GIVEAWAY: “Milk Cow Kitchen, On the Sunny Side”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, I led you here for a chance to win a FREE copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book. To enter, tell me how MaryJanesFarm has helped you realize your farm dreams in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.


My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Julie Grow says:

    We live on 5 acres and have miniature horses and chickens. I have a veggie garden and flower beds and love to cook healthy food. You’re magazine has given me so many tips on all facets of my life and I thoroughly enjoy it Our next endeavor is getting a milk cow so you’re book would be so helpful

  2. CJ Armstrong says:

    Grew up on a farm, so I’ve “been there, done that”. However my hubby and i built our house on acreage that used to be part of the farm. Mary Janes Farm and the Sisterhood have been such an encouragement and have provided ideas, strategies and friendships.

  3. Adrienne LaFleur says:

    From the moment I received the first issue, MJ Farm has been a constant inspiration for me to try new things on the farm! From growing fruits and veggies I didn’t realize I could before, to raising the animals I love! Thank you!

  4. becky krout says:

    a green can always dream

  5. Cats, dogs, goats, chickens, rabbits…a cow is all we lack! Love all your lovely photos and diy’s , MJ!

  6. Darlene says:

    When I was growing up, our lovely girl, Dolly, gave so much milk she supplied our entire small rural neighborhood. I miss that time spent exploring in our garden and the cow’s pasture. Your magazine and books take me back to my (small) inner-farm girl. My little garden patch and home decorating have touches of ideas from you and your writers and contributors. Thanks for being you and inspiring us to be… us.

  7. Rebecca Barbarino says:

    I grew up in a small town, but my grandparents had a farm ( oh the fresh fruits & veggies!) and my mother’s brother owned a dairy farm. Absolutely nothing beats the taste of chilled fresh from Bossy milk. Your magazine helps me relive those memories( and helps me keep a country frame of mind). Your book would be delish!

  8. Mary Murray says:

    I stumbled upon your Artists in Aprons issue years ago…it was like nothing else on the newsstand. How refreshing…how wonderful! We have 10 acres on our farm built in 1864, along with chickens, bees, and goats, but I still NEED the inspiration that comes from MJF…clever how-to’s, yummy recipes, and even the photos inspire me. I want to feel connected to these sisters who long to live the lifestyle and chase dreams. With MJF I realize I’m not alone! Thanks for all you do…

  9. Gwen says:

    After I retired I bought five acres in the country. Up to that time I had spent my working years in an office. On my first trip to the local market I picked up a copy of MaryJanes Farm. I loved it. Since then I have become a beekeeper and started a flock of chickens all with the help of Mary Jane! Not sure I’m ready for a cow just yet, but fortunately I get to enjoy the herd of cows next door everyday.

  10. Dusty Cannon says:

    I have loved MJF ever since I first found the IdeaNotebook at the bookstore years ago! Since then, I’ve married, gotten chickens, had 2 (almost 3) kiddos and am making an ‘over 40’ list for the future so that my family and I can continue enjoying farming, baking, canning and nature together!

  11. Although we can’t have a cow here but a horse is allowed in the by laws of our lake community I would still love to know what it entails.

  12. Sandy B says:

    Your magazine always reminds me of the beauty in nature, and to appreciate the gifts God blesses us with. I just live on a small piece of land, but it has inspired me to grow several small food gardens on it I really love the beautiful pictures, great stories and recipes.

  13. Mary Lakota says:

    I live in a residential area that is surrounded by horse and cattle pastures. Our neighborhood has rabbits and a Mallord duck couple. We can’t have any livestock, but oh I can dream. And one day I will.

  14. Ellen says:

    I grew up feeding the calves on my grandfathers farm and calling the cows in for milking. I have always loved cows and pigs, they are my favorite farm animals. I have many photo graphs and am writing a children’s book about cows. I would love to have this book to read, enjoy the pictures and try the recipes. I love this magazine, the pictures, the projects and the delight of the many articles lifts my days. Thank you, keep up the good work!

  15. Kathleen Fleming says:

    I love your magazines! You inspire me to be more independent and do things myself. I checked out your glamping book and your milk cow book from the library and LOVE them both. They have concise, to the point instructions and tips on what NOT to do 🙂 I love that! So, even my simple mind can follow your instructions. Thank you for being an inspiration to all us “farm gals”!

