GIVEAWAY: “The Promise Girls, Blue Moon”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win one of FIVE autographed copies of Marie Bostwick’s newest book, The Promise Girls, tell me how long you’ve known your BFF in the comments below. (I’ve known mine for 38 years—my daughter.) I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-June.

From the beloved author of the Cobbled Court Quilt novels, New York Times bestselling author Marie Bostwick delivers an emotionally rich and captivating new novel that reunites three sisters whose deep bond is rooted in an unconventional past.

“Reading Marie Bostwick is like wrapping yourself up in a warm, hand-crafted quilt. Her books, rich in character and plot, are stitched together by a skilled wordsmith.”
– Debbie Macomber, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Marti Wynne says:

    I have known mine for 58 years, and the other for 55. My two sisters that as you age you find are TRULY your best friends of all. Thick or thin
    True love 🦋
    Sister# 5654

  2. Jennifer says:

    I have BFFs from different chapters of my life. One, in particular, who has always been so dear to me, I’ve known since I was single and in my 20s, so almost 30 years. Then, of course, there’s my husband… my ultimate best friend of 21 years.

  3. Tina B. says:

    I have known my BFF for 46 years. She is my sister. Our relationship isn’t perfect, but we always manage to work through things that come our way.

  4. Bobbie Calgaro says:

    I’ve known mine since our children were born two weeks apart. That’s 33 years now.

  5. Coni says:

    I have known my BFF since kindergarten. We great up on the same street! It seems hard to believe but that’s been 54 years!!!

  6. I’ve know my best friend since 3rd grade (1952) in elementary school, so 65 years?
    We’re both now 71 1/2 years old.
    She still lives in N.Y. state / I live in Michigan now — but when we call each other, we just
    start laughing — it’s like we’ve been together the whole time.

  7. Barbara Leatherman says:

    I have known my BFF for 43 years. She is also my daughter!

  8. Mary Lynn Bernhard says:

    I have known my bff for almost 40 years.

  9. Deborah Huff says:

    I have known my BFF for almost 31 years. She is also my daughter the love of my life.


  10. Joy Taylor says:

    Love Marie Bostwick books. Have known my first BFF for 75 years and my sister BFF for 64 years and my daughter BFF for 55 years.

  11. Ky says:

    My BFF and I have been friends for 55 yrs.!
    and going strong!

  12. Betsy says:

    My BFF for 48 years just passed to a better place in March. I met him through my husband – to – be when I was 16 years old. His best bud became mine as well. The smartest, most talented, kindest man I’ve ever know. Thankful for so many precious memories. Will miss him forever, but so glad his suffering is over.

  13. L. Gasca says:

    I live in Texas and my best friend in Florida been best buddies for 30 years . Wr talk in the phone 3x a week!

  14. Robin Crittenden says:

    My BFF is a wonderful person who I’ve been blessed to know 32 years.

  15. Bonalee says:

    My very best deep-down-in-the-heart, set-in-cement best friend is Nanda. We’ve been friends for 36 years….not near long enough.

  16. Sue says:

    We are designed for relationship!
    The risks are worth it.
    Books are safe but friends——-!
    I treasure my friends.

  17. Kathleen Brewer says:

    There have been many wonderful and important people in my life over the years. Sadly, because of frequent relocation, we have not stayed in touch. I am always amazed and envious of those I meet who have friendships measured in decades. What a beautiful gift you have been given!

  18. Linda Smith says:

    Besides my daughter (33) it would be my BFF from college – 45 years ago.

  19. Patricia Habbyshaw says:

    My BFF was my Mother ! 64 years !

  20. Suzanne says:

    I have known my dear friend 48 years, and when we get together we still feel like kids again. Although a little worn around the edges.

  21. Cassandra Brungardt says:

    My bff is my daughter too, she is 16!

  22. Connie Richardson says:

    I’ve known my 2 bffs for 62 years, since 1st grade, Janice and Nancy. We live in different states but talk often and see each other not often enough! We’ve been through life and deaths, good times and bad times together. I don’t know how I would have gotten along without them! I love you girls!

  23. Connie Richardson says:

    Love, love, love Mary Jane’s Farm!

  24. Hope Schultz says:

    My best friend for 34 years passed. I miss her. I wish she could have spent our retirement together. We created memories traveling around the United States. The fun times we had are pleasant memories. I just miss not making more. I could never replace her. Cancer stold her. Now heaven has her. But I still have those memories.

  25. Neta Monroe says:

    I have known my BFF for 39 years. We were both single moms raising two little boys living close to each other and always helping the other one out with dinner, babysitting, and whatever else we needed help with. No we live 900 miles apart but keep in touch every few days. 🙂

  26. I’ve known my sister, my BFF, for 53 years. The one person who can finish my sentences. I’m so thankful to have her.

  27. China Minor says:

    My BFF lives in Texas and I live in Ca. We met when I lived in Texas and have been friends since 1983.

  28. Sally Hutson says:

    We are going on 32 years! We’ve been through weddings, kids (she had girls, I had boys – in stairsteps), we shared maternity clothes, ended up working at the same company for a few years together. Stayed friends throughout all our life’s ups & downs. Now we’re learning how to be empty nesters.

