GIVEAWAY: “Milk Cow Kitchen, On the Sunny Side”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, I led you here for a chance to win a FREE copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book. To enter, tell me how MaryJanesFarm has helped you realize your farm dreams in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.


My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Leora Kishbaugh says:

    I am an RN , and I work full time on a maternity ward that is experiencing a surprising influx of babies that have been exposed to numerous types of drugs and substances. When i pick up your magazine, I find that my breathing slows and I am smiling by the second or third page. I feel hopeful after reading the wonderful articles and find myself planning some little garden or craft project for my day off. Despite the stress I experience everyday on the job, your magazine fills me with an optimistic view for the future of our children.

  2. Maryellen Benton says:

    I love Mary Janes Farm Magazine! I realize I don’t need a million acres, I could do what I want right where I am at! Thank you for everything.

  3. Cindy Foote says:

    I have not realized the dream yet, but am working on it. We moved to the country, have some land and a garden and it hope to have a milk cow and chickens next year but am reading about both do I can make good decisions for both me and the animals I want to raise. Garden is not new to me but raising animals is. I can’t wait to have fresh eggs and milk.

  4. Kelly Harms says:

    I’ve lived on a farm most of my life, but I had a hard time trying to find balance. There were so many responsibilities on the farm, in my job and with my family that I didn’t think I had time to do things that fed my soul too. But MaryJanes Farm has helped me put all these things in perspective. Now I can enjoy each aspect of my life and know that the joy each brings me has an impact on all the other parts. Thank you!

  5. Eileen Burelsmith says:

    It has made me want to get back to doing the from homesteading things that I used to do when I was younger.

  6. Sherry King says:

    I was raised on hobby farms and loved it, but life managed to lead me to moving to town. There, I raised my daughter. When I picked up my first issue of MaryJanesFarms several years ago, I was brought back to my roots and I realized I wanted to go back to being a farm girl. Sharing the magazines and books with my daughter made me realize what my daughter missed growing up. Now that I have a granddaughter, I am also realizing the importance of teaching both of my girls to be farm girls at heart. Thank you MaryJaneFarms for bringing us full circle.

  7. Diann Haynes says:

    when I was young there was a dairy farm just down the road from where I lived. I spent so many summers playing on the farm…drinking raw milk, feeding the cows hay ect. Just thinking of those cows bring back such happy memories as I think Mary Jane’s book would do.

  8. Jodie says:

    As a girl who grew up on a large Iowa farm and then married a city boy, I sadly thought that was the end of farm life. MJF has helped me to realize that saying is true…you know the one… that “you can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl”. I have a lovely garden, compost, I sew/quilt/knit, I can/freeze my own food, I bake from scratch, and I love every moment in the outdoors. thanks for opening my eyes and leading me to other farm girl opportunities. I almost have husband convinced to upgrade to 5 acres someday. City life is starting to wear on him, too. But, until then, city farm girl I am. 😉

  9. Theresa Barger says:

    I love anything by Mary Jane!!

  10. Sharon Dube says:

    I love Mary Jane’s Farm. I found it @8 years ago when pucking out a few magazines for a relative in the hospital. The magazine spoke to me on many levels. It has helped me in my quest for reducing and reusing what I gave, I have embraced gardening and the simple joys of eating and preparing food I grew myself. Thank you for helping me reconnect to so many of the gift my grandparents had given me during my childhood.Shar

  11. Jackie Damico says:

    The very first time i brought home a Mary Janes Farm magazine i was in love! It was the first magazine i ever read from cover to cover, and now do so with every one one i get. I don’t ever want to miss anything!! I have been so inspired by the contents that i want desperately to be a fancy, country, farmgirl ! We are about to purchase 21 acres and get started!! YAY! Thank you Mary Jane and thank you farmgirl sisters!!

  12. Natalie Cossette says:

    It is my dream to own a bed & breakfast with hobby farm so that I can grow the ingredients for delicious nutritious breakfasts. MaryJanesFarm gives me a way to perpetuate my dream until it’s a reality. I’d love to have a milk cow!!

  13. Aprile Wicker says:

    Six years ago, I retired from nursing. I wanted to travel and see the country. But, my neighbors’ great grand daughter came to my door asking me if I would take 3 of the chickens that her science class had hatched. I told her I knew nothing about raising chickens. She begged me and started crying. I broke down and told her yes. The next day she shows up at my door, not with 3 little chicks, but, seven chicks. What! I had no chicken coop , no lights, no feed, or watering containers. Thanks to Mary Jane Farms magazine, I had a crash course in raising chickens! And it has been worth every minute of it! I would not trade anything for the fun (and hard work ) that I have had with “my girls”. They are funny little creatures! Thank You- Mary Jane Farms! I love your magazine!

  14. Niki grimsley says:

    I’m a city girl. Born and raised in Phoenix, AZ. Three years ago we bought a 10 acre plot of land to fulfill my husbands dream of being self sufficient. Chickens were our gateway drug and before I knew it we had goats, rabbits, pigs, turkeys, honey bees and Guinea fowl. I’ve leaned so much from you and our sisters. I’d be lost without you. Thank you so much for your advice

  15. Kathleen Leibach says:

    My family and I have purchased a 100 year old dairy farm. One problem no cows yet. Did I mention I’m a city girl with a country heart. I would love to know how to care for and love a cow. I own horses so maybe they could pasture together. Thank you for the opportunity to learn cow basics.