  16. Bev says:

    I have always lived on a farm and enjoyed creative homemaking. When I happened upon your magazine on the rack at Fred Meyers, you can imagine how tickled I was. I don’t remember for sure what year that was, early 2000s. I immediately subscribed and found you to be a kindred spirit so when your magazine arrived bi-monthly, it is always like a visit with an old friend. I’ve found many new recipes and ideas over the years, and was ecstatic when your Idea Book came out. As a matter of fact, we used some of your ideas from the wedding section for our daughter’s wedding in 2008!

    We kept a milk cow for many years when all of our kid were still at home, “retiring” from milking when our daughter went away for her last two years of college (she was the other milker at our house). We drank lots of that great Jersey milk, made ice cream, butter, mozzarella and ricotta cheese, whipped cream, and yogurt. We still have our original Jersey, Lily May, who is now 12 years old. She lives a life of leisure these days, enjoying summer pasture with our beef cattle out on the hills where they can graze meadows and through the trees where it’s nice and cool on a summer day.

  17. Pat Leithoff says:

    Living on a acreage, each MaryJanesFarm magazine I recieve provides so many country ideas to try and incorporate into the lifestyle that I love and enjoy.
    My next desire and challenge is a milk cow which is why I hope I am chosen for your “Milk Cow Kitchen” book.
    I am such a Farmgirl at heart!

  18. Sanita Smith says:

    A few years ago I came across MaryJanesFarm magazine and have been reading it and dreaming of the day I would have my own farm. It gave me hope and insight and now I have just bought almost 5 acres and am looking to have chickens, goats….. Thank You for all the helpful information.

  19. Betty jo clagg says:

    Love this type of stuff

  20. Rebecca Lopez says:

    I love your book/ magazine.So much info will continue to read and order.

  21. Using instructions from MaryJanesFarm, I first got a sourdough starter successfully going! I also have loved the repurposing ideas.

  22. Betty jo clagg says:

    Love this type of stuff. I always had animals while growing up.

  23. Bonnie Parker-Duke says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm has made me much more creative. It has helped me realize a farm atmosphere right here in the city!

  24. Cindy Rich says:

    I have chickens and goats. Next step, a cow! I need guidance. Thank you!

  25. julie says:

    Allows me to dream of retirement.
    Just family, friends and farm

  26. Beth Gilreath says:

    Experience and age tell me, there will be no milk cow in my future. But I’d love the recipes and the fantasy of the dream. Your magazine is an amazing addition to my life.

  27. Karen Shelhamer says:

    Thank you for such a great inspiring magazine💞. Not only do I love it, but my 15 year old daughter looks forward to reading it as well. We have fun trying out the crafts and recipes and working at making our mini farm a fun work in progress. The book would be a wonderful surprise!

  28. I love the magazine. We now own chickens because MaryJane’s Farm empowered me to do so.

  29. Judy Nicholson says:

    It reenforces childhood memories and I share the whole food way of life.

  30. Jennifer Duncan says:

    Your magazine is one of my favorite connections with my mother. She ran across your magazine, purchased a subscription then started calling me to tell me all the great ideas, recipes, etc. she was discovering. I then purchased my own subscription so she and I could look at the pictures, articles, and everything else wonderful in each issue (she lives in Florida and I now live in Kentucky) and it made our already strong bond even stronger. Plus, your magazine serves as an educational tool for me as I now live in the country and have learned to garden, can my bounty, care for farm critters and so much more. Thank you for the continued education, sisterhood and bonding tool!

  31. Donna says:

    Your magazine has so many ideas and is so full of encouragement to follow your farm dreams….we have chickens and live on a small piece of property….I like the ideas for natural health as well, decorating, and recipes…baking is more my passion….thank you for sharing with us all!

  32. Sandy Goff Williams says:

    I wait on this magazine! It’s so lopeared by the time the next one is due! I am about to embark on my chicken raising project and am continually inspired by Mary Jane’s Farm to do what I do! Thank you!

  33. Monika says:

    It reminded me that all dreams are capable of achieving if you put in the love and effort required. It gave me hope.

  34. Theresa Dunkin says:

    Looking for our farm now!! MaryJanesFarm keeps the flames burning! My grandparents farmed and I would like to get back to a farm life. And give my grandkids the same opportunities as I had as a child.

