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Liquid Sunshine was one of our featured products in the “Home Safe Home” section of the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm. Liquid Sunshine Non-toxic Cleaner by Vermont Soap Organics is a USDA-certified food-grade organic alternative to conventional chemical cleaners—a single-source solution to washing laundry, dishes, kitchen appliances, bathrooms, carpets, stains, woodwork, floors, camping gear, and any other water-safe surface. Plus, it’s safe and effective to use on the hands and body, and is even touted as a terrific shampoo for people with oily hair.
For a chance to win a FREE 16-oz bottle of Liquid Sunshine, tell me your favorite cleaning tip in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.
Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.
My favorite cleaning tip is to tackle mold in the shower tile. I soak paper towels in chlorox, then squeeze them, roll them up length wise and press them into the mold area of the tile. The paper towel will adhere to the tile whether it is on the floor or the walls of the shower area. Let them sit for several hours, or even till they dry. Remove and you will see amazing results.
I use just old fashion baking soda and vinegar-it seems to do the trick most times.
If I need to wash walls or clean kitty litter boxes I use my homemade laundry detergent.
Thank you for posting about Liquid Sunshine. I would love to try some. My favorite cleaning hack is tiny but mighty. I save all the lil plastic gizmos off the bread bags (those lil square thingies that hold the bag closed). Believe it or not, they make the best lil pot scrubbers! Happy cleaning!
I place sheets of waxed paper onto of my refrigerator so I can just lift them up when it gets dirty and throw them away. Its not someplace that gets cleaned too often so the dirt and dust builds up. This way there is zero scrubbing and it takes just a couple of seconds to throw away the old and replace with new sheets. Its high enough up that no one ever sees it!
Fantastic. I am going to do it too and also on top of my cabinets and China cupboards!!!!
Surprisingly I tried cleaning my Amish made 27 year old dining room table with multi purpose organic cleaner with great results and no stickiness. Very happy.
Dawn dishwashing liquid (blue) is excellent for grease stains on clothes!! Rub a little into the stain, sometimes I use a toothbrush for a little scrubbing, and presto! That stain comes out with a regular wash load!
For sparkling windows and mirrors I use a solution of one half alcohol and one half water in a spray bottle. Wipe with a microfiber cloth and there are no streaks! This is also great on fixtures and my granite countertops!
One of my favorite tips is
Whrn using wool dryer balls to soften laundry, also throw in a few crumpled up balls of aluminum foil, kills the static! Between re using both over and over, no more yucky chemical “fabric conditioners” certainly less waste to throw away and saving a ton of money.
My favorite cleaning tip is using vinegar on hard water spots. We end up with hard water in our sinks and tubs no mater what we do, so I will put vinegar on the hard water spot and let it sit. When I go back later it just wipes right up and there is no chemical after smell.
Vinegar vinegar vinegar!!
2/3 white vinegar 1/3 water- shake up in a spray bottle- spray on anything/everything! The best- on upholstered furniture & pillows- turn on the ceiling fans:)
We have well water, and I have found a great natural, non – toxic mixture of one cup baking soda, one tablespoon Castile soap with enough vinegar to make a paste. Scrubs away all the crummy stuff!
I’m going to try this, I have only used the vinegar and baking soda without the Castile soap.
I use a Kaywos cloth and just water to clean my windows and they are streak-free! It can be used on just about anything, including cars, mirrors, chrome, stainless steel, etc. I like the fact that I don’t need to use any other cleaning liquids to get the windows shiny and streak-free.
I use Grapefruit Seed Extract or White Thyme Essential Oil as an awesome kitchen or bathroom disinfectant instead of Bleach or spray disinfectants. I dilute approx. 10-15 drops of either in 16 oz. of Distilled water and use on every surface in the kitchen and bathroom after cleaning with my natural green cleaners. I also use White Vinegar de-scale my home water distiller unit. It is much greener than the commercial grade de-scaler that the manufacturer sells (and about 290% cheaper – $1.00 opposed to $29.00!)
Using a toothbrush to get those small places behind the kitchen and bathroom faucetss and don’t forget the scrubbing of carpeting. It’s the best. That’s my favorite cleaning tip.
Use vinegar and water in your carpet cleaner. It gets carpets real clean without chemical cleaners.
Wash windows with four parts water and one part rubbing alcohol. Dry with a squeegee
No streaks
because of ll my allergies, I use baking soda & vinegar. Favorite tip is to put vinegar in a spray bottle for all cleanup and smelly things. A spray of vinegar on anything and you can go into any room. A good thing when my grown children’s pets visit.
My favorite cleaning tip – I’m a lemon, baking soda and vinegar cleaner. I use the lemon in my garbage disposal – add a little ice to de-gunk and freshen. I use the baking soda and vinegar to get rid of build up in my hair and to clean my bathroom!
I use a lot of the 7th Generation products, but am always willing to try new things.
I prefer non-toxic products for cleaning. They are lots cheaper than their commercial “equivalents,” and much healthier for the planet. For example, I mix a small amount of vinegar with water in a spray bottle for cleaning windows. I use baking soda as an abrasive substance to clean stubborn stains on pots and pans, rather than commercial stain removers.
