GIVEAWAY: “The Promise Girls, Blue Moon”

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For a chance to win one of FIVE autographed copies of Marie Bostwick’s newest book, The Promise Girls, tell me how long you’ve known your BFF in the comments below. (I’ve known mine for 38 years—my daughter.) I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-June.

From the beloved author of the Cobbled Court Quilt novels, New York Times bestselling author Marie Bostwick delivers an emotionally rich and captivating new novel that reunites three sisters whose deep bond is rooted in an unconventional past.

“Reading Marie Bostwick is like wrapping yourself up in a warm, hand-crafted quilt. Her books, rich in character and plot, are stitched together by a skilled wordsmith.”
– Debbie Macomber, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Christine bowen says:

    I have known my bff for over 30 years. We live within 30 miles of each other and we talk often and about everything. We can be real and share inner thoughts and not feel shamed. I love her!

  2. Susan Bruck says:

    My Bff’s are my mom and my 2 daughters, who I’ve known for 59 years, 26 and 22 years.
    I am one lucky woman!

  3. Rudi graefe says:

    I’ve known my best friend for 40 years…my husband. We share a wonderful life and family!

  4. Susan says:

    I have known my BFF since the first day of Kindergarten! 46 years!

  5. Becky Lee says:

    44 years, friend from high school

  6. Paula Steele says:

    I have 2…my daughter who’s still 36(for one more month) and my 91 yr old sister.

  7. Michelle O'Banion says:

    23 years!

  8. Teresa Thuis says:

    I’ve known my best friend for 60 years, my little sister:)

  9. Patricia Schofield says:

    I have known my BFF since the 6th grade. We didn`t like each other until a teacher made us pair up for a class project. We were inseparable after this. We were best friends all through school and are still best friends today, and I am 58 years old.
    Thank goodness that teacher made us work together!

  10. Susan says:

    I have known my BFF for 62 years. She is my sister, and I love her very much.

  11. Donna Lettsome says:

    65 years. We lived 2 doors away from each other. I was a bridesmaid in her wedding. We played dress up, played with dolls and rode bikes together. Now we talk of kids, grandkids and Medicare. It has been a great friendship.

  12. Kay Brown says:

    I am blessed with my husband, children and their spouses, and two wonderful women, Julie and Vickie–both younger than I, but friends through thick and thin and sharing their musical talent with me. I would be less of a person without any of these dear people!

  13. Lisa Whaley says:

    Margo & I have been beat friends for over 25 years, She was my Mom’s in Touch leader when my children were in school.

  14. Catherine Patterson says:

    I have known one BFF for 57 years, that’s my darling daughter Lynn but I also have another BFF, Buni, we have been friends about 47 years, since our children were little leaguers and cheer leaders and we spent our “poor” days bringing up our children, sharing food to make dinner for all of us, going on camping vacations and all the thing BFFs do together.

  15. Ellen Lenthall says:

    I have two BFFs – my daughter, for almost 30 years; and my best friend, Danna, whom I met approximately 19 years ago. I can’t imagine my life without them!

  16. winnie Jackson says:

    my very best friend I met 5 years ago. We connected right away. She has a heart that is larger than life. We both feel the same about just about everything in life. She has a great sense of humor and with being a care giver for my husband she keeps me grounded and in laughter on almost a daily basis. We both feel the same about life, religion, and giving to those who are less fortunate. When I have been in need of a shoulder to cry on she was always there. I need here as much as she needs me with family issues. We all have a journey in this life and with a very good friend it sure does help and make life so much happier.

  17. Leslie Toth says:

    I’ve know my bff Mary Ann for 31 years. Our children grew up together as we enjoyed sharing tea time, thrift shopping and teaching together. I move away for 13 years but recently moved down the street for her so we can resume “playing” together as we share recent stories & photos of our grandchildren!

  18. Margie Shaw says:

    I guess you could say I’ve known my best friend my whole life of 55 years because she is my eldest sister. Don’t know what I would ever do without her. She’s 15 years older than me so she has always been the one taking care of me.

  19. Kathleen Fleming says:

    I have known my BFF all 58 years of my life! She is my Mom and we have had some amazing adventures together … some good and some not so good and hopefully, we have many, many more. We now live in different states, but still close as ever. I do miss her like crazy and wish I could see her more but … we do take advantage when we do get together 🙂 and talk ALL THE TIME!! (and drink wine on the phone together) hee hee hee Just 2 flower chickies gone to seed …

  20. Angel says:

    I have known my BFF for 30 years
    We have been friends since I was 13

  21. Brenda says:

    My daughter too — 41 years. Also my Mom – 66 years.

  22. Donna kowicki says:

    I have known my best friend 14 years. Met her when I went back to work after children.
    She says we are sisters from different mothers.

  23. Naomi S. says:

    I have three BFF’s that I have known for over 50 years. We all went to school together from third grade through high school. I am so lucky to still have them in my life. We all get together for a weekend about twice a year and stay in touch the rest of the time.

  24. Sue says:

    I’ve known my BFF for 58 years. She’s my sister. 🙂
    We live less than 15 minutes apart but are ALWAYS calling or texting, if we can’t see each other. Sometimes the texts are for the silliest little things that only she and I understand. Lots of “just between us” stories.