  35. Hollie Feickert says:

    MaryJane’s Farm has helped me to realize that it is not the physical size of my ‘farm’ that brings joy to being a farm-girl-at-heart…but the size of my farm dream. I’m on one acre in town and with every issue of the magazine I realize I can do something with an acre, and not focus on what I can’t do. The perspective has brought a lot of joy! Thank you.

  36. Sue Keefe says:

    Grew up breeding Jerseys. Oh the clotted cream for our “Devonshire Tea’s”
    Milking before and after school. We lived way out in the countryside in Australia and travelled far for dancing. Not getting home until the wee hours we would milk and then go to bed.

  37. Diane Van Horn says:

    Where do I begin? Mary Jane’s Farm books and forums have pushed me to levels of self sufficiency that my Grandmother’s would have taught me if they were here today. I have also made many Farmgirl friends along the way.

  38. Amanda Munford says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm helped me realize that I needed to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. Since receiving the magazine as a gift I have left my home and job in a big city and moved to a beautiful small town. My life has truly become a dream!

  39. Jennifer Cork says:

    I have learned that I don’t have to have a farm to be a farm girl. I have beautiful gardens with vegetables, herbs, and flowers, and hope to add chickens in the near future. I’m so grateful for all of the fabulous ideas in MaryJane’s books and magazines.

  40. Claudia Bell says:

    Most all my relatives were on farms and some of my school friends. Although we were “city folk”, I loved going to the farms and it has stuck with me all these years. I am a “country girl” at heart. I just love the outdoors, what else can I say.

  41. Mary Mursu (Duffy) says:

    I would love to win this book…….so much to make….

  42. I would love to win this book….I love my Mary Jane magazine with so much information

  43. Deb Morris says:

    Growing up in NY state in the suburbs and then pedaling my bike to the nearest farmed areas always gave me a sense of peace….something I miss today living in Chicago. I’ve been here 15 years now and I yearn for those days of my childhood where I could hear the sounds of nature that were always so relaxing. It is to the point where I am trying to find a way to go back there, especially financially (yeah, that’s always a trick) and maybe buy a small farm…somwhere. Right now it’s only in my dreams, but MJF is a constant inspiration to think that maybe I can…..

  44. Darcy Tietjen says:

    I have been blessed by Mary Jane’s Farm for quite a few years now and have been passing that blessing along to friends and family. It is wonderful knowing there is help at my fingertips for my wee bit of land, inside and out. Many thanks.

  45. Carol S says:

    I was raised on a farm and moved away in my early 20’s. Now in my mid-60’s, I want to experience that lifestyle once again in this current space and time. Not all of it is possible, but your magazine keeps me motivated to keep trying. Thanks!

  46. Melissa Davis says:

    You give me ideas to use on my 20 acres . Sometimes , I forget all that I can do with
    just a small area . You help me with my thoughts .

  47. Dee Carter says:

    I love Mary Jane’s Farm magazine. I live in the city but with land and some woods behind us. I grew up on a small farm my first 10 years and I truly think my Mom planted a lot of things in my mind. I can see her leaning against her milk cow, milking her, cutting the heads off of chickens for Sunday dinner. That I wish she wouldn’t have shown me how!!! 🙂 My brothers share their gardens with me, and I can anything I’m given or buy. Thanks for all of your ideas you have in the magazine. I love mine so much I gave my dear friend a subscription for her October birthday. Maybe 5 years now. She also loves her copy. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win a book.

  48. adele says:

    Right now — through seeing what others are doing.

  49. Shirley says:

    Thank you

  50. Wendy Cesil Curling says:

    I thought for many years that my dream of owning a milk cow was just that, a dream. Until an internet search for organic gardening books suggested that I ‘may also like’ MaryJane’s Ideabook-Cookbook-Lifebook and my life was forever changed. I immersed myself in every page and realized that my journey to cow ownership was off to a joyous start! I now have two lovely ladies and enjoy every single thing about backyard cow keeping. The wonderfully fresh milk, the cheese, the yogurt, the cream, the butter, and did I mention CHEESE!! I already have a beautifully signed copy of Milk Cow Kitchen but would love to win one that I could gift and help another would be milk maid realize her lifelong dream!❤️

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