GIVEAWAY: “The Promise Girls, Blue Moon”

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For a chance to win one of FIVE autographed copies of Marie Bostwick’s newest book, The Promise Girls, tell me how long you’ve known your BFF in the comments below. (I’ve known mine for 38 years—my daughter.) I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-June.

From the beloved author of the Cobbled Court Quilt novels, New York Times bestselling author Marie Bostwick delivers an emotionally rich and captivating new novel that reunites three sisters whose deep bond is rooted in an unconventional past.

“Reading Marie Bostwick is like wrapping yourself up in a warm, hand-crafted quilt. Her books, rich in character and plot, are stitched together by a skilled wordsmith.”
– Debbie Macomber, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Karen says:

    8 years, though it feels like we’ve known each other forever!

  2. Cindy Burch says:

    I’ve known my BFF for 40 years. Wow that’s a long time.

  3. Maria Gardner says:

    My BFF and I have known each other since we were 5 so that would be 38 years. Wow, makes me feel old.😉

  4. Joyce Johnson says:

    I’ve known my BFF since 5th grade. I changed schools and she was the first to welcome me. We have been friends for almost 60 years. We know when to call each other, we can sence if the other is having a bad day!

  5. Cheryl Fiske says:

    I’ve known mine for 39 years, my college roommate!

  6. Kathleen Kennedy says:

    My best friend is my husband of 55 years. We have become closer and closer as the years pass and you come into the “golden years” and begin with health issues and then you realize who really cares about you.

  7. Wanda Fryer says:

    I met my best friend in 1963 in middle school in my home room class, she turned
    around in her desk to ask me a question. We played together, fought together, laughed and cried together. She moved to another state a few years ago but we keep up. When we see each other or talk even after a while has passed, we pick up as if it were yesterday. It is never awkward. I am thankful to have many friends and support group.
    I think that is very important, but there is always one that stands out and my BFF is my
    classmate from middle school.

  8. Sandy schmidt says:

    My friend and I have been supporting each other for 33 years.

  9. Nancy Haines says:

    I’ve known mine since we grew up on the same street. It is now more than 60 wonderful years of friendship, GINNY dollss, roller skating, putting on plays to Friday night dancing, bridesmaides BEACH…Andrea is my BFF.

  10. Brenda Stann says:

    I have known my BFF Lynda for 38 years. I met her when I went to work for the same company and it was instant. We have been together for several marriages ,illness in families and several countries her husband was stationed at until he retired. We don’t always get to talk a lot on the phone, but if one of us is having problems we will feel compelled to call the other and see what is happening. We live a couple of states apart , but in our heart we are just a house apart

  11. Darla McDonald says:

    I would have to say 60 years because my mom is my best friend. Especially as we have each gotten older. We are always there for one another. we laugh and cry together. And are memories just keeping growing.

  12. Elizabeth Guadagnini says:

    I guess I have 5 BFF’s, the oldest friendship going back 52 years and the newest one for 29 years! I come from a very close knit family of 4 girls, my mother, and now my daughter! I am do blessed to have all of these women in my life!

  13. Amy says:

    My daughter, Cassidy. 26 years!!

  14. Joye Guley says:

    I have known my BFF for 37 years.

  15. I met my best friend Mary when our sons were in first grade. They are both 45 years old now! So, for 40 years we’ve done just about everything together!

  16. Jana Blackwood says:

    I’ve known my bff for about 43 years. We remain great friends to this day in spite of the fact that we don’t live near one another.

  17. Patricia Miller says:

    I have known Lulu since we were six years old! That makes our friendship 56 years old. We met at the bus stop going to first grade. What an adventure it has been!

  18. Judy says:

    Love the attitude of this author shining through the pages

  19. Debbie Still Edmonson says:

    40 years

  20. Christine Manck says:

    My BFF and I have been friends for 51 years. We met in first grade. Last year we took a trip to Maine together to celebrate 50 years of friendship. I live in Virginia and she lives in New Hampshire I flew up to Manchester NH and she picked me up and we were in our way to Mt Desert Island for a week of fun and lobster eating .

  21. Debra Fieth says:

    I have a cousin that I am really close to like a sister ( I only have brothers we are both in our 60’s

  22. michele hurley says:

    My bff and I met in high school. We try to get together every few months or sooner. Every time we see each other, we just pick up our conversations from the last time we were together for dinner or coffee!

  23. Glenda Blackburn says:

    62 years…my sister, Sue. Oh, the ups and downs we’ve been through! She remains my biggest supporter, my best friend, my almost-twin in our tastes and way of thinking. We are bonded by parents, a crazy childhood, adventurous youth, and now in wisdom from it all in growing older. Friends have come and gone, but Sue had been a constant in my life!

