GIVEAWAY: “The Promise Girls, Blue Moon”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win one of FIVE autographed copies of Marie Bostwick’s newest book, The Promise Girls, tell me how long you’ve known your BFF in the comments below. (I’ve known mine for 38 years—my daughter.) I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-June.

From the beloved author of the Cobbled Court Quilt novels, New York Times bestselling author Marie Bostwick delivers an emotionally rich and captivating new novel that reunites three sisters whose deep bond is rooted in an unconventional past.

“Reading Marie Bostwick is like wrapping yourself up in a warm, hand-crafted quilt. Her books, rich in character and plot, are stitched together by a skilled wordsmith.”
– Debbie Macomber, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Tamera says:

    I would have to say my hubby of 15 years who has been with me through thick and thin.

  2. Pat Fondrin says:

    My BFF is also my daughter whom I’ve known for 33 years. We’ve been through thick and thin together, and always have each other’s backs. I don’t know who said it first, but I always remember these words when I think of her: “I loved you before your first breath and after my last.”

  3. susan b says:

    My mother! I can go to her when I’m happy, sad, lonely, excited….. I hope my daughter feels the same way about me!

  4. Janice Sandy says:

    I’ve known my BFF for about 20 years. We have been leaders in Girl Scouts for our daughters. A couple weeks ago we took a trip to Savannah, Georgia especially to go to the Juliette Gordan Low house. We had a great time.

  5. My little sister Carolyn Sue died in a car accident when she was 9. I was 23. I never got over her death until I started nursing school with a big dream of helping people. I met my best friend there. Her name is Carolyn Sue. I felt like I have known her my whole life. We have been best friends, sisters for 23 years, and a life time to come!

  6. Julie Steiff says:

    My bff and I met 38 years ago when we both lived in the same apartment building. She has been like a sister to me. We have laughed together as well as cried together over all these years. My life would not be the same without her.

  7. Jolene Kurtz says:

    I’ve known my best friend for 17 years. She moved next door to us and even though we aren’t neighbors anymore we still talk to each other daily.

  8. Mary says:

    I’ve known my bff for just a little over 15 years. They call us “Thelma and Louise”! Hopefully because we’ll each see the other through to the bitter end.

  9. Joyce Huber says:

    I’ve known my BFF for 53 years.

  10. Jessica Murray says:

    My Husband is my BFF. He has been my shining light. We have been together now for 7 years and have a beautiful baby boy who is a year old.

  11. Mary Carnes says:

    I love Mary Jane Farm magazines. My bff is my Mother in law, she and I have been together for 45 years. She and I, love to sit on her back porch and just chitchat about everything but really nothing. She is my rock, and I don’t know what I would do without her.

  12. My BFF is/was my Grandma Minnie Santoro, who was with me for 55 years until she passed away at the Blessed age of 103- there’s something to be said about this Italian treasure gifted from Roma…

  13. Jacqueline Martini says:

    My BFF is really my daughter Angela. She is lovely and sweet, 47 years old, hard to believe!

  14. Cindy Ann Snider says:

    Since my one and only child, my daughter lives with incurable chronic illnesses, I promised to always be here at our home for her. We’re somewhat isolated. We live in the country and thoroughly look forward to our reading together times. My daughter and I are best friends forever!

  15. Rebecca M. says:

    My BFF would have to be my husband. We met 44 years ago this month, one day before my birthday and got married six months later.

  16. Dawn Johnson says:

    I met my BFF at college freshman orientation 44 years ago. We were instant friends, and are still inseparable. No event in my life is complete without PJ.

  17. Greta Hipps says:

    Thank you for your amazing book! I’ve know my best friend since the day she was born! My sister is 44 and she has kept me sane through it all. I love her so much!

  18. Heather Ely says:

    I have known my BFF since we were little. She is my second cousin.

  19. Heather Miller says:

    My BFF is my husband, and I’ve been blessed to know him for 15 years.

  20. Mary Pat Rourke says:

    I have known my BFF since high school. We graduated in 1961 and went to the same college and into the same profession. We still call each other frequently.

  21. Kathleen Kennedy says:

    My best friend is my husband of 55 yrs June 2nd. I love my Mary Janes Farm magazine. I read it from cover to cover, mark certain pages, then re-read and re-read it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  22. Sarah Marshall says:

    After moving so many times it has been a challenge to stay BFFs, but I’m working one one for 9 years. I could get lost in a story however.

  23. Elaine Babcock says:

    I have known my BFF for 37 years. We have shared so many ups and downs.

  24. Martha T. says:

    My best friend is my sister. I have known her for 61 years!

  25. Jennifer Scott says:

    Can’t limit it to one BFF; have met so many dear wonderful friends since moving here 9 years ago. Love them all!

  26. Sandy says:

    Have had several best girlfriends, since Nancy, when we were 8 (her mom was my 3ed grade teacher, insisted we had to get together), Linda, when I was 13, Pat when we were both grown women, and the one who has stayed forever, Gene; we’ve been besties for 44 yrs.

  27. Phyllis Swietzer says:

    I’ve known my BFF since 1950 but we didn’t become BFF’s until my family moved to our farm in 1966. She literally kept me in the loop of what’s real about farm-life and the wonderful community we shared. We are still BFF’s although we are now both in our 80’s.