  25. Glenna says:

    I have 4 BFF,we all worked together for 30 some years. are kids grew up together, we still have each others backs when it comes to being there for each other. Now our grandkids are growing up with each other.

  26. Tammy Marquardt says:

    Almost 40 years! We became pen pals through a teen magazine. I am in Wisconsin and she in New York. We have met up several times.

  27. Janeen says:

    I really don’t have a BFF, but it’s never to late to get one.

  28. m. r. arevalos says:

    my bff is my daughter. she was born on my birthday so we share the same personality, same love of mankind, love of equality, love of art, love of beauty. for 33 years she’s been half of me. i love her with all my heart and soul.

  29. Diane says:

    My BFF is my husband of 38 yrs.

  30. Peg Hasenpflug says:

    Sounds like a good read!

  31. Dolly Sarrio says:

    My best friend Sara and I have been friends for 42 years. It doesn’t matter if we don’t see each other all the time each time we are together it is just a normal day we don’t miss a step….A true friend..
    I have two beautiful daughters that are my best friends as well but can’t choose between the two of them so went the friend route…

  32. Kim Garza says:

    I have known my BFF for over 50 years, and we have only lived in the same city for less than 10 of those. When we get together it is always effortless and easy to be together.

  33. Faye Fitzhugh says:

    I have known my BFF for almost 5 yrs. She is my almost 5 yr. old granddaughter Rowen. Years, distance and life circumstances have separated me and many of my adult female friends, and one day recently I was lamenting to my little granddaughter that grandma doesn’t really have any friends anymore, to which she immediately and emphatically replied, “Yes you do, Grandma–you have me, I am your friend!!” I suddenly realized she was right <3

  34. Vickie says:

    I have known my BFF for 57 years. We met in the second grade (there was no kindergarten in our day).
    We have remained close friends for the entire 57 years, never had an occasion to be mad at each other.
    We keep each others spoilt dogs when the other of us goes out of town and can’t take them. We spend the night with each other a few times a year. Our husbands enjoy each other’s company as well.

  35. My friend and I have known each other for 67 years! I cannot believe it has been this long, but have treasured her friendship all of this time. She just visited me for my birthday this year coming 2000 miles. We laughed and talked about our childhood and had a blast.

  36. Cathy Ann Latta says:

    Ashley my daughter, twenty Eight
    Years October 21, there is nothing
    I wouldn’t do for her or her family!
    I feel so fortunate to be her mother!
    I call her My Chosen Child!!! She was
    Adopted when she two days old!!!!!!!!

  37. Avis says:

    My SWEET 16 year old daughter! The fun, love and laughter…..she is growing up so fast!

  38. Stacey Mitchell says:

    I’ve known my BFF for 35 years. Even though she is there and I am here we still remain BFF’s

  39. Mary Rauch says:

    Fantastic subject: My BFF and I have enjoyed 78 years of being “just like sisters”. Over the years we have moved from state to state in our individual lives and stayed connected. For the last 54 years we have lived in the same city. A recent move of hers put her only 5 minutes away from my home! What stories we can share! Wonderful!

  40. Lee Anne McCarthy says:

    I have known my dearest friend since we went to kindergarten together 54 years ago. We have been through many adventures in that time and I treasure our relationship. We have been through thick and thin and still have a beautiful and caring friendship

  41. Karon McGaha says:

    I have been friends with my BFF since second grade when we sang “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” in the talent show. I still remember her long sandy blonde hair when we were little girls singing on the stage. We then played the drums in band, and both went into the drill team in high school. We are still friends, and I love her like a sister. It has been since 1972. 45 years is a long time. We remain good friends, and I still call her whenever the world is too much, and I love hearing about her family and seeing her daughters pictures, and her grandchildren’s pictures. My whole life has been blessed because I made a sweet friend in elementary school!

  42. Cynthia Meier says:

    I have known my BFF for 47 years. We were young mothers and laughed, cried, and mourned many experiences bringing our children to adulthood. We are still there for each other . Heading into our sunset years of life we are more bonded than ever.

  43. C.M.D. says:

    I’ve known my best friend for 46 !! Years. We met in Jr. High school and have been sharing secrets ever since.

  44. Susan Campbell says:

    I have known my best friend Carol for over 50 years. She is my sister-in-law.

  45. C.M.D says:

    I’ve known my best friend for 46 years! We met in Jr. High school snd have been laughing and sharing secrets ever since.

  46. Mitchell FEE says:

    What a great idea!
    More of a good thing.

  47. Kathy Blue says:

    Although we live many miles apart now, my BFF of nearly 53 years is still as close as a phone call and a heartbeat in thought – – we talk and it is like we never left the room – – a blessing indeed.

  48. Christie Parks says:

    25 years

  49. Patricia Stover Hobbs says:

    I have known my BFFs for various lengths of time. I have three. My mom for 53 years, my sister for 53 years and Carol who I force out of her comfort zone Soooooooo many times a week hahahaha! I love that we can go all week without talking do to busy schedules and when we reconnect at the end it is seamless. My mom is legally blind so I do spend a lot of time with her, my sister lives in New Jersey and I in Michigan. Carol lives 10 miles away, which here in the country as you know is just down the road a bit. We are each others sounding boards, confidants, and shoulders to cry on. I would be a hermit without my besties.

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