GIVEAWAY: “Milk Cow Kitchen, On the Sunny Side”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, I led you here for a chance to win a FREE copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book. To enter, tell me how MaryJanesFarm has helped you realize your farm dreams in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.


My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Diane Thompson says:

    give me reason to try and start a milk farm someday

    • Nancy Haines says:

      So many reasons I love your magazine…like no other, even if you are like me a hobby farm girl. I learn so much! Thank you for putting the farmgirl in me.

  2. Lisa Bell says:

    I grew up with most of my family being farmers. I have a great love & respect for the land, the animals and understanding it truly is a gift from God.
    So my hubby and I have almost 4 acres and horses. We’ve been holding out for 14 years for a “farm”. He’s 61 and I’m 51…I told him we need to take what we have (though it is far from an ideal place, weird lay of property and rock) and grow where we are planted. We are waiting on something that we may not get.
    So we have put in raised garden beds and working on more for next year, we have chickens, blueberry bushes and just planted 131 strawberry plants on an embankment.
    Your magazine opened my eyes and made me realize I can have my dream. So thank you sincerely for sharing your life and making it happen for others.

  3. Karen Jasper says:

    I really enjoy your magazine. Thru it I have learned to live off the land. I can my own vegetables. We raise our own meat. Thanks for a joyful insite into every day Life.

  4. Deb Ritchey says:

    I had always wanted chickens and you magazine helped me. I have had five black austrolop chickens for three years. I now get fresh eggs and am entertained by their antics!

  5. Rebecca Riccio says:

    I have just move to my dream farm. The only thing lacking today are farm animals. We would love to have a cow or 2. For me finding THIS SITE with all the talent and knowledge has helped me learn about all things farming. This book will add to my knowledge base and help us realize our dreams of owing all the farm animals and becoming self sufficant on our farm.
    Becky Riccio

  6. amber says:

    I went to school in a farming community and most my friends had farms. Some of them were big and some of them were small. I lived the next town over and it was more urban than the town I went to school in. That was all right by me, I always identified as a country girl at heart. Now I’m 30 years old, married and living in the same farming community I went to school in 🙂 We live in “town” but my in-laws live out farther in the farming community. I read your magazine all the time and it had slowly inspired me to take advantage of the extra space that my in-laws always offered on their property. We are now the owners of honey bees and chickens!

  7. Ashley Passino says:

    I grew up as a half farm girl, (my Dad had a farm but I lived with my mom in the ‘Burbs), I LOVED “escaping” to his place and feeding the chickens, gathering the eggs, and overall tending the many animals (every conceivable farm animal imaginable but sheep & cattle, plus non farm animals), I even enjoyed picking the fruit in his back field (not a yard) orchard). I have since moved many times since then, and have not been able to come back to my roots, but when I discovered your magazine, it was like an ah ha moment went off in my head! Now I grow tomatoes, spaghetti squash, etc, hint at my boyfriend that every self respecting country girl must have a flock of chickens, an use your magazine as a rule book to start preserving food, grow my crops as organically as possible, It even reminded me of my late great Aunt (RIP) as to the many projects and home made dolls, etc, she would make for me and the other kids growing up. It is definitely a flash back to better days, to a time I wish I could relive, if only in the pages of your magazines/books. <3

  8. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I have this book even though I live in the city. However, I have enjoyed the butter making r exiles and I painted my jelly cabinet with milk paint as shown in the book as well. This book is fun, inspiring and a must read if you just feel that that Farmgirl at Heart vibe!

  9. Linda Hulbert says:

    Mary Jane you have brought me closer to nature, I have a garden in my backyard and plan on getting chickens for fresh eggs. I have learned so much reading your magazine, and enjoy being outside and getting my hands dirty!!! Thank you!!!

  10. Madelyn Shields says:

    I am in love with my Mary Jane Farms magazine, I have gleaned so many ideas about various ways to make, cook, and/or enjoy my home. I love the plain life that is anything but plain and I would really like to receive the Milk Cow Kitchen book. Although I cook and have made a lot of different kinds of food, I have never made cheese. I would love to learn how. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great book of learning.

  11. Elizabeth Lazor says:

    I LOVE the artwork on all of your pages. I save every magazine and use it to make homemade cards. Reading an issue is like going home…..

