GIVEAWAY: “The Promise Girls, Blue Moon”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win one of FIVE autographed copies of Marie Bostwick’s newest book, The Promise Girls, tell me how long you’ve known your BFF in the comments below. (I’ve known mine for 38 years—my daughter.) I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-June.

From the beloved author of the Cobbled Court Quilt novels, New York Times bestselling author Marie Bostwick delivers an emotionally rich and captivating new novel that reunites three sisters whose deep bond is rooted in an unconventional past.

“Reading Marie Bostwick is like wrapping yourself up in a warm, hand-crafted quilt. Her books, rich in character and plot, are stitched together by a skilled wordsmith.”
– Debbie Macomber, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Cindy Rich says:

    I would love this, I am my own bff. Thank you.

  2. Janet Nielsen says:

    My friend Barb, 55 years. She is the best!

  3. Teresa Claborn says:

    I’ve known my best friend for 58 years – my sister!

  4. Phyllis Inglesby says:

    I have know Jayne for over 50 years. We met at a diabetic camp and have stayed best friends since. We have been there for each other thru births of our kids and deaths of members of family.

  5. Mary Lakota says:

    I have 2 BFFs. All 3 of us have a daughter who are great friends who graduated from high school together. Suzanne and I met at church. Her daughter Lori and my daughter Holly were in Sunday School and were confirmed together and Denise and I met when her daughter Heather and Holly were in cheerleading together. Suzanne, Denise, and I try to get together at least once a month. Our daughters talj to each other as often as they can. What’s even nicer is that our husbands became good friends.

  6. Sandie Kinsey says:

    My best friend is Chris, who I have known since 5th grade, so we were around 10. We are now 60 years old so that’s 50 years of precious friendship. We have been thru alot of triumphs and tradegys together, thick and thin. She will be my best friend in Heaven, that is for sure, I love her dearly!

  7. Linda says:

    My bff is my daughter who I have known for nearly 33 years. She is always there for me and gives me her honest opinion on things, even if it isn’t what I want to hear. : )

  8. Julie Kram says:

    My husband is my bff and I’ve known him for 29 years!!!!

  9. Cindy ziliak says:

    My BFF and I have known each other since the day she was born. lol I was born in July and she in September. Our parents were best friends and we attended the same church. We vacationed together. Our highlight was checking out all the boys in the campground!! So 61 years is how long I’ve known Pam!

  10. Mary Bobinger says:

    52 years and counting

  11. Josie Davis says:

    Would love this for my book club.

  12. Sheri says:

    I have known my BFF for 57 years. She is my sister Nina.

  13. Denise Nicholson says:

    I met my BFF in Sept 1957….starting 1st grade.

  14. Melinda Lee says:

    We were next door neighbors as children and have remained friends for 63 years!💕

  15. Catherine Blount says:

    I have known my best friend for 26 years. I gave birth to her on February 15, 1991. We have had a special bond that is deeper than just a mother-daughter one. When her friends & colleagues ask her about me, she qualifies it with, “She is my mom and best friend!” It is a rare and lovely friendship.

  16. Cheryl Kinzy says:

    I’ve known my BFF since college-41 years.

  17. Tracey Holly says:

    I have known mine for about 45 years. She was a good friend of my brother’s, who was four years older than me. They dated just a little it, but always stayed friends. We moved out of state while my brother was in the Air Force. He sadly died in a horrible motorcycle accident. She stuck by me while I grieved. Even though she was older than me, we became close. Her own daughter died tragically when she was 14. There hasn’t been a 100 percent reason as to why. As she lost some friends who didn’t have any idea how to “listen”, I stayed by her side. Now, we are close as we have ever been. I’m so lucky to have her in my life.

  18. Paula Ann Leyva says:

    The whole idea of best friends always baffled me? I have always loved my two brothers so very much & my husband is now.. and has been my best friend!
    I also have a daughter,and three sons, that are my best friends …and now I have five of the cutest Grandchildren that are my very BEST friends!
    As time goes on I think & have always kept GOD as my go to …. VERY BEST friend!
    Been Bless so much!!!

  19. Donna says:

    Would love to read this book. I have known my BFF for 25 years we have just celebrated our 24th anniversary he is my best friend!

  20. Tilynna Berg says:

    46 years, my mom.

  21. Winnie says:

    I’ve known my BFF all her life, 48 years…my precious daughter!

  22. C. Wilson says:

    I think I’m still looking for mine.

  23. Melissa Davis says:

    I have known my bff for almost 30 years . We have had a few rough patches but , we
    have remained very close . I nearly lost her 10 years ago due to her seizure disorders .
    I am so glad she is still around !

  24. J Maraun says:

    I’ve know my BFF for 52 years. We haven’t always lived close but that doesn’t stop us from keeping in touch.

