GIVEAWAY: “Milk Cow Kitchen, On the Sunny Side”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, I led you here for a chance to win a FREE copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book. To enter, tell me how MaryJanesFarm has helped you realize your farm dreams in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.


My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Amy Cable says:

    It has served as a reminder to get back to my roots. I grew up in the country raising livestock, and we always a large garden for canning and freezing vegetables. These days I live in town, and my vegetable beds are slowly but surely taking over back my yard. Soon, I will put my grandmother’s old Bernina to use and start sewing again (must get that egg-gathering apron made!)

  2. Terri Goggin says:

    I am a city dweller with farmers in my ancestry. I love being out in my garden which has 3 citrus trees, 20 rose bushes and various volunteer plants. Mary Jane’s Farm magazine and the chat rooms always inspire me to try new things or just dream about glamping or living on a real farm. Thank you for this special moment whenever I visit you online or on paper.

  3. Kimberly Bedtelyon says:

    I love your books and am always looking to them for recipes and ideas.

  4. D'Wanna says:

    I fell in love with MaryJanesFarm years ago upon going through the very first issue my hands touched–here was someone who spoke my heart, who fed my dream of being a farmgirl, whose style and wonderful projects let me know that my old-fashioned, “country” tastes were just fine, thank you very much! I’ve saved every issue I was able to get, re-reading them repeatedly – making each reading a quiet moment of self-care while drinking a cup of herbal tea or coffee, and adapting the information packed into each issue to fit our family’s evolving health and circumstances. My latest project is sprouting a mango seed 🙂 Thank you MaryJane!

  5. Kellie Boston says:

    The small glimpses we have seen about the book look so beautiful. I don’t own a farm, but with the help of your books and magazine, I feel like I live a much more beautiful life. Thank you

  6. Kim says:

    Reading MaryJane’s books and magazines have given me inspiration and creative ideas that I’ve incorporated into my little homesteading life. There are many examples and dreams she’s inspired, but it is the overall sense of her determination and fortitude that is the most impacting to me. Thank you MaryJane, for putting your life in print for the women of the world to learn and grow from. God bless you.

  7. Cindy Stoll says:

    It is so nice to read and be inspired by like minded women. I grew up and remain a farm girl. I love finding the so many things to read in MJF that I like and can incorpatrate in my life and our home and farm. Not all the latest fashions that go out of style in a season. I could go on and on but am to be at the hay field in 20 minutes and have lunch dishes to wash. Oh by the way first picking of green beans and cucumbers this morning.

  8. tina marie steinkemper says:

    You have inspired me to get chickens …, my Coop & Pen should be arriving any day! Then assemble & go get my chicks!! Thank u, I’ve always wanted to begin a Farm & your Beautiful Magazine had definitely inspired me to just do it!!

  9. Shelley Shackelford says:

    Thank you for helping us realize that we could still carry on the Family Farm

  10. Linda says:

    I love your magazine. It is the only magazine I read from cover to cover. It is who I really am inside. I get to live bits and pieces. I just purchased five acres and am building my own home. What an accomplishment!!!

  11. Janie Snell says:

    I love this magazine! I was born and raised on a dairy/beef farm. We gardened, canned, froze, pickled, chickened, pigged, and the entire 9 yds BUT I still find new things in each and every magazine. I still make my own butter, buttermilk, ricotta and mozzarella. Keep this wonderful magazine going! I love it!

  12. Bette Axiak says:

    Reading your magazine and books and truly inspired me to become more “farm like”. I bought 5 acres of land with a “fixer upper” 1973 travel trailer on the land. I have made repairs to the trailer and have been living in it quite happily since 2012. I garden, have a vegetable garden, compost, keep small animals which include chickens, a rabbit, cat and fish, can and sew. Just this month I added a 13 foot Scamp trailer to my adventure. I took it out last weekend to Indian Grinding Rock State Park here in California. Thank you for giving me my final adventure as I might be facing the closing years of my life (I am 72 yrs. old).

  13. Rhonda says:

    Your magazine makes me feel like “I Can”! Whatever it is, I can be resourceful, creative and have fun while I’m doing it! All with a farm girl heart❤️

  14. Bette Axiak says:

    I have enjoyed receiving your magazine and reading your publications. You have provided me with a final adventure in my life. I am learning new, old things everyday. Thank you.

  15. Cathy Stewart says:

    I found Mary Jane’s Farm upon moving to N. Idaho and buying our first-ever acreage. She inspired me to start our own little farm complete with horses, chickens, ducks, and milk goats. What an adventure! No turning back from all this fun. Luv this magazine so much I give past issues as gifts to my family and friends. Thank you for helping farm chicks everywhere with your shared knowledge and experiences from your own home on the range. Hope to see all the beautiful things found in your CDA store available still on line.