  28. Priscilla mellott says:

    Well my BBF forever would be my Aunt who is now my Mom! She along with my now Dad took me into their home when I was just 9 months old. That has been 63 yrs ago and I have been so blessed by God because she took the time to teach me about God and his son Jesus who died for my sins and she loved me unconditionally all these years with 4 siblings that were hers. Love her dearly and wish her a very happy Mothers Day.

  29. Sue Wendt says:

    I’ve known my BFF since second or third grade; in junior high and high school, we were part of a 4 friend group that did everything together. In the 50 years since high school, we’ve lived in different communities and our lives with our kids always took priority, but it only took a phone call to get caught up like we were never apart. Now that we are both retired, we can keep in touch more easily.

  30. MaryAnn Premoe says:

    i have know my BFF is my sister inlaw for over 30 year. what a gift.

  31. Patricia Hunter says:

    That would be my 4th grade neighborhood friend, Sue. Sixty years later, we live a thousand miles apart. But each time we manage to visit, it’s like we just saw each other yesterday!

  32. Sherry Jagels says:

    I’ve known mine for 23 years. We’ve been through thick and thin and she’s always there for me when i need her. thanks. love all her books.

  33. Cindi Manuel says:

    As the youngest of three girls ( who are not so young physically any more). I am blessed to have two wonderful BFF who have watched over me my entire life.

  34. Sharon Franzen says:

    I have known my bff for over 57 years. She earned her beautician license and moved from Kewanee,IL to Aurora,IL , and was hired where I was working. We had both recently broke up with boyfriends,and decided that we were NOT going to mope and be sad. We went on weekend trips and had lots of fun. She was like part of my family. My brother came home the Army. My bff soon became my Sister-in-law. We have supported each other through deaths of family members. We are sharing the joy of grandkids, and some new little great grandkids. She is an inspiration for positive living after losing two sons and her husband.

  35. My best friend is my hubby of 33 years! He’s helped me raise our 12 children (still raising 6 of them). He has always provided what we need with heroic sacrifice. He knows me inside out and makes me laugh, even when I don’t want to. I nearly lost him four years ago and I thank God that He gave my Honey more time on this earth!

  36. Pam Buckner says:

    As a retired teacher and school librarian, I now have time to sit quietly with a great cup of coffee and finally read all those novels I’ve been shelving for my students and teachers. It is a treasure to become lost on a journey of new adventures as I meet new characters. Although I have not been introduced to Marie Bostwwick’s novels, I believe, just from the synopsis, I will truly become lost in her stories. The titles alone are captivating and beg me to open the cover and dive in to a new and exciting adventure.

    • Pam Buckner says:

      Oops! I forgot to tell you my BFF is my husband of 41 years! Hubby, coffee, books and a cute little 1 year old keep me blessed!

  37. Margaret Hill says:

    I have known my BFF since I can remember. we are now in our 71st year!.
    our mothers were friends. we both are the youngest of 4 children. our older brothers and sisters were all about the same ages. I tell people she is my oldest friend.
    I was corrected years ago,,,someone said,,,”well, my goodness, just how OLD is she….?…don’t say that, say,….>>>>she is your childhood friend!”

  38. Carol Hagemeier says:

    My best friend is my daughter. She is now 47 and we have the same likes. Love antiques and remodeling her farmhouse in Fredericksburg, TX. We do agree most of the time.

  39. Dee Roush says:

    My BFF, Audrey,pegged me as a homeschooler since I was shopping with 5 children in tow. She struck up a conversation with me, asking when my sixth child was due to be born. That was 27 years and 4 more children ago.Circumstances would change our address frequently but we were never more than a phone call away.

  40. Nikki Gladding says:

    My best friend Mara and I have been friends for 28 years. We now live a few states away from each other, but still get together every couple of months and love to send each other snail mail to let the other know we’re thinking of them. I know I always have a couch to crash on and a shoulder to cry on. Even if it has been a while since we’ve been together, when I walk through her door it’s like I only left yesterday.

  41. Lynn Blagden says:

    My BFF and I met in the fourth grade, which makes it 55 years ago!! We have been there for each other in all the wonderful and fun, as well as the difficult and tragic experiences we have been through. She is always a huge support to me, and I try to reciprocate her loyalty and friendship! She’s the best!

  42. Beth Andrepont says:

    I would to have to say 62 years, my sister. Also, a friend of 30 years. Bff’s keep life interesting for all of us!

  43. Cindy Abbey says:

    I have been best friends with Toni since 1983. We are close and know we will always have each other. We talk each day. She is my son’s Godmother.

  44. Christine says:

    I’ve known my BFF since we met in 6th grade. We both loved horses and when we spotted each other looking at horse books we knew it was meant to be! Unfortunately 4 years ago she was killed in an motorcycling accident. We were friends for 40 years before Gisele’s life was cut short. I miss her dearly.

  45. Beth J says:

    28 years – my wonderful daughter!

  46. Christine White says:

    Which one? I’ve been lucky to have 3 life long best friends! 40 years and still going…

  47. Teresa nall says:

    My very best friend for 27yrs my other best friend 40yrs. She passed away in 2009 from cancer. Miss her so very much

  48. jill says:

    My BFF is my sister of 60 years- and she calls me by the name Promise!

  49. Becky Colpitts says:

    About 10 years or so. It feels like always.

  50. Glenda McCarthy says:

    I have known my best friend for 55 years. We live far apart, but get together fairly often, and we talk on the phone a lot. We have been through a lot together.

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