When I finish in the shower I toss baking soda all about. Later I spray with vinegar. I never have to scrub and it stays clean
I find that it is much easier to wipe down the stove top after every use rather than leave it for a few days. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
I love my 36″ Premium microfiber dust mop. I have wood floors and it sure beats trying to sweep with a tiny 10″ broom! Then I use a damp microfiber pad and voilà, I’m done- and no chemicals.
My favorite cleaning tip is to clean BEFORE you see something! A quick swish with a cleaner and cloth, especially in the bathroom, will prevent any grime, mildew, or mold from ever starting… A five minute daily cleaning goes a LONG way!
When you are leaving one room to go to another, pick up anything that belongs in the room you are going to and take it with you and put it away. That way, you are always picking up, and there is less do put away when you do ‘serious’ cleaning!
Check the fridge.. Plain white vinegar. Essential oils! Olive oil. Kirk’s Castile soap.
I love baking soda and vinegar for cleaning. So versatile!
I have been married for 57 years and I use Mrs. Murphy’s liquid soap for just about all my home cleaning. Floors, bathrooms, furniture etc. I love the way it cleans and smells.
I would very much like to try your Vermont Sunshine liquid soap. It sounds like it would give my Mrs. Murphy soap a run for the money. I do get your Mag. and read it cover to cover many times.
I use a solution of hot water, a few drops of dish soap, and Borax to clean ceiling fans. It’s amazing how it cuts through the grease and grime!
Love making a spray bottle of 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water to clean countertops, sink, stove top etc to make everything shine .
I use vinegar to clean … add water to a 50/50 ratio and you can use it to clean windows to adding it in your laundry to freshen your wash
My favorite tip is to mix equal parts 20 mule team borax, arm and hammer washing soda and shredded bar soap to do laundry with. Just add 1/4 cup to each load of laundry. Works wonders, and gets the laundry tons cleaner
I mix white vinegar with water, 1 to 1, in a spray bottle. I spray all fruits and vegetables with this solution, non-organic and even organic. For small fruits, let sit for 20 minutes or whatever, rinse well. For larger fruits and vegetables, spray well and then scrub with your hands or a brush, rinse. It may not get all the bad things, but at least I feel I’m getting some of them.
Ammonia is my go to for cleaning burnt on grease off of the cast iron grates on my stove top. Place grates in a ziplock bag with a small amount (1/4 cup approx.) of ammonia, seal it and let set overnight. The fumes do all the work, not the liquid which is why you don’t need much. The next morning most will just rinse off, scrape stubborn spots with a plastic scrubbie!
I use Norwex cloths & water most of the time. But, I love to occasionally make up some lemon or orange (peel) vinegar!! It works for everything and smells wonderful!
The home I rent has plastic sink basins that turn yellow if not cleaned on a regular basis – I had tried many different cleaners trying to get our bathroom sink clean and white to no avail. One day I sprinkled baking soda around the sink after wetting it down and used a fingernail brush to scrub off the yellow and to my surprise it started coming off so I continued sprinkling baking soda and scrubbing until I had it all clean. I never thought it would come so clean but it is amazing how nice it looks now. Old ideas are so much better than most of the new chemical concoctions on the market today. I have started using baking soda, vinegar, castile soap, essential oils and other old tyme recipes for cleaning and making things shine and smell good.
I’m going to try baking soda on my sink! Thanks
Lots of scrubbing needed but it does work well.
My favorite cleaning tip is for getting scum off of your shower walls. Mix vinegar and blue dawn detergent in a spray bottle. Spray on your shower walls, let it sit awhile and then wipe off with a wet rag.
When you are cleaning a room or just picking up, place items which belong in other rooms in a basket. Then you can deliver those items to their correct rooms when you are finished.
I love to clean with vinegar and lemon !! I even “cook”the mixture in the microwave for a couple minutes….then just wipe clean !! Easy-peazy. Plus, I also run it through my coffe maker for easy and safe cleaning
My favorite is to clean drains with baking soda, vinegar and boiling. Cleans them out without harsh chemicals and smells good also.
I really believe it’s easier to keep things clean then it is to get them clean. I try to stick to a manageable schedule to keep my home clean. I sometimes say that I’m cleaning the clean spots.
I used the equivalent of Liquid Sunshine, along with baking soda, to clean my toilets. Much less expensive than buying toilet cleaner.
3 to 1 water and vinegar to clean windows (or anything else), and then wiping dry with old newspaper. Streak free all the time!
I put bleach in a spray bottle for mold on shower tile. Spray and walk away.
I keep a sponge that has a hollow handle filled with half vinegar half detergent and use to keep my bathroom sink, tub and toilet clean daily.
Put wet sponges in microwave for 2 minutes. They come out clean!
I place a sheet of wax paper on top of my kitchen cupboards. When it comes time to spring clean – so easy! Just roll it off, wipe clean, and put a new layer on! Saves hours of scrubbing.
Love this…my project this weekend is to clean those and I so wish I had thought of this years ago!
I’d have to say one of my favorite tips (although it’s more like a hack) is the use of vinegar and lemons! They are both so universal!!
My cleaning tip is proactive. We have a roll of waxed paper next to the microwave to cover foods that might splatter. Less mess, less clean up.
We replaced carpet cleaning solution with vinegar water in out home steam cleaner. Gets the job done non toxically.