  24. Katherine Neuschwander says:

    We have been BFFs for 26 years. We met at work and have not stopped getting to know each other, encourage each other and pushing each other out of hard times

  25. Brenda Wheeler says:

    My sister and I are best friends. We have been all of our lives. 62 years. People are surprised to find out that we can only remember having one fight when we were kids.

    I have another best friend. My daughter for 34 years. Also, she and I never had the usual fights or disagreement a lot of her friends had with their mom’s. I love them both very much.

  26. Toni Haymaker says:

    My bff, also my husband I’ve known for 28yrs. My bff, female, I’ve known for 40 yrs (since high school) & my longest friend, who I still keep in touch with has been almost 56 years. We played together as infants in a playpen while our mothers did laundry at the laundromat, and later became bff’s in elementary school.

  27. Liz Willis says:

    My BFF Janis and I met 50 yrs ago this summer. Fun stuff

  28. Joanna Scalf says:

    I have known my best friend for nine months and four days (her name is Shannon,) and now we’re engaged !!!

  29. Deb F says:

    I have known my BFF for 35 years. She has been a mentor to me in my professional life and a friend who has been with me in good times and bad times. I have been blessed.

  30. Sue Caston says:

    My BFF is my sister, who has always been a part of my life. That’s 64 fortunate years!

  31. Brenda Knode says:

    Love her books.

  32. Cristy Marxsen says:

    I have known my bff for about 45 years….we met in middle school.

  33. Eileen Burelsmith says:

    30 years


    My BFF came into my life at the age of 6. We were lucky to go to school together until our Junior year and then she had to leave to go to another school. Although, our lives still crossed paths and to this day we are still BFF. I never had a sister so she is the sister I never had. I will love her forever.

  35. Michele Bilka says:

    My cousin who is 4 years & 10 days older than me has been my BFF for all of my 63 1/2 years. We consider us sisters! I could go on & on about what a great person she is!

  36. Ellen Clack says:

    I’ve known my BFF since 5th grade, so about 48 years.

  37. Laura Richardson says:

    My BFF is my husband of 32 years in August. He has been with my through the good, bad and the ugly, and I love him more each and every day! ❤

  38. Fran Knokey says:

    Garnet and I were born 5 days apart at the same hospital 70 and a half years ago.

  39. Becky Reedy says:

    I have known my BFF since college. Starting in 1976. My Patti-Lou-love you!

  40. Maureen Vandeusen says:

    My daughter Angela is my BFF and I have known her for 29 years,

  41. Monica says:

    My best friend was my Mother, whom I lost a year ago this Memorial Day. I miss her daily, but I cherish our wonderful memories that we made growing together as Mother and Daughter.

  42. Karen Cartlidge says:

    Oh dear, you are going to make me do Math before I’ve had coffee. 44 years – best friends with Lisa !!! She was new to our school and I was called down to the principal’s office to help her find her bus and her classes. We’ve been best friends ever since (and I might add that was the ONLY time I was ever called to the principal’s office. ha ha)

  43. Leisa Joan says:

    I’ve been best friends with LAC since 1997, when we met in breast feeding support group for our newborns! Now they’re 20!! how did that happen.
    my other best friend I’ve know since 1st grade.

  44. Lynn Bontrager says:

    Fourteen years!

  45. Emma says:

    My sisters are my BFF. Of course, we’ve had our differences and forgiveness, too.

  46. Marissa Weaver says:

    40 yrs. My momma.

  47. Helen says:

    My BFF would have to be my wonderful Mama. I’m 60.

  48. Michaelene Morris says:

    My best friend of 35 years is the mother of my youngest son’s best friend from elementary school! In fact many of my long life friends are the mothers of my kid’s lifelong friends. It was a natural fit. Coffee and donuts, day trips, common interests. It just stuck! Plus our 2 mile walks after dinner in good weather. We live in different states now, but talk very frequently! A bond that has stood the test of time and circumstance!

  49. Teresa Willoby says:

    I have had my BFF in my life for almost 50 years. We met when I moved to a small town (actually to a farm outside town) between 1st & 2nd grade. We have been through everything together. She has seen me through a divorce and a death of a 2nd husband…I helped her through losing her parents 1 week apart. We have had so many good times and great memories, and we are still sharing our life events with each other. I am the person I am today because of her being in my life. We are looking forward to at least another 25-30 years as friends, God willing.

  50. Peggy Mason says:

    I’ve known her for 41 years!!! Ever since 2nd grade.

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