  16. Holly Tabler says:

    It allows me to dream about my dream of living on a farm 🐄🐓🐖

  17. Marjorie Wood says:

    I love your magazine! My grandparents had a farm and we lived next door so many of the things remind me of my grandparents. I have also tried over the years to get back to doing things naturally so I love the recipes. I also love the craft idea! I have not found one thing that I don’t enjoy about the magazine.

  18. Anngela Starnes says:

    MaryJaneFarms decorates my home with ideas, kitchen with amazing smelling food and brings joy to my soul! Love MaryJanesFarm magazine!

  19. Lou Ann says:

    I was born on an Iowa farm,but grew up ina city in Northern California. I’m a farm girl at heart. I have had a vegetable garden for over 35 years, can , freeze veggies,bake my own bread and cook from scratch. I love Mary Janes Farm magazine. I have found my sister hood in you and other readers.

  20. Shawna Bornman says:

    Looks be your ideas – making my dreams feel like they are closer than before!!

  21. Lisa Harness says:

    😀 this would be great to have

  22. judy morris says:

    I have been with you since the beginning and i have learned so much watching you grow – its been very informative. Great luck in the future.

  23. Would love to have this book! Your magazine has helped me to realize that I can achieve my dreams. I have wanted for many years to buy some acreage.we finally got ours and so far we have chickens and meat rabbits and goats. We are getting it together. Your magazine has given me much Inspiration.

  24. Paula Haigler says:

    The magazine reminded me of being on my grandparents farms and what we have lost as a society. It helps me to know that I can get back to my being sustainable.

  25. Jessica Hampton says:

    I’m a single mum living in the suburbs of Chicago with my son and my mother. I was raised in the country but had to move towards the city at a young age when my mother got a divorce. MaryJane’s magazine has opened up conversations with me and my mum about our past and has helped us get back to our roots. We planted a raised bed this year for the first time since I was a kid. Its been priceless doing this with my mother and my son and I really thank MaryJane for that. Leaving these magazines on the table for my mom to read too has brought so much inspiration to us both and all the helpful tips have helped us actualize that dream. Ive also just joined the sisterhood and really look forward to aligning with my sisters! Thank you for ALL that you do! Inspiring is just the tip of the iceberg! I keep all these magazines for when I hope to one day return the favor to my mother and build her and i a new (but repurposed) house in the country. Thank you!

  26. Donna says:

    MJFarms has given me so much information over the 6 years that I’ve read it. I have a mini farm in my little suburban town, chickens and gardening. Love the info you share!

  27. Jo Gill says:

    I didn’t feel alone for liking the farm girl life. It gave me confidence to try new things like old fashioned soap making. I learn something new from each issue. I treasure your books too. I would love to win this one! Thanks.

  28. Wanda Wilson says:

    I had not heard of Mary Jane Farms magazine when my best friend showed me a copy several years ago. She gave me a subscription for my birthday, best gift ever. I love this magazine. I showed it to my daughter in law and my granddaughter. They loved it. Maybe a few subscriptions will be in the works soon.

  29. Catherine Patterson says:

    I look forward to receiving my copy of Mary Janes Farm every issue. It is by far my favorite magazine.

    I have tried many of the very helpful tips, like simple silver polish and zap pine sap.

    What a fun informative magazine
    Thank you Mary Jane Butters.

  30. Marlo Lundell says:

    I have not realized many or any of my farm girl dreams yet but it is your sweet and inspiring magazine that keeps my little dream alive and kicking! I stopped drinking milk years ago after reading so many things about all the crazy things the food industry does cows and their milk. However, I believe very much in the family cow and how wonderful and healthy the milk can be! I would love to look out my window someday and see a sweet Jersey cow hanging out with my goats and chickens!

  31. Claudia Wheeler says:

    Mary Jane’s books have inspired me to make it a go on a 36 acre farm, off the grid in the Adirondack mountains of NY. Its been a little over 10 years now. All that’s missing is a cow now! One day soon I hope.

  32. Ann Gee says:

    I was born in the city, but my folks said when I was two years old and saw my first calf I cried all the way home because I wanted to take it home with me. I married a farm boy from Illinois, tho we met in Arizona, raised a large garden behind our barn, raised our own beef had horses and took an active part in 4-H. Now I’m alone, but still have a small garden up at the house. I love this magazine, it’s full of fun, knowledge and ideas.
    I send it to my 3 nieces and a friend.

