GIVEAWAY: “The Promise Girls, Blue Moon”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win one of FIVE autographed copies of Marie Bostwick’s newest book, The Promise Girls, tell me how long you’ve known your BFF in the comments below. (I’ve known mine for 38 years—my daughter.) I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-June.

From the beloved author of the Cobbled Court Quilt novels, New York Times bestselling author Marie Bostwick delivers an emotionally rich and captivating new novel that reunites three sisters whose deep bond is rooted in an unconventional past.

“Reading Marie Bostwick is like wrapping yourself up in a warm, hand-crafted quilt. Her books, rich in character and plot, are stitched together by a skilled wordsmith.”
– Debbie Macomber, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Karen says:

    My sister, Donna, she is 62 and I’m 60, so 60 years she’s been beside me. If we weren’t sisters we’d still be friends!

  2. Rebecca Goforth says:

    My BFF is my husband. We met 36 years ago in a Library. Our friendship/love affair has continued to grow year by year.

  3. Nancy says:

    My BFF Trish and I have been friends no sisters foot 44 years. Wouldn’t trade her for a ton of gold.

  4. Rosalie says:

    My BFF met her when I was in college 1977 here it is 2017 even got her to move to the county only 30 miles away

  5. Rebecca Booth says:

    I married my best friend in 1965, and we were everything to each other for 36 years until his death!

  6. Susan Wimmer says:

    53+ years my sister, Monica

  7. Sandy says:

    24 and 10 yrs my friends Carol and Judy. So blessed

  8. Terri Doria says:

    My BFF is my husband Tommy. I’ve known him for 34 years. I was a single mom. I was working and got in a fender bender. Tommy was my insurance adjuster. The rest is history!

  9. Amanda Budd says:

    Ive been best friends with my now fiance since we first met in 7th grade. We both were very quite and liked at draw. His amazing art drew me to him and his brilliant mind kept me. Now we are almost 30 with a wonderful son starting our own organic homestead! Never know where life will take us but we tackle it all together.

  10. I’ve known my best friend for 23 years. She is. my sweet daughter

  11. Linda Jorda says:

    Oh my! I had to count the years! I’ve known my BFF for 43 years. We met in middle-school and continue to chat like school girls. We’ve been thru marriages, kids, loss of parents, job changes and health issues. Every girl needs a BFF and I certainly treasure mine!

  12. Honey says:

    My BFF came into my life unexpectedly but opened my heart to a love I didn’t know existed. My BFF is my husband, we’ve been together 21 years.

  13. Debra Brodie says:

    My daughter is my awesome best friend. I have had the pleasure of knowing my daughter for 37 years. She is a grown woman with a daughter of her own now. We both identify ourselves as artists and lovers of farm life. It seems to be tattooed onto our souls. My 3 year old sweetpea of a granddaughter seems to be joining the fold. The peacefulness of the farm and the quiet solitude of working on art projects keep us both in joyful spirits.

  14. Amber Wimmer says:

    Since kindergarten. We are still bff and will always be!

  15. Roxanne Schellman says:

    My husband is my BFF…which, I know. Totally goes against what’s happening here ;-). But it’s the truth. Met him nine years ago and have been married for almost seven of those. He’s seen a couple of my “supposed girl BFFs” come and go during that time, and his unwavering support and shoulder have always been there. Which is just what a BFF should do, am I right?!

  16. Linda Donaldson says:

    My #1 BFF would have to be my Mom! We could talk about and share EVERYTHING!!!
    Since she has now passed away (I miss her something terrible), my 2nd BFF whom I have known for 23+ years, has stepped up to ease the loss.
    My most favorite author would have to be Pearl Buck. Oh how I wish I could share a cup of tea with her!!!

  17. Linda Donaldson says:

    My #1 BFF would have to be my Mom. We could talk about and share EVERYTHING!!!
    Since she has now passed on ( I miss her terribly) my other BFF, whom I have known for 23 years, has been there to ease the pain.

  18. Carole Whitridge says:

    I’ve known my BFF for 18 years – my husband.

  19. Holly Tabler says:

    I’ve known my precious bff for 45 years!!! My beautiful daughter 😍

  20. Nan A says:

    I have known my best friend since High school We met in 1970 47 years

  21. Susan Chamberlin says:

    Three of us have been the best of friends for what seems like forever, almost 40 years. We started working together as young women when we were raising our children, we all moved on to different jobs and states staying in touch for birthdays and life celebrations, traveling to each other’s homes. We call ourselves “Sisters of the Heart”. We are all now retired and living closer together which allows more frequent opportunities to get together.

  22. Katy Shaver says:

    My best friend and I met 27 years ago when we were three years old in preschool. We are total opposites. She is very city and I am country all the way. This seems to work for us. We always have something interesting to talk about.

  23. Jennifer says:

    I’ve known my BFF for 50 years!

  24. Cindy Rudh says:

    I might be too late for this but I’ll answer anyway! I’ve known my BFF since high school, 43 years!!! But we weren’t bff’s until after we graduated high school and I ran into her where she was working. She invited herself to go on a trip to Florida with me and another friend! I said ok, the other friend ended up canceling, and my bff and I have been friends since that trip!

  25. Vickie Stanger says:

    I’ve known my beat friend for 15 years. We love the hunt for junk and have learned so much from each other and had some wonderful fun times.

  26. winnie Jackson says:

    I would love to read this author. I have had best friends only to have them move out of state. Being a caregiver to my spouse my time is so limited and many woman do not understand the job. I am much younger than my spouse. Friends are of all ages and interests. I do have one that I would be able to rely on which is peaceful to me.
    Perhaps I will be the one do read this book. I thank you for the offer.

  27. I’ve know my best friend Holly for 34 years. We met in college and then became roommates. At one point we lost touch for a couple of years, it was awful. I scoured the country looking for her and she too, called all my known associates and places of work. It was just one of those times when we both moved..etc. We cried when I found her again. We now only live 3 hours apart. She’s my sister from another mother. We have been in an to each other’s wedding and our kids’ weddings. It’s truly amazing how when times are hard, she’s the one I can count on to cheer me up. My other best friend is my daughter. She’s 27. I just love that she is now my best friend too and not just my daughter.

  28. Cindy Thomason says:

    My longest BBF that has not perished from cancer is Darryl, our Mothers were BFF’s until Phyllis’s death…I have know and been in touch with Darryl all these years. He has moved to FL and I don’t see him, but he is but an instant msg away. He grew up on a small farm here in MI, and where ever we lived, if Dad could have a garden we did. I fell in love with your mag and share it with others. I belong to a weigh loss group and I have built programs to give, from your mag…I’ve known Darryl since 1958, 59 years and counting. I’m living my dream on our 5 acres, I live with 2 dogs, 2cats, 2 mules, and 1 ole man…

  29. Linda Kirk says:

    I’ve known my BFF Debbi for 45 years, ever since our first born children were 6 and 12 months old, we had an instant bond and have been “Sister Friends” ever since. We always know we can count on each other through all that life send our way and feel so Blessed to be Family. We celebrate our wedding anniversaries together each year since they are only 2 days apart❤️

  30. winnie jackson says:

    I am so blessed in life with great supporting friends. I care for my husband and they are always a phone call away. Our times together are full of many stories, laughs, and cries.
    God put people like this is our life to warm our days are we are all great full of our many blessings. Thank you MaryJane for this book as one lucky person will cherish for many reads to come. Winnie Jackson

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