  12. Gaye N. Durst says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm helps me more with keeping in touch with my farm girl soul, living ina city and also living with chronic illness, that prevents many dreams from being realized. Keeps me grounded and happy with my little elevated garden plot!

  13. Lisa Staib says:

    Still 2 years to go….but just the thought & plan is testimony to the MJ influence- it exists because of you!! Baby garden, baby critters, baby steps…but we’re on our way

  14. Cyndie Parzuhoski says:

    I truly believe that being a “farmgirl” is a state of mind, not necessarily where you live. I live in the suburbs, and unfortunately, I am not permitted by law to have chickens or keep bees (trust me, I have checked!), But Mary Janes Farm Magazine has lead me to living a much more natural and farm-inspired” life – in the way I eat, the way I decorate, the way I dress and even the way I think. I am planning/drawing out the plan for the garden I will be planting next year. I am waking earlier and going outside to enjoy a cup of coffee, watching nature at dawn’s first light, instead of watching the morning news. I am much more conscious of the food I purchase and am making sure to go out of my way to patronize farms in the surrounding area and farmer’s markets. I have found a new love of crafting, am turning off the electronics immediately after work and only using them if necessary. I am spending my time with more quality. I am re-finding my appreciation of the simple things in life . . . and I thank MJ’sF magazine for all of this. My dream is to own our own small farm one day, and I hope that it is a dream that becomes a reality.

  15. Leisa Joan says:

    I agree with other readers that for a lot of us, it’s the state of mind, even though we don’t or cant have the farm we always wanted.

  16. Wanda C. Bamberg says:

    Leisa said it well. I like the input Mary Jane gives to keep my mind thinking and adding to the tips and knowledge I have found through my journey. I grew up on a a farm in East Texas and thought I would always live in the country. My world did not happen as I dreamed but I take my ways with me wherever I live. Thank you for adding to my world and helping me remember. 🙂

    • Virginia Nicholas says:

      Hello Wanda! I too, am from East Texas, (Nocona, Montague Co.), and I liked what you said about taking with you. I have done the same. I have lived in Penna, for a long long time, but I will always be a Texan and a country girl! You have a good day and God Bless you! Gin

  17. Not sure if it has made me full fill my drew but I really enjoy all your articles and what ever you publish. I have your first book like this. My dream has always been to be more self sufficient. Your articles are very helpful. Would very much like to have your new book.

  18. Sylvia Strom says:

    I did not grow up on a farm, but have enjoyed past articles about goats and making cheese that I signed up to go to goat school. As a food science teacher I want to teach my students how to make cheese. I am hoping to get the milk from a neighbor since we do not have goats yet. Thanks for a great magazine!

  19. Anna Ellenberger says:

    I grew up on a dairy farm and I must say your magazine makes it sound like so much more fun than I remember. We had a herd of Holsteins and most of those girls were taller than I am. When I helped put them in their stalls I could barely see over them. They are beautiful, friendly, intelligent ladies and I enjoyed being around them–except when they escaped their pasture and tromped through the vegetable garden. You haven’t lived until you have a knock on the door or a phone call at 2:00 a.m. from a neighbor notifying you your cows are out. Try running through the pasture–look out for that fence!–searching for where they got out and herding them back in, all in the dark, then fixing that hole in the fence so they don’t get out again.

    We also had chickens. Feeding them and collecting eggs was a test of patience. I had to sneak very slowly and carefully into the chicken house because the slightest quick movement would cause the whole flock to take flight in a cloud of dust.

    I haven’t seen any mention of pigs in your magazine but if you don’t have any–well, I’d rather have cows any day! Chasing escaped pigs is even more of an adventure–they are even more agile than cows and can slip through much smaller spaces at a faster speed.

    I have been a town girl since I got married 28 years ago. My husband grew up and worked on farms, too, but we couldn’t afford to buy our own so we had to settle for town life. Your magazine is my fantasy farm–all of the fun and none of the work! Thanks for a great read.