  33. Debra Meiring says:

    Mary Janes Farm helped me to realize my dream of raising Miniature Jersey cows. I had always wanted a jersey cow and after learning about the miniature version. I decided to take the plunge and purchase a mini cow.

  34. Judy Brown says:

    You inspire me to look back at my life in the 60’s when I was cooking vegan from “Recipes for a Small Planet”, growing my own vegetables and making macrame plant hangers for my spider plants. I feel young again! Thank you.

  35. Lyell Denison says:

    My favorite magazine. Always been a farm girl but figure there is always more to learn. Enjoy seeing how others do “their” thing when it comes to farm related projects and life.

  36. Beverly Cruz says:

    I would rather have goats but my sister has cows so I would give it to her

  37. Renee Fisher says:

    It was love at first sight when I picked up my first issue of Maryjanesfarm in 2003! My dream was to have a small cabin on a piece of land with a stream and a sunny spot for a garden. Three years ago, that dream came true! My veggie garden is huge and prolific, and the stream is actually a river. Your magazine has always served as a guide to the lifestyle that is so dear to me!

  38. Tammy says:

    Every issue keeps my dream of having a farm alive and gives me great ideas that I can put into practice even without the farm.

  39. Barbara Johnson says:

    We had a milk cow as kids.
    Loved it.
    We made our own butter each week.
    Finally 6 years ago my husband and I got to move back to the family farm. 160 acres. It was homesteaded by my great grandfather in the 1870’s
    So far we have mules and chickens. I grew up on this farm and I am truly home now.

  40. Katherine Joy Neuschwander says:

    Great ideas on how to raise your own food without being an Ag Major.

  41. Arlene Gallegos says:

    I live in the country and i can’t tell you in words how much I love your magazines and books. I look at farms everyday even though i don’t have a cow i live by them and see them everyday.

  42. Sarah Foligno says:

    The moment your magazine is in my mailbox, I reorganize my day to allow time to sit and read. I am a few years away from retirement and yiu have provided me such incentive to compose a bucket list and start a “nest egg” to purchase a coop and chicks.

  43. Anna Morgan says:

    I want to thank you for bringing me back to my roots. I was raised on a milk farm, but life drew me in s different direction as I aged. Finding your books, and magazine was like a flood light going on. I am now living on the family farm, growing most if my own food and loving every minute. My next challenge is to make my own cheese and ice cream. 🎉💓. Thank you and God Bless

  44. what a wonderful book of 75 recipes, cheeses, all the facts of raising cows and lots more photos and information. Just a wonderful book full of knowledge that any woman would love to have in her home to share with kids, grandkids and to use the recipes I have no doubt are very healthy and a delight to serve to anyone.

    I hope that the winner will welcome this book into their home with open arms. What a great book to offer. A simple life is a better life. Yes, hard work but very rewarding and nothing beats living off this earth.

    Thank you and I am sure our loyal readers of your fantastic periodical will also say this with a big smile of many thanks…. Blessings today and always, Winnie

  45. Jennifer Manley says:

    I have to admit… I was a “Country Living” reader/subscriber for years and years. But, I haven’t subscribed for the last 2 years because it had become too “citified” for my old country roots. I picked up your magazine….and felt like I had “come home”. I felt instantly connected to your writer’s, your readers, and, ultimately, to you. You feel like a good old pair of blue jeans….loved, and ‘true to size’… I hope you take that with the good-heartedness you inspire to your readers. I am looking forward to many more years with you, Mary Jane! Thank you!! God bless you.

  46. Lanie says:

    I just love the do-it-yourself, simple times … & the good feeling after hard work & a job well-done … I’ve lived my life in the city but long for country life … I somewhat envy my sister who has actually done it … Your magazine connects me to that life … Thanks

  47. Kathleen Hansen says:

    I am a California CITY GIRL from a long line of city girls BUT I love the farm and everything in it. I am soooo amazed at what you all accomplish each and every day. I love the magazine and try to use every bit I can here within the city. I love all the cooking and sewing ideas. I am vegan and love the organic farm fresh veggies and so wish I could grow my own. We do have an organic farmers market that I am so grateful for. Thanks for including me in the farm lifestyle if only in my dreams.

  48. Michele D Yates says:

    Your magazine inspires me to continue to seek the farmgirl life….despite my aging body! Thank you!

  49. Gail Cameron says:

    I grew up with farm animals on a small bit of acreage that was my parent’s dream home. That has never left me. I have a horse, some chickens and soon to be sheep. I just love the magazine and the inspiration it gives me to live a farm girl life.

  50. Debra says:

    You have so much ideas and helps for farming. Just love,love your magazine. Great ideas as well for gift giving.

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