.

  45. Megan Raffaelli says:

    My husband and I are going glamping at Crystal Beach in a few weeks. I am waiting on my zebra faux fur rug to come in for our tent entrance. I’m so excited to get some time to be outdoors in style! We’ve been keeping an eye out for a vintage camper to restore but haven’t found the right one yet.

  46. Jan Rice says:

    We don’t have an awesome retro trailer yet, but that’s one of my goals for when I retire in a few years. Until that time I need to settle for the cute little log cabin in the campground that we went to every summer while our kids were growing up. We have reservations at the campground for three camping trips. One with our son and his family, one for a week for just my husband and me and just before school starts again with three of the grandkids.

  47. Jessica says:

    I would love to go camping with my soon to be husband in one of the local state parks! Roaring fire and cast iron cooking please!

  48. Becky Davies says:

    My plan is to take out my littlentrailer with some friends again this summer. Fingers crossed we all stay well enough to go. Fun times.

  49. Lisa Azbill says:

    We have several trips planned soon as the grandkids are out of school. We are grandparents raising 2 grandkids, who are helping us stay young! I’ve wanted to glamp our camper for a long time, but don’t know where to start. Please add my name, and thank you so much!

  50. Carol Lauer says:

    Staying in an almost 100 year old cottage with my family while we enjoy the festivities at my son’s wedding in the middle of Nebraska! Good times!!!

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