GIVEAWAY: “The Promise Girls, Blue Moon”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win one of FIVE autographed copies of Marie Bostwick’s newest book, The Promise Girls, tell me how long you’ve known your BFF in the comments below. (I’ve known mine for 38 years—my daughter.) I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-June.

From the beloved author of the Cobbled Court Quilt novels, New York Times bestselling author Marie Bostwick delivers an emotionally rich and captivating new novel that reunites three sisters whose deep bond is rooted in an unconventional past.

“Reading Marie Bostwick is like wrapping yourself up in a warm, hand-crafted quilt. Her books, rich in character and plot, are stitched together by a skilled wordsmith.”
– Debbie Macomber, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Shelley says:

    Aside from my husband (9years), my youngest daughter is 24, my best friend since she was 13 and could express her unique self

  2. Susan Humbyrd says:

    My best friend is my sister…I’ve known her 50 years!

  3. Betty Young says:

    I have two BFFs (aren’t I blessed?), Kay and Sheila, from my home town in rural Iowa. Both are real farm girls – I was a town girl (population 200). Kay and I have been friends since we were 4 years old…63 years! Sheila a few years later when we became acquainted in high school.

  4. Ruth Turner says:

    I’ve been with my BFF since I was born. My mom has been my counselor, my role model, my mentor, my comic relief, my champion … the list is endless. I’m so blessed to still have her in my life. Eighteen months ago, she went through a 10 1/2 hour surgery for stage 4 cancer. She not only survived the surgery and radiation, she is thriving! She goes to church, visits her neighbors and works in her yard and little garden – her dirt therapy. Prior to her own health crisis, she’d nursed daddy through his battle with Parkinson’s disease. She found out her own diagnosis three days after his funeral. She is the strongest, yet also humblest person I’ve ever known. She is my rock and I try to soak up all her “amazingness” every time we’re together. Everyone should be so fortunate as to have a best friend like her!

  5. Nancy says:

    I think I would have to go with my sister being my bff. So, that would be 60 years.

  6. m flaherty says:

    ive known my bff for about 50 years

  7. Dorothy Nootbaar says:

    I’d say that my daughter Catherine is also my best friend. She is 33 and it has been me and her from the beginning. There are things that only a mother and daughter can understand and I’m thankful for her every day!

  8. Connie rowland says:

    My bf and I were more like sister and have stayed like that through the years

  9. Megan Schafer says:

    My BFF is Kristy. We have been friends since 2nd grade! That’s 35 yrs of friendship! I love her like a sister!

  10. Lisa G Harris says:

    I’ve know my best friend for 40 years. We have been friends since high school.

  11. Juanita Mathews says:

    I’ve known my BF since grade school – a short 50 years ago. Our lives get busy and we do not speak that often, but when we do, it was like it was yesterday and we are still children at heart.

  12. Laurie says:

    I have known my BFF over 30 years. From high school.

  13. Linda Lou Crosby says:

    My BFF is a wonderful person I have known since 1991…26 years. She is creative, fun, and a terrific pal. She hired me to work for her in 1991 and we had many adventures doing communication work, frequently on the edge of the possible….but always accomplished what we needed to do. She makes me smile. Wonder what mischief we shall discover next?

  14. Sandy Rees says:

    I’ve known my BFF since 3rd grade. I’m 56 years old now so I’m guessing it’s been about 48 years.

  15. Kathy Rowe says:

    I have known my best friend for 55 years. We both have lived in different places over the years, but always kept up with each other. Been there for each other in good times and bad. We don’t get together nearly enough, but she knows she is always in my heart.

  16. Nancy Itson says:

    My BFF would have been my older sister. She passed away in February and it is still difficult every time I think about her. I want to pick up the phone to tell her something and then remember she is no longer here. I am 54, and she was 64, so we were BFF’s for 54 years. I have several very close non-related friends and I consider them my BFF’s. We should always treasure the friends that we have in our lives.

  17. Tracy Senita says:

    I have know my best friend since I was 17 years old and I am now 41. That is more than half my lifetime. If I can do the math right that is 23 years.

  18. Wendy Lou Schofield says:

    My BFF is also my daughter Jayme Lynn! She just turned 34 and I had written in her card that she was my Best Friend❣️

  19. Karen Parry says:

    My Mother, who is gone now, was always my best friend…and I have two wonderful sisters who are my best friends, and my beautiful daughter I could just hang around every minute if it were possible…and she has given me a wonderful granddaughter who just turned 14 and I would certainly spend every minute with her if I could. I am certainly blessed with all these BEST FRIENDS! Oh, i actually have a girlfriend, too, who is a best friend to me.

  20. Gina says:

    I have known her since before kindergarten, so that would make 55 years and counting.

  21. MS Barb says:

    I met my BFF in the 1980’s! She has red hair, and for some reason, we’ve been called “Lucy & Ethel” on more than one occasion! 🙂 Adventure seems to find us–whether we’re at a church conference, shopping or out to eat! 🙂

  22. Lorraine Sobolewski Bailey says:

    I have known my very best friend for
    27 years now.

  23. Carol Cunningham says:

    I have many girlfriends, but 3 BFF’s … my sisters. We travel, we talk, we just have the best time. Love them!!