  29. Edwena Boardman says:

    I met my BFF in 3rd grade. That’s been over 44 years ago. A new school and neighborhood where my parents grew up, but I knew no one till that very special day. Many years later we found out that we are 4th cousins.

  30. Rita Sayers says:

    My sister Sarah is and always has been my best friend for 71 years … I have never known life without her. She sees the best in me. My mother lived with Sarah, her husband, & their children for the last 10 years of her life. My Mom was so blessed by all the love & care given to her during that time… I believe Mom lived to be almost 98 years old because of all that T L C (tender loving care).

  31. LOVE your magazine! Look forward to each and every issue! Have never yet read a narrow Bostwick book, and would love to get started!!

  32. Summer says:

    I have know my BFF for 26 years! — my daughter!! <3

  33. Linda Pavey says:

    I’ve known my BFF since 1953 in first grade at Taylor elementary school, Colorado Springs

  34. Susan Ewing says:

    BFF…….my longtime friend Mary. We were three years old and used to sit under the dinning room table while our folks would play Canasta. We “played” cards to. She is a peach.

  35. Sandy Goff Williams says:

    My BFF and I met 48 years ago when we started 7th grade. We have a special birthday celebration every year as our birthdays are a month apart. No matter where or when or what the problem, we can count on each other. She’s my sister, by choice and by heart ❤️

  36. Elizabeth Mason says:

    My baby sister, who had just been brought home from the hospital the day I got out of first grade in 1958. Sometimes there were the usual sibling issues, especially with 6 years between us. Later, she became and remains my most trusted confidant. She is the one who has been by my side through more of life’s crap, is my rock, can reel me back when I go loco and stood up for me at my only wedding when I was the tender age of 50. We aren’t in each other’s hip pockets by any means, but it is always sweet to reconnect with her after she finishes her school year, and we can have some us time.

  37. Tanya M says:

    I have 3, 26 years hubby, 25 years daughter and 47 years mom 🙂

  38. Susan West says:

    I’ve known my two BFFs since 4th grade when my family moved to our town, Pearland (Pear land). That was 42 year ago!

  39. Brenda McNatt says:

    My BFF and I have known each other for 34 years! She’s in Va and I’m in NC, so not too far away.. We talk on the phone several times per week and actually, I talk to her more than my family!

  40. jane jordan says:

    I’ve known my BFF for as long as I’ve been alive. 60 years. She was born August 8, 1956 and I was born October 8, 1956. We lived right next door to each other. We got our first apartment together before we each got married. Sixty years later, we still talk to each other a few times a week. We live about 8 hours apart these days, but we sneak in a visit when we can. I never take for granted how fortunate I am to truly have a life long friend.

  41. Karen Candee says:

    I wish I had been able to keep in touch with my high school friends. I do have a friend that is better then a sister to me. We have been like sisters for over 25 years now.

  42. Erin says:

    My bff & I have been friends for 25 years! We still can pick up where we left off even though we don’t see each other as often as we would like to!

  43. I have two girlfriends I have known for 67 years. We don’t live in the same town, But
    we call and keep in touch all the time. I live in AZ. One lives in Missouri, the other lives in Iowa. We have known one another since kindergarten. I cherish this friendship very much.

  44. Lou Ann H. says:

    I’ve known my best friend for 49 years. We haven’t lived in the same city for many years, but we have remained best friends. Old fashioned letters and phone calls have kept us forever friends.

  45. LaDonna Sand says:

    My best friend is my granddaughter Sabryna who will turn 16 in September. After her dad passed away 6 days before her 3rd birthday, and her mom left her, she came to live with my husband and me. I wouldn’t change the time we spent raising her, she has been my confidant, the person who reminds me of what is important and has been there thru all of my 17 surgeries. She is the reason I get up in the morning and the reason I can get thru the day. The Lord put her in our lives to remind us why today as well as tomorrow are so important.

  46. Deborah Horn says:

    I have known my best friend for 60 years. She was 4 and I was 5. We went all through school together. We started a tradition between just the two of us. If we were upset about anything, we would call each other and say ” Chocolate Milk and Donuts.” One of us would bring the milk, the other donuts. We would meet at each other’s driveway, where we would sit in one of our cars and dunk donuts until we solved all the worlds problems. LOL! Those donut meetings would last anywhere from and 1 to 3 hours. Our husbands and children thought we were crazy. We did too, but we loved it! Unfortunately I had to lay my best friend to rest. From time to time when I deliver flowers to her grave site, I will just take a seat next to her headstone, break out my little carton of chocolate milk and a package of powder sugar donuts and just talk.
    I really miss her. I know if there are donuts and chocolate milk in Heaven, she is dunking.

  47. Jennifer Gericke says:

    My BFF of 27 years is my most wonderful husband and father of our 9 children! My life would be incomplete without him, my better half!❤️

  48. Jane Renfroe says:

    My sister–who is 11 years younger–is my BFF. I begged for her when I was 8 but I had to ‘endure’ another brother before I got her! And even though it took some years for us to connect as friends because of the age difference, I am so grateful that my begging paid off! Now we’re older, our parents are gone, and yet, being together keeps home alive for each of us.

  49. Bonnie McKee says:

    I have known my BFF, Cindi, for 16 years. She is a sweet, kind lady who has a great heart and fabulous sense of humor! ❤

  50. Cindy Rich says:

    I would love this. Thank you.

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