  20. April Harrison says:

    My husband and I and our 12 year old son just moved to the country. We are fixing up his great grandmas house, which set empty for 15 years. It’s amazing how well the house still is. I thank God every morning for bringing us here. So, that said, we need all the help we can get. I have started a small garden and our goal is to bring chickens and goats into the mix. And possibly cows later. “The Peaceful Porch” in the Aug/Sept issue sums up my feelings for this house! Your book would be an awesome addition to my library! Thanks so much for your time!

  21. Christy Wilkinson says:

    Your magazine has become such an inspiration for me. To be honest i did not think that when the first few issues arrived! My mom had gotten me a subscription as a birthday gift. Initially i almost dreaded reading it because i thought i was such a failure compared to the women i would read about. But soon i realized how much i identified with the ‘farmgirl’ experiences and values of the staff from MaryJane as well as the many featured articles. You have a way of welcoming the reader, giving me a sense of friendship and even family. Eventually i realized that the message in your magazine is not to compare, but to inspire. From cover to cover it seems to say, “Here’s what i did; you can do it too!” Needless to say, i begged my mom to continue my subscription!

    We live offgrid in a home (honestly) my husband built. I want to say “we” but the truth is that he has done all the labor. I homeschool our 6, soon to be 7, children. We try to grow all our own food on our ‘homestead’. Each year we produce a little bit more. We just put up a full size greenhouse, my dream come true. We raise ducks so far, but hope to continue to goats soon. I still dream of a dairy cow too.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and wisdom. You have been such an inspiration along the way, just in surviving. But as we continue to get our feet under us, we look forward to thriving to the point of selling lots of products from our own land and hands.

  22. Teresa De Bruin says:

    Lets me know that the old fashioned ways of cooking and baking are still alive and that people are still self sufficient in the 21st century. That that life style has not completely died out. It is alive and well

  23. Amy says:

    This magazine inspires the need to do things from scratch and what I want to do when I own my dream farm someday. Having looked at this book from a library, it is definitely something I would want to add to my library. I know I will want a cow for all my dairy making needs.

  24. Nina Pamir says:

    I love reading your magazine. Gardening and recipes are two of my passions I look forward to each new magazine to see what I can learn

  25. Sandi King says:

    I just got your Aug/Sep magazine yesterday and have read most of it already. I have been looking at the ‘Milk Cow Kitchen’ ad in every magazine since I started receiving them. If I don’t win this book I will purchase it as soon as I can afford to on my limited budget. I have chickens, and a small plot for tomatoes and peppers, not much of a farm but I am a country farm girl at heart. I am so glad I found your magazine. I gave a gift subscription to my sister-in-law and she loves it. Looking forward to more great articles and information on the simpler side of life.

  26. Susan Kellen says:

    MaryJane’s Farm magazine helps me to escape to the farmgirl life when real life gets too hectic.

  27. Sandy says:

    Mary Janes Farm has given us the confidence and knowledge that WE CAN DO THIS

  28. Jana Blackwood says:

    I grew up as a suburbanite and was ok with that until I had a few birthdays as a grown up. Mary Jane’s Farm has helped me to realize that sometimes the old ways are better. I love hearing from others in the magazine how other women have discovered this also.

  29. J. Devine says:

    I don’t have a farm but I am working on a vegetable garden & herb garden on my rural property. Your magazine & website offer so much inspiration & so many helpful hints, just when I start to get discouraged. And after a good day in the yard, I can escape into your homespun magazine. Thank you.

  30. Deborah Cunningham says:

    My husband and I have finally gotten the land and home we always wanted, one + acre treed lot, love it, your magazine inspires me to try chickens. My grandmother always had chickens and I think they are so pretty. The info. you share makes it easy to see I can do it. I want you to know this last issue is just chuck full of very informative articles. Love it, keep it up. (Aug/Sept)

  31. Heather Ely says:

    I have always lived on a farm , however I have learned more advanced sewing through maryjanes

  32. Jill Hanson says:

    No longer farming, but enjoy it all!

  33. Tracey Sonmor says:

    I grew up on a mini farm . We had chickens pigs ducks a horse but never a cow. They look beautiful. I would love to learn about them. We now live in the city but dream about moving to the country. Maybe someday.

    Your magazine is inspirational beautiful and refreshing in a world that lacks much of this. Thank you for this breath of fresh air.