  16. Karla Reinhart says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm has allowed me to look at my lifestyle and realize my need for moving myself and my daughters family with the grand daughters to some acreage that I can begin homesteading. This book would be an additional resource.

  17. Stephanie Hanouw says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm helps satisfy my desire for the farm as I read other people’s adventures within it’s pages. I am in suburbia at the moment so I’m enjoying from a virtual standpoint all the fun stuff others are doing. Someday, I’ll get back out to the real farm. Until then, I will get good ideas and try tasty recipes.

  18. Janeen says:

    Mary Janes Farm magazine opened my eyes to a world previously unknown. I love the feel of the sisterhood with the women who write for the magazine. I want to explore the bake over recipes.

  19. Charlene Catherine Hummel- Fleming says:

    Mary Janes Farm Magazine continue’s to keep my dream’s alive about not only being able to live on a Farm which would be my ideal place to make a new home and life, Mary Janes Farm Magazine for year’s now has been continuing to inspire, grow, encourage within my heart, soul, spirit, and life being resourceful, creative, natural as able to be, and a freed Americana spirit from typical city life. Give me a Country life style “any”day 🙂
    Mary Janes Farm magazine also has been reminding me as well about keeping alive within me and my life “where-ever” it is, a “Can-DO !!!” spirit, Thank’s Mart Jane Farm Magazine, Book’s, and especially my Thank’s to Mary Jane herself.

  20. MOLLY Jones says:

    Oh my goodness, I love your magazine. When it arrives I read it from cover to cover!
    I’ll be retiring in a few months & will be able to spend more time at our oasis in the country, far, far from the big city of Houston. I like to garden & hope to have a small flock of chickens soon. You have inspired me & helped me understand how it is all doable! Thank you so much for your insights, energy, & inspirations! You and your crew are awesome!!

  21. ruth morrison says:

    I enjoy your magazine very much and ordered subscriptions for 3 of my friends they look forward to it every month. Great for simple living and making the most of it. Great niece loves learning to cook with cast iron.

  22. Susan Campbell says:

    I read every issue of MaryJanesFarm Magazine cover to cover. I use something out of it everyday. Anyone would enjoy the magazine. I have shared mine often but I always have to get it back.

  23. Angie L says:

    My brother has a milk cow and shares his milk with me and I make butter and yogurt which is far better than store bought! I would love to have my own milk cow and just may do that someday soon!

  24. We moved to Maine to a camp that was used as a Christmas tree farm in the 1980’s. All the trees were overgrown and no longer usable as the perfect holiday tree- so we had many modifications to make in order to have a ‘homestead’ with critters. We raise heritage breed animals and grow a lot of our own food. What I love about your magazine is learning how to glamp all the hard work up and have fun with it. We have a cow that is pregnant and she will give birth this winter. I would love to win your book to get prepared for all the milk fun!

  25. jane jordan says:

    I first discovered Mary Jane’s Farm when I was at our local Tractor Supply store purchasing chicken feed. It was the premier issue and I remember the beautiful cover drew me right to it. I took it home and realized that I needed to make a cup of tea because this was going to be like reading a book, not flipping through a magazine. I’d just purchased an herb farm the year before and had added a flock of chickens to the mix. I’d moved from Fairfield County CT, 40 miles from Manhattan. It was a total 180 degree life change but I was ready for it. Your magazine confirmed my decision and together you and I grew together. I’m still a subscriber and I still learn something with each issue. And I still look forward to making a cup of tea and enjoying each new issue cover to cover.

  26. Missy Whaley says:

    MaryJane helps me settle into my dreams. I got courage to get chickens, sheep and most importantly honor my desire to bake , cook and sew.
    I now make aprons for local bakery in their market store.
    Thank you

  27. Kathy kaesebier says:

    We just got our first cows!!!

  28. Susan says:

    My dreams haven’t been realized yet, but as my husband and I wind down the last few years before “retirement”, your magazine is helping me fine tune my/our goals for what/how/why we will choose to utilize the 20 acres we own in North Carolina. He’s been in control of where we live (many different states) because of his work over the majority of our 26 year marriage and now this time I will be choosing where we plant our roots and grow literally and figuratively, and that’s the mountains of NC on a farm we create from scratch for healthy and sustainable living.

  29. Jessica McPherson says:

    I absolutely love the MaryJanesFarm magazine! The pictures, recipes and articles are all very inspiring and intriguing. It excites me to discover the “farm girl” inside of me and to live a more fulfilling life.

  30. Joy says:

    I really enjoy your magazine each month . What a great way to relax and enjoy the pretty pages.

  31. Michelle O says:

    Cultivating BUT experiencing growth of plants, a family, veggies, turtles, lol, has got to be THE most gratifying experience this side of heaven…. complete heart stuff!