  24. My BFF and I have a special link…our mother! No matter what happens in my family my sister and I are part of each others hearts. We may not talk for a month or so but we never feel neglected or forgotten. We love each other to the moon and back.

  25. Teresa says:

    45 years

  26. Donna Beddow says:

    My mother was my best friend. She passed when she was 81 from Alzheimer’s complications. We laughed, cried, talked and shopped together. Even near the end, when she didn’t know me, I would sit with her and tell her how much I loved her.

  27. Elaine Cubbins says:

    This is a new author for me. Once I read it, I’ll donate the book to the tribal college library where I work as the college librarian. I’ll catalog it into special collections because of the autograph, but it will be available for checkout to employees. I’ll also buy a 2nd copy to put into our circulating collection for our students and community members. I love your contests! Really generous!

  28. Angela Rose says:

    My bff, Kecia, 45 years !!! Wow

  29. Bonnie says:

    I’ve know my BFF since we were 4. She moved away to California but we wrote letters and called and visited. We don’t see eachother much but it’s just the same when we get together.

  30. Kinda tough to pick just one BFF … only because I’ve had my mom for 52 years, my sister for 50 years and my daughter for 29. I am truly blessed!!!

  31. Deb Morris says:

    I’ve known my BFF since 2nd grade. We met when the bullies were picking on her and I went to her defense! She was the shyest girl in school, and I think she won that award when we graduated from high school! Her Mom told me once that she was glad we became friends because I “brought her out of her shell”. We’ve been to many baseball games and have been through so many scrapes and adventures together as children. I still see her once in a great while as we live 600 miles from each other. We keep in touch through facebook and e-mail, and those very important cards sent for all occasions because you know, who wants just bills in the mailbox, right?

  32. LEA ANN BERRY says:

    My mom and my daughter, always has been, always will be.

  33. Anne Radesi says:

    I have know my BFF for 25 years. We met at work and have been close since the first day! We have held each other through thick and thin and always know we can depend on each other for anything. We are blessed!!

  34. Jeanette says:

    I’ve known my best friend forever for 45 yrs. his name is Jesus.

  35. linda says:

    I have know my best friend for 28 yrs. We raised our children together. There for each other when we lost babies- through fun times too.

  36. Anita Wood says:

    My BFF is my daughter. She has provided my with a life of challenges, joy, tears, and always love. She will be 28 this July.

  37. Deanna says:

    I have known by BFF for a few short 15 years.

  38. Bev R. says:

    I LOVE Marie Bostwicks books. I am am avid reader and really have no best GF,s But I do have the LOVE of many people in my life. I am so GRATEFUL, for this!!!!

  39. Monica Campbell says:

    My BFF is my sister Mimi. I’m 10 years
    older but we talk to each other every
    day, often more than once!!! We share
    everything. ❤️

  40. Tamara Steinbrook says:

    44 years

  41. Jo Gill says:

    I met my BFF in 1974 at my next door neighbors Birthday party. We’ve been married 39 years on June 10th. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. Jo

  42. Susan Riggs says:

    My precious mom of 61 years til she died 2 1/2 years ago was my BFF. No one can replace her.

  43. April Tovar says:

    I met my BFF in 7th grade, Jr High School, we only attended school together that one year… her father worked for the government, they move around as needed for his job… she moved from Oregon the summer of 7th grade to NM and then to AZ, we kept in touch by phone and letters… then as we became adults, we were able to start visiting each other as well, we were each others maid of honor, we are still family to this day. Precious friendship.

  44. Patti counts says:

    I had know my best friend all my life until I lost her with cancer 9 years ago so that would have been 52 years ago miss her everyday.

  45. cherie adams says:

    I’ve known by BFF Bonnie for 42 years

  46. Sally says:

    41 Years, 40 Years and 36 Years (all 3 of my daughters) and 38 Years my Son! My children have always and still are my best friends!!!!

  47. Anne-Marie Ammann says:

    I am so fortunate to have two bffs 🙂 I have known my first bff for 51 years, and boy have we gone through ups and downs and adventures in all those years – We are separated by an ocean and a continent (or two), and yet our bond has endured, and is stronger than ever – My second bff is my sister and that bond is 55 years young! Many ups and downs and life’s trials as well but I wouldn’t have it any other way…and we are also separated by an ocean and a continent – I am the one who traveled and ended up putting roots down in Northern California…far away from my native Switzerland.

  48. Jackie says:

    My main BFF happens to be my ex-husband’s cousin. She had recently divorced when I first met her coming out of Granny’s house 33 years ago. Granny watched her and our children while we worked. She had 2 little boys about the same age as my 2 little girls. My husband and I were going through a divorce, she never liked him (still doesn’t), and she and I hit it off very well. A few years later, we ended up being next door neighbors for several years. As a single mom, I had no one to turn to other than her as we raised our children. Our being best friends allowed our children to grow up together, otherwise they would barely know each other. We both eventually married, she is now widowed and recently said to me that we are like the old married couple that will be together til death does us part. She’s right.

  49. Sherry says:

    I have known my bff for over 30+ years we were neighbors and stay at home moms. so we bonded and still are. We have both been through the deaths of our husbands and the trial of being single again but not old.

  50. Marti Wynne says:

    I have known mine for 58 years, and the other for 55. My two sisters that as you age you find are TRULY your best friends of all. Thick or thin
    True love 🦋

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