  34. Born and raised in quaint, rustic Upstate New York, but now living in Reno, I figured let me bring RURAL NEW YORK back here, at least until I relocate back to Rome, New York! So, 2 months/$2,500.09 later, here I am- my 1 bedroom apartment walls serve as a rustic green pallette to my Americana, Cabin, Farm, Rockwell/Cassat/Monet/Van Gough/Kincaide/Peter Rabbit/Pooh/Raggedy Andy keepsakes, popping with sunflowers, roses, while being gently tended to by my decorative chicken, cow, pig and sheep artistic decor♡!

    • Virginia Nicholas says:

      Dear Renee, You’ve got the right idea! Surround yourself with the things you love! You sound like an artist? I am…sounds like we have similar collections. I am a Texan who lives in PA but I have driven through Rome NY many times. It is truly beautiful there. I hope you make it back there, if that’s where your heart is. Good luck, Gin Nicholas

  35. Sunnie says:

    This looks like a great book, pretty cover!

  36. Mary G. says:

    I’ve always had a simmering dream to own a small farm and promote agricultural awareness/education, but MaryJane’s Farm has shown me that such dreams have the possibility of becoming a reality.

  37. I don’t have a farm but a small yard so I get to dream through your magazine! I have used your tips and recipes and love the crafty articles too. so no matter whether my “farm” of two cucumber plants, one pepper plant and one patio tomato plant or if it were a real farm, I love reading your magazine and like I said it lets me dream!!

  38. I have a Holstein calf that I brought home in the back seat of my Ford Focus. 🙂 Looking forward to when she is big enough to be become a momma and I will then be a first time milkmaid!

  39. Jennifer Britain says:

    I receive the inspiration to live my dream of living in the country raising cattle and chickens. Growing my own food. I love the stories of women doing what they love and it’s totally possible.

  40. Tami Lewis says:

    I realized that a lot of the things I was already doing “counted” . And that farming/homesteading didn’t have to be “ugly”. My ideals fit right in!

  41. Patty says:

    We as women can do this!

  42. Christina Marsden says:

    First, I have to say I love the Mary Jane Farm Magazine. There is so much in them that I wish I had more time to sit and enjoy reading them. These magazines have been an encouragement to me to keep things as healthy and natural as I can, they are also great encouragement in the do it yourself area (I’ve always believed that “just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t do it”). Thank you for living your dream and encouraging us (also showing us it’s possible) to live our dreams as well. I didn’t know as though I’ll ever have my own cow, but I am fortunate enough to have a mother who has one. I would love to get this book and share it with my mom!

  43. Laura Kusik says:

    Mary Jane Farms is a beautiful magazine that allows an urban girl to dream of successful small scale farming.

  44. Judy Goodwin says:

    I enjoy MJF because it gives info and ideas for the female farmer.

  45. Barb Innes says:

    Oh …the farm great aunt and uncle had a farm…I learned to ride horses, gather eggs from the chicken coop, and gather walnuts from the trees by their creek. I think these early years helped me relish nature And the farm community. Your magazine and books bring those years to the forefront. Thanks!

  46. Linda Lou Crosby says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm is such a fun-fllled, farm idea-filled magazine. It helped me get the courage to make curtains for my little Rpod RV. And they look so cute. I love the farm girl focus and give my friends subscriptions every year to help with their farm dreams

  47. Jen in TX says:

    Motivates me to do what I can on my small suburban lot, even if it’s just grow some hot peppers.

  48. Juanita Mathews says:

    My father’s family were farmers and even though I live in the city, your magazine helps me maintain a little bit of country in my life. Thanks!

  49. Dorothy Nootbaar says:

    I have always loved nature but have spent most of my life in the big city. MJF has given my soul a place to rest. I get ideas on how to bring nature into my home as well as the knowledge that nature really is just outside- I just have to make sure to make time for it.
    I’ve always wanted a cow and this book would help me realize that dream even if it’s only in my mind!

  50. Melissa Beals says:

    My farm dreams were shaped by MaryJanesFarm magazine. At first I wanted the full-running farm with every animal imaginable, but my dreams have been molded over the years. Now I fully embrace the ‘anyone can be a farmgirl’ mantra, and love both city and country living in different ways. I garden organically every year, but still like my technology.

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