  32. Brendalee Campbell says:


  33. Rhonda Niblett says:

    I moved to Montana 17 years ago and discovered your magazine at the grocery store. The early issues. I loved it and bought every one you came out with. I dreamed and prayed and just 2 years ago got my little 5 acre farm with an orchard, raspberries and strawberries. I just started my lavender field on the farm and added a garage. Thanks for the encouragement that sparked the dream that it now my reality. How’s that for a single city girl turned farm girl!! The BEST way to live.

  34. Ashlee says:

    Mary Jane has inspired me in so many ways! The biggest would be being encouraged to get a cow and learning how to milk her and make products from that milk.

  35. Meredith Williams says:

    Mary Janes Farm has allowed me to see our farm as more than just a place we work day in and day out. We have 100 head of Hereford cattle and raise all of our own feed plus more to sell. Some days MJF is the only thing that keeps me from throwing in the towel!

  36. Brenda Alberding says:

    I came upon your magazine Mary Jane’s Farm just last year 2016 and
    I thoroughly enjoy each issue! I live in an over 100 year old farm house in Central New York, grow a beautiful garden each summer and have preserved what I grow for the past 37 wonderful years. I honestly never considered myself a ‘farm girl’ as my family lived in our beloved farmhouse summers only up until 2001 when we ‘retired’ and moved to it full time. Reading your magazine helped me see that I have always been a Farmgirl at heart and I now joyfully embrace that fact! Thank you for a wonderful and inspiring journal!

  37. Connie says:

    I grew up in the country and being a ‘farm’ girl, albeit not on hundreds of acre’s. All my family did as well. We always ‘grew our own’ be it vegetables or cattle or chickens, and when I was a child, EVERYTHING was made from scratch. Clothes or cooking and everything in between. We ‘made it do or did without’. I do not have a farm now, but I still live in the country and wouldn’t have it any other way. Having a full time job limits how much I can do, but I still grow some veggies, shop from the farmers markets, and can as much as possible. Your magazine just completes the picture for me and I can’t wait to see it in my mailbox!

  38. Laura Yates says:

    There’s so much you talk about in your magazine that sounds like our family. My family has all been raised on the farm and would like it to always be our way of life.

  39. Cindy Rudh says:

    Mary Janes farm has made me realize I don’t have to do it all to be a farm girl! I’m a beekeeper. My neighbor raises chickens. We have a small garden. My cousin raises cows. And I have a farmers market to get whatever else I might need! I have a hard time raising anything that I might have to eat (translate kill) someday so a milk cow would be right up my alley!!!! I eat meat , but animals turn into pets (sigh).

  40. Anita says:

    When I was sick, I would use the magazine to dream of getting well. I almost got there. At least I now can have chickens and have started house plants and herbs again.

  41. Joan says:

    Lots of great ideas.

  42. Nancy Ogan says:

    My mom shares your magazine with me. I have a little farm and I love you recipes that use simple ingredients. I have a Irish Dexter that I do once a day milking. We harvest her first steer and he was amazing. She just had another calf 6 weeks ago. I also just got a young Jersey that I am so excited to someday have the excess milk for fun recipes that are in your Milk Cow book.

  43. Lorrie Montgomery says:

    MJF magazine inspires me with it’s beautiful photographs and many easy to do recipes, projects and ideas. Even though I live in town I always find articles in MJF that are relevant and achievable for me.

  44. Tricia says:

    Still living in the city, working for a brokerage firm that lives and dies by the stock market, dreaming of retirement in the country. Your magazine is invaluable in helping me get through the day-to-day grind, planning for a beautiful future!

  45. Connie Richardson says:

    I love Mary Jane’s Farm. I grew up on a dairy farm and always wanted my own. Then my mother passed away and I inherited a little farm. Your magazine encouraged me to get back into the dairy business but on a small scale. I decided on no more than 2 Jersey cows to start because I’m 68 yrs. old. Now when neighbors and friends ask where to find fresh, whole milk and cream, I tell them at my little farm. They’re amazed. I am too. I love it!

  46. Connie Richardson says:

    To you farm gals out there, do it! It’s wonderful. Yes, it’s 365 days a year and twice a day milkings, but I’m a homebody anyway!

  47. Becky W says:

    MaryJanes Farm has helped me be better at my animal husbandry skills. I’ve gained ideas and helpful information that makes my life on a mini-farm easier. I have cattle, goats and chickens that keep me busy every day. I also love the recipes, especially the cast iron cooking recipes. Thank you for all that you and your team do to put out such a wonderful magazine!

  48. Crystal Harris says:

    MaryJanesFarm – you’re helping me plan my dream farm! So far, we’ve gotten the land, and although still in town, have a small flock of chickens. So much more to do, but love the planning and dreaming, and knowing that I have something wonderful to look forward to.

  49. Pamela Kuykendall says:

    I have not realized my dream yet, but we are seriously considering putting our house on the market and moving to the country within the year.

  50. Ange Nolette says:

    Love reading Mary Janes Farm and feeling the dream but more important living a healthier, more content and restful, busy, creative lifestyle. Thank you

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