  25. Marilyn says:

    I have known my best friends for 69 years[my older sister] and 69 years [my twin sister]. Thank you for this giveaway. Marie Bostwick’s books are a great read.

  26. Christina Marden says:

    The best friend I ever had was my brother Josh, he was 18 months younger. We grew up doing everything together. We even dated our spouses together and got married within 3 months of each other. Our children were close in age and we always “hung out” with Josh and his wife. Then the fateful day in January of 2008 took him away, I have missed him so very much!!

  27. Lisa Harness says:

    46 yrs.

  28. Joan says:

    My best friends are my twin sisters and I have known them for 69 years. Thanks for this giveaway.

  29. Marion says:

    I have two best friends. My older sister who I know for 69 years and my identical twin sister for 69 years,too. Thank you for the generous giveaway.

  30. Nancy Morrell says:

    I have known my best friend, Sandy for 55 years! We live 1,000 miles apart but still keep in touch and when we visit, we pick up right where we left off!

  31. Joan Booth says:

    My BFF and I have known each other for 35 years. Our husbands were friends. Through thick and thin, we have been there for each other, my divorce, childrens marriages, grandchildren, great grandchildren, vacations, yard sales, hospital stays, moves, concerts and deaths of our parents. We have cried and laughed til we cried. The memories we have made will last for the rest of our lives. Last year I moved from the Northeast to the South and although 1200 miles separate us, we get together a couple times a year and pick up where we left off. I think we were related in a former life and hope that in a future life, we’ll be right by each others side.

  32. Patty says:

    I’ve known my best friend since about 5th grade. We really became BFF 25 years ago when we worked on our 25 year class reunion. This weekend we will be having our 50th reunion.

    We both love to read. It would be fun to win and share with her

  33. Debi Jean says:

    I’ve known my BFF all my life (63yrs.)…my Mom. Also 28 yrs. for my beautiful daughter. So blessed!
    Lucky enough to have another BFF…Jill who I’ve known for 53 yrs. We have been through everything together!

  34. Karen says:

    5 years

  35. Janet Cook says:

    35 years.

  36. Randi says:

    Oh my goodness – some of these people have been with their BFF since before I was born! I love it and can only hope me and my BFF are as lucky. =) Despite living several states apart, my BFF and I have been together 13 years.

  37. Vera-Ellen Turner says:

    I have 2 very close BFF, one for 26 years, the other for 32 years! They are my rock!

  38. Vicki Anderson says:

    My first best friend was my Mother, who died 14 years ago. My next best friend and traveling partner is my daughter who just turned 45. My mother and I traveled together too and had so much fun except she didn’t like to fly. My daughter loves to fly and away we go.

  39. Margaret Hunt-Wilson says:

    I’ve known my BFF for 40 years!

  40. Alvena Meyer says:

    47 years. Some better than others. Lol

  41. Jennifer Miller says:

    I’ve known my BFF Lauren since 2009, even though it hasn’t been truly a long long time we instantly hit it off when we met. We both have similar personalities, and we both really enjoy cross stitching, I actually taught her how! Even though we live across the state from each other now we still talk regularly and meet up in Seattle to hang out every so often as we both adore Seattle.

  42. Brenda Heimeyer says:

    48 years, we met in 7th grade. Her name is Sue.

  43. Brenda Heimeyer says:

    My other one is my sister who I’ve known for 58-1/2 years. We have stuck thru good and bad times (for both of us and between each other), I wouldn’t trade her for anything!

  44. Jane Sprague says:

    I’ve known my BFF for 8 years. We have very similar backgrounds, and we hit it off the first time we met. We worked at the same company, so we had lunch together every day. She’s in Southern California and I’m in Washington State. I miss her every day!

  45. My younger sister is the person I would consider my closest friend, and I’ve known her for 51 years.

  46. Lucy Pahl says:

    I have known my bf for more than 15 yrs. We worked together at a retreat center. She was a cook/housekeeper and I was an administrator. We both say it was the best place we worked and most rewarding!

  47. Debra Brown says:

    My Best Friend we have been through a lot love, divorce, death, and more love and great friendship, Could not ask for more

  48. ConnieGraham says:

    I’ve known one of my bff’s for at least 50 years. We lived in the same very rural neighborhood and went to school together our entire lives. As children, we had a crush on each others cousins – who also grew up in the same neighborhood. That was back when each family had only one vehicle and there were no electronic games or videos. We made our own fun with our own imaginations and getting to go to the 5 &10 occasionally was a treat. Ahh, but what a wonderful childhood it was and I wouldn’t trade it or my bff for anything!

  49. Gail Summerlin says:

    I’ve known my best friend for many years, but the best part is my son married her daughter and now we share a grandchild. So much fun. We don’t have to worry about boring each other with too much grandchild talk.

  50. Rose Cook says:

    My BFF ‘s are my sisters Mary Ann and Carolyn . We have been close for my whole life of 70 years. They are always there for me.

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